Everyday Oral Surgery

Dr. Gabriella Tehrany: Pearls For Doing Orthognathic Surgery In A Hospital Setting

Grant Stucki - oral and maxillofacial surgeon Episode 82

Although the crazy hours and high pressure environment that characterize hospital-based practice will not be everybody’s preference, there is nowhere else that Dr. Gabriella Tehrany would rather be utilizing her OMS skills. For the past 12 years (other than during the COVID-19 lockdown) the longest time that Gabreilla has spent away from orthognathic surgery is two weeks, and as a result, she has acquired a wealth of wisdom relating to the field, much of which she shares with us in today’s insightful episode. Gabriella offers advice around looking after your patients’ wellbeing and, just as importantly, your own. Our conversation covers a range of topics, from the value of teamwork to the protocol which led to an 88% same day discharge rate post orthognathic surgery at Gabriella’s hospital. In order to choose the direction you want to take as an oral surgeon there are numerous factors to take into consideration, and, as is Gabriella’s mantra, this episode will inspire you to “figure it out!”

Key Points From This Episode:

  • An overview of what Gabriella’s journey to becoming the Southern California Regional Chief of OMS has looked like.
  • Perks of working as part of a Kaizer practice in a hospital setting. 
  • Factors to take into consideration before choosing the setting you are going to work in. 
  • Experiences Gabriella had in different practices while she was a resident. 
  • The importance of listening to your patients’ desires as an orthognathic surgeon.
  • Why Gabriella never shows her patients soft tissue renderings prior to their surgery.
  • How Gabriella looks after her body, and advice she gives to all residents coming through her practice. 
  • Gabriella’s involvement with students at UCLA.
  • People who make up the team that Gabriella is currently working with.
  • Value that lies in doing surgery with assistants. 
  • The protocol that Gabriella and her anaesthesiology team implemented which led to an 88% same-day discharge rate after surgery. 
  • How patients’ perceptions of being in a hospital changed after the pandemic began.
  • Gabriella’s experience of working in a COVID ward. 
  • A rapid fire round with Gabriella.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Gabriella Tehrany Email— gabriella.m.tehrany@kp.org 

The Plant Paradoxhttps://www.amazon.com/Plant-Paradox-Dangers-Healthy-Disease/dp/006242713X 

How Not to Diehttps://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Die-Discover-Scientifically/dp/1250066115 

Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com

Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720-441-6059