Sidelined Stories

Val Jones, Former Competitive Figure Skater

Sidelined USA Season 1 Episode 10

With her sights set on earning a spot on the Olympic ice skating team, Val Jones was devastated when at 18, she was told she could never skate again following one severe knee injury. Just one triple lutz gone wrong and everything she had worked for her entire life was stripped away. Without any support resources or someone to help her talk through her loss, Val found herself processing that deep grief on her own and struggled for years to come to a place of personal acceptance and hopefulness for the future. 

Now a motivational speaker, CrossFit instructor and CrossFit gym owner, Val shares insights she has learned over the past three decades about utilizing what she learned in sports to retain the competitive spirit for life. In this candid interview, Val speaks about the significance of sidelined athletes allowing themselves the grace to grieve the loss and encourages them to harness social support, gratitude, and the competitive drive in order to come to terms with their new reality and find a meaningful way forward. 

An inspiring interview for all competitive athletes, encouraging us to reflect on the power of sports in shaping the inner person and preparing us for a lifetime of overcoming mental and physical obstacles of all kinds.