Sidelined Stories

Johnathan Franklin, Former Running Back, Green Bay Packers

September 25, 2018 Sidelined USA Season 1 Episode 8

It's been said that there's no testimony without a test. For NFL Player, Johnathan Franklin, that test was an unforgiving and brutal reality check that one play can destroy an athlete's career at any moment's notice. Listen to accomplished RB, Johnathan Franklin's testimony about the after-math of learning that no doctor would ever clear him to play again after a spinal contusion suffered in a game against the Minnesota Vikings his rookie year in the NFL. By all accounts, Johnathan appeared on the outside to be handling the situation in stride, pushing forward to new pursuits. Internally, what no one knew, was that his identity, his confidence - had been shattered with the loss of the dream he had worked his whole life to achieve. Johnathan opens up about his inward brokenness and confusion, despite the facade he displayed. In this interview, you'll be inspired to hear Johnathan's personal transformation as he learned to release the pain, accept it, and embrace a higher purpose behind it. Johnathan's deep faith helped him emerge from the ashes and find his worth in something more secure than his ability to compete on the football field. Now working with the LA Rams in Community Affairs and Engagement and as a selective game analyst for CBS-aired Rams games, Johnathan has turned his passion for football into a new career path and is living out bigger dreams in ways he never dreamt. A don't-miss interview that will leave you inspired to keep dreaming and reinventing yourself no matter what obstacles you encounter.