Sidelined Stories

Dexter Hollingsworth, Former Quarterback, St. Martin High School

Sidelined USA Season 1 Episode 9

His freshman year of high school, Dexter Hollingsworth faced the complex decision to discontinue football due to a series of concussions that left him vulnerable to long-term brain health damage if he continued. Dexter shares about this difficult decision and how the support of his family, team, and coaching staff enabled him to find a positive path forward. Dexter speaks about the transformative power of staying involved in the sport he loved through alternate avenues. Now a graduate assistant coach for quarterbacks at the University of Southern Mississippi, his story demonstrates the power of adaptability to achieve the same thrill of competition long after your days of competing are over.

* Also a great listen for coaches looking to learn how to provide meaningful support for athletes forced to discontinue competition due to medical concerns. This team did it right!