Intrinsic Drive®

Read to Me with Becky Karush

Phil Wharton - Wharton Health Season 3 Episode 4

Comfortable with a pen and paper from an early age, Becky Karush grew up writing poetry, creating art, and telling stories. After early success with her writing and poetry, during college she experienced a  fifteen-year wilderness period, leaving her unable to write. This extremely talented poet who learned the power of systems from a childhood friend, longed to find a process to harness her muse. After four years of studying the Gateless Writing method,  Becky’s love of writing was rekindled during a Gateless Teacher’s training course with Suzanne Kingsbury

Becky is also the founder of the Read to Me Literary Arts website, where she teachers group writing salons, and individual coaching. Becky is the founder and host, of the Read to Me podcast, where you can listen to her magical, soothing, and healing voice—as she narrates stories, literary works, and poetry.

Becky is a certified teacher of the Gateless Writing method and has led more than 250+ writing salons. She graduated from Wesleyan University (B.A.) and Emerson College (M.A.), and she's worked as a teacher, farmer, journalist, Disney Magazine editor, and copywriter.  She lives in southwestern New Hampshire with her family and her cat Ranger and is working on a novel. It was such a joy to chat with Becky. We are honored to host this literary teacher and talent on this episode of Intrinsic Drive ®.

Intrinsic Drive ®   is produced by Ellen Strickler and Phil Wharton. Special thanks to Andrew Hollingworth, our sound engineer and technical editor.  For more information on this and other episodes visit us at   Follow us on socials (links below) including   Instagram  @intrinsicdrivelive   



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