Smart Prosperity: The Podcast

Mar 17: One really bad fact about Canadian cars & Do carbon offsets work?

March 17, 2021 Smart Prosperity Institute

1.     A plan for cutting pollution from cars and trucks [min 1:45]
Canadians drive the dirtiest cars on the planet, making transportation the second biggest source of climate pollution. There’s a three-step solution. 

  •  Merran Smith – Executive Director, Clean Energy Canada & Co-chair of the B.C. government’s Climate Solutions Council 

2.     The problem with carbon offsets [min 10:56]
Does paying two dollars to plant a tree undo the emissions of your last flight or of driving your car? 

  •  Nic Rivers – Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Climate and Energy Policy, University of Ottawa

3.     60-Second Report: “Reality Check: Carbon Emissions Inventory in the GTHA” [min 20:47]

  • Maryam Shekarrizfard – Carbon & Co-Benefits Quantification Manager, The Atmospheric Fund

4.     “Five Other Things Happening in the Green Economy This Week” [min 22:28]

  • Mike Moffatt – Senior Director of Policy, Smart Prosperity Institute

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