The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J

Episode 28: Are you Over-giving and Under-Receiving?

Season 1 Episode 28

Do you feel like you often give 80% and get 20% back from people? And it's fucking exhausting?? Yeah I feel you. Over-giving and under-receiving is what I used to be a master at! Every single light worker / healer I have ever met or coached has experienced narcissistic abuse or a lot of one-sided relationships. Can you relate? If you've healed from narcissistic abuse in your personal life, you might still be carrying that Narc Template™ into your business, for example. So no matter how much you do, you're not gaining traction and rising. Because you can't receive. Because it's never been about you. It's always been about the other person. But. I want you receiving. I want you OUT there, being seen, heard, revered, cheered and being fully supported, loved and YES monied UP!! Because we need you - the light leader that YOU ARE at the TOP - LEADING! 

So I'm super excited to offer you my new 3-Session Acceleration Package designed to accelerate you and unhook the narc template from your business. 

Just email me here to organise a free 30-min breakthrough call to give you an early breakthrough - but - it's only if you're serious about the 3-Session Package. Because... I'm not running my narc template anymore so I'll know what you're up to! (Haha but also, I'm not kidding!)

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