The AJNashville Podcast

Transitioning: Corp to the community

AJNashville / Luis Aguero / Brad Stinson Season 1 Episode 130

The Michigan Marine, Brad Stinson, shares his story of being honorably discharged and returning to his home town. A person who once felt the commradery of being part of a team, suddenly finds himself in a place that is no longer the way he left it. His friends and family have grown up and started families all while Brad was left to feel like he was further behind than when he started. Left in the shadows of his community, Brad struggled to find a sense of direction in his new found life outside of the military. This unfortunately is a case that is far too common. Far too many times people like Brad are left not feeling welcome. As a community I feel it is our duty to improve on this because I feel it is our obligation to help our nation's warriors find a sense of direction when they return home. I challenge each one of you to do something very simple after you listen to this podcast. Reach out to a veteran that you are friends with and start up a simple conversation. 
Hows it going?.....