Jack of All Trades, Master of Nothing

Episode 3: Salwa Kyobe- To Be Magnetic and The Power of Self Worth

Salwa Kyobe Season 1 Episode 3

Hosting school, relationships, self worth, intuitive “cliff jumping”

This week, we dive into energetics, self help and manifestation with Salwa Kyobe, a coach for Lacy Phillip’s program “To Be Magnetic.” Salwa and Sarah met in NYC while they both worked at a yoga studio, and it was friendship at first sight!

 Salwa’s Coaching Bio: 

Shadow Integration • Releasing Avoidant Patterns• Inner Child Healing

With a new found commitment towards emotional health, Salwa found this work during a career rock bottom. Salwa always says that this work found her, and by saying yes, she chose herself. TBM has allowed her to confront her fears, uncover low self worth patterns, and identify her authentic needs. Salwa has manifested a one bedroom apartment in New York City, a partner, an expansive career, finding her voice, and more. She specializes in helping people discover the areas in their lives where they play small, and how that affects their manifestations. Everything is connected, and every action has a ripple effect. She shows her clients where they are not showing up for themselves and how to integrate the underlying shadow in order to operate from high self worth. Salwa’s previous avoidant tendencies kept her from freeing and healing her inner child. She has a knack for helping people face what they are avoiding, and how it roots back to their core needs during childhood. If you find yourself avoiding your authentic needs, shrinking instead of expanding, judging others and yourself, and repeating low self worth patterns, a session with Salwa would be a great fit.     ( From To Be Magnetic’s Website* )

 Here are some explanations of language/ terms used in the podcast from Lacy Phillip’s program ‘To Be Magnetic.’ :
:  a person that helps you “see to believe” that what you want is possible, and that you can have it too
Tests: an invitation from the Universe/ God/ Source (whatever you subscribe to) that determines if you will make a life choice from a place of low self worth or high self worth
Rut: dog paddling energetically, being stuck in negative cycles and not manifesting what you want
Rock bottom: exactly what it sounds like. When the ‘Universe’ shakes you into needing to change somethings about your life
Human Design: combines astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah and the Chakras.  Human Design was originated by Alan Robert Krakower who published a book called The Human Design System under the pseudonym Ra Uru Hu in 1992. Human Design purports to be a self-help method which does not have any religious component. It has been called "the new astrology." (Wikipedia) 

 Links from episode:
To Be Magnetic: https://tobemagnetic.com/
Salwa’s Coaching page: https://tobemagnetic.com/coaching-with-salwa
EXPANDED Podcast with Lacy Phillips (Salwa’s episode): https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast/2020/79
Salwa’s Instagram: @salwa.yazmin
Salwa’s expander: Jas  Instagram:  @themoon.mother 

 Other books referenced:
Women Food and God- by Geneen Roth
The Artist’s Way- by Julia Cameron
The Secret- by Rhonda Byrne

 Follow our Instagram page @jackofalltrades_podcast for updates on new releases, guests and more!
Follow our host, Sarah Bishop on Instagram @sarahpbishop for more about what she does!
Song: Strong- written by Sarah Bishop, arranged and played by Laura Lynn Crytzer