Single Minded

Answering Your Questions On Life, Work & Dating

Hannah Furst

Thank you everyone who sent in your questions!! 

The questions we're answering on today's episode:

  • Any solo travel tips for a 38 single mum going to Noosa for a mini vacay?
  • How did Linda keep her identity and independence after having kids?
  • Dealing with realisation your best friends are lovely but so not aligned (they are all married).
  • How to deal with coupled up friends always thinking being single = doomsday 
  • Tips for gal wanting to solo travel but anxious of solo in foreign places. Conflict is real  
  • Is it weird to go to a concert alone?
  • How to deal with dating fatigue especially when you have been dating for years
  • Don’t find someone attractive (looks), can it still work?
  • How to shed the shame of being single in my late 30s
  • Being called “beautiful” without having even met. Not a question just an ick trigger
  • How to stop idealising a guy who seems to be “the one” but dumped me.
  • When you worked in corporate jobs how did you have a work life balance
  • Trading off better career/mental health for less money and all the lost financial/super etc
  • Can you be too young/too new to ask for a 9 day fortnight or 4 day week
  • How to gain the balls to leave a 12 year career/job. I’m scared shitless