Single Minded

A Psychologist Explains What 'Vulnerability' Actually Means

November 11, 2021 Hannah Furst

The questions we answer on this episode: 

  • We hear the word "vulnerability" thrown around a lot. What does it mean?
  • What is vulnerability not? 
  • Why is being vulnerable and open important to forming deep & fulfilling connections?
  • When we're dating, why do some people stay in the "safe" zone and find it hard to delve deeper than the surface level conversations? I've experienced "the wall" when dating and you never get any deeper and it fizzles out.
  • It's like the chicken or the egg... it's hard to form a connection without being vulnerable.. But then it's hard to know who you can trust, especially when you're getting to know a new person. How do you balance these two things?
  • Do you think people that struggle with vulnerability weren't taught how to express their feelings as children? How can you learn these skills in adulthood? Are there ways to practice being vulnerable in non-dating settings?
  • Resources you suggest for people interested in learning about vulnerability

Find out more about Vanessa here: