Single Minded

Jess' Story: I Fell In Love With My Best Friend

November 25, 2021 Hannah Furst

Today I am joined by Jess Matthews, also colloquially known as “The Boy Detox”. The questions we answer on this episode: 

  • You fell in love with your best friend - I'd love to hear this story! Why did you break up? Are you dating now?
  • A lot of people are looking for that "instant spark" - what are your thoughts on this? Do we need to let go of instant sexual chemistry and focus on building a genuine connection instead?
  • You mentioned to me that falling in love with a best friend shifts the dynamic, especially when it comes to sexual intimacy - can you talk me through this shift?
  • Do you think it's worth being more open minded and patient when dating? I'm usually like "no" if there's no physical chemistry instantly. But more recently I decided to keep pursuing someone I wasn't sure about and thought, "Nah, there's nothing here," but then we kissed and it was total fireworks. 
  • How many dates do you think you need to give someone before writing them off? What needs to be there at a bare minimum to keep getting to know them?
  • What are your thoughts on building a connection first before getting physical? I think it's really nice. I had a guy follower mention that he had tried this with a girl and it didn't go well - he wanted to wait to get to know her before having sex. 

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