The Disney Beat

Special Guest Jack DSNY Newscast: Part 2 - Business, Streaming, Upcoming Films

Sean Nyberg, Jack Kendall Season 1 Episode 29

Part two of our in-depth conversation with Jack Kendall from DSNY Newscast. In this segment we discuss the business side of The Walt Disney Company, including their foray into the world of streaming services and their slate of upcoming theatrical releases.

  • The Walt Disney Company's record setting stock price
  • Bob Iger's purchase of Pixar, LucasFilm, Marvel, and 21st Century Fox
  • Direct-to-Consumer Division
    • Disney+
    • Hulu
    • Hotstar
    • Star
  • Upcoming Disney theatrical releases
    • Black Widow
    • Jungle Cruise
    • Raya and the Last Dragon
    • Pixar's Luca
  • And so much more...

Please subscribe to Jack's Youtube Channel DSNY Newscast and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow your host Sean Nyberg on his Facebook page, Twitter, or Instagram at @SeanNyberg

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Sean Nyberg:

Welcome to the Disney beat a podcast brought to you by the My name is Sean Nyberg and I will be covering all of the Disney headlines to keep you informed as you start your week. Hello there This is Sean Nyberg and this is a very special edition of the Disney v podcast. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with one of the most popular and beloved Disney youtubers around jack Kendall from the dsny newscast. Our conversation lasted two and a half hours and we covered a wide range of topics. I'll be releasing the conversation in three parts starting with an in depth discussion about the Disney theme parks. We cover all the changes coming to the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida Disneyland Resort in Anaheim and Disneyland Paris. We discuss the big 50th anniversary coming to the Magic Kingdom along with Epcot 40th celebration, the Walt Disney company's 100th birthday and Disneyland 75th and 75th coming later this decade, part two of the conversation will cover the Walt Disney Company, current management Disney plus and Disney's upcoming slate of movies for 2021. Finally, in part three, jack and I dive a bit deeper into the Disney fandom and discuss the joys and pitfalls of being a Disney YouTuber. We look at the different styles of Disney news coverage and what it takes to stand out amongst the crowd. But first, here's part one of our conversation. Enjoy as we dive deep into the weeds and cover every square foot of the Disney theme parks. Alright, hello there. I'm Sean Nyberg and this is the Disney podcast brought to you by the Disney Insider. I'm very excited about today's special episode, I'm joined by the host of one of the most popular and beloved Disney YouTube channels, covering all aspects of the Walt Disney Company with a slight emphasis on the theme parks joining us from the United Kingdom host of the dsny newscast. Please welcome jack. How's it going, buddy?

Jack DSNY:

everything's going well. It's currently a little bit later here. We're a bit behind a bit in front of you in California, or the west coast. But yeah, it's doing well. Thanks.

Sean Nyberg:

Well, I am glad you can make it. I'm glad we can make it work. Before we get into everything I just want to do the the standard intro that we have to do. We got a please follow jack on his YouTube by searching dsny newscast that's dsny Disney without the vowels. Also on Twitter and Instagram at the handles at dsny newscast. I'll provide a link to the show notes to his YouTube channel and social media accounts with this podcast. So go check those out. So what's going on? How's it going? How's it we're not gonna get into COVID? We talked about that we don't Yeah, it's gonna come up when he talks about the company. But we have to at least just say, you know, I feel like everyone's a bit tough.

Jack DSNY:

Well, it's like, dominated so much of the last year. And I noticed around the summertime, I was like, actually put out a poll and said, Do you want me to continue talking about COVID stuff on DSLR newscasts and people like we've had enough of it, okay. We're, we understand it's important. We understand it, you know, follow rules and do stuff to try and suppress virus but like, we come to your channel for Disney news. You know, and I almost felt like I was becoming COVID newscast after a while. So it's like, Yeah, I don't even want to become that guy. There's enough epidemiologists who know this stuff properly. And I don't want to like pretend. So let's, let's get back to the Disney news side of things. But yeah,

Sean Nyberg:

didn't you make like, we did a video where you said, like, I'm not going to do every little update? Yeah, right. Like every tiny little change to every little thing.

Jack DSNY:

Well, especially and I'm so glad I did that because looking at how the parks closed and reopened and closed again, like in the case of Hong Kong, disneyland paris back that reopened throughout the summer of last year. Now it's closed again. And then obviously tracking all the updates of Disneyland resorts. I know that's a bit of a sensitive topic for many people that still closed committed via Mark but ya know, I, I just didn't want to continually have to cover the same ground and especially with all the guidelines, the physical distancing, and all the other stuff. Once we found them out for like Disney Springs and Walt Disney World or Shanghai, when that first open like it was going to be the same across the board. It was going to be the same at Disneyland or Disney powers or Hong Kong Disneyland. It's going to be the same across the board. So yep, yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Yep. And they're going to be changing. I know, even this morning. They there are some changes made at the Walt Disney World Resort. So um, yeah, so we just said we're not gonna talk about COVID. So I mean, it will come up obviously, because we're gonna talk about you know, the the economy, you know, the business side. So, but let's, let's get to know you a little bit. So, um, jack, I gave you these. There's only four questions here. This is just I like to start off with these so that people can decide if they like you or not right off the bat.

Jack DSNY:

Okay. And then they're not gonna like

Sean Nyberg:

any Disney part. What's your What's your favorite? Just start with your favorite Disney park. I know you've been to more than most people.

Jack DSNY:

Yeah. So I've never been to the Asian parks. But the ones I've been to obviously Disneyland Paris is my home. Part One, which I went to the most growing up. I have a soft spot for it, but it's not my favorite. But one which I like the most is Epcot. And if you want my quick ranking of the Walt Disney World parks, it would be Epcot. I'll do it. I would say Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios now, Magic Kingdom and Disney's Animal Kingdom last. Oh, I know. I know. People don't like him and I put Animal Kingdom last but it's just not something that I'm really that into the animal? Do you consider yourself an Epcot purist one of those kind of guys? Definitely not. But I don't like what they're doing with the park in general. I, what annoys me so much about the court decisions that moment is it's wasteful of money, basically, and time and ripping down perfectly good buildings, but wouldn't didn't need to be ripped down basically. And, yeah, and the lack of symmetry in the park and things like that. It's just, it feels like they're trying to rush to get more IP parks than anything else. And it's just not living the best decisions. So

Sean Nyberg:

Alright, what's your favorite Disneyland or Disney ride just period and into the parks

Jack DSNY:

Pirates of the Caribbean is always my favorite. Which one? The one in Paris is my all time favorite. And then one in California. And then I will put Walt Disney worlds last because it's a lot shorter. And yeah, it's just not the best one.

Sean Nyberg:

I was reading that kind of coach book it was I have it over here the one of them about building disney world and they had Tony Baxter and they're talking about the reason that people aren't quite as enamored with the Walt Disney World one versus Disneyland just the idea of you know, you're not going down as much as you do in Disneyland. It's not, you're still so much closer to the queue. You don't get pulled up. I mean, did you notice that is that kind of? I've never been to Walt Disney World, just so you know. You've never been to Disneyland like 50 times, but I listen, I'm going. I'm going in April. Okay, days.

Jack DSNY:

Okay, that's fantastic. That's good. Long last. But yeah, I was concerned people weren't gonna like me, but okay, for not going to Walt Disney World. I'm a little bit of a chicken. But seriously, no, I think that you will have the same opinion of pirates of the caribbean when you go on it but Spaceship Earth honorable mentions or wants to charge you like Spaceship Earth castle or progress. And Haunted Mansion, obviously are close when when it's up behind my favorite attraction of pirates of Caribbean but one I could write over and over and over again would be Pirates of the Caribbean.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, all right. How about her favorite hotel? parks?

Jack DSNY:

resorts? Polynesians? Probably my favorite Walt Disney World and then Disney Disneyland hotel is is okay. I've never really stayed at these ones. I stayed at paradise pier for galaxy's edge to try and get that reservation back in 2019. So me and my girlfriend we stayed at one of the cheaper hotels nearby the less expensive ones. And then we went and spent one night at paradise pier just to get that reservation and then we move back to our hotel like the we couldn't afford the full amount so

Sean Nyberg:

no no yeah, that gets expensive there. I'm saying we're staying at the yacht club when you go in April

Jack DSNY:

right yeah well that's that's that's also one of my favorites near Epcot because obviously it's right by next door that got so it's fantastic. All right, this

Sean Nyberg:

isn't a question I put on there but April will go on April 5 am I gonna be able to ride Ratatouille?

Jack DSNY:

There's a good chance there's a good chance maybe I okay. I think we'll have an opening date definitely by then but with the opening date is going to be April fifth. We don't know yet. Well, I

Sean Nyberg:

see harmonious No,

Jack DSNY:

you definitely won't see harmonies you might see a fountains you might see the new daytime 1000s who knows all the CM testing when the next month

Sean Nyberg:

are there and the last one we got to do to really did favorite Disney movie can be any any of the negative theories or whatever. It's Mary Poppins.

Jack DSNY:

Mary Poppins is always my favorite Disney movie. Favorite animated movie Jungle Book. Favorite Pixar movie. Wally holds a special place in my heart. I just love that movie. And favorite Marvel movie probably will be Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2.0 in Star Wars obviously. Empire Strikes Back.

Sean Nyberg:

Empire Okay, good. Yeah, that's classic. Yeah, dude, I'm Skyler the guy who runs the Disney insider his favorite Pixar is well Wally as well.

Jack DSNY:

Yeah. We bond over love of Wally

Sean Nyberg:

is not universally quite universally loved. It's weird.

Jack DSNY:

Well, what I love about Wally is it does so much with you know, these nonverbal characters for the most part. And that really, to me shows a great sign of storytelling that like they can carry this, this real emotional punch with these two not very animated characters. You know, besides Eva's, you know, LED screen you have eyes and things like that. It's not. It just carries it because of the story. So strong these two main characters fantastic.

Sean Nyberg:

I love it sounds like you've had you've had a support your decision before.

Jack DSNY:

Like it's A Bug's Life. People also allow you to sleep on that one. And I really like A Bug's Life. So yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Okay, so that was good. So now, so now we're gonna get to the bread and butter kind of the stuff that we both really just live and breathe. The Disney Parks experience and products, we're really not gonna talk about products and experiences. We're not gonna talk too much about the cruise line or the live theater. Those are just both right now just shut down. And there's really no,

Jack DSNY:

we can talk a little bit. A little bit about cruiseline eventually, but we'll talk about the stuff that people often want to hear about which is Walt Disney Walt Disney and all that sort of stuff first.

Sean Nyberg:

That was what Walt Disney World Okay, so quickly, let's just touch I know we've already we don't talk about COVID too much but just really right now. Right now we've got the two the two parks that are still close or Disneyland Paris and Disneyland in Anaheim. We have Walt Disney World Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo are open what how do you think the opening has been going from an outside perspective?

Jack DSNY:

So from my perspective, I think Disney have done a remarkable job of operating during a pandemic I think it was an impossible task to to reopen the parks I think they've done it extremely safely I think they've been very diligent with the mass policy and being like a no zero tolerance kind of approach to it like you know if you if you don't wear your mask you out apart that's it and you can actually be banned for life. So either comply with rules. It's quite the proxy or don't we're not messing about we have enough people down here. indoor spaces we're not messing about so I I couldn't remember that. Now, I dismount passes remain shot at the moment. That's reopening in April. And obviously, Disneyland's reopening is right around the corner, we should be probably getting a date for that fairly soon. I reckon I can design will definitely be open by its anniversary in July. It will definitely be broken by them. And I'm not bringing on any sort of like Voodoo curse to Disney. Guys. I'm not the theme park Gods against Disneyland. It will it will be open by summer current rate of vaccinations and stuff like that. Newsome won't be able to keep it close for much longer. I mean, we're already seeing what they're doing with DCA during March, and things like that. But yeah, I think that overall, the park capacity and things like that. It's fairly safe. It's it's Yep, as safe as but here's the thing. I can't say it's completely safe. Number one, I haven't been there. Number two, it's anecdotal from people who are friends and family and people who have been out there and and been to parks. But also, it's everyone's got their own different safety level. And comfort level. Yeah, some people who don't want to wear a mask. I would disagree with not wearing a mask right now. But those who don't want to wear a mask may not want to go Disney until that mask policy is gone. And in which case, I think you'll be looking at 2020 Yeah, I think I reckon the mass policy will be lifted around, probably around Spring Break time. 2022 just after that, once we get the paragraph once we get past the next winter with with vaccinations and COVID and all the other stuff once we can get past them and we've got to one winter where people actually been vaccinated, and we can see what COVID does during a traditional winter period with surge and all the other stuff and with vaccinations, then Disney will be like okay, right summer, we always know dips in the summer anyway, it's an influenza. Yep. So yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, no, I agree. And I think I will warn my fiance and I are going in April we got we actually got our vaccines. Yeah. So that's the only reason we're going you know, I got it. My dad's got major lung cancer issues and I was primary caretakers so just worried it just worked with with were you getting the treatment so that's one of the only we would not have gone if we can, that's just how we are and yeah, and I'll get my second one about two weeks. So we'll be at Well, we'll get them both before you go there. So

Jack DSNY:

isogenic Pfizer,

Sean Nyberg:

Pfizer Yeah, I got we've all got Pfizer and just when we're recording this now just so you know, this is the weekend the Johnson and Johnson just got approved essentially approved it got it got recommended by the by the group by the by the FDA, whatever commission yesterday right now they're being I think maybe by the time we're done recording this, we're going to get news that it's getting actually delivered. So we'll find out is it is it getting shot out there in the UK, Johnson and Johnson how they approved it.

Jack DSNY:

We've got a lot of vaccines in the UK, we've got McDermott Pfizer, AstraZeneca is the big one, the big one that we got most of I think we've got Novavax as well, which another one and we've got another French one which we've actually managed to fund more than French government, which means that we get more vaccine, I don't know, it's very organized. Yeah, but the thing is, yeah, the strains are always going to evolve this COVID is going to be what the word COVID, and the actual, you know, in the lexicon and and in the news cycle, you're going to be hearing about COVID for the next 10 years easily, because this thing is many people, only the pennies starting to drop, this thing is gonna become an endemic, pandemic, endemic, it's gonna become like measles, and every, every traditional flu cycle, whatever, we're gonna have COVID instead of COVID is going to fill that gap. And because we're not going to get, I don't know, in America, if you'll get to 60% of people taking the vaccine, I wish you would, but I don't know if you'll get to that point. But so it's going to, it's going to ebb and flow throughout the years, and it's going to be around for next, you know, 10 years or so. And we're probably gonna need yearly booster jobs much like flu jab and things like that. But there is hope on the horizon from the standpoint of vaccine technology is now not just targeting the spike cell with the spike protein on the cell. But we're actually targeting the actual, the actual cell itself, you know, the, the scent the core of the cell, and we can actually attack the protein there. So by doing that, we might be able to knock out COVID, completely when we get to that level of job at the moment, we're only just targeting certain strains. So

Sean Nyberg:

yeah, we're gonna be in every aspect of our life dealing with this, and which means the parks are gonna be dealing with this

Jack DSNY:

forever, because I think there will come a point next year, Disney will be late night, and they'll make a big deal. Yeah, they'll they'll do a second anniversary campaign around it.

Sean Nyberg:

I always like when they say, What's his name? When they just talk about when you when they're like, oh, when they say Look, when they're filming. pieces for like galaxies, Guardians of the Galaxy cosmic, or the P, the actors that are in the promotional pieces, they're recording, are they wearing masks or not. And it gives you an idea when they're going to release it. Because they plan on releasing the next year and a half, they're probably they're probably gonna have masks, at least some of them and then if they have no math, well, all of a sudden, they were not waiting for it.

Jack DSNY:

I noticed. I noticed something weird over over Christmas, Disney report on their Disney Springs add them. And it's one they shot in 2019. And I remember seeing it at the beginning of 2020, obviously, before it happened. And so they stylistically shot at around Disney Springs, you know, hey, spend your night at Disney Springs, that kind of thing. And, and they re released it at the beginning of 2021. And the exact same other and they've digitally superimposed masks on to every single person in the ABA. And we've even spaced out the tables digitally. And as soon as I put out a tweet of Disney digital trickery here, you know, this kind of thing, but like, so. I think they might shoot adverts without the masks and be smart. Just shoot it both ways. When at the moment. Yeah, yeah,

Sean Nyberg:

yep. But I think they're doing that with the cruise ships. I think I saw somewhere that they were filming them with ball. So let's talk about what's coming up for these parks. Let's first talk about I kind of broke it up into short term projects you're looking at between 1000 to

Jack DSNY:

2001 to 2005

Sean Nyberg:

was what was coming out. Oh dcaa was coming.

Jack DSNY:

He had mission space in between that it was hardly anything happening in that period.

Sean Nyberg:

All right, so 2021 to 2025 we got some stuff we got. Everyone knows this year Mickey's 50th. Magic Kingdom 50th. Yeah. Walt Disney World. We got a lot going on. You're gonna be busy soon. Well,

Jack DSNY:

I think I'll be busy. Man. That's the thing, I would have been a lot busier if it wasn't for the pandemic with the 50. Because a lot of what they had planned for the 50th. They've kind of benched it a little bit further back. And the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World, which will be a big resort wide celebration. It's not Yes, obviously Magic Kingdom will be the center center focus. But obviously, we're going to see this span to every single Park. And little little things will be happening every single parking, it'd be a resort wide celebration. But the thing is, it begins October 1, which is the anniversary date of the Magic Kingdom. And as I've said in previous videos, it was traditionally Disney usually begin their celebrations before the anniversary date. And then they have their anniversary date joined with the celebration. This time it begins October 1 and it will be running for 18 months afterwards, which takes us to march of 2023. Now the thing in 2023. We've got big date in 2023. And that's October 16 2023 is a date that many companies don't even get to and that's the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Company. And we already know via d 23 Expo being pushed back to September. 2022 a lot of data, guys, but we already know because it's been pushed back to September 2022, they are going to be announcing a lot of stuff for that 100 100 year anniversary celebration of a Walt Disney Company. And that's going to involve the parks a lot. So the stuff that has somewhat being benched back a little bit from what Disney wants 50 will be benched back into 2023 for the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Company. So if we don't get it, yeah, go ahead. No, no. So

Sean Nyberg:

wait on. So I know that so the 18 months wasn't wasn't a surprise. For the length of celebration for Magic Kingdom. That wasn't a surprise. They always like to drive the stuff out. 15th is a huge one, too. So the biggest not the surprise, but the biggest change was that they moved it starting on the actual day of the anniversary going forward, then that's going to bleed into Epcot. 40th. Yeah. And that's gonna bleed into the 100th anniversary. So they're gonna have

Jack DSNY:

there'll be like a six month period between the end of the 50th and the beginning of 100. Formerly,

Sean Nyberg:

I mean, that they'll be celebrate the 40th during that year, right?

Jack DSNY:

Yeah. Yeah. And so the things that we got, it's very complicated, much I try to explain as best I can, I'm trying to, I started mentioning the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney Company back in 2019 2023 event because I was like, this is a big deal. And Disney know how big that date that milestone anniversary is. And it turns them truly into a heritage brand. It turns them into a you know, a Coca Cola level company. Yeah, they already are that level. But you know, I mean, it's, they've got that longevity there. And 100 years is massive, and you're gonna see some big things from Disney, and they're planning some big stuff. Now, what I would like to see is different to what others would like to see, I would love to see something that celebrates the history of a company a bit more, because I'm a big history. fanatic of Disney not going away. But you know what, we'll see what they got. I just, I just don't want to see I don't know, an anniversary cupcake for the fun of this one. Anyway, um, yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

So speaking of 15th we got some big announcements over the last couple weeks about what they're gonna do. You've covered it extensively on your on your channel. So people if you really want to see everything they're doing see the new colors, see the new outfits, see the how the decorating the four icons, go look at dsny newscasts on YouTube. What I mean, none of this was really a surprise, right? I mean, people who stay like you who are who are who ingratiate themselves into this stuff every day. You kind of saw most of this right?

Jack DSNY:

And yeah, most of it is, you know, easy. I mean, I'd go half the script for that 50th anniversary video. The big announcement, actually, before we even got the news. Because because it was also you know, Bible books and pretty easy to predict if you've been following it for long enough. But, and I've liked much the same way of Rumi's Ratatouille adventure, which is opening scene like I have, I feel almost wiped my review of the area before it even opens. Because I've written I've been on the lighting in disempowers enough time so I can give a review of the light. As long as it's the same line. Which will be it's a clone. And Tron and things like that. But so in the immediate future, we got Emmys Ratatouille, adventure opening at Epcot. And yeah, it's pretty much a finished attraction. It's it seems like Justin just they're ready to start opening this thing up. But as I've tried explaining on this morning's cast, it's so much more than just Hey, guys, it's open, it's ready, let's open it up. It's a PR optics nightmare, in many ways, because traditionally, Disney would love to promote the hell out of this thing. Like they would love to market it to the moon, you know, this thing would be huge, especially after a bad year they've had last year. But right now, the vaccines aren't quite at the point where they they should be yet. And they're kind of in this pause point where they need to open something net got to pull people in for the Flower and Garden Festival locally. Employment, more domestic travelers, international travel still isn't allowed yet. They're just very much in this kind of whole pattern. And if they open it too soon, or they try and market it too big, then they will look irresponsible for marketing a big ride opening in the middle of a pandemic. And that's reason why we're seeing things like the velocity coaster in Universal Studios being very cagey with what date they're going to get for that opening. They keep saying summer 2021. They can give an opening period and much like we're getting, you know, 2021 openings when we start to venture, but they don't want to be specific. And so what I predict is, we're going to get a very short window between announcement of the opening and opening okay. Which goes against traditional marketing logic, because you want to allow people time to book to go and visit, don't you. But if Disney are wanting to stop a lot of the bad press or being like, Hey, we're running a six week advertising campaign to get people to come to our hearts, then it makes more sense to just be like, Hey guys, which I think March 9, we'll probably get a opening date at the shareholders meeting, the annual shareholders meeting. So they often announce attractions on that date on the annual shareholders meeting. And then I think it may be as soon as like, hey, and this is opening in two weeks, or whatever. You know, it might be as soon as that might be like, April 3, you know, it might be three that I'll go on. That's

Sean Nyberg:

good for me.

Jack DSNY:

But they they won't, they won't give it a massive Hey, this is gonna i don't i don't think they'll say, hey, it's opening Memorial Day. Unless they really think that vaccinations and they will look as irresponsible to be marketing it for Memorial Day. Because believe me, no, I agree with him. Yeah, so it's just a model. So

Sean Nyberg:

the delay on this or the delay on rameez would be more like you just said about the marketing about the safety and about the optics of opening it versus things like Tron lightcycle, and Guardians of the Galaxy cosmic rewind, where they've slowed construction to spread out the costs, because they're cutting back on some of the capital. This is done,

Jack DSNY:

this is done, and Disney have just been sat waiting around with this thing. And it would also explain the reason why we didn't see I mean, this thing, they can vote if they wanted to open it last year, they could have really like pushed and opened it last year if they wanted to, like if they really wanted to open it last before Christmas, they could. But like, it's wasting I mean, they were already stung in a way with humanism and overlay, which opened on March 4 2020. You know, literally two weeks before the world, you know, collapsed under the pressure of COVID. And everything shut down. You know, Disney had just opened Mickey's very first ride through attraction, which is a big deal for that company in general. And it's a great attraction and being on the air, but I from what I can see, and from what I've heard from friends, it's a great attraction. But yeah, they've been they've been stung by that once. And they've only realistically got Rumi's Ratatouille adventure to open this year along with harmonious which is a nighttime show to market in a big way for the summer of 2021.

Sean Nyberg:

I was thinking the same thing. It's not as big but with magic happens parade and Disneyland. You know, they've been talking about that for two years. And they're just like, yeah, I had like three weeks. And then I was like, granted, we have people dying people, probably sick from that. But but but you know, it's something we love. And I'm just like, oh, that sucks. So bad people. But if you

Jack DSNY:

take away the if you strip away the list of the pandemic, which we're not trying to talk about, you know, the greater scope of the pandemic, because you know, we're not news, people who talk about that. But if you talk about Disney from just a business perspective, it's a blow to the business, if we're looking at it from just a pure business perspective, it was it was not a very good position to be in. And that's what they're trying to avoid right now is trying to understand, hey, we could open it and get the locals interested coming back to get caught and boost local attendance and maybe a bit of domestic attendance. But then let's save our big marketing campaign, our big marketing spend for when we know we can really market the hell out of this thing.

Sean Nyberg:

Well, the thing we're about a crowd though, even if they do open it when it's still like 35% capacity, it's so big that capacity is is really not really an issue at Epcot. Right?

Jack DSNY:

I mean, the attraction is the thing that's got the capacity concern. Yeah, yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

But I'm just saying like, it can hold a lot of people can Epcot in turn, yeah.

Jack DSNY:

And can hold about 10,000 people. Okay. So if you look at a this is rough. We don't actually have the proper numbers because Disney releases Sure, like approximation, Epcot, 210,000. I think Disney's Animal Kingdom and Disney's Hollywood Studios about 60,000. And that's full capacity. And Magic Kingdom is around 80 to 90,000. I think it's an 80. That's actually might be a bit higher, but so Epcot, so biggest Park, so when Epcot if a parks are operating at 35% of capacity, which we supposedly are running at right now. That Park is waiting around 40,000 people in the park, it's realistically Yeah, which isn't too far off what Disney's Hollywood Studios Adak can whole animal kingdom can hold on the busiest day of the holiday period. You know, I mean, it's not too far off. It's a very, so you can easily have a capacity but it's the light itself and then you put

Sean Nyberg:

40,000 people in the French Pavilion. Yeah. And

Jack DSNY:

it's a courtyard. It's a dead end and Then you also have the other dilemma which and we've spoken about too much but so that means that is a clone of the live from 2014 in Disneyland Paris. Now that guy Yes. itself so if you very quick discussion of trackless ride technology, so Disney had Mystic Manor in Hong Kong Disneyland. That was their kind of first big tracklist slide of this new technology, new LPs technology. Then you have Ratatouille, the adventure in disempowers. The trope in 2014. Now that built off the Mystic Manor technology. Yeah. But then there's a big gap between that advisor resistance and me and me humans, which are both track Whoa, whoa,

Sean Nyberg:

whoa luigis rollicking Roadsters

Jack DSNY:

in 2013. That went through the amount of issues that went through because I think they actually had an issue with I think it was the issue of that from what I read. And what I heard at the time, is that it was a specific type of LPs or trackless wind technology that was licensed out or to a certain vendor to build within Disney, you know, Disney California venture. And then they had disagreements of that. And that's kind of what led to the delay with rise of resistance because they had their own technology. And it was this whole kind of like, big thing about that, but Okay, so basically, Ratatouille is like alive in 2014 to hold 2014 capacity, and it's it's 2014 trackless ride tech. And it's a trackless ride that was very good in 2014. But if you put that right after the rise of resistance, and Mickey minis runaway Railway, I don't know how it's gonna play.

Sean Nyberg:

We another it's a clone, but they literally using the exact same technology to

Jack DSNY:

the exact same. I mean, we might be slightly tweaked technology wise, but it's slide, right layout, exact same scenes, we've had it confirmed now that it's going to be bilingual. So it's going to be using French and English dialogue on the on the line, because obviously, that's how it isn't, isn't Paris, it's a complete lift. From this house, the only thing that's different is the exit doesn't have the restaurant, which is Chef for me,

Sean Nyberg:

which is where's the restaurant in France pavilion gonna be it's just gonna get crowded, the queue was just separate.

Jack DSNY:

It's not part of a queue. It's separate. But it's a it's a crate. And it will be operated by a third party. So but it'll be a creepy, it has slight, small, very small indoor section, but it's really a creepy window. And there was like a last minute addition to the, to the pavilion to the expansion. It was like, it wasn't even in the original plans. When, in 2017, when we were discussing, like the water management. So when things get announced, like we get like a Water Management District, they release like permits and things like that. So we get to get the layout of the expansion a little bit early. And it wasn't even part of that plan. So that's how late edition it was. So it was before the ride punter.

Sean Nyberg:

They do that. Well, we get the creperie before the ride. I they really they're like if, if they go you know what we're gonna wait till mid summer, where we won't look like irresponsible jerks by doing this. But let's open something because people are itching. Could they open the drapery before the right they could easily

Jack DSNY:

open it before the night but like you say, yeah, I think they would, because it's money. I mean, it's easy revenues made. But the fact that they didn't when they pushed the walls back to open up the restrooms, and this is very technical when they push walls back to open up restrooms in the plant expansion. The fact that they didn't push those back far enough to open up the Creamery says to me that they're gonna open up creperie and move it at the same time. Unless on the annual shareholders meeting, if they announce a very late opening date for the light, I could see them then then opening up the creek. We sooner

Sean Nyberg:

we talked about rameez I know it's an Epcot ride. But in 15th, we will see in the 18 months, we will see Tron lightcycle open right.

Jack DSNY:

So yeah, tron is aiming at early 2022. I still think there's a possibility that December 2021, it could open depending on how quickly the parts bounce back, vaccination, things like that. Basically, the inside of the building has been paused for now. But it's not a very complex installation of show set elements inside. It's not like you know, Guardians of the Galaxy. I think it's pretty simple. The shows that he wants me to install, so they could probably get that done pretty quickly. And I think maybe we could we could even see that in December like rise of resistance opened in 2020 in 2019. In December, I think we could see a December opening of 2021 of Tron, but if not, I would say march for spring break

Sean Nyberg:

Um Do you See it? Is it is I know it's I know it's it was done in Shanghai Disneyland. Is it like a rameez? Where it's an exact clone?

Jack DSNY:

It's an exact clone. Exact clone. Yeah, there's not much more to be said. So

Sean Nyberg:

and I heard you talking in different podcasts because I was doing a little bit of research about this is back in the day, but you were saying something about? Is this gonna challenge Space Mountain? Or do you think they can coexist,

Jack DSNY:

I personally feel that once this opens, I feel like Space Mountain is gonna look pretty tame next to it. Because this is a you know, it's a unique line vehicle, you sat in a motorbike kind of style for zero to 60 in one of the fastest launches that they've ever done. And it's a very short line, it's only like, 90 seconds to not even a minute, it's same sort of length as blocking all coaster, but it's gonna look very different to Space Mountain. Now, Space Mountain, I love but I do feel like in the next couple of years, we'll probably get some sort of announcement from Disney being like, Hey, guys, we're going to inject x IP into Space Mountain. Because how do you how do you right now how do you have Space Mountain sit next is Tron like, when it won't be won't be immediate. You know, we'll still see Spaceman for a while but the current Disney regime will see Space Mountain thing what this ride needs to get more people in it is an IP. And I don't Well, you know, they're

Sean Nyberg:

making a Space Mountain movie right?

Jack DSNY:

Yeah, they

Sean Nyberg:

they are that Schuyler said it's in print. It's in pre production right now. So

Jack DSNY:

Thunder Mountain I heard something about no Yeah, no, no

Sean Nyberg:

Space Mountain. So we'll see maybe this may be their this and the reason they have is probably because of this. So they realize either we're gonna have to

Jack DSNY:

tip for Space Mountain. Or you do need to do is stick a couple of Wally and Eve either, you know, statues in the middle of Space Mountain, like them in different areas and stuff like and you could be you could be doing the dance and space of Wally and Eve like, it's a very easy thing to do, like, set the whole space station theme to be an owl and you're on the you're on the BNL space station and stuff like it's very easy to do. I think it'd be very cool.

Sean Nyberg:

But so we're thinking Tron lightcycle run ended this year, early next year. I mean, we know it's it's pretty far along construction. It'll be one of those ones that like velocity coaster. We'll see him though when they're testing it will be. Yeah, that'll give us an idea as they come into the 14th. We are we are talking about rameez 14th of Epcot. Which again blends in

Jack DSNY:

I think guardians are going to be open before the fourth year in 2020. So fourth year for that car is October 1 2022. I think gardens galaxy cosmic rewind will probably open just before that summer maybe September ish, but it will open in 2020 that sort of time. They're aiming for that to be definitely part of the 50th anniversary and also Hey, it's also part 40 as well so they can get double marketing bang for their buck there.

Sean Nyberg:

Now they Remi is Tron guardians I think I know your answer. What are the three are you most excited for?

Jack DSNY:

guardians for galaxy

Sean Nyberg:

era? Because this is a brand new ride? Yes.

Jack DSNY:

Yeah, I know some big time.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, and they're doing the filming too. Right. They're filming during Thor love and thunder. They have the same characters down there so they're gonna get the filming.

Jack DSNY:

Yeah, I love the media stuff for the ride.

Sean Nyberg:

Okay, so we have harmonious that was a big news day today just so again, as you guys know, we're filming we're recording this on the 27th This is the day we saw the big What do they call like circles O ring? Yeah, people have

Jack DSNY:

turned to it as for Stargate or whatever. Sure. Yeah, portal, whatever. But it's a six story tool, central ring which will have a water mist curtain bit like you know, blank in that world of color a little bit like that. And they obviously reason why that one needs to be a water mist projection is because six storeys tall winds across world showcase lagoon will be a pretty big nightmare. So they're doing waterless projection instead, but then the other ones for other barges which are 25 feet tall and they are anchored in the middle of world showcase lagoon as well along with the central wing and there'll be there all day every day with a fountain show in the daytime and then at nighttime it will come to life for what Disney are calling the greatest or biggest nighttime spectacular ever begin the controversy begin the controversial opinions because yeah well

Sean Nyberg:

I don't know well, no I do today. I do today. I was always behind Disney going you know what, there's a bigger kind of one of those things right? There's a bigger story here. We don't get it. Wait till we see everything Hold tight. And then we got this circular We got the big circle out whatever you want to call it, the big ring and it's not centered. Again, we talked about before recorded. That's you and I chat. And I think you think it's it's anchored and it'll appear as it is. So I'm starting to get less and less confident that maybe there is a bigger thing here. Maybe it is just going to be a bunch of metal out there even with I do want to wait till we see. But I couldn't imagine there being enough of a water feature during the day for it to make up for the Yeah, I saw. What do you think it was in Epcot.

Jack DSNY:

So fan, my concern isn't the nighttime portion? Because I think the actual show itself, yeah, you can have, I'd really love to lunations reflections versus soft spot in my heart for all that sort of stuff. It was there that we watched on a second date, me and my girlfriend, you know, it's a big part of my family holidays and stuff like that. So I have a soft spot for illuminations reflections of but I do know that Disney always needs to evolve their nightly spectaculars and stuff like that. And obviously, IP isn't necessarily a bad thing. But where I've got an issue is the daytime portion of this, the fountains that are supposedly going to be a cloaking device to hide the great big, six storey tall, 60 foot tall, 25 foot tall barges in the middle of world showcase Lagoon, I don't think they're going to operate nearly as well as people think they can operate. I think originally, from what I heard, is that they had plans to bring this thing all the barges in and out every night, okay. And much like that was what they started when they started planning it. Yeah. And then when they worked out how long they'd need to keep the drawbridge up. At core operations were like, We can't do that. We can't keep the drawbridge open up for like an hour at a time to let you move these barges in and out each night.

Sean Nyberg:

So it wasn't a matter of them being so big. They could supply they thought that

Jack DSNY:

they will go through that, as you can see they've gone through. They've been airlifted would they

Sean Nyberg:

be able would they break down? If they did that every day? Like would it be too much of a

Jack DSNY:

I think they're gonna they're more risk of breaking down with fountains running all day.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, that's a good point. Okay,

Jack DSNY:

because so they're stuck out there that stuck out there. And I think eventually the fountains are breaking them and Disney was be like, we'll just, we'll just run some sort of, I don't know, some sort of video on the screens instead. And that'll be it. I'm not sure what we're doing. Yeah. But at the moment, people like, you know, stay positive about about the daytime found on the show. And I'm like, well, you do know how water works. Yeah, water is transparent. And and what we've got under there is greatly black steel beams. And I don't think that you'll truly be able to hide great big black LED screens as well. Underneath transparent water, so

Sean Nyberg:

I'm not so you don't think this was the original plan.

Jack DSNY:

This was it wasn't it wasn't even a timeshare. It wasn't God, it might have been part of that plan to be like, you know, when we when we move them out at 5pm, we'll run a daytime would have been a night, like an evening fountain show for an hour or two before the nighttime spectacular starts. But like it wasn't their plan to run it from like 10am morning till the nighttime show. Like, and who knows if it will even run all day like that, or whether it will be in intervals we don't know yet. Like, I just feel like it's it's a problem when it's guests complaints waiting to happen, I think.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, no, listen, I normally roll my eyes a little bit at some of the Epcot purists Who are you know, just cuz I'm not one. So I'm kind of like kouachi has calmed down, but I was like, this came out today. I don't sit down and shut up. All right. Let's go. Okay. But we're, yeah, isn't the whole theme park in Nepal. So we're hopeful that it's gonna, that it's gonna we know, it's probably going to be amazing at night. Yeah, people are gonna complain because it's different music and IP, whatever, but we think it's gonna be a great show. During the day is where everyone's a little nervous. So play pavilion play No, about that play

Jack DSNY:

pavilion won't open until all masks I think play pavilion will open very late. In open open in 2022, when all math restrictions are gone, because this thing's gonna be a bloody COVID nightmare, because it's interactivity. It's designed as like a playground for kids, and let them get their, you know, hands all over all the different interactive screens and all the other stuff and it's just a from a COVID standpoint, it's a it's a nightmare. So yeah, but things don't open till mass policy probably gone. I would say spring 2022 at the earliest for play pivoting earlier. So I think they've purposely decided to bench a lot of this stuff in that

Sean Nyberg:

as well. Like they haven't heard much about it. Actually, I do think it's gonna be good. I mean, it needs to be

Jack DSNY:

if you got small kids, it will be good. But if you've, if you've got kids above the age of five, you probably won't really walk in there saying,

Sean Nyberg:

Alright, we're on a journey of water. It wouldn't know about that.

Jack DSNY:

That is a glorified water. feature in the middle of the park I No one's ever heard have

Sean Nyberg:

that with Harmonix and

Jack DSNY:

nobody's nobody's really put more on a journey of water in that category yet but like, I hear everyone being like marijuana, right and and it's a mono attraction. It's like no guys, let's see what it actually is. It's a landscaping feature. It's an interactive landscaping feature like they'll be dancing fountains, but the level of what you would call you don't notice the you know, into Epcot. But the the journey into imagination, we've got like some jumping fountains over there. I don't know. If you'd call that an attraction you know, it's a bit like that but but themes and have a bit of music and a bit of lights and stuff. But like it's not an attraction it will be classified as an attraction much like the town square house, you know, town square or firehouses in Disneyland. But it's not attraction.

Sean Nyberg:

But if Wait, if they were if they list that horribly boring spaceship versus as an attractive, how would they

Jack DSNY:

roll the cursor inside now? I'm joking.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, right. And then ever ride through cuts it out. So you can't see it. I always tell the telling pair myself when you see

Jack DSNY:

first time is on a ride. Like I remember being in design powers and have a South African couple in front of us and we had a kid and and the kid had never been on touto before and my dad was stood there and we told him that tower terror was a roller coaster. And you know, when you get in there, you only have a seat and it's gonna go to Yeah, no, it doesn't. Like obviously it's it's a it's a drop, isn't it? So it kept them going. But I loved like messing with PG tube.

Sean Nyberg:

Did you do mission breakout?


Yeah. Yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Did you What did that drop more does that more drops that

Jack DSNY:

has mold under drops. Yeah, has more. It has a different rock sequence, man. But I've been on the towel shower in disempowers as well. And that had a big upgrade in 2019. And it's fantastic. It has it's scarier. It's scarier than the one in in, in Walt Disney World. And I think it's bit of a mission breakout. It was on that line. At one point you actually go up and you can you can hear like a you see this little ghost girl and things like that. It's very horror esque. And you can hear like, screams in the chamber and it's but it's like, one one's called, like the malevolent machine and stuff like that. It's very creepy. It's much better than normal. touto I'd say

Sean Nyberg:

wow, some fightin words. Yeah. I like that. I like the mission breakout cuz I think Joe did a great job with that with the theme and it didn't feel like every theme. I felt like it could have been designed for that right

Jack DSNY:

and like a year, which is good.

Sean Nyberg:

Okay, so next we have this is the question. I know. I've seen you cover the Mary Poppins attraction more than any other quotes. So okay, we'll start with that. Are we ever going to get something or is that just gone?

Jack DSNY:

I think it's probably missed its opportunity right now because by the time they have to come back down to payment on the table, like the only reason why it was on the table to begin with is because Mary Poppins returns and unless they do a Mary Poppins, as well as if I didn't do as well as he thought and Mary Poppins returns to they may do another may fall from SQL in the future. But like what they did with like, Alice in Wonderland, they kept like bleeding that one. But I don't think and if Emily Blunt and Lin Manuel willing to come back, like they'll they'll do it. But I can't see that attraction happening now. I really hope they I think they could have renamed the existing area to cherry tree lane, to be honest. I mean, you could have just stripped away a lot of the outside of that building already, you know, in the UK pavilion and just turn that into a mini cherry tree lane a little bit. I don't know,

Sean Nyberg:

was it the rumor it was gonna be just be a carousel or something.

Jack DSNY:

It was it was going to be what they called a flatline people. It's changed around between people saying there's going to be tea cups. I don't think it was going to be tea cups because tea cups and tea gums. What I heard is it was going to be a flat ride like a carousel, but it was going to be a carousel with projections on both walls. So being enclosed carousel indoors, a bit like the Epcot experience Center has those projections bit like that. And so you will be on a carousel in a animated world. Which would have been kind of cool, but but it would have been another ride like a Dumbo ride for kids, but it would have pulled in some adults. And Epcot needs more rides for children. It Yeah, it's more fun there before the rebellion

Sean Nyberg:

comes up.

Jack DSNY:

The parents happy to drink the kid happy to get drunk and the kids don't have much to do so like

Sean Nyberg:

yeah, Spaceship Earth will get him well the remodel

Jack DSNY:

remodel will happen eventually. That will happen eventually. I agree. It needs it needs reefer. Right? It needs refurbishment. That's what it needs most. But it will get a revamp eventually the new storytelling or you know the story it's gonna Focus on the history of storytelling, which could be a really interesting

Sean Nyberg:

festival Pavilion. That's that's gone right?

Jack DSNY:

It's hard to say this because I, I felt like interventions West could have easily become a festival Pavilion. If they'd have stripped away that building, you could have even like built, if they reinforced the roof, you could have even built the beer garden on top of it if it needed to. But instead, I think what we're going to see in the short term, our festival moves throughout that world celebration area. And then long term we won't see some sort of festival building built but

Sean Nyberg:

it will raise the raise platform

Jack DSNY:

it will most likely have changed designs by then i can i think you know as CSUN staying in Imagineering for longer they go through design revisions, so I think that'll probably look a bit different.

Sean Nyberg:

I think that the good thing the festival pavilion has on its side though is that it is a moneymaker in terms of like corporate events and so like even more so than a ride it's something that like the people who are counting the you know the coins

Jack DSNY:

and you won't snatchy like that is something that we're gonna get the dream is point and you won't statue will we will get that and it's for one where Walt's like sat on some steps like Vanoss at the end of the end of infinity war. Oh yeah. Yeah, resting looking over grateful universe. But I feel that the festival pavilion it will happen eventually. Just for pure fact that che Peck if he's still CEO in the next couple of years who knows what will happen but like you're still CEO most likely happened because it was a project that he wanted to put his indelible stamp on Epcot that was his project about his like I want to he wants to hit two projects at cheap at cared most about we're like galactic starcruiser and putting in Star Wars hotel. Yeah. And putting a new structure in Epcot like that's what he cared about.

Sean Nyberg:

I know Jim Hill was talking about that you know he heard from entertainment they were just so stressed out because they had so many people lined up to use the corporate corporate people lined up to use the festival pavilion now they got scramble and find something

Jack DSNY:

well they using the using the UK pavilion showplace world showplace they're using that for a lot of the festival stuff at moment and to be honest, that could just it's a temporary kind of that was meant to be you the reason why they're using that moment is because they don't have any corporate events but world showplace is used for corporate events.

Sean Nyberg:

So okay, so they have a spot for

Jack DSNY:

say hangout spot form if we need to.

Sean Nyberg:

All right, now we'll get a move. You know, we're our two which I'm fine with but it's getting to about 11 o'clock over there. Because you need to drink but um we have the Disneyland Resort we're gonna move over you know to Disneyland you know, the one park that Walt Disney actually went to so the real Disney park and then of course, the first thing I've listed is not actually in Disneyland. Event just the big the big. Yeah, and just campus over in Disney California Adventure. Real quick. Why Disney California venture and why Disney's Hollywood studio?

Jack DSNY:

We don't know. Seriously paper we don't. It's a weird marked Avengers campus.

Sean Nyberg:

What do you what are we? What are we doing that one that looks done. I mean, I got those pictures from the guy

Jack DSNY:

who flew over he got a fantastic aerial shot there. It's pretty much done now. Like there's just very light theme that needs to be applied. They're running tests and just on on webslinger webslinger is a spider man adventure, which is a stupid name in my opinion. And Worsley's. Not super named a spider man adventure is a stupid name. I've kind of like tried to say a more subtle way in a video, but it's a stupid name, in my opinion.

Sean Nyberg:

He said it. I heard it very clearly in the video are not happening.

Jack DSNY:

Will they delay the opening you got here? So from what can pop rock has said, Who's the design president? He has said that he's ready to go when dismount, reopens? I don't see them, reopening it immediately. I don't think I think they will leave it a month, but I don't think it will lag too far behind. Whenever they Sophie open, let's say from May Disneyland at reduced capacity. By around July. I reckon they'll be ready to open Avengers campus, though, which is when it was targeted for last year. Like it was targeted for July last year. So I think it'll be roughly around the same sort of time.

Sean Nyberg:

Okay, if so you don't have the same feeling that you do about Epcot with Ramiz Ratatouille where they would want to make a big splash with it that they would wait until they could be more at full capacity. The

Jack DSNY:

thing is with the Avengers campus is won't Disney more need to play to a global audience with their marketing. discipline has played with a local audience and locally if they if local health Understand that, hey, we got both under control now. We've been vaccine works like 60% vaccinations by July. It won't be as much of a marketing dilemma. It'll be like, okay, we'll just open up now and start marketing. Like, it's a lot, a lot simpler to think about, then the concern of like, well, the travel ban still be in place like, you know, you don't even have to. I'm hoping it won't, because I want to get back to America. Yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

tough subject. All right. Cool. So we think and when webslinger besides the horrible name, what do you think is this gonna be just a toy story midway mania?

Jack DSNY:

No, really freebooters. It's an interactive ride, like Toy Story mania, but it uses advanced gesture recognition technology, which is basically like Connect stuff like that. But imagine, imagine, for a force connects sensors, so it's really, really accurate pinpoint accuracy. And then it maps the iconic, you know, Spider Man web gesture, to know when you want to fire, but also, it's using 3d. And from what I can tell it, so the digital web will be projected 3d. So therefore, it will feel like you're shooting out the web into into into a physical space or into it into a screen, and it'll be a mix between sitting in front of screens and sitting in front of a physical space, so it's going to be a mix between those two. So I've actually looked at the right layout and the right permit from disempowers that has the same exact lighting built out there which will probably open in 2022. You can see where they say show scene, one or no chosing like for for a for B show scene five shows in five a five B, and like the five a five beer like extra screen areas for you to like sit in front of like a screen like Toy Story mania, but then the main show scene is like a physical scene

Sean Nyberg:

that shows grandma gonna be able to divide it Who doesn't want to flick her wrist around

Jack DSNY:

well if she or she has arthritis and she can't flick of us and yeah, she probably can't live

Sean Nyberg:

there right I mean, that's gonna be it's gonna kind of

Jack DSNY:

Yeah, I think but I

Sean Nyberg:

guess just like on on sorry on

Jack DSNY:

Millennium Falcon. What's

Sean Nyberg:

it called? Buzz? Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story mania? Like I guess you know if he's one

Jack DSNY:

of those things, just just one of those things, but then again, yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Whatever, they gotta have a it'll be fun. How about the face to Avengers? You take it or did COVID kill that?

Jack DSNY:

It's killed it for one. Like, it's gonna happen probably until after 2025

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, I mean, there's a space for it. So yeah, probably gonna get it but

Jack DSNY:

like I said, When things sit in Imagineering for longer, they get redesigned and we've revised and new Imagineers come in and people put different ideas and and they change the original idea. You know, first an example of this. Mission space was never designed to be like the mission space that we got. It was originally meant to be like a space pavilion was meant to be like you're meant to be on like a hanging roller coaster kind of style system. And you were like going around the outside on like a spacewalk. Like it changed and much like this Avengers canvasing might change the Avengers eat again.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, no, I mean yeah, yeah, it changed their spot the space for it it's Yeah. Okay, Mickey Minnie runner is a railway coming to town it's gonna be carbon copy from the one and does not quite it'll be nice for to town to town needs it out there.

Jack DSNY:

You go to it may have just though he might have an extra scene or not. You might have one

Sean Nyberg:

and it's gonna have a slightly different

Jack DSNY:

view because it's have a different key. Yeah, it might have an extra scene might have a different key. Well, it will have a different key different store

Sean Nyberg:

and I heard the rest that they do have some plans for kind of freshening up Toontown because it's going to draw so much attention about there it needs it. That that that area is just sad right now.

Jack DSNY:

Yeah. I mean,

Sean Nyberg:

do you ever go back there? I mean, I

Jack DSNY:

did. I did. And I went on lodro it's karting spin, it was great, but it carting spins can look really bad next to humans but

Sean Nyberg:

it really is I do the one thing I like his gadgets go coaster, which is a good

Jack DSNY:

map. I think you should get it if you do. I think it won't be good for the kids.

Sean Nyberg:

It's a good like first coaster.

Jack DSNY:

Yeah. Oh, Lord. Okay.

Sean Nyberg:

Fantasyland theater right now they shut down the show. It looks like that shows pretty close at that magical mountain. Long, so it's not gonna be a theater anymore, or is it good long chain long term? They've

Jack DSNY:

got plans for that long term. It's it's good space. It's final space. Originally, there were ideas of like, they really want to incorporate some sort of frozen area into Disneyland and yeah, I think that would be very logical to turn that into a frozen Ever After clone but who knows if he will do Now

Sean Nyberg:

it doesn't need to be did they need to have a show of some sort? Because to pull out a big I don't have kids you don't have kids but I have heard from families who have kids, those the magical map and stuff like that is nice, because it gives you an opportunity to sit and the kids can see something do they need to have something like a show or is Disney right now okay with wiping out shareholder

Jack DSNY:

attraction, the current leadership client, we've split spoken out like cheat pack isn't big into entertainment, like he was the guy said when galaxy geopend for cast members will be the entertainment light. A whole bunch of entertainment was cut. And the reason being is because entertainment costs money, you know, it's not the mechanics of the line that gets built and then it's pretty easy, don't they? It's constantly you need hire new people all the time and constantly updating shows and stuff. And then yeah, it's like the puppeteers they cost a lot more to have puppeteers and stuff. So it's um, yeah, I long term if it cheap, it stays. But that's the thing we need to talk about cheap, it will stay long term.

Sean Nyberg:

I'll say this about JPEG we could talk about later. But I think JPEG was great for I really don't think we could have a better CEO for the one year that we've been COVID because he's such a stickler. It's such a penny pincher in terms of any global pandemic. Yes, yeah. The question is, once a pandemic lifts, and we start getting the influx of attendance again and stuff in the theaters, is he the right person for that? We can discuss that. We'll just finish up with Disneyland. Splash Mountain rethink, that's not just Disneyland, Walt Disney World, too. But what are your What are your thought? I mean, so from this so stupid that this is a controversy. Isn't it dumb?

Jack DSNY:

Well, I feel that personally, I I personally feel that No, no, I I do feel like it's stupid. It's controversy that this is even controversial, because

Sean Nyberg:

we're not all let's be clear when we think it's stupid that people are like, crying because it's being changed.

Jack DSNY:

Things change.

Sean Nyberg:

I think it's a legitimate controversy that it was based on song himself. That is a controversy. I understand. Yes. And I don't understand why I mean, crying about the change. Yeah,

Jack DSNY:

I agree with that. It needed to be changed. But the change that they're making, I don't agree with because, personally, I feel like a Princess Tiana, great movie, Princess book, fantastic movie, fantastic new music, great representation for the African American community inside the Disney parks. However, Princess Tiana, she is a strong independent princess who doesn't just kiss a frog and become a princess. And that's it. She works hard. She She buys Tiana's place and turns into the honors palace and things like that, and I feel that she deserved if you really want to be staying true to the story, give her her own restaurant, and maybe even allied don't re theme, a problematic attraction to Princess Tiana, give her something new and off her own, not ugly skinned light. That's how I personally feel. But obviously it makes more sense if you're Disney and you're trying to kill you know, fix, you know, two birds one stone, that kind of idea. You want to kill one problem. And, and present more diversification in parts. It's it's a two birds one stone kind of idea. But I, from what I've heard about this slide, it's not even going to send around printer siana too much, it's going to be more about Louis, Louis, Louis B Alligator, then it will be about Princess Tiana. And I feel like that that is a disaster waiting to happen PR wise when when, you know, young, young black girls and boys ride this ride with their families. And they're like, Hey, we finally got some representations of a Disney part. And like it's Tiana at the end on the Showboat at the end. And the rest of it's about an alligator. I don't think that's going to play that one. And I feel like no, you could have done because a whole lied about mama od and you know, whole thing. But then again, the movie itself was controversial because you know, you have the first black princess. And she spent most of the movies I thought like it was another I just feel like the I don't know, it's something that is on earth no matter what. But the DSM version is going to go ahead, the Walt Disney World version at the current rate, I could see them maybe hitting the brakes on that and being like, like, well, we'll decide what's right, I still feel like you could rescan the ride and make a new original light out of this, like something like Western river expedition, like you know, something along those lines or build, you know, just, you know, just re theme it to an original idea. Instead, remove all the rest that won't happen. It won't have that but Unless Unless, you know the the adventures of explorers and adventures, you know, that kind of thing. The idea that that takes off and Disney plus and they decide, hey, look, there's a character that we can leave in this Splash Mountain it Who knows. We don't know what the future holds.

Sean Nyberg:

So I mean, I've gotten a lot of questions myself, and among People around me who are like Oh, is it gonna be splashed when it opens and Disneyland whenever it opens in May, June July? Yeah. December No, I yeah. Yeah. So well they need that they love the money they're getting from splash right now and we'll

Jack DSNY:

have one great big last night and that will make a lot of money. But I don't know if Walt Disney World versions gonna definitely go ahead because that's the same ride layout as the one in Tokyo and imagining we're hoping that they were going to share the budget, the Oriental land company own Tokyo. We're gonna split the budget with Imagineering on the review of Magic Kingdom, Magic Kingdom version and Oriental line company alight we're not completely enamored with this dinner they

Sean Nyberg:

say like they think about it, but they want to see how it turned out.

Jack DSNY:

They probably will start to see Disneyland Walt Disney World's version will probably last a lot longer.

Sean Nyberg:

Got it. Now that makes a lot of sense. And what can I just ask you guys as as someone who's more Walt Disney World and Disneyland The first thing I mean, of course, there's people who are complaining about this for all different reasons. But the one thing I heard that really made me scratch my head was why Tiana's Tiana princess in the frog doesn't fit in frontier and make sense in in Disneyland cuz it's connected to New Orleans Square, but Splash Mountain, but then I thought, Wait a minute, pump the brakes. What Since when does Splash Mountain fit in frontier land?

Jack DSNY:

It doesn't. It's

Sean Nyberg:

not like well, it doesn't No,

Jack DSNY:

it doesn't. It doesn't. So the only thing it doesn't fit in frontierland personally but the frontier you could technically class Georgia as part of the frontier of westward expansion, that kind of stuff a little bit. It's a it really is a reach I I've never really thought it really fits in until and it's always been a bit. fanatically incorrect. But it fits so perfectly into New Orleans Square and isn't it and but it just doesn't fit in. Yeah. And I don't see how they change.

Sean Nyberg:

They change hungry bear to Tiana's place.

Jack DSNY:

I could see that definitely happening. We won't necessarily be the only place or Tiana's whatever they'll call Tiana something and it will won't be Tiana's place or like Tiana's place but it will look it'll be her extra restaurant or her you know what?

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, okay, Jungle Cruise update, we that was one that just wasn't as controversial as

Jack DSNY:

because Splash Mountain pool found it for a long time. I when I write I don't like writing it for the reason that it it's uncomfortable, to be honest. The way those animatronics Look, they are outdated. They, they their character, their character choice of all of, you know, cartoony versions of of different tribal aspects. And I don't, I don't feel comfortable with it. It's not something which like, our entertainment has evolved, media landscape has evolved to more sophisticated sense of human number one. We don't just laugh at stuff because we're like, hey, look, that person's got a head in their hand. Like it's not. That's not funny. Like, what's funny now is more sophisticated human. And so therefore, like, I feel like it needs to change no matter what, but I hope they do a good job with it. But we'll see.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, we'll see. What do they have jumbo cruise in Disneyland Paris?

Jack DSNY:

I don't know. They originally have plans to but they never did. They never built. And it's because I loved all the parks around your your Disney at the time had versions of the Jungle Cruise, because when they were all being built, they all just looked at Disney. And we're like, we need our own version of Disney. And they built copycats of Jungle Cruise. Because it was very easy to build an animatronic elephant or whatever and shove it, you know, in a jungle environment in Europe. So yeah,

Sean Nyberg:

I think we would just move on. But the difference between Splash Mountain response and Jungle Cruise response is I think a lot of people were kind of surprised that Splash Mountain is based on something racist because they're not you or I or someone who's listening to this podcast. And you know, they just don't know they think oh, it's a funny story about a rabbit run around. They probably don't even follow the story. They go, you know, the bear is tied up and it's kind of funny. And then we splash like they and then they suddenly go Oh, not only so like I like something raised like and so then that but I think with Jungle Cruise, it was like if you weren't uncomfortable about that.

Jack DSNY:

How much of it is also a fact for those who will run out of town in out of Disney Twitter's verse or whatever you want to call it by the Splash Mountain announcement like people were like, that's it. I've had enough of that. Yeah, how people like woke culture and things like that. Those people who were so offended by the Splash Mountain breeze theme. They turned off the Disney altogether and so therefore when the Jungle Cruise announcement came around, those people weren't there to be outraged. Who knows when it's like a chicken. It's chicken and egg kind of thing. Like what Sure Sure is. Yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Or maybe just splash mom's more beloved and young people love Jungle Cruise. And is it yeah But now let's get to the to the most important park in the world Disneyland yeah but when that thing reopening

Jack DSNY:

you got April I believe it's April the eighth or April the 12th April 12 is its anniversary so I think it's April the eighth I think opens a couple of days before

Sean Nyberg:

but yeah, a couple years ago Disney Disney got got full on

Jack DSNY:

just just so therefore COVID could hit and it could take a bigger hit on the bottom line. But to be honest, if if they hadn't owned it when COVID hit I could imagine like the holding company that held you know, the ownership of Disney on balance like God knows what that park would be looking like right now. If If Oh really? Yeah, it wouldn't be in a good state. France shut down the whole country right

Sean Nyberg:

they didn't in like November they

Jack DSNY:

shut down at the end of October and

Sean Nyberg:

got it Okay. And then galaxies edge Avengers campus and there's a whole frozen that's all come to the

Jack DSNY:

party. The things that are known unknown isn't frozen is definite Avengers campus is definitely because it's been built with any galaxy's edge is a bit more. Yeah. Really?

Sean Nyberg:

They haven't I thought they started construction.

Jack DSNY:

Construction on galaxy's edge. Yeah, like we know that. So the series of events are Avengers campus is going to open first end of this year, early next year. They had their own Iron Man roller coaster which the V theme of rock and roller coaster and Spider Man westerns right as well, a spider man adventure. And then you've got frozen, which is Arundale. And there'll be a frozen embryo after line system. And that will be opening around two years after that there'll be a big draw, and they've got like a massive Lake like kind of the size of world showcase kind of bits, quite small, but

Sean Nyberg:

that kind of thing will have huge, huge piece of metal in the middle of it. Well, if, like harmonious

Jack DSNY:

if we can clone harmonious and bring it over which I mean, it's not hard to find some metal to shove in the middle of a lake, so maybe they will be

Sean Nyberg:

I didn't realize that's what galaxy's edge is. Is is. Is this a question mark around just because

Jack DSNY:

we want to be built? And also we were scared to galaxy's edge so far, it's worthy. But the lines that we were looking to build as part of that galaxy's edge was the rise of resistance attraction, not Millennium Falcon.

Sean Nyberg:

But what about the bantha ride that everyone's so sad about?

Jack DSNY:

People that kept

Sean Nyberg:

the Ticket Ticket that everyone just Oh, if only they had that it would have made everything different. But I like what's your bet, like?

Jack DSNY:

You will long term drop the storyline, and they will pivot towards incorporating elements of Mandalorian and things like that into the parks? Definitely. I mean, I'll report on that back in January 2020. But yeah,

Sean Nyberg:

yeah, I agree with that. I don't think they're gonna go as far back as the original trilogy, but I think they're gonna they're gonna open it up to other things. They have to I mean, okay, real quick. Before we get to the long term. I just want to galaxy's edge. What was your thoughts on that? I mean, I know you I think you'd like I really like your videos.

Jack DSNY:

Like I said, I loved lines of resistance. It's fantastic. Looking back on it now I do feel like maybe it probably wasn't the best move to theme it to. to the new trilogy, not Yeah, maybe it might have been better but Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and layer in there instead. But I can also see where they're going with it. I mean, it's pretty easy to be skinny if they want to do something else. It is a Yeah, it could easily do that if you want to do, but it's a fantastic attraction. I love galaxies edge. I kind of I'm very much looking forward to the stars hotel. Probably won't be able to afford to Kara's gonna ask I

Sean Nyberg:

didn't put it on there. Galaxy galactic starcruiser Hollywood just so you guys know who's listening. If you don't know Walt Disney World Resort Hotel, it's gonna be connected to Disney Hollywood Studios. It's like I said, it's Star Wars themed, which is really like very poor way to describe because that's really light. I mean, it is fully immersive. What do you what are your thoughts on this thing?

Jack DSNY:

Well, it's going to be the next immersive stepping themed entertainment so what they're aiming to do is people are like lightning to live action roleplay laughing or something like that, but that's what they're aiming to do. So you'll walk into the number one it's it's not really like a hotel it's more like a cruise line experience. So you have an itinerary everything will be themed exactly like to how it is in Star Wars it will feel you'll be encouraged develop a character have a bit of a backstory, you know, play along the missions. It's a full immersive you know, please escape into the world of Star Wars a little bit like Westworld less so of the robotic, you know, possibly better. But yeah, none of it will be star it will be their version of like as close as you can get like a Westworld kind of experience but for Star Wars. So you'll have an excursion down to Black Swan outpost and it will themed everything staying you don't you won't be walking through the main gate of Disney's Hollywood Studios, you'll be taking a special entry point into galaxy's edge. And they'll even be special themed activities and galaxy's edge for the Galactic starcruiser guests than they will be for Santa guess. And I reckon that'll probably take place before the park opens, or maybe after hours or something, but don't don't need to find a way.

Sean Nyberg:

One. When's the next one? You're expecting this to open?

Jack DSNY:

Well, they keep saying 2021 but under these current circumstances, I can see it being early 2020 it is scheduled for 2021 but I can see everything. And like I said, I don't think we'll be without masks in Disney parks in 2021. So I think it'll be 2020

Sean Nyberg:

would you want to do it?

Jack DSNY:

I would want to do it. Yeah, but I don't also want to do it as like a news kind of like video aspect because like it's gonna be just for fun I don't want to be like trying to film everything I won't actually enjoy it like you know mean like I was okay to do with like the eyes of resistance and Millennium Falcon stuff like because I can go and do it many many times. But like this will be it will be so expensive. I'll only be able to really once then if I'm doing want to enjoy it, but I don't know. We'll see.

Sean Nyberg:

I don't know I get I get stressed out when I have to check in and talk to the person at the front of the hotel. I couldn't imagine having to be like, like you're fully into the whole time. Like when you get to relax and I'm 63 to 50 like I'm not gonna fit in those rooms. It's not a small room to look like

Jack DSNY:

no, no, no. Don't it's a big double bed. It's a you get not just bunks.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, or queen.

Jack DSNY:

size beds, British beds, but I see a lot of people talking about bunk beds. And it's not you're not sleeping in a bunk bed. But that's for the kids.

Sean Nyberg:

And does every room have bunks

Jack DSNY:

every room will have bunks? It seems like it's like it's like a cruise line. And and the room will be roughly the same size as a cruise line cabin. So yeah, they all smooth but perfect. Yeah. If you can manage that. Sure, but

Sean Nyberg:

you have things to do. You don't need to stay in your lane. Okay. Now we're gonna move on just this is pure speculation. So it's getting late so we can beyond long term anything five plus years or more. Which park so the reason I wrote this, I wrote the question, Which part? Do you see Disney really focusing on the long term? future? It just seems like Disney will go through phases like in they really put the billions of dollars into DCA in the late aughts, you know, and they put a lot of money into animal kingdom with with Pandora. And now Epcot, what are your thoughts? Is there? Is it going to continue like that? Or do you think it's going to be settled in the more spread out just kind of additions here

Jack DSNY:

and there? Well, it's all cyclical. So Disney have what they would they did have a cycle beforehand. And it was we went Magic Kingdom and you Fantasyland. Disney's Hollywood Studios, Toy Story land one animal kingdom of Pandora. Then we had Hollywood studios, Toy Story land, Star Wars land. And then it was meant to be back to Epcot and then Magic Kingdom again. So one after that was meant to be Magic Kingdom disavows. But Magic Kingdom has still is the number one Park around the world has most attendants, they do need more capacity, they need more light. So Tron will sort of help with that, because they didn't just remove line they added a line. But whereas with and same thing with adding a line, but with Toy Story land and stuff like that they they added vice, but they also removed great movie ride and things like that, for Mickey minis. So the parks, which I think they will be adding to the next five years, or announcing stuff, or I think we will probably get a new light announcement for each park for the next five years. I don't think it will be like a new land I think we'll probably see. We'll probably smaller projects, but every single part that continue for next five years to really fortify and strengthen the resort wide strategy as universal or building epic universe. So they want to offer they don't want to like put all their eggs in one basket make sure Hollywood Hollywood Studios is still one park that they are still looking at and thinking we need one extra big ticket and that's what imagining thinking what would you What would you see there? What

Sean Nyberg:

would you see what could you see them doing?

Jack DSNY:

Well, the long standing rumor has been Indiana Jones for Pixar. But I who knows what happened in the end, James, I think we need to reboot the franchise But personally, I could I will see in the next five years they're going to strengthen their strategy v. What Disney needs to do now is they need to continue to put the foot on the accelerator little bit in each Park. They need to keep the pressure up. And I don't think we'll get right announcements this year. We'll get right announcements in 2002 and it will be Every part will get a big new edition, which will be opening around 2024 2025. Okay, and that will apply enough pressure to be like, hey, universal, you know, you have a universe that you're building and we'll be opening 25 or more. So now, we're still we're still going to be opening big lines and every single one of our parks and we got four parks and it's a, it's a way to show to like the casual fan. Hey, Disney has four parks and universe is only building a third light. And that park isn't going to have as many attractions as light. So it needs to really build out their catalogue with it. That's how I see

Sean Nyberg:

it always takes lands a while. It seems like when they open DCA, it's, I mean, just they never open up like great. Okay, and also within that time, they're gonna have the updated Jungle Cruise. It's not gonna be a big deal, but it's still gonna be something that's gonna run some locals

Jack DSNY:

and stuff. Yeah,

Sean Nyberg:

yeah, yeah. And then yours. I mean, you announced here and I'll break it on Twitter later that you said that's base mountain is going to be sure.

Jack DSNY:

It will it will definitely need to be refurbished in the next five years or so it's been needing a refurbishment for a while but like spaceships. But whether they incorporate it into it, it's a different matter. I can see them easily incorporating it into it. If they want to boost attendance next to Tron in the next five years. That's what I in 30

Sean Nyberg:

seconds. Is Disneyland going to get tomorrow and update?

Jack DSNY:

Yeah, it will get an update eventually.

Sean Nyberg:

Eventually, yeah, but I think it'll be a whole thing. Are they going to piecemeal it?

Jack DSNY:

I think it will be piece by piece. I think it'd be NEEMO subs autopia to begin with. Maybe the odd inventions building. And yeah, you've got here you've got the windowing thing. Disney and 75th anniversary. Obviously, we got Disney and 70th anniversary in 2025. I think we'll probably get an announcement for some sort of new addition within Disneyland at D 23. Expo in 2020. We've intimate Yeah, not not for over 70 if necessary, but announced at 2022 for Tomorrowland so being in that area. But we'll probably make

Sean Nyberg:

it because people are expecting that the last

Jack DSNY:

three years the last three years to build something so it's possible usually their cycle is four years for three to four years. So we'll see.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah, I can get rid of Launchpad. Do you think that needs to go on? Yeah, that's

Jack DSNY:

interventions field interventions building Yeah.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah. Okay, and then the last one that I have before we go to wrap up is there realistic potential for Disneyland and DCA to grow outside their current footprint? It says they had that little spot over there with the Toy Story parking lot, I guess but it is kind of locked in.

Jack DSNY:

It's more it's such a complicated question. It's not a 32nd answer. It's more to do with the city of Anaheim and what they'll allow it because you can't really expand Disneyland Resort without also having the city of Anaheim being on board with improving the infrastructure around the area on roads off roads ramps, things like that you really need them to invest in the area and it's hard Boulevard and businesses long harbor Boulevard that won't allow direct access to a third Park and so therefore you got to shuttle business and stuff like that like universe will the epic universe proposal down yes away from the rest of their property they're having to redesign a lot of iPhone and that kind of area to get to where they want to be with the third Park being away from the other team and I can see it being a much bigger headache the Disney in California

Sean Nyberg:

got it so they not only have to have plans not only do they have to be in a physical financial position to do it Disneyland's I'm sorry Anaheim's governing government you know their their local city count they have to be in a very Disney because they go through trends to anti Disney pro Disney so everything's got lineup this is gonna sound really bad but I mean maybe with what COVID the stress is putting on a lot of these businesses they're the smaller businesses they may be in a position where they're not going to have a lot of the kinda yeah okay I just wrote here I didn't tell you what they were these be a quick real last minute rapid fire you have one answers Okay, here we go I gotta answer quick dole whip at your door eperture

Jack DSNY:

us Sure Sure.

Sean Nyberg:

All right answer this turkey legs discussing messy and sticky or delicious convenient affordable.

Jack DSNY:

Delicious and affordable.

Sean Nyberg:

Yeah. You like Star Wars episode eight last Jedi great film are terrible terrible

Jack DSNY:

film. Easy.

Sean Nyberg:


Jack DSNY:

Terrible. Terrible film. Did you see him? No who did did you see him have green milk on his lip? Yeah, okay. It's terrible movie. terrible movie.

Sean Nyberg:

Who did more for the Disney Parks Michael Eisner or Bob Iger? Michael Eisner more positive thing.

Jack DSNY:

Michael Eisner. Okay.

Sean Nyberg:

You've been given$5 billion to create a Disney park in India. You have to hire one creatively to oversee the project. Would you choose Tony Baxter? Jody?

Jack DSNY:

Can hi Jodi. Nice working for Virgin Galactic. Sure. Yeah, I would. I would probably hire God for that project because I think you'd understand the culture. Kevin? Yeah,

Sean Nyberg:

you're right. Yeah, but

Jack DSNY:

if Muppets gone

Sean Nyberg:

Muppets in the Disney Parks should there be more or less or is it just about read more?

Jack DSNY:

Definitely more Muppets more every single part they are the they are the IP that can easily be in every single part

Sean Nyberg:

but they're not Do you think it's just because they're they're they're they're pulling their internal resources people just don't like him that much or what is it see

Jack DSNY:

we'll see what happens. Okay

Sean Nyberg:

three more Pixar pier in DC a was an upgrade or downgrade

Jack DSNY:

upgrade easily up

Sean Nyberg:

good Best Live Action remake Best Live Action remake. And this is that you already answered this, but it's the last Finally we did the ultimate Disneyland tournament of rides at Disney insider we had 170,000 votes. The last championship round was haunted mansion versus Pirates of the Caribbean. Which of those two would you say is the better right?

Jack DSNY:

Pirates of the Caribbean? I mean, yeah, I mean, it's a hard one to Yeah, no it for me. All right.

Sean Nyberg:

I deleted this but I'm gonna ask you do you think people who do you think people who were born in the last 30 years say that's not what what would want too much?

Jack DSNY:

No, but say enough people

Sean Nyberg:

you know they don't say they never

Jack DSNY:

say enough and most importantly Imagineering and and you know, management Don't think about that enough about how to actually run the company as a creative instead of a management MBA.

Sean Nyberg:

It's great way to end Okay, I just want to thank our guest Jacqueline dsny Ds ny newscast for joining us here that is the beat we're really grateful and hopefully we can do this again. It's been two and a half hours. upset too many people. Please go subscribe to Jack's YouTube channel dsny newscast follow him on Twitter and Instagram at d s ny newscast. Thanks for doing this man. been

Jack DSNY:

fantastic. enjoyed it. Thanks for having me.

Sean Nyberg:

And for those of us here, the web podcasts also this Insider. I've been Sean. JACK, ou've been you and we'll see ou real soon. Thanks, guys. ell, there you have it. Part ne of our conversation with ack from dsny newscast. Don't orget to subscribe to Jack's hannel on YouTube by searching sny newscast. You can follow im on Twitter and Instagram sing the handle at d s ny ewscast. Please like and ubscribe this podcast along ith exclusive interviews like his one. The Disney B also eleases weekly shows which overs all the Disney news for hat week, keeping you informed f every aspect of the Walt isney Company. Follow me your ost on Twitter and Instagram at he handle at Sean Nyberg. sta n y BRG. This podcast is brought o you by the Disney To find all of the atest Disney news, please check ut the Disney or ollow us on Twitter, Instagram nd Facebook by searching at the isney Insider. You can find inks to all of these accounts n the show notes to this odcast. We will be releasing arts two and three later this eek. So keep an eye out for hose. I want to once again hanks jack from dsny newscast nd thanks everyone for istening. Have a great week.