Mystify Me Podcast

Crystals & Cocktails

October 19, 2020 Mystify Me Podcast

Crystals & Cocktails - Do crystals have magical powers? Or is this a bunch of BS? In this debut episode (over a few watermelon-crystal infused cocktails) we tackle the mystifying topic of crystals! We uncover everything from their rich history, to their surprising energy effects. You may be surprised by how many ways you can incorporate the (supposed) magical properties of crystals to enhance your everyday life! (HINT: Ever thought of putting a couple in your bra?)

Caroline  0:00  
My unconscious mind wants a refill. Stick that baby right now.

Carolyn  0:04  
Having a first hand experience for the first time of my life, and now you're telling me there's no crying.

Caroline  0:12  
Take it to your science class. 

Carolyn  0:14  
You're that crazy. I'm crazy. Let's be crazy.

Caroline  0:21  
I'm not a fucking monkey. Pretend like your Romanian lady is right here. 

Carolyn  0:27  
This girl was out on the streets thinking she had like an alien attacking her. They call it feeding the psychic. Show me your witches. I will show you.

This is Mystify me.

Caroline  0:49  
I think we're gonna start a brand new trend crystal cubes

Carolyn 0:54  
called crystal cubes and cocktails. And all right, you heard it here, folks. No, no copying we're gonna we're gonna try to catch it. You know, what's going to happen is we're going to come up with so many good ideas. And people are just gonna make millions off of this podcast, but us. Yeah, cuz, you know, I say that all the time, million dollar ideas, so they just spew out for free for free. You're welcome. You're welcome.

Carolyn  1:19  
Are you ready to hear the story about Amethyst and how Amethyst got its name, I would love to I am in love with the story in Greek mythology. And in Roman mythology. There's this God called Daya nesis. And He's the God of wine, and celebration. And basically, he's like the God a party brings a good time. Right, great. And so he ends up getting really mad because nobody's really giving him any tributes. And they're kind of ignoring them. And at first, I thought, well, you're kind of being a jerk, right? Like he wants to take revenge on humanity, because they're not appreciating it. But then I was thinking about it. Well imagine like always being the host of the party. Nobody ever really says thank you, or brings you a housewarming gift or a hostess gift, right? So I'm like, All right, now I get it, I get why you're mad. So he's like, I'm gonna take out my revenge on this one person. The next person I see who isn't getting drunk and isn't celebrating and isn't indulging in wine. So he finds this beautiful maiden, and she's walking down the street and he's like, that's it. She's beautiful. She's pure. She's a virgin. There's always, always these virgin. What does that say? girls? I don't know. So he's like, I got it. I'm gonna unleash two tigers on her to rip her apart to shreds him, like Savage. And I'm going to sit here and drink my wine while you watch her get totally. What's the tiger mauling without a good glass of wine. So he's gonna he's gonna do this, right? And he unleashes these tigers and she screams and she goes, Oh, my God. She's like, help me goddess, Diana. And Diana drops down and she's like, what's going on, and she just zaps her real quick, and makes her into a this beautiful, made into a quartz crystal to save her from the mauling. And then Diana looks over at Dionysus, and is like, what's your problem, dude? Like, what are you doing? And he basically, she basically kind of sobers him up. And she's like, you can't just be killing random people because they're not drunks, like, come on. And so he cries and cries and cries until his wine glass right. And he's, he feels really remorseful and he drops to his knees and he spills his wine that's filled with his tears on to this clear, quartz crystal. And so obviously, wine is purple in those of the grapes, and so it stains the crystal purple. And guess what the name of that girl is in the story, the maid and guess what her name was? Amethyst, Amethyst? Oh, god, oh, my goodness, what a cool story. So in ancient times, because this is the birth of Amethyst and in their, you know, belief. They take Amethyst and they take it and they encrust all of their goblets with it because Amethyst is supposed to protect you against drunkenness, and intoxication and all these things. So you see these goblets that are all plastered with this Amethyst crystal that's protecting them. So you're saying that I could have had a lot better nights in college

Unknown Speaker  4:33  
and introduced to me a little bit earlier.

Unknown Speaker  4:38  
Like, I have to get us goblets encrusted with crystals, seeing how this is crystals and cocktails. Oh my goodness. I'll be waiting. Yes, Christmas is just a few short months away. We have to order it right now. on Amazon.

Unknown Speaker  4:57  
I bet there's not much you can't get on him.

Unknown Speaker  5:00  
No, I mean, think about just you could open a store on a college campus. Yeah. And just be like this protects you against against drunken drunkenness, because this shotgun away kiddos. And then also bishops used to wear an amethyst ring. And I had to Google this, like a lot of this, and people would kiss the ring to protect them from mystical intoxication. And immiscible. Intoxication is supposedly this belief that people can be taken over by God. So they'd kiss these bishops rings, which was Amethyst, helping to protect them from anything in toxifying, basically. Interesting. So that's kind of the birth of emphasis. I mean, crystals have been around for centuries.

Unknown Speaker  5:50  
You know, I think all of the ancient civilizations, you know, use them in one form or another, I looked up a bunch of stuff. I mean, they've been worn as jewelry since the Stone Age. Yeah, which was two and a half million years ago. Obviously, the ancient Egyptians were into it. Oh, Leah Patra wore her lapis lazuli. And then apparently malakut, which is really, really exquisitely beautiful stone. It's got like different shades of green. It was powdered and applied to wounds. Wow. So I mean,

Unknown Speaker  6:25  
I feel it is not recommended by the pediatrician or your primary care.

Unknown Speaker  6:32  
But But still, like, you know, they even powdered and then also quartz was placed on the dead to help them guide them into the afterlife. Wow. So that makes sense to me. Yeah, that makes sense. I found a bunch of information. It was like Egyptians use crystals for healing and protection. So you see protection a lot over and over and over again. And then in Indian texts, it said that they have healing properties, and how to treat illness with them. So that was something big in Indian culture. And then Chinese medicine also uses crystals. And then the Greeks and the Romans use crystals for protection in battle. And I thought that was really interesting too. So they would use them on their like breastplates, and things like that, to protect them. I always find it interesting when something that we kind of think about today, and we use these crystals to do these things today. But that there this is a tail is oldest time. And I didn't know that. Well. And when you think about crystals, I think they fall under the category of new age and even the the you know, that phrase New Age makes you feel like it's something new and it's actually the opposite. Yeah, we're just kind of catching up to ancient wisdom, which is interesting. And then another really cool little fact about crystals is that the center of the earth is thought to be made up of crystals. You know, I came across that and I actually was like all this SAP bullshit and I just like, like, flipped through that because there's so much information out there and I think that's part of the frustration is that there's so much information and some of it is I think quite honestly bullshit and then others is it is true but it's hard to find out like what's the real stuff and what's the fake stuff but I did read read that and they said I thought it was molten lava. Yeah, I do. I did too. But I learned but I think it's possible that even like beneath the molten lava to its very very core as a crystal is Yeah, like a series of crystals. You know, that's the sorry I'm gonna stick around because happy to think I'm gonna set my world. I'm gonna say that's real. Yeah, let's Okay, we're gonna do diva truth right here. Fat on on crystals and cocktails, news. You heard it here people Carolyn as Caroline said, the center of the earth.

Unknown Speaker  8:55  
Crystal. I mean, that's it. Take it to your science class. Now. Let's

Unknown Speaker  9:03  
see so much today. So I got to tell you a funny story about crystals. So I you know, I came to crystals look fairly late in my life.

Unknown Speaker  9:14  
And I became a Reiki Master. I was like a second career. I was in the nonprofit world before that, as you know. Yeah. And and so I started doing Reiki and people would ask me, do you use crystals? And I'd be like, No, no, I don't use crystals. That's crazy. That's nuts. Yeah, that's where I draw the line. A sane person Yeah. I put my hands on people and you know give them energy, but I can't believe that crystals actually do

Unknown Speaker  9:40  
what I look like Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  9:42  
And then I ended up taking a an advanced Reiki training and the teacher introduced us to Crystal she had us like bring some crystals. So I went out bought some I was like, Yeah, I bought some and you know, it started to sort of click, that maybe there was some

Unknown Speaker  10:00  
thing to it. And then I, I remember, shortly thereafter, I had a client coming in for a session, and I placed a crystal on her abdomen, and she could actually feel, you know, some movement. Yeah, feel the energy from the crystal. And so, you know, I was like, Alright, maybe there's something to it. So I ended up taking a crystal class. And it was like an introduction to crystals. And there were I don't know, like six of us in the class. And one of the things that the instructor did she she brought boxes and boxes of her own personal crystals, it was unbelievable. And she went through what a lot of them did and stuff. And then we basically we're instructed to create crystal grids because you can actually create grids from crystals that will sort of enhance the power of the crystal. So this sort of working together to achieve a certain intention. So she had us each create a crystal grid underneath the chairs where we were sitting, and the crystal grids were each based on a different chakra. So for anybody who's listening that doesn't know what a shocker is, it's basically an energy center in the body. So we have seven main chakras that go from the crown of our head to the base of our spine.

Unknown Speaker  11:12  
So anyway, so we're in this class and, and, you know, somebody ends up making a grid for the sacral chakra. Okay, now the sacral chakra is just below your belly button. Yeah, sort of like where the waistband of your pants. Yeah, right. And your Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity, and passion, and sexuality. Right. So it's a fiery sre. And when it's working, you know,

Unknown Speaker  11:43  
when it's not working, you know, or your partner knows. Yeah, right. Exactly. Exactly. And Brown with you. It's my chakra. So so what we do is, so somebody makes this, you know, somebody else does one for the heart chakra. Somebody else does one for the crown chakra, the root chakra, and so forth. And so then once we're done making our crystal grids and setting our intentions, then we do sort of like musical chairs, where we each move to a different chair, we sit on that chair, and we sort of like, see what that energy feels like because you know, the grids are underneath the chair.

Unknown Speaker  12:16  
So this one, one young woman in the class ends up sitting at the sacral chakra chair. And all of a sudden her face gets kind of flushed. She starts like sweating a little and you just hear this little, huh, no matter.

Unknown Speaker  12:35  
She's like fanning herself. And she's looking around. She got a little hot and bothered because the sacral shot the sacred red that blood started fly. Just it went right up her spine, man, it was like,

Unknown Speaker  12:52  
and any guys that are listening, they're probably like, all right. sacral. chakra down.

Unknown Speaker  13:00  
You go to the grocery store. I gotta get tuna fish. Orange juice is Sacral Chakra. Good.

Unknown Speaker  13:04  
Yeah, it was it was amazing. And so we all kind of laughed, right? And then we keep moving around. She ends up at that chair again. And the same thing happens. And she's like, she's fanning herself. She's kind of embarrassed because she doesn't know. Yeah, we're all just like, do you want a minute we can leave? Yeah, we can take a break. And you can finish up here. Oh, that is so funny. No, did she some of the skeptic in me is like, did she know that? That was her? That was the sacred chakra, the sacral chakra? You know, I don't know if she knew she may have not realized. I mean, at some point. We all knew what Yeah, the other was working on. But there are enough of us in the room that it's possible that she forgot. Yeah. But honestly, her reaction was visible. Yeah. I mean, I find it hard to believe she would have like tried to get herself all worked up. Yeah, she picked the actress and really wanted to judge it. Yeah, just it was she was kind of embarrassed is like, she was just like, I don't know what's going on. That's crossing her legs. So that's a good kind of question, too, about how much of this and I think we've talked about this before about crystals is from a skeptic standpoint to is like how much of this is real? And how much is this just kind of crap? Yeah. Do they really do anything? And if I buy a bunch of them, like, Am I just throwing my money away? Or you must be crazy to believe in crystals to that point? What do you think? Well, you know, I mean, look, I I'm a Reiki Master I work and I work in the world of sort of like the the unknown or Yeah, the the the highly doubted. So I, you know, I think that there's a lot about science that has not caught up to energy. Yeah, and crystals are just another form of energy. Right. And that is potentially if if they work that's how they work.

Unknown Speaker  15:00  
So I do believe that one day science will get there because I because I believe crystals work. And I think eventually we'll be able to prove that but right now, I think it is a bit of a leap of faith right now. But also, you know, you and I have talked about the placebo effect, right. So and that that's something that cannot just be applied to crystals, but to a lot of a lot of, you know, energy work. Absolutely. Um, and it's that whole idea that your intention has an impact on your physical, mental, emotional state. So I'm an Li CSW as you know, so I'm a licensed therapist. And so there, there's my two worlds that clash, right? There's this part of me that is very, into holistic, and in setting intentions and working with crystals, and, you know, really mind over matter, and that we're all connected in this energetic way. And then there's my scientific brain from going to school and studying all this stuff for years to be a clinical therapist. So my two worlds kind of combined, I mean, or clash, I should say. And one of the things that has always brought me back to that it's okay to work with all this stuff, is the placebo effect, because it has been researched, like crazy. And actually, if you have a drug that you want to mass produce, you have to put it up against a placebo, meaning that you know, so if I want you to, you know, I'm going to give you this migraine medicine, there'll be one group that has migraine a little bit most both groups will have migraines, I'll give one group, a sugar pill, and I'll give the other group real medicine. So the placebos, the sugar pill, right? It's not really doing anything, but I'm telling you, you're going to get relief from your migraines from this. Now, for the medicine to actually go into production, it has to beat the placebo. So say if the placebo works at, you know, 60%, that the actual medicine has to work at 90. Interesting. And why is the placebo happening because your mind told you I'm taking something that's working, right. And so it just does. So if we can have tools in our everyday life that can enhance that for us that can that we can actually hold and say this is going to work for me, then it will. So with the placebo effect, it's I mean, that's basically it's it's an intention, or a thought or an expectation triggering an effect in the brain, right. And that's why it works. It's the belief in

Unknown Speaker  17:38  
you can also do the placebo effect in the opposite way. So if I say I'm going to give you the sugar pill, and it's going to start to create acid reflux for you, participants in that study will start to develop acid reflux. So it's basically the mind over matter, meaning it doesn't really matter. It matters what you believe does not answer. Yeah, it does. And I think that's insanely powerful. And I also, you know, for a long time when I ever heard placebo effect, there was a negative connotation. Yeah, to that. Yeah, you know, sort of, Oh, it's just a placebo effect, meaning you know, something doesn't work. Right. But actually, I think what I'm starting to read about more and hear about is that a placebo effect can be a very powerful, positive effect. Yes, absolutely. So but even so let's put the placebo effect aside. And let's say that's one reason why people feel things from crystals.

Unknown Speaker  18:34  
What do you think that there is something about the way that their atoms and molecules are move and interact with one another? Because they are a repeating pattern? Right? That's what a crystal is. But like, at the core of it, do you think that that helps energy

Unknown Speaker  18:52  
transfer? I, I think so, what you're talking about that repeating pattern is called sacred geometry. Right. And so sacred geometry is a series of patterns that are repeating that are found in kind of like every natural thing that exists so you'll find it in the cosmos, you'll find it in nature. You'll find it in the human body, and you'll find it in crystals. Okay. And so, you know, I think it's just a it's a good reminder that we all kind of come from the same thing. Yeah, right. We're all who is this some silly quote? That's like we're all stardust.

Unknown Speaker  19:35  
Like, we are it but we are. Yeah, I mean, I can't help but talk like that.

Unknown Speaker  19:40  
But, but I do kind of believe it, right. Like we're so crystals come from the earth. Yeah. If the if we are to agree that people are made of energy, and the earth has energy, right, which I think most people do.

Unknown Speaker  20:00  
Yeah, exactly. Science has proven most people, you don't believe in global warming. And you don't believe in that. See, then they're probably not listening. doesn't believe in global warming is not listening to a unique person, somebody who believed in the power of crystals, but not

Unknown Speaker  20:15  
for everyone who's listening. If you are that person, please let us know. We need to talk to you want to interview you?

Unknown Speaker  20:23  
So if you know so if if there's energy to the earth, there's energy to human beings, there's energy and right in space and the cosmos and all those things that are happening there. Then why is it hard to believe that crystals which are made of the same stuff? Yeah, what also have an energetic component to that? And the energy and so you know, it's interesting, because if you start to work with crystals, you realize that they're actually kind of have a personality, right? Um, you know, some crystals you pick up and you're like, Oh, my God, I love this crystal, I must take it home with me. Yeah. And then other crystals you might pick up and you're just you don't want anything to do with that. I mean, that though, you'll, if you start working with crystals, and you do it in a way that's open and inquisitive, you'll actually find that you get information like that. And a lot of it is just like, how you how it makes you feel. But each crystal has its own vibration, its own frequency energetic frequency that is based on the molecular structure and Christian radiation to Yeah, in my research, I found that there's actual radiation and crystals. Yeah, I mean, there's radiation and a lot of things. But in crystals, specifically, because of how they were created. Yes. So the radiation, you can recharge the radiation as well, if you put it under an X ray, which is so sciency and fun. Yeah, like Amethyst will lose color. Because it's something about the radiation goes down. Or there's, there's lots of reasons why. But if you put it under an X ray machine, it will bring right back up. So that each hole, so it's cool, but I you know, and that's the thing, I think that we are going to probably bump up against all the time when we talk about this stuff is that the science isn't there yet, right? We don't have it yet. We don't have the you know, the microscopes or the you know, the the laws of nature yet to explain some of this stuff. But quantum physics will start to I think, unfold some of these things. Yeah, definitely. Absolutely. And in the meantime, I mean, you know, there's something to be said, for allowing your intuition to give you information. I mean, just, you know, I'm not the person who needs a scientific explanation for everything. I know that some people you know, really do my, my husband is one of them. If I can't see it, touch it, taste it, hear it smell? It does not exist. Yeah. We know, it's not sure.

Unknown Speaker  22:47  
If he's married to a Reiki Master, he's had to really question that.

Unknown Speaker  22:53  
But, um, you know, but there is something to be said for, you know, having your own experience with stuff and finding your own answer is, I mean, if you pick up a crystal, and I don't know, just something about it makes you feel connected to it. Why do we need society, right? To tell us that it has an effect on us, and we're having a first hand experience? It's a hard thing for people to let go. So it's very similar to sometimes when I counsel a lot of teens, and sometimes they'll say, oh, like, how's the weather out there? And they'll pick up their phone and they will look at their phone and they will be like, Oh, it's raining. And I look out the window. I'll be like, Can you put your phone down? Look out the window. Right now. It's not raining. I know that your phone told you. It's not. It's a first hand experience that we rely very much on. That's a great analogy, actually. It's also highly disturbing. Just

Unknown Speaker  23:48  
you just came from outside. Just tell me what you experienced from outside. Yeah. So it's comical. So can we peel it back to just like, naming a bunch of crystals and like common crystals that maybe we would find that somebody could pick up and actually, and then and then what do you do with them? Right? What do you do without you exactly? What do you like, do you just hold it and and, and that's it. Well, I like to hold it, nuzzle it, talk to it, sing it, sing to it. whisper sweet nothings in their ears, but that's just me.

Unknown Speaker  24:22  
You know, I'm no, I'm teasing. Um, you know, look, crystals can be used in a lot of ways. I think one of the coolest ways, especially if you're new to crystals, or you want to explore is through jewelry. Yeah, right. I mean, all of the stores have crystal jewelry. Now it is getting me to be CME at TJ Maxx and stuff. Oh, definitely. You know, and, and it's not and a lot of times we're drawn to a piece of jewelry, right? Because it's pretty Yeah, but what I would actually question is, maybe you're drawn to it because of the crystal right? You know, because it's been said that way

Unknown Speaker  25:00  
You don't pick your crystals, your crystals pick you? Yes. Right? If you go into a store with crystals, even if it's jewelry or whatever, you're gonna be drawn to certain ones. Yes, you're gonna be like, Ooh, that's pretty. Yep. Or Oh, I feel good over here. And, and then I always say to like, reach out and touch it, pick it up, hold it. And then because sometimes instantly, you'll feel like almost that crystal thing. That's that, like, who I like this one. And then there's that. I don't know, if you taught it to me, I think you might have taught me this a couple years ago, like when we first met, but maybe not. Um, I can't remember, you hold the crystal in your hand, and you hold it up to your heart. And then you stand there, close your eyes. And if you lean forward, then that energy of that crystal is good, good with you. It's compatible. If you all of a sudden it pushes you back, then it's not so good. So

Unknown Speaker  25:53  
you know, that's a weird experience when you actually have it and you do feel like you're getting pulled forward or back. I mean, that's just kind of wild. And you don't really believe that is real until you do it. Yeah. Yeah, that's a great test for it is and i and i totally agree. I think the only way to experience it is the whole hold them in your hand. Sometimes you get a little zing, you might feel a little bit of energy. It's funny story. Quick, quick story. I so I've brought many friends to Pelham grace in places like you know, just incredible to me. warehouse full of just all kinds of awesome crystals. And so I tried to get my friends into crystals, right. And so I'm like, come to Pelham Grayson with me. It'll be a fun girls trip.

Unknown Speaker  26:35  
So I had a car full of people that had never been like last year. One of my friends is a CPA. Yeah. So she's left brain, right. She's she does like taxes. Yeah, works with numbers. And her brain is like a marriage of people. Oh, my God. And she, but she's also very open minded too. So she's like, this has these great qualities that sort of complement each other, believe it or not. So she's like, Sure. I'll come never worked with crystals never been a fan. I think she just want to hang out. Yeah. So she comes to Pelham, Grayson. And so it's four of us total. The other the three of us who is not my friend. We're just running around holding crystals.

Unknown Speaker  27:18  
And she's walking around and I meet up with her after like a half an hour of walking around. She's like, I got to tell you. She's like, I don't really feel anything. I'm looking around that's speaking to me. I'm like in this whole place. Nothing. Not one little crystal is speaking to you. She's like, No, not really. So we start to think about checking out. You know, I've got my like, basket full of crystals. Yeah, like 300. Yeah, no, what husband was? No 20 bucks. Um,

Unknown Speaker  27:50  
and so she decided to take one last pass. Yeah, in this side room. Yeah. That was actually the first room she went into when she walked it. She's like, I'm gonna go look here one more time and like, okay, so I get in line, we're, you know, we're waiting in line, my other friends and she, all of a sudden she calls me over and she's like, you've got to come in here. And I was like, What? And she's she all of the sudden, something clicked. And she just, like, completely started singing. She's like, I feel all vibrating. Yeah, she was a kurtal virgin thing. She was a crystal Virgin and then all of a sudden it was I don't know what to pick out of this whole room. It was like something clicked in her lap. She let it in just drop the cynic and she just yeah open that I and she ended up picking out I don't know at least like three or four things and she couldn't believe it cuz she talked about all the way home. She's like, I don't know what that one. Yeah, so cool. The Crystal magic the crystal zing.

Unknown Speaker  28:58  
Okay, so alright, so I think we should probably we started to talk a little bit about so if you're interested in using crystals and you kind of like what it all sounds like. How are how are you supposed to use them? Right. What do you do? Yeah, let's say you go to the crystal store. Strawberry Moon is a beautiful store that's in South Dartmouth and she just opened one in Marion too. And so let's say you go to strawberry moon and you get yourself a nice honkin. Yeah you know, Rose Quartz. Yep. What do you do with it? Yeah. So jewelry is one thing right? If you there's tons of jewelry now and a lot of the stores made of really nice crystal. It's you wear it so it's on your body at all times, which is you know, a great way to get the energy. It's also a great fidget. So if you haven't xiety so I always have to fidget with something and if you have a bracelet or a necklace that's made out of something that your intention is to that this is

Unknown Speaker  30:00  
I'm going to calm your system down. You have fidget with it, because it's always on your person. And doesn't look weird if you're fidgeting or rolling around a necklace or a bracelet on. So it's a great kind of anxiety hack. Yeah, that's a really good idea. Yeah. So if we go to this crystal store bringing the crystals back, do you just then put them on your nightstand? Forget it, or what's the whole point? I don't tend to do I mean, I have a ton of them around my house, which I love. But putting them under your mattress is a great way to use and I know that's kind of a weird like, Oh, I won't even be able to look at it. So maybe get a few that you can look at too. But you know, think about it right? You're sleeping for hopefully seven to eight hours a night on top of the crystal and you're getting the benefits of all that energy and if your partner is not super open to crystals you can have you can slide right under his side of the bed. You know, he's getting never Yeah, he's never gonna know. The other great thing to do and this is for the ladies is you know, find a tumbled a smooth, flat ish crystal and stick that baby right in your bra. I can't I swear to god

Unknown Speaker  31:13  
What did you think I was gonna say Oh, up your bum or something. I was like, what I'm learning so much about you. Listen, I I'm not gonna judge and I'm not gonna tell you whether I've tried that or not. I'm just gonna say it's not what I'm recommending. We talked about that. That goop and how Gwyneth Paltrow has this thing and this wellness goop

Unknown Speaker  31:35  
store and you can actually buy crystals and put them up your

Unknown Speaker  31:41  
your your, your your Yoo hoo, I don't know, do we want to go mature and mature, mature you can put up your vagina and immature or up your hoo hoo. And it's supposed to do something great. But I find that a little bit extreme, you know, and there's also there are a lot of like,

Unknown Speaker  32:02  
Crystal wands that you can also use for your pleasure. I say it's a thing. Oh, it's a thing. I mean, that's elevating it. Oh, yeah, that's commitment. Yeah, you get a little you get a little rose quartz. It's got like a rose quartz. I don't know they call it a wand but we know really well.

Unknown Speaker  32:23  
And I'm sure they come in varying sizes. Yeah. And you know Rose Quartz is for self love right? It's for love. It's to heal the heart chakra but you know a little self love goes a long way is just how you get there. Right and you know it I think it can serve a couple of purposes. Okay, so that's another way to do those made out of crystals yet they're still those made out of crystal Okay, I like to put them in my bra because you know they're with you all day you could change them out every day doesn't matter if they match your outfit. I will say I will warn people again

Unknown Speaker  32:55  
at the end of the day when I come home and I fling I violently

Unknown Speaker  33:02  
me for stuff abrazo torture cheater. We all have to just you know grin and bear it and so I mean I guess a crystal

Unknown Speaker  33:12  
you know i don't know comforting right but yeah, you rip it off like like yeah, I mean I break when when we decide to take our bras off there's no way not to tie let me unhook it and it's like

Unknown Speaker  33:24  
well we're also not you know, not we're not in a cup either. There's there and out both of us. So when I when I violently rip my bra off every night the crystals go flying across the room

Unknown Speaker  33:39  
and I have lost more crystals that way and I swear half the time it came from or they are they get vacuumed up and you know then you hear it of course so maybe by a few extra for when that happens I guarantee you it will happen has a crystal or fallen out of your well endowed

Unknown Speaker  33:58  
in a not so great time because I love that you know i they have not I have very good fitting bras you know there's not a lot of breathing room and they're

Unknown Speaker  34:12  
gonna do you No, no, I wedge them in there pretty well. Yeah, sure. They're not gonna move you from underneath. Oh, I like near the wire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know, you don't really you don't stick them in like $1 bill right or anything.

Unknown Speaker  34:25  
Magic. It's like the strippers. are fed crystals.

Unknown Speaker  34:30  
Payment like we're back in the day where crystal only joined. Yes. Yeah, guys come in with their like pockets full of crystals. Throw them at? Throw metha lovely ladies dancing. Yeah. So anyway, crystals in the bra, believe it or not, it's a great way to you know, just get those get the energy there. And it's also like, you know, you got your own little secret every day. Yeah. You're lucky. You're lucky to be here. Now secret. You're talking to me right now. You don't know. So do you have crystals in your bra right now.

Unknown Speaker  35:00  
Would you like to know? I mean, I think I know the answer and yes I mean more crystals in our drink right now. I'm gonna leave that to the imagination but more I mean, I think anybody who you know can work pick up on context clues Carolyn seek. Yeah. Secret pH balance another million dollar idea. brows that have crystal stones

Unknown Speaker  35:22  
or pockets click crystal crystal pop. Yeah, pocket. Right. And you are you. You know, what are you working on? You want to open your heart? Oh, there's lots of, you know, crystals in here that will do that. Yep. I love it. So, I want to tell you a story about that particular crystal because I know you're gonna say what's your favorite crystal? Mm hmm. When we're on break, I would like to know. And so that crystal right there. It's it's an I'm, I guess I'm on the Amethyst train today. But it's almost like a shard. It almost looks like you could almost stab somebody with it. Right? Well, the story of this is that when husband number T, T for Tommy, when we went to Romania together, we were actually going to get my engagement ring because we wanted something that was a little more different, just different than a diamond. But anyway, so we're in Romania. And

Unknown Speaker  36:19  
we went to this old school apothecary like a museum. And the museum is all these old school instruments that they would use for medical reasons. So I'm walking through and you know, I'm sensitive to energy and stuff. I go into the back room and I all of a sudden start to spin like I can't almost tell up from down down like and I'm like I'm gonna throw up or pass out like it was a whole physical and so I look at Tommy I don't even think I told them anything. I just jetted out like ran out to the street. And I get all sudden like, oh, like that was bad nj actually sit down because I felt like I was gonna pass out something bad was there or something bad happened in there? I don't know. But you know, it's Romania. It's old. So building was old and the instruments were probably used, you know, throughout history as for not so great things. So are they've seen a lot at least and haven't been cleared? I'm sure.

Unknown Speaker  37:18  
Somebody's walking through a stick. Mm hmm. That shit? I don't think so. So close it down and I instantly there's also this like market in the center of this little village. And I instantly go up and I get drawn to a cart where this Romanian woman is selling crystals. Can you please, for the sake of this story?

Unknown Speaker  37:43  
Know what you're gonna ask me? Do your Romanian woman voice. Oh, dad. Look.

Unknown Speaker  37:50  
I don't usually do this for anyone. Okay, cuz it made me feel like a sideshow freak. I'm not a fucking monkey. Well, let me play my bells for y'all. I got the symbols in my head was fine, fine. So pretend like your Romanian lady is right here. And you can tell the story together.

Unknown Speaker  38:12  
So I go to this Romanian lady and I say, I need something to help me right. And I just reached out and I grabbed this crystal. And I instantly felt like a wave of calm. So it looks and so it was the Romanian

Unknown Speaker  38:30  
culture. They have a lot of vampire stories. And Dracula was based there and everything in this particular crystal looks like it's like you could stab somebody with it. So it felt like it was armor against whatever negative energy I just encountered. And I clenched it for the rest of the day. Are you sure you didn't get the hex bolt on knew why you're there. Romanian lady. I'm sure she know about taxes. She probably do that shit for fun. Look the American double tax on her.

Unknown Speaker  39:06  
And I sell her crystal Malinois and two Yes, and I spent like three cents on it. And I will say your your engagement ring is a stunningly beautiful it changes color. It does. Yeah, depending on what light you're in, it changes colors, basically a very expensive mood ring. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  39:27  
I really grew up 12 years old as my mood right? So if you're, if you're pissed at Tommy, does it turn a certain?

Unknown Speaker  39:35  
Definitely, definitely does. So um, wow. All right. So now how I mean, how do you choose your crystals like if you go into a store, how somebody supposed to know what crystal they want. So or need. I think it's all about

Unknown Speaker  39:59  
what you

Carolyn  40:00  
You're drawn to right and then whatever you're drawn to, then I think most importantly is if it feels good in your hand, then good. It's great. Like, don't overthink it, just take it home. But then at that point, you have to also imagine that you need to respect that this crystal has been some places it might have been, you know, it's like almost like getting like a dog from a pound. Like it's carrying some stuff. It's carrying some experiences. We don't know where it came from. We don't know where how it was mined. We don't know how it was transported. So it's soaking up this energy throughout its journey into your life. So you have to clear it of anything that might be negative, you certainly don't want to. And oh, side note. You should do that for antiques as well. Yeah. Huge antique buyer. I mean, why buy the crap from IKEA, and you can go and get solid wood, right, great pieces, but those pieces soak up the energy of which wherever it was, see, gotta take a sage stick or something and clear it. But um, so yeah, going back to crystals, he take it home, right? And then you clear it with what what would you clear, clear? Well, I mean, there are a number of ways to clear crystals right out some of the sort of most well known ways would be smudging. And by smudging, that's just basically taking Sage or Palo Santo, which I think are the two most popular things to smudge and you just light it on fire you you know, you light it and you burn it. You let the smoke purify. Yeah. And so as you are smudging, it's intention, right? So energy works on intention more than anything else. It's like there's nothing that else that you take away about anything related to energy. intention has energy. Yes. So as you're smudging, you, you can say, you know, in your mind, as you're holding the crystal, like I I'm asking that any, you know, previous energy that may be stored in this crystal or any programming that may have been put into this crystal be released. And I'm and then I usually say and I'm also asking that the highest vibrational form of healing that this crystal is capable of, you know, be available to whoever's holding it. Okay, so that if I give it to somebody, it's not just about me, right? And then you you know, you just cannot like, meditate on that for a minute doesn't take long. Yeah, but usually you'll you'll know when it's done. Yeah, that's what I think anyway, that's what I find. Yeah, some take longer than others. And also, then, so think about this. So now you have this crystal in either gonna put it in your bra or up you but your purse, or JJ or have your vivid vision, but we're not going to eat them. We've learned one thing. No, there's nothing about eating them. No, I think you just pass it on out. There's no, there's no nutritional value. And that was surprised that hasn't been a thing. crystals and capsules. This is what happens when we're given drinks. And this is where the conversation goes. Yeah, coop talk. Yeah. So but here's the, here's the thing, if you take it, and you put it in your pocket every morning, and you think about your intention for the day, so say if you've been you know, I work with a lot of anxiety. So

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