Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 200

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Kelly's depressed, and he brings all of that energy right into the show. Plus, the entire gang compares their Myers-Briggs reports! Also discussed: Halloween Ends, Barbarian, Black Adam.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio episode number 200. That is Eric Morgan over there for those who need that air horn sound Hello. That's Vanessa Williams on the air horn Bear. Bear Bear. Hi. I'm Kelly young you guys. 200 episodes. Let me just put this out there first, I was talking to Eric about it earlier. I'm going through a real rough stretch. And I'm super depressed right now. So I'm going to try and bring that energy right to this party who's depressed fun. Oh, God, I feel like it's terrible friend. Good. Good times, all the way around. I don't know how to break into that. Do you? Should we talk it out? Vanessa, one thing, at least I'm very aware of who I am. Yeah. And I am the architect of every negative thing that has ever happened to me. Okay. But I you know, I can still feel sad about fucking up constantly, right? Yes. 100%? I mean, surely that's what it is. We're not depressed about all the things we did right. away. You have got something there. Vanessa, I saw a picture of you at a Halloween party. I should let everybody know we're recording this on the day before Halloween. So you were at a Halloween party last night, and your costume was amazing. Thank you so so much. Yes, I took the opportunity to whenever I do dress up for Halloween, I always choose something from a John Carpenter movie. Very different. I know, to everyone's great surprise. But when you go to a party filled with people who don't know you, and you show up and you're wearing like, I don't know, like a pirate costume with torn sleeves and like a dead man's face and a big gold crossed and weird white fluff around your feet. People get real confused. My favorite was the fog around your feet. That was absolutely inspired. Oh, Captain, like needed a little something to give people a hint, which apparently was not helpful because no one knew she must be trying to tiptoe around and keep her feet real quiet or solvents. or something there's could not work it out. And I was like, it's the fog that no one had seen it. No one even even the people were in the movies had not seen it. And I was like, You know what, it's fine. i This is for me. A industry party friends party. It was an industry party. Um, so it was actually put on by a company that does a lot of film related film adjacent projects in town. And I thought everyone there was in the film industry as well. So I'm further shocked Wow, that they don't watch movies. They knew there was a bridge too far. But you know that that's okay. There was some great costumes there. I mine was actually pretty bad compared to most the ones there there. Wow, that surprises me. Maybe we should post that picture of Elon the strange aeons. Do it? We should do it. Are you guys gonna be dressing up for your respective Halloween days? No, I've got some candy, which I imagine you'll take a handful of on your way out if I'm allowed to do that. But I'll probably just load up some movie some horror classic and watch that. Well, Eric, did you do anything? We have? Well, for Halloween, we have no trick or treaters. We've lived there for maybe 10 years probably never had a single one. Wow. So you know you stock up on candy just in case. Right? I know. But the year you don't is when they'll show up. And you'll be like the horrible people who didn't have candy. We've had plenty of times we didn't have any so doesn't knock on wood. They won't show up. I think last year I got four, maybe five and I was thinking today I just went bought that when I went shopping. I was like why don't I just be that cool guy and I'll just get four or five full size candy bars. And then you don't want that getting out when you only have four or five. But show Good point. You look really generous and like, you know, also I was like why am I doing this? I hate kids. Nothing will make me feel happier than having them come knock and be disappointed at what I'm giving out. But do you hate kids who like Halloween I mean, it's tough. Yes. Growing up in small town, we didn't really have a lot of apartment complexes. So I always thought when I moved here, you know, as well past Halloween by the time I moved here, or trick or treating, but I never thought, wow, apartment complex, you have like, five large ones have like 100 and some odd things. Why don't you just barreling through these things, but nobody seems to go to them. I find that so weird. I remember as a kid, like, because I grew up on an island, and there weren't that many houses to go to. And you basically had now they just have a signup sheet and you just say if you're actually going to be there, so the kids only go to the houses that have candy and people who want them there. But when I was a kid, you know, we just go around and, you know, you get maybe four or five people who had candy. And so then I'd go and visit a friend who lived in like a cold a sack in a neighborhood in the suburbs, and I was like, this is like Mecca. Look how many how is this Spielberg world? That's where you get the candy. We did do a little Halloween thing last night. We watched that because Dena was very happy to find out that she had seen a horror film that I had not. Oh, well, we got to watch it. So we ended up watching. One of the huge ones off my list of I've never seen sleepaway camp. Oh my god, too. But she had seen it. She had seen sleepaway camp too. Oh. That's such a trip. How did she come across sleepaway camp to but not even the first one? And how did she get to him at all? That's incredible. Yeah, I don't know where she she couldn't remember where she watched his fingers probably like maybe they had Showtime or HBO because Yeah, nobody in your family was renting that I can guarantee you. Yeah. But so yeah, it's a little surprise. She's like, Yeah, I remember watching this when I was really young going. Whoa, is that what sex is like? That's an interesting setup for you there. It wasn't. She's like he was a little strange. So you're really young. So yeah, I was really. Oh my god. Wow. That's a big one to knock off the list. Yeah. I mean, I knew everything. It's not like the the shock at the end was like, Oh, I didn't know that. Of course. They knew everything that happened in sleepaway camp. I just don't actually see the whole the really uncomfortable part of that film now as you're watching it as an adult is not the the twist ending. It's the beginning when the young camper girls are running in and the cooks like oh, we call them baldies. And I was like that girl's maybe 10 years old. I'm uncomfortable with this statement. Yes. So sleazy. I'm very glad he's the first person killed in the movies like, man, you're gonna need that character gone. That was Ooh. I'd say yeah, that was kind of fun. Because she she did enjoy that because that is not often imagined not. I bet that we each probably end up watching some kind of horror films as a tradition for the actual holiday trying to get her to watch the changeling. scary movies actually scare her. Some kind of want to see your watch. Because it is so good. It's so good. It is creepy. And it's here in Seattle. And let me know when you're doing that. I'll make sure to drop a red ball right in front of your doorway. Take her on a tour of the U DUB campus the next day. Well, I did want to say to you guys, so 200 episodes, I'm going through depression. You guys are the best thing that's ever happened. And I will try not to fuck this. No promises. But I really love you guys, and I can't believe here we are 200 episodes. In fact, I was gonna say Eric, we should just go back Do you remember what episode you started on? Vanessa? Oh gosh. 64 something like 64 It was like yeah, or was it in the 40s it was I see we go back we retroactively renumber the starting there at one and we could have another two under celebration. I liked I mean, I just love to be included. So you know to be included. On what I'm about 75 80% of the episodes and special to me I still feel like I get to be the cool kid hanging out with the cool pupils. So you know I have news for you. Don't say it allowed ourselves to figure that out. Yeah. Definition of cool may not be everyone else's definition of cool and I accept that. That's fair. I saw a ton of stuff. Vanessa I'm counting on you bringing up something that you said you were going to see in the last episode. Okay, I can do that. I will say then that I saw black Adam. Oh my goodness. Oh. I also saw black Adam Eric ah quite bad by Lee but 100% entertaining because it's the rah rah right. I mean, he was great. The movie was trashed and stole every single moment from a different superhero movie. And I was like, What is going on here? The the tail of the tape is 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. Whoa 90% with the audience. That sounds very nice. That sounds great. The thing that was infuriating me most was the, of course, precocious kid. He's trying to convince black out him that he needs a catchphrase. I was like, this was fairly annoying in Terminator two. But it's more annoying now that I'm seeing it again. But the kid can skateboard. He's a cool kid. Yeah, he's so cool that they slap a tattered cape on him at the end to make him feel better. And I was like, hey, nerd, take that towel off. Not helping. I haven't seen it yet. I know that's not going to help us there was one really bad moment where he the kid is meant it's sort of a climax of of all these things happening the same time he's meant to do this battle cry. And it's so like, low key and kind of broken as he does it and you're like, Oh, buddy couldn't do a second take Come on. Give this kid a chance. Wm you know, do something. This is awful. Wow, that was interesting. So it's been so long since I've read the shazam comics and black Adam and all that stuff. Apparently black Adam is no longer Egyptian. He is whatever cundari in or whatever. Some some made up thing. So I guess that we can't say that the rock is appropriating that culture since that culture doesn't exist. Yeah. The other thing that annoyed me so much was Adam smasher. Who's basically Ant Man. But as if Tom who's the kid Tom Holland is playing his spider man character in an Ant Man character. And yeah, I was just like, this all feels so ripped off. And it's just fight after fight. I was I was just bombed. You know, it needed a little more humor. It needed a lot more story. And especially for what that story is. I guess maybe it needed a lot less story. It was so confusing. Why all of this shit was happening and why anybody cared? Right? So I but Pierce Brosnan was so good. I suppose I really liked him. I thought he did a great doctor favorite. The? Yes, you're right. The problem with that is he can be counted on to do anything great in his sleep. Yeah. So it's not a big deal that he was great. I expect that from him, sir. There were just other things that are just very annoying. Yeah. Anyway, I walked out and I was like, Huh, well, I hope we get a black Adam to I was one of those films that I thought I was really looking forward to largely rock of course, doing a superhero. Why not? Because he is a frigging walking superhero. Right. And then I saw that first couple of trailers. I'm going maybe I'll wait for this to show up on what is it HBO Max? Yeah, it looks worrisome. I had so little faith in it. Okay, that when I saw it, I was actually really happy. I was like, this is a super entertaining film. I think the rock does a great job. And I don't know if he's immune is totally ripping off tons of other stuff. He is essentially the Terminator, but just I don't know how to get on with it. But I'm just curious, is it actually how to work this right? You know, John Carter of Mars, everybody said the movie was ripping off all these other things. In reality, his was way before any of the movies, right, and they just ripped off a bunch of shit from it. Does Shazam like that? Or is it that they're ignored Shazam. And just went with let's do the Terminator and all that shit. I? I'll be honest, I don't really know. But the real the real thing you have to focus on when you're asking that question is it doesn't matter because the filmmakers need to realize just because this came first in this particular medium. It's already been done to death in the medium they're trying to make now Yeah, so it's like we got to do something something different. Yeah, and I'd say I feel like this story is made up specifically for like, I don't think this is based on an eighth person. I mean, it obviously blackout um, exists, but I think this particular tale feels very threaded in because it's like a Suicide Squad almost ask. Oh, yeah, it is that and the fact that Shazam is not put into this movie. Correct. But he says Shazam to Get the lightning powers and all that. And he's like them like origin. Yeah, I felt like they needed to kind of they just needed to pull the shazam character into it for just a scene or that would have been really cool. I think that would have been a good decision. Um, well, I checked out a film that I talked about saying that I was gonna check out and I did I did in fact, go which was Halloween. And oh, yes. Vanessa, I know you loved it. I watched it. I was like, Vanessa, it's got to be Luxus. So Vanessa, are you kidding? Over this movie with joy? I, I have to say, I laughed so hard so often through that entire film. I don't I get that you're not meant to. But I was having such a good time with like, how? Bonkers insane because somebody had said to me, oh, it's kind of like got some Christine elements. And I was like, yeah, it's sort of like Christine, but if Michael Myers is the car. It's so in awe. It's incredible. It's an incredible film that exists today. Looking forward to the sequels featuring our brand new version of Michael Myers. Well, he killed himself. So we won't give that back. I I have to say that if this is what these filmmakers thought their audience wanted, then they are out of touch with just horror audiences in general. Yeah. How did they let make the script? How did they look at this and go Alright, here's some money. Go on. Kids. Did you learn nothing from Halloween? Three? Yeah, it's popular now. But do you remember what happened for about 15 years after that movie came out? Like Halloween? Three, that movie Halloween? Season of the Witch? Yeah, you know, you mess with the Michael Myers. Nobody liked it then. Right. And now you turn Michael Myers into exactly Obi Wan Kenobi with no it without even was the same level of personalities always had, which was none. It was so weird. It was so weird. And I mean, honestly, I wish they had done a an actual homage to real Halloween three and just been like, actually, he's dead and not here at all. And this is all happening without him. And this kid is just like, going off the deep end. That would have been more interesting. Sure. Well, don't think I didn't hope that's what was happening. As soon as those Halloween three credits open. That's the same font. election I was like, Oh, they're doing a little switcheroo on us here. And the opening credits were very good. They sure did a switcheroo on us. I will say I because the expectations have lowered like you'd mentioned with blackout, um, that I enjoyed watching this movie more than the Halloween kills. Oh, sure. You know, had such a strong opening scene. I actually felt like the opening bid with the babysitter and the kid was incredibly good. And it set you up for like, oh, wow, where are we going? And then immediately it was like, everyone is awful. Everything is awful. Everything sucks. Everything's filmed really dark. Every single shot is like who like why are the band kids like so mean? Like nothing in this has even a glimmer of positivity including the way that the cameras being swung swung around it was just insanely depressing. It's just like I am I supposed to be rooting for this town still like I don't want to root for this town at all. I hope he didn't feel burns to the ground for real like these people suck. Can you imagine this as a a real event that happened in a real town and then we not living in that town are reading a story about how they caught a murderer then paraded him through town and the entire town followed and threw him into a car Crusher. We'd all be like the fuck is wrong with this town. Agreed. Agreed. Even though I don't know if there isn't a scene in there that isn't depressing, but I don't know the I don't know if Halloween lore. Well, Jamie Lee Curtis was that her daughter or granddaughter their granddaughter at the turn on a dime of their relationship of going from very loving and supporting to each other to her. venomously hating her grandmother. Oh, yeah, it was really weird. And then back. Oh, I guess you're right. This guy wasn't so good for me. I love you again. Mom. Grandma. Mommy, I'll be back. Oh, yeah, it was what a what a movie. What a movie. What was the what was the general feeling walking out? After seeing that in the actual theater? I hope somebody stood up and said Listen, Halloween could ends fast and There was no one there. No, it's not like it was. There were three people all together in the whole theater. One of the other, the other person, left it for a while, and then came back like 20 minutes later. So they missed a huge chunk. And as we went into the theater, the ticket guy was like, Oh, I'm trying to train this guy. And there's no one coming in tonight. So I'm glad that you're here. So I can make him do anything. So I don't know. It's just, who knows? Maybe it's a flop. Maybe it's not? Well, it did fine. Yeah, it's fun. Yeah. And so we all we also know that this is not the end of Michael Myers will either get a completely new revamp, or reimagination or something like that? I don't know. You know, I can easily see. Within the next 10 years, we're gonna get a new Halloween with a not as cool mask, and it'll be Michelle Meyers. And that's what we will be dealing with next. You hate women so much. No, comment. You know what we're gonna get before that though. We're gonna get exorcist one, two and three from the same guy who just did these three Halloween films. Is this a real thing? Yeah. Okay. It's real awful. That's so bad. Unnecessary. You guys could like not do that. And that would be all right. Yeah. And they they got the now I can't remember name. The actress who played Oh, Linda Blair. They couldn't. I don't know if Linda Blair would even be interested in this. But they got by Why am I blanking on her name? Elena, we need a live producer in here. They got her involved in this new thing. And I think that they're probably just going to do the exact same thing. Oh my god. She's like, weathered back to deal with boy Pazuzu or whoever. Yeah, that movie is 50 years old. She was 30 something in that movie. So. And that story does not lend itself to the first season of The Exorcist TV show. Which they did agree actually did a good job with. I was like, why do we need to touch this again? I do need to watch. Alright, speaking of good. Finally watched and I don't know how we want to handle this on the show. But that barbarian Oh, I still have not seen them real hold off. But it's it's fun. It's well worth checking out. Yeah, I would put that out. It's on HBO Max now. So easy to see. That's how I ended up watching it turned on a script. Oh, I'll be watching that. Are you saying how we're going to handle this? Because there's like spoilery discussions. Yeah, it's one of those films that's fun to not know. I mean, it's not quite as out there's a lot of people made it sound like you don't want to know anything about it's like, okay, but it's good to not know anything about it. It is good. It's better to and I will say for anyone listening. Don't watch any of the trailers because there was a series give away a lot. Yeah, the second trailer especially gave away something very important that you might not want to know when you're watching the movie. So I have managed to stay pretty innocent as far as this film goes. So I'm gonna watch that tonight. Yeah, you know, watch it tomorrow night while I'm handing out five pieces of candy. Throwing candy at kids. One other one. I'm going to talk about something I don't think either of you watched. It's called Mr. Hagen's phone. Oh my god. I almost watched it. But no, it didn't. It is based on a short story by Stephen King. Oh, fact it has one of the kids from the IT movies. And he's really good. It's got Donald Sutherland in it. Ever heard of him? Oh, nice. He's really good. And the story is good. When I say that, I mean, the story that this is based on is really good. And this adapts it beautifully. There is a problem with adapting this story so spectacularly in that a short 20 page story is has no need to be put in three act structure or anything like that. And it was not in three extra Asher. So when you watch the movie, something happens at the end and you're like, alright, well, where are they going from here? Credits apparently. The short story I'm like, Well, this movie went nowhere. Interesting. I thought they were gonna like jazz it up. And I was like, oh, boy, you know, it's about it's about a kid who bonds with this older man and he gives him an iPhone when they're first coming out. And the guy is not really interested in it or anything like that. But then he finds out he can do his stocks on and everything's a very wealthy man. And he gets hooked on the phone and they even have a couple of cute things where he he realizes this is basically the devil's instrument in the end of mankind because he's like, I can see how being tethered to something like this could just totally ruin a person. And, and then when the man dies, the kids slips the phone into his jacket at the funeral and, and then he starts getting phone calls from his dead friend, which is all very creepy. But it it ties up in a kind of Ray Bradbury lightwei in the story. In the end of the movie though, I was like, Oh, he's gotta be like, he's got to get rid of this phone. And then Mr. Harrigan is going to be like, Oh, no, no, you're not off this easy. You know, the phone comes back or something like that. Nothing. So awesome. I like the end of the package. Done. Am I right? Oh, I like that. Actually. That's kind of nice. Well, it took me a really long time to do this. But I did finally finish Midnight Club. I felt like there was a lot of it and it just kept. It was but I really enjoyed it. I've watched the first either the first two or the first episode and a half or so. And you know, my weird fanboy Michael Flanagan. I just liked the way he tells stories. Yeah, so I'm liking watching it. Yeah. But it is definitely us step back from where he's been going. Yeah, it's It's a YA adaptation of a book series. Yeah. And it I think that he gets to some of those really interesting deep levels that he achieves in other projects. This is definitely nothing like midnight mass. This is nowhere near as impressive as some of his other stuff. But for the content. I think he does a pretty good job and I really enjoyed the ride. I'm cool. I'm glad I'm glad I checked it out. But it did feel like a huge like, I've not seen hardly any of the films I was gonna watch this month. Too busy watching the Midnight Club. I've I've kind of avoided the TV shows, because of trying to do the I challenge so behind on andorre Because I'm like, I'm not gonna watch this till November. Dammit. I need to like just I finished the rest. But those don't get me started on Android. Well, I watched one that. See how I can talk about it. But as either we seen bodies bodies bodies. No, I was really interested in it. How to put this without. It's another one that you don't want to ruin the ending. A whole bunch of really damn annoying people lead to a really fantastic ending. And I almost stopped watching it because they were so annoying. Yeah, the it's an A to four and it's got the roof. It's an do thing. Or if it's just weird writing where people go from zero to 100. And like 40 seconds, no matter what the problem is. Their reaction is massively extreme. All the time. And they every character in this movie does that except for one lady starts off just being horrible. And then she kind of gets her shit together. But she's not the main character. It's very bizarre. But then I read it's a comedy right? Yeah, more so than it seems like until you get to the end. Okay. Based on the name I thought it had to be a comedy. Yeah. And that is read as I think is a letterbox I read Tony's take on it. I'm going okay, I will finish watching this because he referenced the ending. As a worth sticking around for a second. Yep. Okay, you're right. That's brand new James K. Yes. The master himself. That's definitely what I've heard from a number of people who saw body spotty it's obvious is that they like almost left or quit you know midway and and they're like, these people are intolerable. I don't want to be with them anymore. And then we're really happy with where things ended up going. So it's not available for streaming. Yeah. Or maybe it's rental like a$4.04 or $5. Rental. Okay, maybe it will check that out tonight. There you go. Well, Kelly's watching barbarian. Hey, you guys. Last episode, we announced our new phone number. And apparently, some of you weirdos actually called you go. I don't think even Eric has listened to the messages of we're going to do that right now. You want to introduce that? Aren't we? As fast segues. Oh, we aren't okay, cool. Alrighty, so we'll see how this works. This is so exciting. Again, this is well from Hong Kong call again to congratulate you on making it to the 200th episode. What a blast. Woohoo. I've been listening to you guys from the very beginning. I love the friendly banter, the playful teasing, awkward nature of course, whether it's the nessa railing against the New Form movie, or Eric describing his dealings with some aihole director or the shameless shenanigans of Kelly at the end of the day. It's all good stuff. I've seen how the podcast keeps evolving and how you keep innovating and raising the bar to new heights. It's great to see that you guys are able to keep mixing it up by occasionally changing the format of an episode like playing an April Fool's prank or turning things around with ego fest or even bringing in a freaky egg timer. So congrats again on show number 200. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us with your killer podcast. You guys rock. Wow. Probably should have played that one last night. I think it's gonna get better. Dude. No kidding. Thanks. Well, that was damn Wow, Will's got a really strong British accent. I wonder if he's like actually from the UK or if he's Hong Kong with a UK hellish learning. I don't know that. But I could listen to him talk forever, forever. We'll see he'll home listening to him talk. I'll start sending you. You can send my screen strips transcripts to your will and you can reread my words so they'll sound so much cooler. Like Ricky egg timer. I just want that to be like on repeat on my phone. For my alarm in the mornings. creaky egg timer. Will you rock? Let us know if you start your own podcast so we can listen to those dulcet tones. There you go. Okay, other podcasters Hey, guys, it's Andrew Byers from the Friday night Frightfest podcast. I've been listening to you guys since the very first episode, followed Kelly over from the Lovecraft easy. Congratulations on 200 Phenomenal episodes, I've really enjoyed all of them. Possible exception being the ninja ones, just not my thing. But I've loved the original format. Love the current one really enjoyed you guys bringing Vanessa on board. It's just been a great team. It really feels like listening to a group. Fun, smart, really knowledgeable friends talking about movies. One of my very favorite things. I've learned a lot from you guys over the years been turned on to a lot of really great films probably would have never been exposed to or even heard about. If you guys hadn't been talking about some really enjoyed hearing about the TV shows the comic books that you guys are enjoying as well. Those are always really interesting. And, you know, I've also really enjoyed connecting with some of my fellow fans of your podcast. People like Danny and RON are both awesome, guys. It's funny, Danny, and I used to even work at the same organization, but I'm not there anymore. And we didn't even know each other when I was there. But in any case, congratulations again. I really can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us in the next 200 episodes. And All right, take care of think. Holy cow. Did I say it was depressed? I feel like the world No kidding, man. This was good timing for this. Andrew, what? What lovely things to say thank you so much. I love the amount of love I'm getting Fievel like that you guys brought me on. But also thanks for your honesty and your about the ninja episodes. I couldn't agree more. Well, he was more disco. I'll bet it comes to depression again. We have another one. So maybe that'll help some more. Hey, guys, this is robes longtime no see, although I hear your voices every week. I've been listening since back the days when it was called dead again. And started listening because hey, it's Eric and Kelly and kept listening because it's a great show. I've never met Vanessa but as a Buster Keaton phonetic. We all feel a kinship. Thank you for making my workday more interesting once a week. And congratulations on 200 and keep it up. Wow. Love it. So cool. Model of industry room. Not in this table. But coming out of Eric's phone for sure. That there. Oh, and also he loves Buster Keaton. So yay, our fans are awesome. That's right. All the way to hi mister got about debt again. Yeah, that was short lived. Yes, that fun. Thank you so much. Another one here. Hope you're enjoying this as much as we are. Hello, Mike from downsells. Congratulations on your 200th episode. I just tell you a quick tale real real fast here. So back before Vanessa was ever on your show, a person named Eric recommended to her a film called Lady and white. And she was like, we've gotta go check this out when she visited me the next time. And we watched this movie and we both hated it. And then she left and I looked between the tacos and the vegan bacon in my freezer and found her copy of Lady and white, which I didn't mail back to her as a Christmas present that year. So Thanks, Eric. But no congratulations. I don't think I knew that you hated it. I hate it. I talked about it on the show a time. larious and you decided to hide it in the refrigerator. It will not be the first nor the last time. In order to get rid of a DVD. I will hide it in a friend's freezer. I was just talking to my friend Chris who I left Death Row game death. Yeah, it does for a game show in his freezer. So I do like that. It's next to my vegan bacon. Which I guess I also left behind. So there you go. Bonus. And he did not mail that to me. So that's good. Let's grab another one. Hey, Kelly, Eric and Vanessa, referred to by one as Canada trinity of strange. It's Ron aka red Ronald calling in to say congratulations on 200 Totally awesome episodes. On behalf of my brothers and sisters in arms as the founding member of strange aeons army, we salute you. Stay strange, and soldier on my friends. Man, Ron has got the FM disc jockey voice. Sounds great. Sounds awesome. It is great hearing voices from these people. Because most of the people who don't. we'd all sit down and go to Drinks With Sunday because they don't live around us. We may not know you, in meat world, or whatever you want to call it. I think we wanted to call it that. Oof. And also we call thank Ron for buying us some pizza. Oh, thanks, Ron. That's incredible. It is it is so nice to hear people's voices because like I just I love being able to associate people with especially when we get to meet our fans to like getting to see them and the flash and meet them and be like you're a real person who actually listens to us. It's not just like a number on an algorithm. Yes, that might be like made up by the Internet somewhere. Now if we if you send this in. And if you send us a if you sent us a voicemail and we didn't listen to it at this point and respond to us, because we got it between the time we recorded the time we post there's a few days before that. And if you send us one, then I'll include it but we won't be reacting to it because nobody else heard it. Share it. Enjoy it live with the rest of you right there. If people want to get a hold of us. What is that number? Open back? Right now, but I don't like it. We need a catchy number like one 800 sar, or one 800 stars. Oh, that's a couple times. Keep adding stuff. I have a on Kev stars. here all day. Thank you. Thank you. That's 253237426. And I'll put out this too. And we'll see if I get shouted down from the other members of sorry about this. If you want to send us a voicemail at any time doesn't have to be an anniversary episode. Send us something if you want to say we're morons for not liking Halloween ends or whatever, feel free. I mean, if you're an asshole, we may play it and make fun of you. Nice, well, you know, play it and say thank you. If you're an asshole, please let us know at the end if we can play it and make fun of you. That's right. I say if they call and they leave a message for us. How do we not have permission to play? I think there's actually a law about that. Really? All right. Maybe we can all alter there. Exactly. To the text type. I think I bought an app for that one time. I would I would love that. Yeah, if at anytime you want to just drop a message and say you're loving the show. You're hating the show or you've got a suggestion for something. Please do that. And let's let's make this a regular thing. Thanks so much. Hey, guys, how about we take a little break? And when we come back we're doing something really special for this 200th episode. Yeah, yeah, no puppet, do your thing. Even when times are gray, playfulness lives on. We see it in the karaoke singers. And in the pranksters, too, and in the rapping flight attendants. There go the owners of skateboarding dogs and the street artists who play for no one. Know what Fanta calls colorful people. They work hard just to make strangers smile. Acting colorful, eating colorful drink Thinking color, colorful people. They're the grownups for whom muttering is overrated. The cab drivers that decorate it like a room. And all the people who laugh out loud as they type lol. They too have exams to take and bills to pay. But they won't let that hold back there playful spirits. We need more colorful people. So we never left the gray. When we have returned offers, I want to do a call back to Will's phone message there. I love that he used the word shenanigans is one of my favorite words. So hearing him say that and his lovely voice was like, Oh, nice. Alright, you guys, so we're gonna do something completely different. Because this is episode 200. We are not talking about three films today. I thought it'd be kind of fun to get to know you guys a little bit better and see if we can actually work together. Oh my god 200 episodes in, we should check on that. We should just do a little roundtable and make sure we're all part of the same team. Right. So with that in mind, I thought it'd be really fun for us to take the each take the Myers Briggs test, and then keep that information to ourselves, and only reveal it when we got here. listener, if you're not familiar with the Myers Briggs test, they believed that they could help people understand themselves and that would help people select occupations that are best suited to their personality types, and lead healthier, happier lives. Lord knows I need that right now. Myers created the first pen and pencil version of the inventory during the 1940s. And you'll realize this has been around that long. And the two women began testing the assessment on friends and family. They continued to fully develop the instrument over the next two decades. I just want you guys to know this. It says right here. No one personality type is best or better than another. However, okay, I'm fairly certain mine is better. Okay. This is like some real corporate set right here. This is predict when I tell people while you're doing this people close to the show. They were like, Oh, I'm really interested. What's your personality? So he was just fun to take our real version of this, because I've only ever done the internet once the free internet one. So you know? Yeah. So the way this works then is it breaks it down into 16 personality types. And I don't know that I buy any of this. But we'll I'll tell you what I came up with. Hey, you guys, this feels like I'm speed dating or something. I'm an ISFP. Jesus. Wow, I didn't expect vitriol. It's just so different than mine. The eye is introversion, the S is sensing. The F is feeling and the P is perceiving. It says about me ISFPs have a great deal of warmth, but may not show it until they know a person well, oh, they enjoy the present moment and are often relaxed and easygoing. They're loyal and committed to their values and to those important to them. They are modest about their abilities, dislike disagreements and conflict and do not force their values or opinions on others Vanessa no matter what you say. They value home family health and financial security. Now, this is a series of what was it like 100 questions more than I was like 140 years, high just cracked open a bottle of wine and, and really thought about these things. And the problem with this is the way the questions are phrased was do you think this and this or do you think this and this and I was like, wait, I think this, but I don't and this and so I was constantly being torn between these things. So that when you take the second part of the test, they tell you whether you have lined up with what they thought based on the first and like every time it was oh, we would have thought you were this instead. So as an ISFP. That's called the artist. I'm suppose I'm supposedly easygoing and flexible and tend to be reserved and artistic. Okay. The doctor when I was young, I told my mom that I was a little artistic but I think I'm completely artistic. Okay, anyway, anyways, the other thing I could have been was an intp, which is the thinker, quiet and introverted. They're known for having a rich inner world. Now, that feels a little bit more like me. Yeah, but when I started actually digging into this stuff, it was like I guess this is I guess I'm an ISFP my characteristics you tell me. Do I try to take time to enjoy the people in the world around me? Ah, I mean, sometimes depends how much wine is available. This is HP Lovecraft Film Festival you do it places you want to be you absolutely do. And isn't that what this really is about are like, right, you know, times I am this way, sometimes I have not this way. That is definitely the frustrating thing about this. It says that I'm attune to the sensory details in the environment. I'm not sure if that's true or not about me. It says I find quiet satisfaction in simple pleasures. Oh, yeah. By that they mean masturbation 100 I'm just gonna go with a simple bottle of wine. But you know, like a comic or like a good like old Stephen King book, you know, I can see you finding pleasure and objects. It says that they learn more by doing than by reading. I do believe that about myself. My easygoing nature often hides my deep values and commitments. I read some of these off to people who are close to me, and they were like pi. I'd like to see that easygoing nature once in a while. Maybe you had one and then just over time and life experience, things shifted? Oh, I say over about 160 episodes for sure. How I deal with others, I care deeply about people but may show it more through acts of kindness than through words. That is 100% me loyal and committed to people important to them? Absolutely. Faithful and fulfilling obligations to others? Yes, in a timely manner. Yeah, I'm attuned to the feelings and needs of others and flexible and responding to them when I am not sure that I'm very good at. And I know somebody will tell you I'm not very good at that. They tend to be quiet and unassuming and so may underrate themselves and be underestimated by others. Their warmth, enthusiasm and playful humor may not be apparent to people who don't know them well. They're so quiet and they have little wish to dominate or control in interpersonal situations. Okay. I want to kind of get into your guys's stuff. There's there's pages here. But I think we should be like going back and forth and figuring out how we how we react. So Vanessa, why don't you tell us who you are? Well, shocking. I'm actually only one letter different than you. I am an i n FP. So I've got the end rather than the S. introversion, intuition, feeling perceiving a little bit about my person, I guess I ENFPs are idealistic and loyal to their view values and to the people important to them. They're curious and quick to see possibilities and often are catalysts for implementing new ideas. They want to understand people and help them fulfill their potential. They're adaptable and hold one of their cherished values is threatened. They value home family autonomy, health and creativity. Sounds like you nice, yeah, you know, it does, and it doesn't. So I also really struggled with this test. And there were a lot of times where I was like, Yeah, okay, so I'm really creative. And, you know, free thinking, except for I'm an editor, I have to be really organized and very technical. And I also, you know, like I am, I'm really like, great at meeting new people and having conversations I'm really interested in, in talking to people, but I'm also an introvert and I would really prefer not to be at a party in the first place. But once I'm there, I'm I can talk to people. So there was a lot of weirdness. So actually, at the end, it was like, hey, what do you think you are? And I put in the INFP and it was like, but what if you are an ENFP and I just had a very long had to look through all the definitions and go back and forth and decided that that I was in fact and I so can I tell you what my little sheet says about you here? Sure. Because I don't know if you guys downloaded this part I president I N FP you're called the mediator. Oh, okay. You're idealistic with high values and you strive to make the world a better place. Well, that sounds great but none of these say something like you're a complete asshole and everyone hates to be around you so right nobody's a villain in their own right personality. I mean, they do they kind of skirt around it like inherent says characteristics and says idealistic and may be perfectionist. That's a good quality rhymes. Wow. Is it? Is it I'm pretty sure when I'm like, why couldn't you put the dish in the dishwasher? The minute you're done using it, that might not be the nicest version of me. Unlike the trash can is right there. The object is six inches away. Could it not make its way to land in the proper facility? No, okay. You're married home life suddenly seems very different. In my head. No, there's just certain little things that I'm actually pretty chill about it, but I will give people shit if I, you know, there's things that I anyway. They have an inner core values that guides their interactions decisions, they're loyal to their values. They want to live their life in a way that is congruent with those values. They're often good at expressing themselves in writing. That definitely sounds correct. I mean, like you said, there's all kinds of stuff there's me with others me with work me blind spots. So yeah, we should get into all of that stuff. Now let's, let's see if it seems to me Vanessa, you and I are simpatico here. We have some good Oh, let's see if Eric's gonna fit in. Surprisingly, also, an eye for the first one. Why? I FJ I FJ I think, or excuse me, I N FJ INFJ? Oh, like right above yours. Before you get into this. Eric, can I tell you what it says here about an INFJ? The Advocate creative and analytical, they are considered one of the rarest Myers Briggs types. Oh, my You're rare. Oh, shit. No, fuck this up now. That's right. So it's introversion into intuition, feeling and judging. Yeah. Well, we do what we do here on the podcast with judgment. That's true, or at least you do. Exactly how I want personality of Vanessa suddenly, very interesting. Anyways, INFJs have a gift for intuitively understanding complex meanings and human relationships. They are conscientious committed to their firm values and quietly forceful. They develop a clear vision about how best to serve humanity and are likely to be organized and decisive in implementing their vision. That value home Family Health, friendships, spirituality and learning. Wow, that sounds like you sound like you've never known you to be a very spiritual person. Yeah, that's the one that's like, well, spirituality, I sit there and I go, it would be cool. To have that faith, that idea of feeling there's something out there that you can turn to whenever you need, that would help things. I think that's a cool idea. If it's out there, I found my version, though, that's for sure. Like spirituality can come up in different ways, though. Like, you seem like a very calm like, in and of yourself peaceful person, and you connect to certain things pretty deeply like film. And I can see the things that might overlap and spirituality like existing within you. So I don't know. That's cool. Cool. Yeah, this one felt relatively okay. You know, there's a few things in some of them. I don't know about that. But But yeah, but it feels a lot like what I do argue with the sheet at the end, it didn't have to say like, guess what you are and then you have something that's opposite from what the whole time you're like now? That's me. II really any? I don't think so. I remember the real the I came up with a very weird moment when I realized how much of an introvert I was first an extrovert every time you go to crypto con, and I do the like meeting, you know, run through the vendor room to say hi to everybody that I know there and all the things like that. I got to the end of that one year and someone you know what was sitting there like, Wow, you look really tired. Like I realized that's why I was so tired. Because I've done that lap to the vendor room and I love talking to this people I door, all of them. But at the same time, that much interaction with people I don't see all the time. lapse anatomy man, give me that back to my hotel room. I remember having I thought there was something wrong with me very similarly. Like I met with a way back in the day I had an English boyfriend and I met with his family. And the first night I was like live and bubbly and talkative and going back and forth, and then crashed out and that next morning at breakfast, I just sat there in silence and they were like, What happened to the girl? And I was like, I don't know, and I couldn't force anything out. There was nothing left. And then way later I was like, Man, that's the definition of introvert like you just all your energy goes away. I'm shocked though that Kelly that you're an introvert. Oh, I'm not. I know you don't like people that much. But I thought that was just an act. If you don't like them first they can't, you know, you're not waiting for their approval nurses. I see Eric, there's some more characteristics there, right? Give us some some good stuff. Let's see her driven to implement their vision often sacrificing personal comfort. They want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others have a little interest in details, people or work that are not relevant to their vision on this kind of negative sounding. base their decisions and actions on their strong personal values. Always see possibilities for how to help others develop. This all kind of rings true to me. I love helping people. Yeah, development. So I meant the people at work that you don't like that part's down. We're sitting right here watching you judge. You think on that? How do I feel about this? Did you guys print out the part that shows what you how you are at work and blind spots? Yes, no. Okay. Let's see. So as an ISFP, I want to have a purpose beyond their paycheck, I'm not sure that applies to me at all. They want to contribute to people's well being or happiness and work with energy and dedication when doing something they believe in. I think that's probably all of us, right? I mean, not just all of us, I think that's a human trait. If you like something, you're gonna work harder at it, everything. So this also says I'm perfectionist when they care what I care deeply about something and are particularly suited for work that requires both devotion and adapt the billet adaptability. I'm not sure about any of that. This one, this one, they like to have their own space and to work within their own timeframe that is totally me. Often excel in craftsmanship, and their handiwork is usually more eloquent than their words. I think that is probably me. I have a special love of nature and a sympathy with animals. See, this is one of those things where you like yes to one and no to another right? At all. I'll kill a human to save an animal any day. But I don't like particularly of being outside or having worked out in it for many, many years. I'm not in here today. App to enjoy fields in which taste discrimination and a sense of beauty and proportion are important. I think that's yeah, that's definitely me. I tend to gravitate toward work that allows them to contribute to human understanding happiness or health, such as positions in teaching and health care. Well, you can't all be right. And it says they don't like jobs that require an analytical, impersonal approach to people. That is also true about me, I think, yeah, this is the thing, I should just be reading these off to you guys. And you guys have like a T or an F. Or when I get one of these wrong? Yeah, it's hard because I feel like we have hobbies. And then we have like a work world. And so the way that you might interact with your work world versus the things that you're actually passionate about can be so different. So it's, I don't know, it's tough, because some of that's true for things that like when you're putting together a car versus when you're out, you know, on a site might be a little different. Yeah. Very, yeah. Let's see that. Um, well, some of my work stuff. I'm hesitant on this one. I mean, yeah, so I NF T's main interest lies in seeing the possibilities beyond what is present obvious or known. That's true. I like talking about ghosts and aliens and stuff. Like talking about, my students get a lot of like really meandering stories for me. I will just kind of take them off track. They tend to work in bursts of energy and are capable of great concentration and output when fully engaged in a project. That's true when I get tunnel vision. That's true. But until we get tunnel vision, that is not true. They are perfectionist when they care deeply about something. inf peas are curious about new ideas and tend to have insight and long range vision. I don't know. I'm curious and I have new ideas, but I don't really have good long range vision. I don't think I can see the end. As an editor. You kind of have a little you have to have a little right oh for editing, I guess but I guess I'm thinking of larger. No, I guess I guess. I don't know. Sometimes it takes somebody else to see something about us and then we go oh, I guess that is they're interested in books and language and likely have a gift for writing. I studied lit and I also had to take a lot of classes on language. I am like one of the worst spellers on planet Earth. So not the worst. That's for sure. Suddenly, such closer friends where do you like to put your ears at the end or in the middle? And I mean ones that don't belong. They can be persuasive when talking about their passions which are quiet but deep rooted. That's probably true. I ENFPs are attracted to positions in counseling, teaching literature, art, science, or psychology. Yeah. I guess to teach class I do. But I kind of got suckered into it. So but I don't hate it. I haven't doing it for like five years. I'm a shocked as you are. They may have difficulty performing performing routine tasks or doing work that has little meaning for them. Accurate. Do you want me to do what I'll get to it at some point? Probably. That's got to be all of us, though. In the world, right? Yeah. Yeah, I see somebody, I can see a person that goes, well, I've got to get all these tiny, stupid things out of the way. And then I can concentrate on work, maybe? Yeah, and I will sometimes do that. Like, if especially if other people are gonna bug me about it. I'll do all the stupid dumb stuff, and then be like, Okay, now don't talk to me about this for like two days. And then give me your new list of tiny dumb stuff. Yeah, what about you, Eric? INFJs. preference for intuition powered by their preference for feeling may be of immense value in any field. That's kind of vague. It'd be persistent and insistent about communicating their vision can be great leaders when they devote themselves to carrying out a sound inspiration, attracting followers with their enthusiasm and faith. You're a leader. You can you can like create a goal. That's pretty fun. You're a leader, Harry, everything was fine in his life till the day he took the Myers Briggs test. Because the possibilities that interest that most concern people, they are often drawn to teaching, counseling, or the ministry. Wow. The spiritual and guts got brought into this. I wonder what questions you answered and how and why. Yeah, where the difference came from? Yeah, I don't know. Their preference for intuition provides insight of the deeper meanings of whatever subject interests them. And they get great satisfaction from aiding the development of individuals. When their interests lie in technical fields. INFJs may be outstanding in science or in research and development, intuition suggest new approaches to problems and feeling generates enthusiasm that sparks their energy. They may be reserved, but they don't hesitate to assert themselves when their values are violated. They will be unhappy in any job that is not consistent with their personal values or does not provide personal meaning. There's a lot about how your personal values are going to like cause you to freak the fuck out. In general, or whatever. You know, it's just you had that spiritual element there where you were like, you know, really into Insert faith here. i You would be awful to be around getting a lot of that came actually was removed from me by my mom, she got intense into New Age shit in the 80s Oh, wow. And I was a teenager last year this is all about and it got ugly. Her and her spiritual advisor fought and that it just it was not great. So I was like, all right. It's not for me either. Wow. I just want to piggyback on what Vanessa said, more awful to be around. US Louise. So I've got some blind spots you guys are potential blind spots. Potentially it says if i Es FPS have not developed their feeling preference. I'm not sure what that means. But it sounds like something HR I'm just gonna have to deal with. They may not take the time to go inside and consider their values and therefore may make decisions they later regret. Oh, wait a second, I think I know exactly what they're for they may avoid making decisions altogether, allowing others or circumstances to decide for them. If they have not developed their sensing preference ISFPs may have no reliable way of getting accurate data about the external world and their decisions will then be overly personal. I think that's probably true of me. ISFPs may feel such a contrast between their ideals and their accomplishments that they burden themselves with a sense of inadequacy. Now. Hold on, this just got real. This can be true even when they are being just as effective as others by the way. i This is my first time reading it hear this too? Yeah, I didn't know any of this about me either. I read the first page but nothing else. Yeah. The most modest of all the types. Something to say out loud, pregnant PA. Peas tend to underrate and understate themselves and may take for granted anything they do well, they may then become overly sensitive and vulnerable. With dwindling confidence in themselves. Well, here comes the tears. We play one of those voicemails, we get one of those like human pillows for you to hold on to you right now. Well, I'm gonna need you to call up every week. Just say some kind words. We need more of those cards in the mail. Some stickers made maybe. I would say those potential blind spots are real fucking killer. Yeah, some tough ones in there. Some some accurate? Some maybe not as much. But you know? Yeah. What about you, Vanessa, you want to know all the things that are wrong with me? Well, I assume that it's a very short list. Oh, it's pretty lengthy. I mean, there's paragraphs here are pretty thick. If I NFPs have not developed their feeling preference, and this is similar to yours. They may not take the time to consult their inner values and thus may go from one possibility to another achieving little does that ring true? Yeah, I think that like until I figured out what I wanted to do in life, I really was like, I don't know, I want to be a filmmaker, which is something I tell my students never ever, ever, ever to say. Don't be a filmmaker, like figure out what the fuck be a camera person via you know, editor, be a director, whatever it is be a screenwriter, but don't be a filmmaker, because that's you'll never get work. If they rely too much on their feeling preference. They may make decisions based solely on personal values and find it difficult to translate their values into action. I don't even know how to unpack that. They do have training courses that can help you blind spots. Maybe you hit upon what it was like into it was feeling too cold tea. I didn't want to click on any of those. I was like, I don't want to take your courses. If they've not developed their intuition preference, inf peas may not have a reliable way of taking in information and may then fail to notice the realities of situations. I think I'm pretty good at assessing stuff. So I don't think that's a problem might necessarily help. But you guys can tell me if I'm off. I don't see that. Actually, these are potential blind personality type not with Vanessa Williams. No, I guess. Also, they may spend their time dreaming of the impossible and accomplish very little. Sounds pretty accurate. There was a long time where I was like, I'm going to be a director. Oh my god, I got very little done in that time. He's may feel such a contrast between their ideals and their accomplishments that that they then burden themselves with a sense of inadequacy, they may then become overly sensitive and vulnerable when dwindling confidence with dwindling confidence in themselves. That's 100% True. I'm like I should be this by now. Or I should have done that or I should have accomplished Yes. That That. That sounds about right. Yeah. How did those not end up on mine? Yeah, totally. Well, ours was the only one letter difference so we're basically have very similar issues. Yeah, I'm a huge Yes. And I'm a little end no sirens are coming from me. Sorry about the end would be intuition. Wow. What were you saying about being a bad speller? All right, some blind spots INFJs have if I have days I'm not develop their intuition. They may not take in enough information or may take in only what fits their inner vision, then they will make poor decisions based on limited or distorted information. If the people around you once in a while, Eric, Jesus, you hear about half of what we say and you go off running in the opposite direction. We're like No, no, that's not what we meant. I would say knowing you for 30 years now that one does not apply to you. Okay, so I will quit that course I signed up for it. If their intuition is not developed, they may become so focused on their goals that they fail to notice any information that might conflict with those goals. If they're if they're feeling preferences, undeveloped, they underdeveloped they may not have reliable ways of making decisions about how to accomplish their goals, then their valuable insights and creativity stay locked inside. No. Let it out. that one or that one or that one? I feel that preference a little. Yeah. Okay, I can see that. Yes, undeveloped feeling may make it difficult for them to evaluate their inner vision and take in feedback from others. When INFJ is trying to communicate their innovation, they may express it so metaphorically, and with so much complexity that they might not be understood. That could vary from I don't know if complexity is the right word, but lacking tons of details probably is closer. Like, I know what I want. Here's what it is. That's not quite what. Oh, you know what, I gotta say, hearing this, though. That's basically the end of the results on us, right? Yeah. Without taking the course and finding out more. What I love about this is that if you look at the triangle, we're all just attached to each other. And these little were, we're all like on each other's little things. I did not notice that. We're like a Bermuda Triangle of emotional. Well, I know I am. Good and or bad possibilities. This has been pretty insightful. For me, I'm, I have no idea if anybody listening to this is enjoying this at all. But I am having this fun. And I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking for and doing this, but I wanted to kind of break away for the 200th episode and try something new and, and maybe occasionally break away from the format and try something new. Yeah, that'd be great. And who's surprised? We're all introverts. I'm still a little surprised. Like, a seed of surprise. But yeah, now I'd like the idea of doing something different something insight into because there seems to be too real, like fields of podcasts, there's people who share way too much, and people who share nothing at all. I'd kind of like to sit sort in the middle of that. We don't necessarily sit there and talk about Well, when I was five, my dad did this thing. But you know, maybe a little bit about what that thing was and led to good be interesting. about it. I had a driven digit dropped on me when I was six digit, what's a digit? Okay, I don't, I don't know where this is going to leave anymore. This is very uncomfortable. I'm gonna go home, put your hood up. Now I'm in here. And I have drawstrings as needed. Oh, no, I didn't I took them out. Okay, well, I'll just taking a strange and lovely to think we just need therapy. What I got out of this, you guys is that we work perfectly together. And I can't wait to do this for another 200 episodes with the weirdos. Yes. Oh, hey, look at that. All right, anything else to say about this stuff? I mean, I did print out all this other stuff. But I think I'm just going to not talk about any of the little, little little esoteric and generic after a while. So is this like a psychological like tool set that we can value? Or is this two ladies that come to cold that we're all excited and just paid a bunch of money into, I can see how this would help you as another employer or another employee dealing with another employee and saying, okay, this person reacts better when this is given to them this way. But how many if you're in a place like bowling or something like that, maybe these people are going to be able to keep straight who is watch Yeah, but on their nametag, just like instead of she they are whenever you think it could be helpful as a tool for yourself, right? Unless you turn it into like a biblical thing where this, oh, this is what I am. This is what I should be reacting as, as opposed to well, this is an interesting trade I might have. Let's see if I do and if I don't, maybe I can develop it. Or maybe I can work to not do whatever that is, but so in don't quite go astronomical astrological sign with it. But yes, yeah. Although mine does overlap a lot with Virgo traits. So all right. Well, Eric and I were discussing a little bit when I suggested this only 16 personality types. Coming up on 8 billion people on the planet. We're gonna divide them all into just 16 certainly got to start somewhere, you know, and they've been massive cultural differences between certain countries and stuff. Exactly. Yeah, I think that in the end, I came out of this go and this is all a load of horseshit. But it should make for a fun episode. No, I think that there's there's always some truth in here and there's something good you can take out of it. There you go. All right, who has the choice for the sub genre for the next episode? I believe that is me. You get out of your hoodie or get out of your hood and let yourself speak freely now I'm not a kk k member come on. Wow, that's an interest that's the only place anyone's gonna go to when you're talking about hoods. You know it I said hoodie first. So is a white hoodie with ice lesson it it says So pop. Okay. Jesus anyway, so since we're coming up on November and everybody knows what November means ninjas I do that. So I thought maybe instead of ninjas this year maybe we could focus on the bigger other holiday that is coming up. And I would like to throw out the topic of birds because it's such a bird related eventful month movies featuring birds. Okay, yeah, just it has to either like star or heavily feature have a big scene included. You know, still the genre. Right? Right. Okay, I can get behind this. Sure. Give it a shot. See what happens. Yes. Hey, everybody who likes and shares the posts cannot thank you enough. Everybody who called in? Boy, I really cannot thank you enough. You really raised my spirits. I wish I had not read any of this lousy shit about me after that. Ended with them. That's right. Well, maybe we are maybe we'll get another call or two and then after this, you will put those in and you can listen to those. I love you guys. I love everybody who is participating in the value for value model who's doing all this stuff reaching out? It's so neat to hear like wills voice and Ron's voice. Because I you know, I get messages from them regularly anyway. You know, Andrew and stuff like that. So really, really nice. This was all sorts of fun and very therapeutic for me. Oh, it was great. It was great. Unexpected accents and fun stuff like that. Yeah, amazing. It's kind of like okay, let's put the number out hopefully we'll get a call Yeah, I noticed that Carlos did that anyway. Carlos, you're in so much trouble. Okay, guys, that's the show. We're going to be back in one week and we're talking about birds transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, sir. Strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set. We will set it I'm pretty sure when I'm like, why couldn't you put the dish in the dishwasher? The minute you're done using it? That might not be the nicest version of me.