What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin

Can a Court Make LA Solve Homelessness? - Part 1

Can a federal court make LA solve homelessness? That's the key question in LA Alliance for Human Rights vs. the City of Los Angeles and County of Los Angeles, a provocative federal lawsuit overseen by Judge David O. Carter. In Part 1 of this two-part episode, Mike (who has called for greater court intervention to solve homelessness) talks with Elizabeth Mitchell, the lawyer for the LA Alliance about what the lawsuit hopes to accomplish, and criticisms from opponents of their approach. (In Part 2, posted simultaneously, Mike talks with Pete White of LACAN, and Shayla Myers of LAFLA, who sharply criticize the Alliance approach and say it distracts from real solutions.)

Recorded Friday, March 12, 2021

Reading List
Coalition Sues LA to Force Action on Homelessness Crisis - Courthouse News

With homeless people as an audience, federal judge brings L.A. officials to skid row - LA Times

'Extraordinary' homelessness hearing held in LA's Skid Row - ABC News

LA City Councilman blasts city, county as 'structurally incapable' of responding homelessness - KNX Radio

A Path Toward Progress: Why Los Angeles Needs a Consent Decree - Mike Bonin