AppForce1: news and info for iOS app developers

Do iOS home stretch and I am trying to get back on my regular schedule again

Episode 94

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Counting down to Do iOS. At the time of this recording, I have almost two weeks to go, but it sure feels like it is happening tomorrow. Sending out messages to all attendees and speakers, making sure roll-up banners are ordered, putting together staff briefings for the Do iOS team and for the catering team, and preparing "filler" slides for when speakers are switching. Hotel bookings for team members. It is just a lot of small bits that all need to happen. I must say I feel very well organized and prepared. I think in large part that's due to my note-taking in Obsidian. Recently I showed what I have for notes to a colleague of mine and he was quite taken aback by the amount of stuff I write down. And I feel like I only capture half of all I want to capture.

In this episode, I’m going to talk about:

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Counting down to Do iOS. At the time of this recording, I have almost two weeks to go, but it sure feels like it is happening tomorrow. Sending out messages to all attendees and speakers, making sure roll-up banners are ordered, putting together staff briefings for the Do iOS team and for the catering team, and preparing "filler" slides for when speakers are switching. Hotel bookings for team members. It is just a lot of small bits that all need to happen. I must say I feel very well organized and prepared. I think in large part that's due to my note-taking in Obsidian. Recently I showed what I have for notes to a colleague of mine and he was quite taken aback by the amount of stuff I write down. And I feel like I only capture half of all I want to capture.

My trip to SwiftLeeds was good. I got to interact with a lot of people and the best bits were when people realized I am AppForce1 online. Often people just didn't recognize me. Which is good. Adam did a great job putting SwiftLeeds together. It was clear a lot of people put a lot of effort into SwiftLeeds.

Meanwhile planning ahead for next year's conferences is starting up as well, with some amazing new events looking like they are actually happening. (Insert Pizza emoji.)

At home, kids have their fall school vacation this week. So they've been taking turns sleeping over at my parents. Lisa and Milan always enjoy these sleepovers. I guess it is due to the way my parents spoil them a bit too much.

Let's dive into this week's articles.

Thoughts on SwiftUI vs UIKit

When SwiftUI was first announced Bruno Rocha was very concerned about certain quirks of the framework and how it was probably not suitable for professional iOS development, but with the framework evolving constantly over the past couple of years it became time to re-evaluate that statement. Through BurnoutBuddy, Bruno had the chance to develop a production app written 100% with SwiftUI. Bruno shares his thoughts on what works and what could be improved, and how he would fit SwiftUI and UIKit in his day-to-day work.

Three Ways to Refactor Massive SwiftUI Views

Leonardo talks about ways to take apart big SwiftUI Views in astructured way. At the start he only gets into why you would do this, because they are big. But the further you get into the article the more you will understand why Leonardo is talking about these things. He briefly mentions the Single Reponsibility Principle. The reference is only in passing, but it is the actual reason the entire article was writen by Leonardo. If you take anything from Leonardo's article, it is this. Learn about the Single Responsibility Principle. I did back in 2003 when Bob Martin was doing a presentation about his then new book "Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices". There are reasons based on principle that prevent me from recommending you to buy this book. But the engineering lessons are still very much applicable to this day. Also, there are enoug ways to learn about the SOLID principles.

Mastering NavigationSplitView in SwiftUI

In his final post of the new navigation APIs series in SwiftUI, Majids wites about building two-three column apps. Majid has been waiting for all the betas to solve the critical issues with the brand-new NavigationSplitView, and it looks like it is almost ready to use. This week Majid will write about how to use and customize NavigationSplitView to build multi-column apps in SwiftUI.

How to create NSManagedObject subsclasses for Core Data entities in Xcode

As described in this developer guide on the main aspects of Core Data, each entity we setup in the .xcdatamodeld file describes an object and has a corresponding class that inherits from NSManagedObject.Xcode provides three different code generation options to control how those subclasses are created.The options are Manual/None, Class Definition and Category/Extension. We can choose which option to use for a specific entity in the Data Model inspector by selecting the entity in the .xcdatamodeld file.

Refactoring Swift: Best Practices to succeed

Refactoring code is part of the journey toward building sustainable apps. Whether you’re experienced or not: every developer refactors their code to improve its quality or readability. A refactor can be small enough to make you do it unconsciously, while bigger ones can become intimidating.Antoine has been developing apps for over 10+ years in which he's completed all kinds of code changes. During those years, he's created a mindset and strategy that allows him to control the outcome of a refactor and prevent himself from making code worse. Combined with his article Xcode refactoring options explained with examples, you should be empowered to succeed with any refactor.


And that's it again for this week.

Time to get back to my work and organizing Do iOS again.

If you have any feedback, please send me a message through Twitter. My DMs are open. And don’t forget, you can buy me a coffee. Link for that is in the shownotes.

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