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Jeroen Leenarts Episode 18

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Much info on Swift and SwiftUI basics this week. I am writing lots and lots of code again over the last view days. It feels good to be back knee deep in code. A lot of stuff on my plate currently, big deadline, home remodelling. All things needing to be done. So let's dig in.

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Jeroen Leenarts:

Hi, and welcome to the 18th episode of my app force one podcast. My name is Lou Leenarts. And I've been developing software for over eight years, developing iOS apps for over nine years, and I'm running the Dutch Koch ads for over seven years. If you're an iOS developer, you should listen to my podcast because it will keep you updated on interesting articles, conferences and events you might not have heard about. In this episode, I'm going to talk about 24 Quick Xcode tips, creating custom button styles in Swift UI, how to use Swift UI Picker, building typesafe network in Swift, change implicit member expressions in Swift 5.4, variable tuple closure and generic type alias in Swift, the Swift compiler for beginners and done is Monday morning tweets. So let's get started. It's going to be an interesting few weeks ahead of me, my wife and I decided to do some home redecorating, we're going to change out the entire roof of the house, doing some remodeling that will increase the living space in the house itself. Just some small modifications so to speak, we had some cold weather in the Netherlands, and that has postponed the start of the work already. So big project and already we're late. But fortunately, it's now throwing outside and I can hear the ice sliding across the roof every now and then. So if you have some background noise during this recording, then you know what it is. Another interesting thing that's been happening in my life is that my daughter, she's five years old, now she's having some problems at school, my wife and I, we did some digging, and we did some investigating. And it turned out that she's just a bit bored at school. We have some paperwork available now that actually proves what's going on. And with this, we can actually help Lisa have a bit more fun at her school. So a lot of stuff going on, but I won't tire you too much with it. So let's go on with the news related to iOS development. Paul Hudson shares 24 Quick Xcode tips. It's 24 ways that allow us to write code faster, build better tests and navigate around projects more efficiently. As we all know Xcode is a huge program. And if you can learn one or two tips from the article that Paul has written, you will be already more effectively and you can already save hours of time every week. Definitely have a look at this article because there's bound to be one of these 24 Tips that's going to help you out every single day. Gabriel Teodoro Poulos has written an article on creating custom button styles in Swift UI. It's a short article five minutes to read it all. But it is a nice overview of what you can actually do with a button view in Swift UI, and what tricks and tools you have available to have a very different range of styles available on the single control in Swift UI. It's a nice overview. It has some very nice graphics in length as well to give you a decent insight in what you can all do with a swift UI button. He also goes into the aspect of creating custom button styles, which is a nice tie in to the DRI principle, don't repeat yourself. So why repeat yourself when styling a button if you can do it with a custom style. Having a custom style allows you to have similar buttons all over your app defined at a single location. So you can also update all your buttons with minor changes in your code base. So rune has a nice overview article on the Swift UI Picker. Swift UI Picker is an equivalent to the UI Kits UI Picker view, it is controlled allows you to select a value from a list of mutually exclusive fellows. You create a picker by providing three things a selection binding, a label that describes the purpose of selecting an option, and the content for the package to display. In this article, so don't goes into detail on how you can actually create one of these controls, either by having static content or having dynamic content. He also discusses a few of the pitfalls you need to take into account when you are creating a bigger view. It's a nice overview of this more complex control that you have available in Swift UI. And I think if you are not familiar with the pick a few in Swift UI This is a very nice starting point. Majeed has written an article on building typesafe networking in Swift. In his experience during his career, more than half of the apps that he's created has to do some sort of networking. In this article, he will talk about building a typesafe networking layer using Swift language features like enums, Phantom types and extensions. It's it's a nice approach that is somewhat reminiscent of the module library that I've worked with in the past. And I think it's it's very nice to see the thought process that Majeed goes through in actually creating the types of networking in Swift. There's definitely some lessons in there that you could use for your code, and it's generally a good overview of it. can architect complex things in your code? Leave it up to John Sarno to do a nice deep dive into change implicit member expressions is 55.4. Implicit member expressions, also known as dot syntax can now be used even when accessing a property or method on the result of such an expression. As long as the final result type remains the same. What this means in practice is that whenever we're creating an object or are using a static API, or when referencing an enum case, we can now directly call a method or property on that instance, and the compiler will still be able to infer what type we're referring to. Robert Pietta did a very nice exercise. He wrote a he wrote an article that was only about type aliases, a type alias of variables, tuples closures and generic type aliases in Swift. And the fun thing about this article is that it's an overview of what the type alias actually is, and what it can be used for. And actually why you should be using a type alias. Sometimes it's very convenient to use a type alias because clarify something or this just convenient for us. It's software developer. So have a look at Roberts article. And I think you'll learn some interesting bits about type aliases and how you can use it in your code base tomorrow. Seems Stieber had some time on his hands, because he's written an article called The Swift compiler for beginners. In his article, he tries to teach us how executables are built using the Swift C command, how to build pipeline with command actually works. And what compilers and linkers are actually being used under the hood. It's a long form article that takes you all the way from just using the Swift C commands through to using compiler flags, and compiling multiple source files, and what this all means under the hood. Because there's a lot of stuff going on. Underneath this small commands. Actually, it's a nice and thorough article that allows you to get a little bit of a insight into what actually compiles all your source code. It's not something you're probably going to be using heavily tomorrow. But I do think it is good to read up on what the basic tools that you're using everyday are actually doing. So that you get some grasp or insight into what's actually happening, and maybe the next big stack trace, this might help you out. And that's it for this week's Tech articles on iOS development. So let's move on to Danny's Monday morning tweets. I myself have been working on building a state machine to support a login flow in products that I'm working on. I'm also going to do some podcast recording. And on Thursday, I'm going to release a nice interview with Chris Vasarely with his knee hongo app. So I'm keeping my head down this week, and I'm trying to focus on my work, I have many things to do. And I have a big deadline at the end of March. And as already mentioned, also some home remodeling and big stuff actually. Philip Nemecek is going to improve the Kotar lighting of his sights and he hopes to find less known YouTube channels about iOS development, and he wants people to add them to the iOS feeds. Actually, you can do that by adding yourself to the iOS dev directory. Christopher Sally, who I already mentioned that I will be interviewing at the end of this week has launched a big update for new hongo. It's going to be cloud syncing, and he's slowly rolling it out and trying to fix any issues that come up. Pawel has started implementing a universal reusable Core Data Store module for his current and maybe next steps. He says he has a solid background with the help from Donnie waltzes book out in Cleveland. He should get back into the YouTube channel. Definitely do that. Trent is redesigning his journal for couples it's a complete overhaul since he hasn't changed much. For over two years. Tiago Martino has launched the back release last Friday and is now going through all the user feedback. Nicholas Elio has just received two interesting books. Both books are by Donnie well, so I think you'll be alright, a Christian because Rawski had a great weekend and the 17th wedding anniversary. Congratulations Christian to you and your partner. He will also be working on a side project, which is universal catalyst swift UI radio application. It's called ether Mikelle Tigges has just finished adding UI Kit Cypress support to the focused work app for the latest test flight builds. Tyler Boyd has just decided to start learning iOS development. So this week, he's trying to figure out where to start. Tyler, biggest thing that I can recommend you do is to go over to the iOS dev happy hour. It's a hashtag on Twitter. Many people out there that are willing to help you out and point you in the direction and that's it for this week. A lot of stuff going on people creating new things, releasing new things getting started with iOS development even way to go. And I think it's been an interesting week for me personally. I will make sure to have some back on my episode again sometime next week or the week after, because I hope we will have some great news soon, but fingers crossed for that. And don't forget next week is my podcast party. More information on Air Force One dotnet slash parts. If you have any feedback, please talk to me on Twitter at app Force One. Keep an eye out for clubhouse app because I'm experimenting with it a little bit. And you can definitely find me there in the occasional room every now and then. So talk to you soon.

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