AppForce1: news and info for iOS app developers

You get to launch, you get to launch, everybody gets to launch!

March 01, 2021 Jeroen Leenarts Episode 20

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An announcement about another newsletter this week. A few interesting articles. Lets not forget aSync/aWait. But most of all… a whole lot of people are launching things this week.

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Jeroen Leenarts:

Hi, and welcome to the 20th episode already. My name is Jeroen Leenarts. And I've been developing software for over 18 years developing iOS app for over nine years, and I'm running the Dutch Cocottes for over seven years. If you are an iOS app developer, you should listen to my podcast because it will keep you updated on interesting articles, conferences and events you might not have heard about otherwise. In this episode, I'm going to talk about Graph QL in Swift, custom hurts in Swift UI, how to create a zip file on iOS using Swift without third party fences, corner radius, shadows and borders in Swift, the Swift weekly, brief newsletter and finally async await. I'm still waiting for the results of the interview Sam did we keep in touch and I tried to provide him with any input that he needs. So fingers crossed still and hope for the best. And I must say that Sam has been doing really well. And he's picking up on everything that I'm telling him and everything that other people are actually telling him. So great work on Sam's parterre. I had a really busy week last week, I did recordings with Nadeem Alan, Charlie and Mullin. And this evening today, I actually had my first epic failure while recording with Adrian eafs. For some reason, the platform that I'm using to record my interviews completely failed on me. So Adrian and I had to reschedule. So hopefully soon, I will have like an interview with Adrian available that I can share with you. It's a bit of a setback. But fortunately, I have plenty of content that I can share with you. Like on Thursday, I will have an interview with Daniel gel could available on my feet. The other day, my wife came into the house, and she mentioned casually that the car was making some noises, some strange noises. Not too bad. She said, My wife is the queen of understatement. I took the car for a spin. And there's something seriously wrong there. So I brought it to the garage. And hopefully the damage is not too bad. But there are worse things that can happen. Right. So let's get started. Majid has been doing some investigation into Graph QL and swift, which is quite interesting because Alan Shapiro has been a guest on my podcast. And she's actually the creator of the SDK that Majeed is using, which is the Apollo Graph QL SDK. And in his article, Majid provides you with basics of using Graph QL, what Graph QL actually is as a query language for your API, and what benefits Graph QL can actually bring to you as an app developer on the iOS platform. It's a good introduction, and it's a nice overview of why you should consider using Graph QL. In one of your next projects, Federico writes about custom hurts in Swift UI on this five star block. And iOS has always had some kind of a system HUD, and you can see it from time to time in the Mail app. And when you talk to your iOS device into silent mode, for example, in his article, Federico actually recreates. One of the system hurts just using plain swift UI. And it's it's a nice overview of how you can do specific styling on smaller screen elements and making sure that it actually looks and behaves cool. It's, it's a good overview. And it's a it's a nice introduction in what you can do with animations in Swift UI. In a clubhouse chat, which I can't remember exactly which one it was anymore. Mahela mill gFH jerkish, actually mentioned that she's on a quest to discover all the API's available to iOS developers. And due to her remark, this next article actually struck a nerve with me by Robin khundii, about how you can create a zip file on iOS using Swift without third party dependencies. And it's a it's a quite an interesting read because you go through the code and you think what's happening with zip files here. And then if you dive deeper into the documentation of specific settings that are being provided to one API call, you actually discover that it's quite a nice way of actually using an NS file coordinator to prepare some contents into a zip file. It's quite a detailed deep dive on a very specific topic in the foundation library. But nonetheless, it's it's a fun read to actually see how Robin actually explains how this API is available and how you should use it. The specific option that you're looking for is called for uploading. Robert Pietta has an art Caught on corner radius, shadows and borders in Swift. We all know that rounded corners adding shadows and drawing boards are a common way to differentiate UI elements and make an iOS applications design standard. In this post, Robert presents examples of how to apply a corner radius shadow and a border to a few in Swift. Besides staying on top of a lot of RSS feeds, I also subscribed to a number of newsletters to stay updated on what's happening in the iOS developer ecosystem. One of the newsletters Stan I'm reading is the Swift weekly brief, which was initially started by Justice Squires, later done by bus Brook, and now being maintained by Krista green bear. In an offhand conversation, the two of us actually got into the details of what it actually costs to run a newsletter. And in that conversation, I offered to help Kristaps by actually hosting the newsletter, because obviously, I have a platform available to run a newsletter for my own newsletter, definitely sign up for that one as well. Because I found MailChimp to be very expensive, I looked into other options, and ended up creating a solution for myself with the help of a self hosted bit of software. And with that, I will be transitioning into the sort of hosting provider for this fifth weekly brief in the coming weeks have a look at the newsletter that Kristaps is creating, especially the Swift or content of his newsletter is very concise, and gives a good overview of what has happened in the last week related to this fifth arc developments. So that's the proposals, language features that are all in the future for all of us. Also, I want to thank Christoph for the trust he has placed in me offering and helping him out. And I look forward to a very useful and fruitful cooperation between the two of us. Link is in the show notes. And with that, I actually mentioned And And with that, I actually mentioned swift talk, the elephant in the room, there is, of course, async await. To get updated on that. I recommend you have a viewing of a video, Vincent, Donnie and Antoine have created on this very specific topic. It will update you on what's currently available, what's in store for us, and how async await will actually help you develop more asynchronous code. This is actually the first video I'm linked to from my podcast. And we were it's a it's a live recording. So it's an interesting one. And now to wrap things up, I will go into Danny's Monday morning tweet. It's an interesting one because it seems to be launch week or something. I'm looking at Fosco having his startup app rejected twice, but now it's all about execution. So it seems to be accepted by Apple. And Leo G Dion has had a call with Apple this week to get hearts which accepted. The good news is it is accepted and he has deployed server side updates over the weekend. Marco is planning on releasing a new data point for the infected app. Phillip Nemecek has launched the iOS chat projects on this website in which he interviews by text message certain people from the iOS ecosystem. Eric Lippman is going into Universal links this week. He's already getting confused by the endless possible ways to declare apps entitlements and restructure the apps site Association. Daniel Steinberg is actually working on testing the recipes of his prep book. And he's thinking about writing an app for Baker's definitely think he should do that. Man is rock which is doing the first public release of the MLBB app. Not less but better. David outfit is finishing up version 1.4 of training. Julianna Surya is working on the finishing touches, before he launches his own app. So he's really close. And Ryan is adding Mac OS support to his virtual backgrounds app. And he's also refactoring the artbox Yep, Tiana Hamilton is in full launch prep mode for the app under my roof. Johan Delgado is doing updates to pachulia Christian Kozlovsky. Yesterday released a new better for Mac catalyst app of his side project called ether. So there you have it. It's like everybody's releasing something this week or maybe soon. But it's good to see all these things being created and being made available to the world and with that I'd like to sign off and wish you a nice week and I hope to talk to you next week as always if you have any feedback please contact me on Twitter at Air Force One dotnet

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