AppForce1: news and info for iOS app developers

Always good te review_

December 14, 2021 Jeroen Leenarts Episode 59
AppForce1: news and info for iOS app developers
Always good te review_
AppForce1: news and info for iOS app developers +
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Show Notes Transcript
Jeroen Leenarts:

Hi, and welcome to the 59th episode of my podcast. My name is Leenarts. And I've been developing software for over nine years developing iOS apps for over nine years and number neurological cats for over eight years. If you're an iOS app developer, you should listen to my podcast because it will keep you updated on interesting articles, conference and events you might not have heard about. In this episode, I'm going to talk about implementing and testing universal links, making rounding specific corners easier with extension, how to make custom exit test assertions show an error at the call sites, lightweight dependency injection and unit testing using async functions. So let's get started. This week, I will be presenting at Dutch cocoa hats on Wednesday, that's December 15. If you missed the event, there's a live stream available on YouTube on the channel of cocoa XML. So register or have a look after the fact. And let me know what you think of my presentation on Tuesday. Also, my first content piece from a new job has been published. So it's a swift UI SDK, announcement blog post will it tutorial attached for the new SDK for stream. So really excited to get it out there, I don't want to go into too much detail because my podcast is my podcast and not my work. But still, it's it's fun to to actually be able to have something out there for my new job. On another note, my son is running a bit of a fever. So while it's going to be his first week at school next week, I do hope that he gets well soon so that he doesn't have any issues getting into the school yards because of his illness. So fingers crossed, he will recover soon, and not run a fever anymore. So it's a bit of a bummer to have this situation for him right now. Because on Saturday, it's also his birthday. And right now his birthday is a bit up in the air whether or not we can keep all the festivities going for his birthday. Everything was already scaled down significantly due to COVID. But let's hope that he recovers soon and that he still has something that resembles a birthday party. So he's going to be turning four on Saturday, the recovery of my wife whether concussion is still slow going. So for the past six weeks, I've been doing a lot of things in and around the house. So a lot of covering and small trips and errands to make sure that the kids get to school and everything just keeps on working here. So it's been a lot of late nights and things like that to just get to the things that I want to keep on doing. And I must say that lately, the podcast has been a bit taxing to keep going, struggling through it. But just doing my best and making sure that I put some content out there. I do enjoy the interviews, podcasts very much. And I like doing those and I have some of those in the back catalogue. So those will continue, for sure. But still, I'm always looking for new guests. So if you know somebody who would be a good guest from a podcast, let me know, so that I can reach out to this person. So let's get into the news articles and finish up with daanish Monday morning tweet. First article wants to mention is by David Chang implementing and testing universal links. Universal links is a feature allowing redirection to your mobile app. Its main goal is to offer the end user the ability to display your content either on your mobile app installed or your websites. So what is universal link about to illustrate the benefits, David describes that he wants to have a look at Google Maps. With the app installed, the first time that you tried to open Google Map link system will prompt you to ask if you would like to open the app by accepting the system will save the preference and open all future and similar links with the app offering a richer experience. So there are some caveats involved with universal links. But the meat of the article is about describing what universal links are and how you can actually configure that for your app. It's one of those things that once you've done it, you know how this works, you know where to look, not which piece of code you have to have in your app. But it's it's a good overview by David, that explains a number of things and also how it can validate that you have everything configured correctly. So it's good for you to just make sure that you don't forget anything while implementing universal links. There's also a number of links and stuff in there that you can use to debug and understand what you're doing with universal links. Phillip Nemecek has an article titled make rounding specific corners easier with an extension. It's an article about Philip Nemecek being tired of spending time to distinguish between layer mint x max y corner and layer Min X min y corner when trying to round only specific corners with a mask on his property on ca layer. So we created the simple extension to make this much more pleasant, at least for himself. So basically, it's an extension and the way that you can use an extension To make something that you have some difficulty with remembering, more convenient for you to use. It's a fun little thought experiment here. It's very short article, really, because it's just a few lines. But what I find interesting on this article is this this is like, right, like right at the edge of something, should you introduce this, or should you not introduce this? The pros are, of course, that you have an easier time remembering and having the effect that you're looking for. The disadvantages is that this is something that's very much specific to your code base, you create a sort of like a new dialect in your code base. And I always tend to be very careful about this. But considering the completely weird naming of the of the properties that you need to set when dealing with corner radiuses on ca layers, I do understand this one. And yeah, it's just one of the things I wanted to highlight this article. Because, yeah, just always be careful when introducing new naming in your app, do it for a good reason. And make sure that you don't get too much of a project Pacific dialect going on. So just wanted to mention that. The next article is by saloon, how to make custom exit test assertions show an error at the call site. So it's a bit of a long name. But basically, if your unit testing and you have like more complex assertion going on, there are ways that you can get Xcode to signal the failure location of your assertion. There are some trickery involved with static strings. So that's hash filepath, hash line and hash function. And in his article, certain details, what these things are, how you can use them, and how it can make sure that when you create a custom assertion that the assertion is actually flagged by Xcode on the call side of this assertion. So you have a much easier time finding the correct piece of code that is having an issue in your unit testing. So it's one of those things either you know about this or you don't, if you don't know about this, definitely this article. If you do know about this, then this article is a very good recap on the features. And maybe there's something in there that you have missed the first time that you've been dealing with this feature. The final article I wants to highlight is by John sandal, it's called lightweight dependency injection and unit testing using async functions. Very often making code easy to unit test tends to go hand in hand with improving that code separation of concerns, it states management, and its overall architecture. In general, the more well structured and organized your code is, the easier it tends to be to test in an automated fashion. However, in an effort to make code more testable, we can often find ourselves introducing a ton of new protocols and other kinds of abstractions, and end up making your code significantly more complicated in the process, especially when testing asynchronous code that relies on some form networking. Junk posts, were not really has to be this way. And the solution that he's looking for is dependency injection to use in your unit testing, while using async functions. First, he goes into a lot of detail on what Dependency injection is. And then he follows up by how can use dependency injection to inject certain dependencies in asynchronous codes in your unit tests. It's it's an interesting overview. And it's thorough as always, with Johnson though, and yeah, it's it's a nice experiments on dependency injection, so that you can use in your unit testing, but also in other areas of the code base. So while it's probably no such thing as the perfect dependency injection setup, but by experimenting with different techniques, you can often arrive at an architecture, just that structured need balance between how your code base is organized, your testing needs, and the personal preferences of the developers working on it. So it's a very thorough and interesting article with an overview of dependency injection and practical applications, and how you can actually implement this in your own code base. So definitely have a look at this, because it's a nice way to deal with dependencies in your unit test if you have asynchronous code. Now let's move on to daanish Monday morning tweet. As I already mentioned earlier, I did some content releases, and I also indicated that it would be presenting at Cocottes. And now Josh, he actually started a new job at revenue Cat today. So congrats on that one, Josh. I hope you really enjoy your new job. And fortunately he also indicates that he will keep on working on Fastlane tools. Steward Lynch released something new Xcode and source control a case study and he indicates that is one of the most satisfying videos that he has created on his YouTube channel. John Doe Gatto is doing a little victory dance because his team Lee just told he's got a race. And Michaela Caron is getting some work done on the freelance project and finishing up some stuff before the holidays. Philip Nemecek has started implementing support for non appstore apps in the in the apps catalog. So he's updating his data model and it's quite a painful exercise. takeI is doing some bug fixing does anyone's apps icons look darker when they actually compile the app in the simulator. So he has some questions on that. And GTA portal is hoping that 90% of the writing of his first in the app will be done soon. So he did an absolute corruptions over the weekend. And today, it's some layered code for the Thank You screen. So Robin is mentioning that he she's been helping someone learn late coding for interviews, and man Swift is not great for that. He's going to be doing pairing with that person more this week. Andrew says it's his last week at his current job and he only has three working days including today left in 2021. role on December 15, I can't wait. Yeah. So by December 15, he is winding down after an intense year. Dominic Rodell mentions that he started his journey to marketing for indie developers, if you know and know. There is still learning swift UI. And he's or she's very grateful for meeting like minded people in iOS Dev, Twitter. And he's wishing you all the best and make better impact on the world. And Secretary linman has just released an update to his app, Jelly cuts app. So it's so all know a lot of people are pushing out content, some app updates. And yeah, it just seems that people are also wrapping up the end of the year. So I wish everybody good luck with those last few days of 2021 or was still 2020. I forgot what date it is. Because things just go into one big blur. So talk to you again next week. And let me know if you have anyone that you think I should have on my podcast, because I will definitely follow up on any good leads that you could provide me. If you want to support my podcast, please give me ratings and review. If you have any questions, let me know at app force one on Twitter. And yeah, that's basically it for this week. Talk to you again next week.