Another Reason to Drink

Rick's Trip!

December 03, 2023 Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 4 Episode 46
Rick's Trip!
Another Reason to Drink
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Another Reason to Drink
Rick's Trip!
Dec 03, 2023 Season 4 Episode 46
Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR)

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S4-E46, Grab a cold one as we embark on a beer lover's journey with our guest for the night, Rick, who takes us on a virtual tasting adventure featuring two of Civic Brewery's finest brews. We'll take you from the sunny shores of Florida all the way to the scenic beauty of North Carolina, sipping on the delicately balanced Pilsner and the arresting Hazy IPA. Echoes of laughter and shared stories will accompany you as we explore our experiences with dangerous wildlife encounters in Florida, the hidden benefits of wearing shoes in nature, and the adventures of camping in bear country.

But it doesn't stop there. We'll turn up the heat as we share insider secrets on using mayonnaise as a rub to smoke turkey on the grill. And, just between us, the excitement of having new additions to our work family is pretty tangible. We'll also take you down memory lane to our childhood Christmases, unveiling some of our most cherished gifts, and revealing our favorite bedtime routines. Prepare to laugh out loud as we exchange jokes and discuss the quirky differences in measuring distances between the UK and the US.

Finally, we'll wrap up our journey with a heart-to-heart conversation about what it means to be a part of a military family. We'll also get a sneak peek at a military brewery and the beers that have left a lasting impression on us. Listen in and join the fun as we share our love for good beer, priceless memories, and life's simple pleasures. Roll up your sleeves, crack open a cold one, and let the beer tasting adventure begin. It's a wild ride, but we promise it'll be worth every minute!

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S4-E46, Grab a cold one as we embark on a beer lover's journey with our guest for the night, Rick, who takes us on a virtual tasting adventure featuring two of Civic Brewery's finest brews. We'll take you from the sunny shores of Florida all the way to the scenic beauty of North Carolina, sipping on the delicately balanced Pilsner and the arresting Hazy IPA. Echoes of laughter and shared stories will accompany you as we explore our experiences with dangerous wildlife encounters in Florida, the hidden benefits of wearing shoes in nature, and the adventures of camping in bear country.

But it doesn't stop there. We'll turn up the heat as we share insider secrets on using mayonnaise as a rub to smoke turkey on the grill. And, just between us, the excitement of having new additions to our work family is pretty tangible. We'll also take you down memory lane to our childhood Christmases, unveiling some of our most cherished gifts, and revealing our favorite bedtime routines. Prepare to laugh out loud as we exchange jokes and discuss the quirky differences in measuring distances between the UK and the US.

Finally, we'll wrap up our journey with a heart-to-heart conversation about what it means to be a part of a military family. We'll also get a sneak peek at a military brewery and the beers that have left a lasting impression on us. Listen in and join the fun as we share our love for good beer, priceless memories, and life's simple pleasures. Roll up your sleeves, crack open a cold one, and let the beer tasting adventure begin. It's a wild ride, but we promise it'll be worth every minute!

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Welcome back to another reason to drink. I'm your host, bobby, and I'm here with my two co-hosts, billy, rick, and how's everybody doing tonight?

Speaker 3:

back again, back again back, in back it was a very long week and yeah, hope everybody enjoyed their Thanksgiving and everything.

Speaker 2:

Now we're moving on to the next holiday real quickly. It'll be here before I blink of an eye, remember the time between Thanksgiving Christmas felt like forever. Tomorrow's the first time it's like you are right.

Speaker 3:

When you were a kid it seemed like it took forever because you had that week off for Thanksgiving, a couple days off for Thanksgiving, and then, and then you're like oh, I can't wait for Christmas but it seemed like it was 24 days away. You're an adult well, he hit, no matter every day is the fucking same. Yeah, you go to date.

Speaker 2:

You go to work the day before Christmas day after yeah don't fucking matter nothing changes and you're great regretting it because you're like, damn, I got to get some more money.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, you're like, okay, now I gotta go work overtime to buy her that and then and then I gotta come home and fucking tear down all these goddamn decorations that fucking put up this year. And he did, he decorated his house. Good, I was surprised. I know I have my one big Christmas tree well, take some pictures I'll put on my Instagram.

Speaker 2:

We do, guys. You see, you went all festive us, on us, I'm trying.

Speaker 3:

It's gonna be more next week. Oh my, I'm gonna blow it up like I got a snow machine like you, don't need a snow machine no, we're gonna put it in here code everything we get electrocuted.

Speaker 2:

All right, tonight we're gonna do. I rented reindeer's can we battle?

Speaker 1:

yours, I got special.

Speaker 2:

It's a goat. No, they am you can hold.

Speaker 1:

You can hold on to the whole time.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait every time you go in fucking his little nose light up anyways tonight we're doing Rick's trip beers.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're gonna call the show, rick's trip and what we got here is two beers. I'm we're gonna start off with two and then we'll describe the other two, because I want him to do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm gonna do a horrible jobs, especially on this one. The brewery was called Civic brewery, right, they just opened up civic, civic, yeah, civic, oh, civic, oh. Beautiful cutest little place dude really was. It was just a cutest little place, and this is in Sop choppy, florida. Sop choppy wow it has a residence of 400 people and they all come there on Thursday through Sunday while they're open, all 400 people all four that can, or all 400 that could afford it, I guess.

Speaker 3:

So so there's like 40 people there so, like I didn't have time to talk to the guy and stuff like that, um, they were. They were a young couple. They just opened up I want to say 21, 2021 doing a really good job. They really are. We did a flight of a couple of different beers. I ended up grabbing this Pilsner. I don't remember the name of it, they just have nye on there, and why you know you don't remember so. I don't actually remember the initials were with the initials New York no, it wasn't New York or anything like that.

Speaker 3:

I forget what it was, but what is it?

Speaker 2:

nye, what nye? Not your woman's beer? No, nye nye or not.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it might have been something like that, you might be very close to it, yeah you're every day it's something like that, but it is a Pilsner not your wife's beer. Pilsner's Miller light right right a Pilsner is Miller light is Miller light and that's why I was like you know what, let's go with that, just because, because pillars is.

Speaker 2:

It's like a Miller light, a logger is more of a. Yeah, I thought yeah no light Pilsner yeah, it's a bubble it's a bubble, grab a paper towel

Speaker 1:

yeah, cuz we do it every week, so we got these nice fancy glasses that we got a couple Christmas's ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we're gonna pour it in there. It's got beautiful color. It looks just like a Miller light, but if it's a true Pilsner, it's not gonna be a light Pilsner. You know what I mean. It's 5.6%, by the way, so 5.6% and he got a grower, so we're just gonna set that off right there. Once you're done with that napkin, let me see it um.

Speaker 3:

The second one was a hazy IPA and they it was called just just a phase. I personally this was my favorite alcohol 6.9.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's not too bad no, it wasn't.

Speaker 3:

Nothing was horrible. There was nothing there.

Speaker 2:

Bourbon barrel 12%, nothing like that right oh, they didn't have no like triple dip.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no no, no, I mean there's, but every beer that I tried was extremely good. Well, I'm gonna have to say this is good, that, yeah, I, and that's this is why I bought it for you guys. Kind of cuz to me sweet, but it's got a good flavor. It's a little sweet and it also had. It wasn't overpowering, no there is nothing overpowering I know?

Speaker 2:

hmm, let me try. And this is a Pilsner, so this guy hmm, it's delicious kind of to a Miller lightish, you know type but it's right, it's not a light beer, so it'd be just a regular Pilsner.

Speaker 3:

It's got great, isn't bad no, no, like I, this was her favorite beer and I tried it. I was like you know what I said and I, like I tried a couple of their other beers. Yeah, I was like, okay, I can see me, I can see you guys kind of liking this cuz every time I go anywhere, you know, just like you guys, we try to yeah, yeah, figure out what you're like.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's gonna like this red, or?

Speaker 3:

I really think you guys I thought you guys would like this the most. It's very smooth, it's easy. Yeah. I like it, it's really easy to get down it has a good.

Speaker 2:

It has a good flavor to it. If I lived there I'd be number 41 there every three.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, during in this it was cuz, there's 40 people oh well, it was a cute place, dude. The building, I think, was like 90 or 1873 or something like that converted it and it was like it was a really cool place. They had a nice outdoor area.

Speaker 2:

That's the ones I like it, where they got to old building with a lot of like decor that takes you back in time and then they throw you outside where it's kind of modern and he is he didn't.

Speaker 3:

It was, it was nice, it really was, it was like it's like beautiful around, your gonna paint yeah yeah, it was a beautiful like an.

Speaker 2:

English pub or something you know. I mean this is pretty good, I ain't gonna lie and that's what I said.

Speaker 3:

That's what I said as you drink it.

Speaker 2:

It's very smooth.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a big Miller life fan, you know, but I could drink this neither am I, and that's why I was like you know what I could drink this, like I know these guys would be able to drink it, oh yeah, and I do. I love pills and I thought about the pink princess approved like I think that would be right up your alley and approved and Billy already said we keep it.

Speaker 3:

I would keep this yeah, jason, creeper keeper, this is almost a daily drinker, though it is, yeah, literally like if they would actually, and they didn't have it in cans. They didn't have anything in cans they just had crawlers they're starting off. They're just starting off, you know. They're, you know, trying to figure it out. They were a young couple.

Speaker 2:

Once you start, moving to cans, I'm impressed they had these most two your breweries will have. Yeah, they will. Yep, because they're easy and you make a lot of it and people abide over the glass growlers but it was kind of cool glass growlers, no, just they just had these see, that's the way to go.

Speaker 3:

That's because that is the way these last longer these last longer and the inventory is nothing and the overhead is cheaper. You know I mean, yeah, your inventory is not and you don't want a bunch of glass fucking sitting on the show.

Speaker 2:

But the thing about is, someone brings one in, you can fill it up, yeah yeah, someone wants to bring one in there you know I mean, but the got four beers, these things.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you they might even have been put in the, I'm sure no, they probably put a bunch of stickers on for, and never mind, I was just being stupid. I was thinking too much into it, but when I was talking to him I didn't have any cards left right in my wallet, but I did find you have a bunch though, right?

Speaker 2:

I have a shit done, but I have I found I had a couple of koozies.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, oh, not koozies, but stickers, these, oh, oh, those toasters in my glove box, yeah. So I grabbed them and went in and was like, hey, dude, I, like you know, I mean I said here in about two weeks, dude, we're gonna do well, I'm gonna put you on the show like I love your man, he's doing a great job. They really. I feel bad that I didn't get his name, or but they were just kind of busy and you know, I mean just I had just time to get.

Speaker 3:

It just wasn't a bad good time in a town there right, yeah, I was just like and they were, they were jamming. It was a good little time and they had. They just have a food truck, really everybody was, just everybody was.

Speaker 2:

What kind of food? Was it like a taco food truck?

Speaker 3:

no, it was more of a barbecue. It looked like I seen a lot of food coming in.

Speaker 2:

Everybody was getting the french fries and shit like that so like it's hard to tell it was kind of hard to tell where it was at it's probably loaded fries with, like pulled pork, or if you even look at all if you even look it up online.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, civic brewing and sop choppy that they're. They say that the food trucks amazing like the food trucks. Five, the breweries five, everything.

Speaker 2:

I would give a five off of this beer yeah, I do it was good.

Speaker 3:

A five no out of five five stars, yes there's a little bit left there for you.

Speaker 2:

Ricky. Okay, twist my arm. Well, you had a lot of foam on yours. Cuz you were first poor, here you can gun. I'll top mine up. So let's get into likes, dislikes and learns. And, and Rick is first, here you go. Billy, get a little. So I'm gonna go with a learn okay. Okay, I gotta learn to some eyes. Good, all right, I got learned to so note to myself future so yeah, futures there.

Speaker 3:

Just to myself, period. He's that when you are down in Florida, uh-huh and I don't, I'm just gonna say probably anywhere in fucking Florida you probably shouldn't go on like two and a half mile hikes and flip-flops were your feet killing you? No, oh that's what I was. I'm just walking along this nice little sandy road. It was out in the middle of anywhere, you know.

Speaker 1:

I are nowhere. Yeah, you know. They mean it was like. Yeah, it was now here.

Speaker 3:

I mean like I had to go down a little grassy path, uh-huh, and I was like I started thinking I'm like I did. There's probably fucking snakes and shit you know me and I knew me and dog were taking a walk, I was like there's probably snakes and shit. I said I probably shouldn't really be in flip-flops. So I was like, okay, I'll take the road back. Well, then I seen this wide sandy-ass road and I was like, okay, I'll take a walk on that, you know.

Speaker 3:

I mean like you know, stay out of the grass and you can see both sides. You see everything, whatever. Yeah, I'm walking along and I see I looked at a left and there's like this little pond with a thing that goes out over it, whatever, but big signs saying don't pet the alligators, don't yeah have sign like that, yeah, you do don't bet the alligator.

Speaker 3:

No, they literally said like do not fuck with the alligator yeah, don't pet it, don't feed it, don't touch it, don't you know? I mean, yeah, cuz people are dumb, I mean come on, they got a sign saying how to cook Pop Tarts. So oh yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, it's that way, but I'll be. I was like okay, yeah, whatever. And I saw, I kept walking and I looked down, dude, and there was a baby diamond back rattlesnake right next to my fucking foot yeah that was locally dead.

Speaker 2:

Did it scare the piss out of you? Oh dude, I, I, yeah, I screamed like a little fucking girl.

Speaker 3:

We janked my dog away like cuz. You didn't know at that point. I don't know. No, I know I seen. I showed you guys why you investigated that close, though I wasn't that close on the picture yeah, I wasn't that. I mean, I just I was standing up and just went click geez, but no, like that's what, I walked up onto it. But I got you.

Speaker 3:

Oh, fuck yeah yeah yeah, and the problem is with baby rattlesnakes they're more they. They don't know not to give you all their venom and you're still two and a half miles, and so they fucking and give you it all like I don't fuck. So yeah, from there on out, whenever we went for a walk, I had boots on my fucking hiking boots on like honey.

Speaker 2:

Can we go get?

Speaker 3:

like I don't know big leather fucking chaps or fucking chain mill or something like it scared the fuck on me, dude, like I was. Like it's a beautiful little snake, yeah yeah, it's colorful everything.

Speaker 3:

That was the first time I ever seen one I never see holy shit dude, like that scared the yeah, that scared the hell out of me. Do that, really did, cuz I could have had to shit my pants. That could have been the fucking enemy. Really honestly, yeah, you know, cuz I was too much, never made it back. I never made it bad. No, I had been. I mean, of course I had my phone on me. But yeah, you know, I've been calling her, but by the time they got out there with that shot?

Speaker 2:

you know what I mean to give me. Isn't that shot really expensive to?

Speaker 1:

you doesn't matter that point I'm dead or give me the shot, I got $12,000 okay, it's sort of insulin, but yeah, I don't know like what would you? I mean, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I was more worried about Bruno at first and you know it, because he gets bit. You're in trouble oh, he done, dude he ain't making you know a little dog a little. I mean he's not a little dog, but a dog any size isn't making it. You know, I mean like. So I yanked him right back and then realized it was dead. I'm like alright, thank.

Speaker 2:

God we're good come on, buddy let's get away from here well, you had that water there too, so that even is more worried right because it just goes up in the sand and probably was sunbathing why I got killed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah exactly, yeah, so now that was definitely learned to not walk around there and what's funny about. This is our second time there and the whole time I was there. The last time I walked around in flip-flops. Yeah, down, paths down grass paths and shit like that. Yeah, fuck that shit.

Speaker 2:

No, be aware, just never thought about it. You know, I mean, like I cuz up here, you don't have so much yeah but I go camping a lot and I should know better.

Speaker 3:

But you know, I'm just fucking 70 degrees.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they should have had a sign for you where shoes hang dumb ass Ohioans there snakes, down here make sure you go home it just real quick it was funny.

Speaker 3:

We went to one other place that was called Tate's Hell and we stopped by their main office to like, just you know, see what? It's a big driving trail, right like 2,500 acres or something like that of driving wow and I. They were closed, but they had a big sign like a big thing out front. You know, like a state park normally does, like a big warning, warnings and shit like that things that will kill you or things to avoid.

Speaker 3:

In Tate's Hell they had alligators, of course, cotton mouths. Oh, rattle diamond back. Rattlesnakes, coral snakes, the red white, those are very poisons those are like three-step dead yeah yeah one, two, yeah, and fucking bears oh shit. There's bears all over it. We've been seeing one on dead on the side of the road. Really they have a little Florida black bears oh really yes

Speaker 3:

they're tiny a shit. I mean not tiny, I mean I sound like I'd wrestle one, yeah, but I mean, you know, I mean they're still bears yeah, but we don't have black bears around here, maybe a couple they're getting. They're getting more and more, but anyhow, but even still, this is a place that has dispersed camping, right next to a fucking river. Oh, black river. All the water down there is black. Oh, the water is black.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not black.

Speaker 3:

It's just because it is the appearance of it is black. Is it max?

Speaker 2:

salt water and fresh water, it's all fresh. Okay.

Speaker 3:

So like, but this we went to a couple of these dispersed camper campsites, yeah, and dispersed campsites mean like you can just go there the first, come first serve, right, stay there for free. Yeah, whatever, there are no fucking way. There is no fucking way. I she was like, ah, this is beautiful. I'm like get the fuck out of here. These people were sleeping. We went back in the one. They were on tents. Oh right, next to the fucking water.

Speaker 2:

No bears.

Speaker 3:

I'm like no, I don't even care about the bears, I'm like fucking snakes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you gotta go up and pee at night.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I take a step outside and take a piss. I get bit by a fucking gator, falling the water or not, or by a snake, and then fall in the water and get eaten by an alligator Like I. Like, I think you're just setting me up for insurance for a problem.

Speaker 2:

He was dumb enough to get out of the tent In the bucket there, you know what's yes thing?

Speaker 3:

they didn't even say anything about spiders. You know there's poison. I don't like Florida really, I mean you know I'm right.

Speaker 2:

North is because there's nothing around here.

Speaker 3:

I fuck, kill me. Yeah size, fucking dumb ass hillbilly I.

Speaker 2:

Cookin a pop tart? Yeah, okay, I, mine's a, mine's a learn to. I learned, so I Learn. When cat starts choking, I need to step back at your two why.

Speaker 1:

I play down.

Speaker 2:

The thing is is what are you doing a woman's woman's choking?

Speaker 3:

It's step back an institute. That's fucking funny, no minds minds like I.

Speaker 2:

I got some help at work, so it's nice to have the assistants hire some employees to get help out, but yeah, that's nuts for a man. Easy week, easy week.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you got help now. I got help, help make trained yet, but I got I.

Speaker 2:

Just wanted the whole choking thing that was.

Speaker 3:

that was one, that was one.

Speaker 2:

All right, mine is alike. Oh, actually I learned. I learned how to cook the best damn turkey, oh oh. So what I did is I took, I looked up recipes. I was like, well, there's so many new things, but the new thing now is taking a turkey Rubbing mayonnaise all over that damn thing. It's a friend of wings tone. Yeah, oh, yeah, I will. So I rubbed it all and they were like getting the cracks and stuff. I was like, okay, so I made my daughter hers, cuz she's something Thanksgiving that makes sense, dude.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I've been putting mayonnaise on fucking everything. Yeah, yeah, like wings and shit like that, I've been doing it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's awesome, it makes sense and what you do is you sprinkle your rub on there and sticks, put it in the on the smoker 225, let cook, but the last hour and a half you want to get that baby up 300 to crisp it up. Chris, get the skin crisp up and it will with that mayonnaise. Yes, it does all mayonnaise.

Speaker 3:

This is fucking oil and eggs yes so it's gonna crisp everything. Oh, I've said before on the show, the best grilled cheese sandwich I've ever had was fucking putting mayonnaise on the bread.

Speaker 2:

Yep, instead of butter, butter, yeah, exactly. So I've also learned that, like when they said, put in the cracks, don't put in the cracks, because the mayonnaise in the cracks does not, you know, cook, doesn't cook out, no, it doesn't melt. So when I got the turkey out, you have these like white chunkies, just a gently put, not a goop, a gap, but, you know, like rubbing around right. So I learned on Matties, and then when I made mine, I Just did a nice rub on outside, god's, I sprinkled, perfect. I didn't have the Cracks full of that, right, and I turned it up to 300 degrees 325 I think for the last hour and it crisp up the skin, pulled it out. It was the juiciest turkey.

Speaker 2:

Now the thing is is I talked to people that had my turkey and then it went in eight other places and they said their turkey was dry, nasty, they don't understand how their turkey don't taste like mine. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, well, I just do it this way, gave it to my brother along, I actually gave it to Billy. Yeah, and how'd yours turn out, though? It was good. I mean when I would poke the skin, the juice coming out of that, and even people that when we were cutting it and you know get Preparing it and eat that they were like I never had the um breasts so juicy.

Speaker 3:

The white meat, you know, normally the dark meat or yeah yeah, but they, they were like when you slice that juice, it's just pull out and it's just oozing.

Speaker 2:

It makes sense now. Yeah, it really does. And I think that mayonnaise. Seals it yeah, and Billy did what? How many people did you have over? And they probably just tore it up. It was probably about a good ten people or so and it was phenomenal. As a matter of fact, I had a big turkey and then we like to say the leftover turkey, to make turkey pup eyes. Okay it, we didn't have very much leftover.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, but even when I ate it the next day the white meat was so super moist it just like melted in your mouth. You know how you basically, when you would do like Turkey leftover turkey in the past, you would make turkey sandwiches.

Speaker 3:

That's what I did, right man.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, so did get a little more, no. I took mine made turkey sandwich perfect. It was just like so juicy, so I'll be here for next Thanksgiving.

Speaker 3:

You want to try one? We'll put Rick's mayonnaise on it now Super sealer. That's up the game, but the flavor I gave you the whole direction, but just put, turkey'll be pregnant.

Speaker 2:

Put your favorite spice on it, you know, and do have to eat because, but it actually sticks to it, so don't be like overpowering right now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, you know like how you do red.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you put a lot on, but most of it cooks off.

Speaker 1:

Yep, this does not cook off.

Speaker 2:

It did not, I'm on. It did not. Huh, and it was weird because you still get the juices in the pan with the gravy. Yeah well, that's cuz the the.

Speaker 3:

It's just from the turkey coming.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I can't tell you it was so delicious, but that's why I like, just like to learn. I hope you take advantage of now. I'm really interested to see if I cook a chicken like that you know, I absolutely, when I chicken, absolutely. When I poked it with the Get the temperature thermometer yeah it was, it would go the skin was. And it would just ooze out with juice.

Speaker 3:

This which so now, before we move on, since we're gonna write these okay, let's read right these real quick.

Speaker 2:

Okay, go ahead your bucks first, boss. We're all empty. We gotta get on the next one.

Speaker 3:

So they're empty. Every one of our asses are pretty much empty. Yeah, I say my last step. So for a Pilsner dude I'm going to nine all day long, cuz it went down that well. So.

Speaker 2:

I'm not big Pilsner fan. I'm not either. I Give it a 10. Damn, nothing was so you're gonna go time. I was gonna go 10 to, I'll go 10, cuz I'll go, I will triple 10, triple 10.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I would look, I would drink this every day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this was really delicious. It was good this place was close by. I'd be buying it every day.

Speaker 3:

It is.

Speaker 2:

It's only 16 hours, yeah so here's the thing is this kind of place where you would belly up and then have a pint going home? Yes, yeah, like oh man, I get I'm are you would take?

Speaker 3:

a crawler with you. Yeah, home, like I. Okay time for me to go home. Go ahead and fill me up, or just walk in there and go. Hey, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

And give me the crawler.

Speaker 3:

Like and put it in the fridge. Cuz that's he did. I told him I was gonna grab this and that he was like. I was like but we're gonna have a couple more beers. He's like oh, no problem. He's like I'll. He went and filled these and put them in the fridge, right. So there I as soon as I got back you know, as soon as we are done he was like yep, I got yours right here.

Speaker 2:

Here you go, buddy it was so smooth, so light, so refreshing and it didn't get a lot of gas or anything. Oh I, I, that was a phenomenal beer, I'm, that's what I thought but now.

Speaker 3:

So this was my favorite. What's this one? This is a hazy IPA, okay, which is just a phase. Just a phase is called and it's six point nine percent Okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what was the other one, 5.6.

Speaker 3:

Yep, so I Personally. Oh, you got so close, he almost did it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

He was like gulping down there, I know, but I just been excited.

Speaker 2:

They can't sweat in a little bit. Huh yeah, oh my, I could smell that flavor. Dude, smell it. Oh I yeah, holy cow, I I just poured it and I can smell it. Yeah, I can smell the grapefruit in this. Yeah but it's so, and you know that's a hazy, but that's not that hazy. Oh, we got the lights off. I like hazy IPAs. Hey, Rick, I'm gonna leave you the last. Let let what's left. That's me, and Bobby actually got more. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That foam was good.

Speaker 3:

I got a little foam on my go. I had foam was fucking good.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, I really enjoyed these. Finish your story, so that is good.

Speaker 3:

You guys know I got the 17 inch black stone for yes. Christmas and I took my vacation. Yes, I cooked my full Thanksgiving off that really and Turkey, or Turkey. I did turkey, stuffing green beans and smashed potatoes on that, on that Wow.

Speaker 2:

I gotta hear that.

Speaker 3:

So I did, holy shit, gravy. I didn't do gravy, I'm not a gravy guy, so I guess about gravy, but so I did a. We found a turkey tenderloin okay at Walmart okay, you know so, but then I found you guys know, meat church.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, no meat church is a spice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a barbecue place out of Texas. I believe, yeah, and they sell these spices. They're all over. I never, yeah, they're all over a tick tock.

Speaker 2:

What is it called me meat church? Oh, they make some good.

Speaker 3:

I got a couple bottles, Okay so I found the rub down in Florida. Uh-huh for Thanksgiving, for birds, oh like to hit the blue work, ian.

Speaker 3:

What color label. It was a black bag, oh, okay, okay. And it just said for bird, okay, okay, um. So I Brined that for probably five hours, six hours, right, um, just because it was a tenderloin, yeah, whatever, oh, why, we're gone. And then, so the 17 inch griddle for one. You got to kind of cook everything a little bit separate. Yeah, you know what I mean. So I started off with the green beans, whatever, easy enough on the kind of black stone that's you know little oil, oh, garlic maybe garlic, some red onion?

Speaker 3:

No, some are got all that put them in tins Mm-hmm, good little tins after I got done cooking them, yeah, and then we wrapped them up in foil, then I put Stuffing dude stuff.

Speaker 2:

How'd you make stuff? Yeah, I'm curious stuffing was amazing.

Speaker 3:

I think that'll be the only way I make. I gotta hear this How'd you so you dump the fucking box on it? Yeah, oh, like stovetop. Yeah okay, you dump the box on it and then just fucking add chicken broth to your liking. Oh, and keep just making it soggy and making it soggy ish and like I don't like mine. Clumpy, yeah, you know, I mean like huge, like I don't like mine.

Speaker 3:

I don't mind it collecting a little bit, a little bit. But I don't want it stupid, yeah right, and I don't want it mush.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't like much.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, where it's just like you can make it any way you want. You just keep adding the fucking chicken broth, mixing it, mixing it, mixing it. Put a lid on it for a minute, take it off. You know it and put a little bit more chicken broth if it's falling apart. What I mean? Yeah, dude, stuffing came out great on it, okay.

Speaker 2:

I, and that's just stovetop stuff. Yes, yeah, with chicken broth, right, that's it.

Speaker 3:

All right, and then I did well, but you use the lid to control it a little bit yeah. Yeah, the stim it. Yeah, there's kind of steam it a little bit and get you know I'd make sure it got cooked all the way through or whatever. And then I took the Tenner loins out of the brine, just threw him straight on there, put a little turn it on low.

Speaker 2:

Put a lid on that. When did you add the on the turkey birds bird? It's already, but it was a prime, it's a brine.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay, yep, yeah, it was already a prime season. Yes, so I took it out. It was in there for five hours, five, six hours, okay, so I took it out of that, threw it on there, put the lid on it and let it go right why I was doing my smashed potatoes.

Speaker 2:

Now we did boil the potatoes over the open fire and then you put them on the grill and then you Smash them down and smash them down. I love making those and fried them up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cuz they're crisp, a little crisp, a little bit Tater tot type kind of but yeah, and then we were just put sour cream and everything dude, and then we just took all the tins, put them back on there, oh, and close the lid To keep it warm, no, to warm it all back up. Yeah, you know, for a couple minutes. Once the turkey was done on fucking and I had my meat thermometer so I got to 165, right now, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's beautiful, oh that reminds me, pull that turkey off at 160 and let the rest.

Speaker 3:

Let's rise. Five for five. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was perfect.

Speaker 2:

Anybody. When you hit 165, you're too late. Yeah, and don't use that red plastic thing, they get in there.

Speaker 3:

You know that thing out. Thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and actually use a meat thermometer. Take it up to 160, shut it off, pull it, pull it off, wrap it with tinfoil, let it come up naturally five degrees Okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm just take about 25 minutes.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious to do it chicken, like you said.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we'll see, I got that on. I have over half of that packet left. Oh, I want a brime For that brime. So we could brime it A chicken and then dry it off and fucking put mayonnaise on it and mayonnaise on it, and then our spicy, and I got meat church spice. It almost had a. It gave it almost like a lemon flavor.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really Like a lemon pepper type thing.

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh, okay, for the turkey Cause. I mean, I've seen them put oranges and lemons and fucking. Yes, yeah, so it almost had like a. It did have a slight lemon taste, not overpowering or anything like that, but it was really good.

Speaker 2:

It was good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, juicy, though too Juicy as shit. Yeah, it was great For coming off the Blackstone the first time doing it. I'm like hell. Yeah, well, like happy Thanksgiving honey, here you go.

Speaker 2:

I want to say I've seen you cook your chicken wings with mayonnaise and then put a rub on it and mix it. Now, billy, let me ask you was your and then how do you cook them?

Speaker 3:

Well, no, I tried doing that. No, I tried doing that once on the Blackstone.

Speaker 1:

I remember I think yes, and they didn't turn out right.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if I fucked it up or they just lied to me, or that guy's just a lot better than I am, which very well could be.

Speaker 2:

I would actually smoke the wings with mayonnaise and see if they turned out. That's what I was thinking.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and then deep fry them In a Traeger. In a Traeger you could probably smoke them Then grill them. And then turn it up and grill them, and it would.

Speaker 2:

that's what I'm right on. Yeah, cause I could grill them.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't deep fry them with the fucking mayonnaise. No, no, no, no, yeah, you wouldn't want to do that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and one thing Bobby forgot to say about his turkey recipe you gotta put a shadow pan with water Right on the side in the smoker.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let it, yeah, Like so.

Speaker 2:

Traeger, like you have a laboratory smoker with water in it, I don't. So I put a pan on the side with a little bit of water. And also, billy, was, yours was pre-briined, right? Yes? And if your turkey is a fresh turkey and it's not been, or frozen, not pre-briined, or yeah, and that's not pre like, my daughter's was pre-briined, yours was pre-briined, mine wasn't. So what I did is I lifted the skin and I put butter underneath it, underneath of it was rosemary and shit like that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I did. I just put butter because I didn't get chance to pre-briined mine. But you should buy the pre-briined turkeys or brine your turkey to get the extra juicy, juicy, juicy. Yeah, mine was really, I mean it was a, I mean, it was squirt juicy yeah. Yeah, you poke it. It was like so I'm just trying to give details of how to cook it.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, it was a squirter. I was like she's a squirter, nate you used to that.

Speaker 1:

You used to that big enough.

Speaker 3:

But usually you just call me Justin, and Justin, poor guy.

Speaker 2:

I feel bad for Justin. Yeah, wait to meet a Justin. He's gonna become our best friend, all right, so why we finish up these beers? I just wanna talk about a really interesting story.

Speaker 3:

Wait a minute. Should we talk about these beers real quick, Because it's probably gone we haven't talked about them yet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we're gonna rank them right, yeah, oh, you want me to tell the little story afterwards, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, after All, right. Well, I mean just like, are you guys liking it? I like it, this is delicious and you got just enough for you left in there.

Speaker 2:

I wanna say we could talk about this. The grapefruit smell is unfreakin' believable. The taste is wonderful, Doesn't have no back no.

Speaker 3:

Back taste Nope, no. Back end taste no. This is probably one of the best hazies I've had. Yes, and when you get an IPA it has that like it's very good, this place is not gonna end up. They are, and that grapefruit backside.

Speaker 2:

It was just delicious. I would become an alcoholic with these. Yeah, I'd be a next door neighbor.

Speaker 3:

So this is definitely a keeper.

Speaker 2:

I would keep it, I would keep it, I would keep it and I would even say, even if you're not a hazy or an IPA person, yeah, even if you're not an IPA. Just want a good beer. This is good.

Speaker 3:

I would Princess approve.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is like it's a very subtle, very smooth, smooth, like so smooth. Like Bobby said no back, no back taste, no, no nothing. You know how you get that bitterness, sometime on it especially on a hazy. You know Right, right.

Speaker 3:

But this beer that's just so good you know, but this beer they are knocking out.

Speaker 2:

Civic is just blowing it out of the water. Someone told me the other day a new word instead of like on the back end, yeah, okay, they said something else and damn, if I can't remember, and I was like I mean, I cause they said it and I said, well, kind of like on the back end. They're like, exactly, you know, and I'm like, well, we say that on the show all the time, right On the back end, on the back end.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and people get mad because we say it so much. We'll just call it the glug glug.

Speaker 2:

Glug glug.

Speaker 3:

On the back glug, glug.

Speaker 2:

On the glug glug.

Speaker 1:

That's our new word glug glug.

Speaker 3:

Cause. That's when you like stick it and you hear it go glug, glug.

Speaker 2:

You don't get nothing on the glug, glug and then, yeah, that's when you have to back up, that's when you have to back up. Back up, yeah, you gotta back up so you hit the glug glug.

Speaker 2:

What I was going to say is also someone said that it wasn't La Crosse or anything. That, oh, I forgot. Oh, you messed up. You start drinking, you forget. Fuck, I just thought of it. They told me what it was. What, what? That stick game La Crosse? Yeah, oh, it's La Crosse. Yeah, oh, I said it right. Then what did you tell them? No, he said it last week.

Speaker 3:

We couldn't figure it out last week, but they told us oh, we kept calling it, everything else. Yeah, yeah, yeah, la Crosse.

Speaker 2:

I did say La Crosse though no, he didn't, they said they were screaming, I might have to listen to the show. You know what was funny is I listened to the last week's show and you had that intro with all that different things that was going on and I forgot I was still taking a shit over there and everything. Yeah, it was kind of funny, but it was the thing is. It's like you know you get so used to the ring of their routine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it was refreshing, but yeah, I like the routine as well. You know, like when I sneak it in there, no, when you're all there. I did not sneak, not in there. But anyways, my story tonight is so we're drinking our beers and we're just bullshitting. We're just standing outside and this lady walks up and she goes. Oh, it must be Thursday night. We never seen this lady in our life.

Speaker 3:

I've lived here for two years. I've never seen her walk down my road and she and we go what and she goes well.

Speaker 2:

Every Thursday night you guys are out here, just lighten it up.

Speaker 3:

Laughing, which was cool. She wanted to come over and drink beer to her and her husband. She was like it. Just at least we know somebody's having fun because it's so quiet around here. So like we know when it's Thursday night because we hear you guys out here on the porch laughing.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I didn't realize.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I do know my voice travel, I do have a very loud, it's funny that they pick up.

Speaker 2:

It's Thursday night. It's Thursday.

Speaker 3:

Well, we've been doing it for years, or two years, that's what. But she didn't say we were too bad 104.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she didn't say we were bad. Oh, no, no, no, no no, no, because we're quiet.

Speaker 3:

I mean we, it's my laugh, that probably fucking really goes out there a little bit and stuff A couple of minutes.

Speaker 2:

Well, in the summertime we hang out there.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and we try to make tick tocks. No but yeah, but the windows are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And we're loud and we're loud.

Speaker 1:

It's just, it was really.

Speaker 2:

And then we said listen to the podcast and she didn't hear a word.

Speaker 3:

No, I think she had headphones and she was just kind of I think she had earbuds in and she was just kind of talking to us but Not really didn't want a response. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Just it was funny because we were just like, oh well, we're that loud and she goes. No, we just know it's Thursday night. Thursday night, rick, come over and have beers with you, okay.

Speaker 1:

That was a funny story. It was funny yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I mean, yeah. And then I was thinking, well, we gave her a break the last few Thursdays.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because, Thanksgiving.

Speaker 1:

I was surprised they didn't send like a missing person, like a call a cop, a wellness check, what the hell? Oh yeah, they probably come knocking on the door. He took a drink. Where's this guy at? He's always out on Thursday night. Thursday night, there's always somebody laughing here, you know, it's like this.

Speaker 3:

This last Hello.

Speaker 2:

This last Thursday was the first Thursday we missed a whole year All the shows.

Speaker 3:

I'm surprised you guys didn't come over. I was so busy and I was coming in. I get it. Yeah, it was nice.

Speaker 2:

We had guests home, but he was super swamp.

Speaker 3:

I'm surprised you just didn't come over here by yourself and have a coffee. I was going to do it.

Speaker 2:

I was going to come over here, and just come over and start your heater.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. He just came over and, yeah, that's what you were doing. I started a heater, I just need to jerk off, jerk off, jerk off.

Speaker 2:

Do not turn a blue light on this house, ultraviolet. I didn't even climb into my sheets. I fucking wash them.

Speaker 1:

Fuckers as soon as I do. I watched them before I left them like.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm watching them now.

Speaker 2:

I told him I was going to take a shit every day I was here. He was gone 12 days.

Speaker 3:

Just another flush To let that he said he was going to put it in my house. I told him. I said I will wrap that for your fucking Christmas present.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I promise you.

Speaker 3:

I will put it in a fucking bag.

Speaker 2:

When he comes in. It would be he wouldn't even be able to sit on it, he would be on a flush.

Speaker 3:

I would have fucking hear me out. I would have put it in a bag and fucking wrapped it up in a box All nice and pretty, and as soon as he was halfway open I would have stabbed that fucking bag and just let it fucking squirt all over him.

Speaker 2:

You wouldn't do the burn bag where you just laid it on fire. So they put it.

Speaker 3:

No, because I want him to open it with it sitting on his lap, all nice and neat.

Speaker 2:

It wouldn't be cool to do it explosive oh yeah, that would have been better. Put shit all over Bob's face. Yeah, like she. Every day, it was this shit.

Speaker 1:

When he told me that I was like are you fucking kidding me and you were like you're the one day for it to turn.

Speaker 3:

You motherfuckers, leave too. Don't you worry, I won't even fucking make it to your bathroom.

Speaker 1:

I could have filled that up. I will fuck it up.

Speaker 3:

I'm not fucking in this bowl, you're not huge. I had to fucking left a drop, fucking every day all the way to your bedroom On your pillow.

Speaker 2:

No can't do that. Well, we got to take a short break. We did not rank this All right let's do it before we go.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to 10. I'm going to 10 on this. For a hazy IPA, I'm a 10.

Speaker 2:

I'm a 10 on sold civic.

Speaker 3:

This place is just knocking out of the park, civic and Sop, top E, florida. It's just south of Tallahassee, dude, you guys are killing it. You really are. You guys are doing a great job. I'm sad that I only brought two of the beers back, but you got every beer that I had down there.

Speaker 2:

I ain't gonna lie if I had a bar and I sold taps Local taps, no well, not even local I would probably say, hey.

Speaker 3:

I'd reach out to them, send them to me, send them to these two. Good Tallahassee, I want to say. They opened in 21, so they're still getting started.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. It takes time.

Speaker 3:

That not, so you have what call of springs, but they're really the only brewery down right in that area. Kind of it's good, though.

Speaker 2:

It's delicious. So it was yeah what? Just real quick, before we go break. Did you try other ones and what did you think Overall?

Speaker 3:

like I said, overall I liked them all. Yeah, I wish I could remember I loved their brown ale. I really did. I did like their brown ale.

Speaker 2:

Brown honey ale or something like that. It was just like a brown, yeah.

Speaker 3:

but it was. I went with the Pilsner for you guys, more Right and then I couldn't pass.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't pass.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad you brought this back, mostly when you were just.

Speaker 3:

This is the only thing I had down there, yeah, besides the flight, I was like all right, and then she actually ended up getting a crawler of the Pilsner, the Pilsner was phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

I took it back to the campsite and we had that there. Yeah, so he's like baby drink to all that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, drink it all, drink it all.

Speaker 2:

I promise I'll back up tonight. Glug glug, glug glug, no glug glug back flavor.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, that's good though.

Speaker 2:

It is time to go get another ice cold beer. We'll be right back, welcome back. I hope you got your ice cold beers. We sure do, and we are drinking two beers out of Franklin, north Carolina, and the brewing company is called Kurahi. Now the first one we're doing is can sunshine? It's a 6.3 alcohol. It's Indian pale ale, so that should be good. It's good to do this one after we just finished the other one.

Speaker 2:

And then we're doing another one called Slick Rock. It's a brown ale. Now, this one isn't as bad, it's a 5.6. And again a curry brewing company Kurahi Yep out of Franklin.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So when I talked to the lady, we got it in Georgia.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to open my sunshine Was it a brewery in Georgia.

Speaker 3:

It was a brewery in Georgia. Okay, that's why we went to it. Yeah, we are 20 minutes away from it. We're in a. When we were clock or checking out you know, I was like how do you pronounce this name, Whatever? So she told me the backstory on it. It's a bunch of Air Force guys doing it. Kurahi is if you've ever seen the show Band of Brothers. Oh yeah, I love that movie. Yeah, so for one, Kurahi stands for stand alone. Oh okay, that's what the name.

Speaker 1:

Kurahi yeah, that's what it's stand alone.

Speaker 2:

Is it like an Indian name? It's an Indian, yeah, okay.

Speaker 3:

Okay, if you remember, band of brothers, ross was a dick. He was the Ross from friends.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah, oh, yeah yeah he was the commander platoon leader.

Speaker 3:

That would make them run 30 miles up, 30 miles down. Well, it's curry he island, or? I currently Mountain curry hill or some yeah, something like that, and so that's where they got it from. Oh, standalone, stand alone mountain, wow wow, 30 miles up 30 miles down Wow 30 seconds. So we're doing the IPL 30 seconds.

Speaker 2:

in my mouth Maybe like three seconds, but it's IPA and it is delicious, so it's funny, though there's a big difference between what we just had had and then this now they actually sold cans and everything there.

Speaker 3:

That's of course, yeah, um, but I thought our work is awesome.

Speaker 2:

I thought this was good. It is good. I give you that, but I got my rate. But the good guy is a little different.

Speaker 3:

It is. Yeah, um, it's not a hazy for one. So you do have a little bit of the glug glug on the back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is a little it's, but I enjoy, I, I did enjoy I mean it's so funny that you know, going back four years almost, or four seasons, I should say three years plus, yes, four seasons, how much I enjoy IPA. Ipa is more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah and sour.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you would have asked us, if you listen to us, four years ago. Go with him and, like I, I'll tell you what.

Speaker 3:

When, when we were in Georgia, right down the road from us was this little. It was a hiking store, but right next to it was a Brewhouse. I would say, okay, just a. They just, they just had Different beers. Right, you know, they had the wickle.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can't, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

It was just a taphouse as well Bunch different taps and they had a fucking sour there. I was like, do you have this on? Like I can bring this home. I don't even know what it was, or, but it was good. Oh it was so good in red. It was like a purple because it was in a glass, so it was almost like a. It was a purple color and it was Billy. You were a fucking I would have. What about that Kool-aid?

Speaker 2:

one at voodoo. Well, we brought that back and we did it. He wasn't here.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't here on the we should do it in color. We should do it. They had the red.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, try to find some, but sour's are hit and miss there. No, but that Kool-aid one.

Speaker 3:

Kool-aid one, it was a seven.

Speaker 2:

Bobby, it was a Booboo, yeah, yeah and they had a red Kool-aid and a green Kool-aid, but they tapped out on the green and then they tapped out on the right to go to Booboo we next show, so that body that's only like 20 minutes away. You wouldn't do this ours anyway oh, I like that Kool-aid one.

Speaker 3:

I cool it. One was good but it was almost the same Color and flavor, flavor.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it was very, very good man, this is going down really good and for a 6.3. I don't get no alcohol flavor at all.

Speaker 3:

No, but you are right, it is a little stronger on the back end. Yeah, yeah, yeah on the little glug look, yeah, I would agree but it's not horrible Once you start drinking more, more of it.

Speaker 2:

It just gets a little bit smoother. But I know it's hard because the other one Was a 10 straight up, 10.

Speaker 3:

Yes, right.

Speaker 2:

It was a 10 plus because it was so damn good.

Speaker 3:

So let's just go ahead and figure this out right now because I'm already halfway. Yeah, I'm about yeah. I'm mish, yeah, so I Now that I had the other one, because this is how I got them to is I got this first?

Speaker 2:

and then.

Speaker 3:

Then the other one from Civic yeah, so I'm gonna have to say I'm gonna go down to an 8 on this. That's funny. I was thinking the same number, I, I'm gonna go down to an 8, it's good, it's very good, I would get it. I would definitely keep her from.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it would be my fridge I'm not gonna say it's borderline, princess you, because you can see that, I can see that yeah the other one was hands down. Yeah, I would write If you were IPA Princess, prove this would be if you were right on the border of trying trying different break into it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is a easy break in one.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, it was a very good.

Speaker 3:

That's a very good way to say it.

Speaker 2:

This is some IPA's will be like kick your ass and you'll never drink them again.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but this is a very easy breaking.

Speaker 2:

Drinking. I love you would go this door and buy a gowns of it. No, she's a squirter. She's a squirter Anyways. So this is a good beer. We'll rate this in a second, but let's get it.

Speaker 3:

No, we have already did yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm gonna give it a 7.5. Okay.

Speaker 1:

I see that yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, yeah, no, I can see it.

Speaker 2:

No, it's just like I like it but I'm not like loving it right. Or I love it but I don't love it. Like we said, we all keep it, so yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I mean, if I was there I would give me give me a can, so it'd be a Jason creeper yeah.

Speaker 2:

I definitely do like the theme. This backstory to it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I thought that was cool.

Speaker 2:

And it makes the beer more enjoyable.

Speaker 3:

I got a half from there. I got two again. You did get a hat.

Speaker 2:

I had to see that it's probably pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

It is always really cool, and then that's one.

Speaker 2:

For what's that one hat that you?

Speaker 3:

I think you know I don't get you guys fucking hats or anything. I don't give you guys clothes hats. No, I don't know what. To get you, what I think I'm gonna get you guys just shit one flesh light, a Double-ended flesh light for you guys so that we guys can stare in each other's eyes Like it was back in eighth grade.

Speaker 2:

She said it was okay. Where's there there? Eyes were down here, good good. She liked that back, but almost like you were there when we were there, it was three holes my name was Rachel.

Speaker 3:

I Love it, love it, love it. So I did get some stickers up there I'll show you. But he actually got this one. I really fit good.

Speaker 2:

What was that one that I liked, that you showed me to the wanderer? The wanderer one.

Speaker 3:

The wanderer one. Yeah, yeah, I got it end up getting two more hats and damn, just what you need, another yeah. You see his wall do I'm starting to think. I thought about on the way home, transfering my wall. Hats fucking.

Speaker 2:

It's his house, but he has to ask us.

Speaker 3:

And clean up my bedroom a little bit be an adult. Be a kid in here, I don't have bunk beds.

Speaker 2:

Got posters and shit, put it up in your guests, your Airbnb.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I love my ads.

Speaker 3:

Dude, I go through them all. Whatever I cycle. There's a couple you need to throw out there. I thought about that, like there's some yeah.

Speaker 1:

There's you ain't warm in years.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no they got too much.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, that's the thing. Like that I got. There's a couple that I probably never worn. Yeah, that somebody's just given me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, good catch.

Speaker 3:

It's not spider-man.

Speaker 2:

He almost spilled his beer.

Speaker 1:

I would one drop.

Speaker 2:

I feel it right here.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, I do have some hats under there. I go never one right cuz they don't fit right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, you have some hats that you wore to death.

Speaker 3:

Dude I've had. I got some hats in there that I've had since high school.

Speaker 2:

I know that I've worn Some are okay shape, but there are some you're like I don't think they lay as flat as a pancake.

Speaker 3:

Do you know?

Speaker 2:

that wasn't the original color. No, but honestly, those are the most comfortable you do is you find one that you really like, that's comfortable, that's new, and you say, okay, this is replace that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah what did the replace? The ones I don't wear, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can do you know what I mean? I'm not gonna replace the ones you don't wear. You could give to Guess you probably never warm dude, or just wrap it up and give it. Well, it depends, cuz some of them has no his head smaller, so it's just like my head's bigger than both of yours. No, my head's huge, I'll whip it out. She says she only can take the tip. I said breathe through your nose.

Speaker 3:

So what do you call kids that were born in a whorehouse? I don't know. I know brother spots sprouts.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Brother brothel sprouts.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I don't like Brussels.

Speaker 3:

Bruthal sprouts brothel like a broth like a brothel, brothel. I guess I would be sorry.

Speaker 2:

You got any jokes, billy I.

Speaker 3:

Said. Oh would you call a girl when you come in her? Oh?

Speaker 2:

I know this one. Oh, I probably don't know, I can I say it good dishwasher loading the loading they take. Talk this guy goes, this girl goes. Oh, I forget. We have two dishwashers and there's like Three girls sitting in their kitchen. He walks in, she goes.

Speaker 1:

I forget.

Speaker 2:

We got two dishwashers and he goes. You got five those girls looking like never in a fucking job. He goes. It's time to leave Five. But I want to get a story about this guy that I saw in UK on tiktok. He was talking about like the difference between the United Kingdom and US and the one thing he pointed out that just tripped Me out is he had we do not measure Like miles. We ain't saying like the next town's 10 miles away. We say in the next town's 15 minutes away. Yeah, we do all by time. Yes, we do distance by time, and they said they do distance by well clicks of kilometers.

Speaker 2:

But right, yeah but I mean, I see it because, like we kind of touched on the subject earlier today, but it's example Rick says, oh, it's just not five miles up the road, it's 15 minutes, because it takes you. And that's the difference. If you decide, like he said, he would go to brewery, they're like, oh, it's only, they said it was only five miles up the road. You might think, oh, five miles, five minutes ten when they said, oh, it's 25 minutes away. You're like, oh, let me for five miles.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the thing, like and like I pointed out in our conversation, if you Google it, yeah, it'll tell you it's 15 miles, 45 minutes. Right, and I mean like you. So that's why we're down two minutes, like we use minutes, as distance then, versus miles?

Speaker 2:

right, because and I don't, I don't know, I I've never been to Europe, but I think everything's like when they literally say ten clicks, they just mean like, oh, it's just like ten minutes away.

Speaker 3:

If you could do 60 if you can do 60 miles an hour.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it would be but here at very city a country.

Speaker 3:

If I leave from here you and go to PA or go towards Cleveland, which I can go both ways, it could vary. Multiple reasons, different paths. It took me an hour and fucking 45 minutes to get to work the other day Because of snow, and it's the same thing I do the everyday. It don't matter, I'm just saying that, hey, you go that way. It's usually a 45 minute ride.

Speaker 2:

Right. Not an hour and 45.

Speaker 3:

Not 38 miles. Yeah, it's not exactly 38 miles from my door to my work.

Speaker 2:

But you do it by time, not by miles.

Speaker 3:

And I don't think any American does miles.

Speaker 2:

They go by time. Mine's 34 miles, yeah, and it takes me 35, 36 minutes.

Speaker 3:

Right, because you're on a ride, you get to do 70 miles an hour, but see mine's 15 miles away, but it takes me 25 minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you figure 15 miles, it's only 15 minutes. Nope, no, no, you'll be late for everything.

Speaker 3:

This is why we go by time, like we just give you a roundabout time.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so basically, 20 minutes away.

Speaker 3:

So basically, if we were in Europe, we would be late for fucking everything, because I'm sure it's the same way over there.

Speaker 2:

It's 20 clicks. Yeah, yeah 20 kilometers, but that's why they are late for everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly yeah.

Speaker 2:

We should just ask our German friends, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if they go by time or by kilometers or distance.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure they're by kilometers, they just. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

That's just how they trip this guy out. He just said I couldn't figure it out. He said how far was something something? How many miles was something something? They would say, well, it's 20 minutes. They didn't. He said we measure driving time by or driving.

Speaker 3:

But I'd rather have that Just by time. I'd rather have the time than distance.

Speaker 2:

How long is it going to take me when we Google something like you said, we Google something, we look for it like closest brewery. They're like 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. We pick based off that they could be the same miles.

Speaker 1:

It's the same miles, but they could be different times, it would be different times. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Because, depending on what you're going, so does that make it seem like our time is more valuable? That's what we're basing off. How much is that time worth?

Speaker 3:

Because it does make a difference, if I told you to Well, it depends on how drunk I want to get. If I told you how good If I told you two breweries are 10 miles apart.

Speaker 2:

But then you say OK, we'll pick one, I don't care, they're 10 miles apart. But then I said, one takes 15 minutes, one takes 45.

Speaker 3:

Oh, 10 minutes. We're going to 10 minutes. Yes, we're going 10 minutes.

Speaker 2:

But if I say kicking the berries was 10 miles, away.

Speaker 3:

No, we're going straight to kicking the berries and then fucking, depending on how many beers I have there and who's driving we might end up at the next one, but at the end of the day, we're going to the closest one, it's true.

Speaker 2:

Are you going to grab our other one?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah, we're going to eat this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we rated this, but this beer was very delicious. I just want to say you gave it a 7 and 1 half, me and Rick both gave it a 8. It's just because it got that back flavor.

Speaker 3:

It does have that. It has a little glug, glug, glug.

Speaker 2:

You cannot get that word down.

Speaker 3:

No, he doesn't.

Speaker 2:

He changes it every time you want to grab the other ones, rick, yep yeah.

Speaker 3:

So now I'm kind of worried that why? Because I really like this sunshine.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I can. So now I'm kind of worried about this brown ale that I brought for you what?

Speaker 2:

did you try it? But yeah, no, I know, but I'm just saying you don't think it scores high.

Speaker 3:

No, I think it might score a little higher.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it's a brown ale, but I really thought you would have a little like that sunshine. If I would have did that one first, I probably would have scored it higher.

Speaker 3:

Higher in that? Yeah, you're right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Anyways why we have this moment of peace. It's quiet. Please take this moment to be entertained in your peace. On your drive or whatever that is, hey, have a nice drive today and be wonderful at work.

Speaker 3:

Dad jokes, we can do a dad joke.

Speaker 2:

No, I hate those things. They are kind of terrible.

Speaker 3:

I can't even get the box open. Why do you guys keep those in box? I don't understand why you guys wanted to let me tell my jokes.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no.

Speaker 3:

We got a dad joke Ready.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I hate jokes.

Speaker 3:

What does Pink Floyd and Princess Di have in common?

Speaker 2:

I have no clue.

Speaker 3:

They hit a wall. Their favorite hits were the Wall.

Speaker 2:

I was figuring there's something to do with the Wall, because that's the. You know, Pink Floyd. Most people think of Pink Floyd, as you know the Wall. Ok, let me see the lights a little bit.

Speaker 1:

We actually have the room decorated in Christmasy yeah, green lights, red lights and thank you for everybody that donated the gnome.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, the gnome no.

Speaker 2:

I can see it. Fine, rick, you can turn it off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I like the ambience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like it. Look it in your eyes in the green light, and it's what's a pirate's favorite letter R, yeah, a-r, oh, man, ok we could go in the back. What did the kid bring? Oh, why did the kid bring a ladder to kindergarten? Wait, how do you read this To jump. She wanted to go to high school. I don't get that one. High school, yeah, anyways, that's enough of that.

Speaker 1:

No, please dawg.

Speaker 2:

People like my kid keeps telling me to stop pretending to be butter, but I'm on a roll now.

Speaker 2:

Oh that's the joke. Hey, this reminded me one thing. Ok, I'm going to. This did remind me of a joke that I got to tell you guys Ready, anyways, the Hold on, hold on, hold on. This is funny, this funny. He's always thinking this. Now I seen it today and I was like I saved it. Ok, ready. The lady's talking to her husband. She's like you have to stop commenting that my little that's my little throat goat on my picks because my nanny keeps asking me questions. Honestly, nanny should be proud that you're. You have no gag reflux, that's kind of funny that is.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was my little throat goat.

Speaker 2:

My little throat, so he's commenting on that, my little throat goat.

Speaker 3:

I'm glad I remembered that because I wanted to say, all right, slick rock, no.

Speaker 2:

I got one more. Anyways, how does Darth Vader like his morning bagel, toasted and the Berkside? Ok, that's it. That's enough of them dad jokes, but that's now I know why the box is so tight. I know because we tried to get them away with you All right why we enjoy this slick rock. Let's do Rick's favorite time. Stripper ginger is on the stage. Do she got a big bush?

Speaker 3:

Correct the pole with the big balls. She just sucked one. Oh, but that's a snap, snap, snap, snap, all right.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right. So this week I actually kind of cheated and I told Rick and I don't remember, is it? But why was the most memorable? The memory, the memory, the memory, the memory lady, or the most best Christmas present you ever received in your whole life? And I asked you something?

Speaker 2:

that you remember you did ask me as something Remember but no, not the best Christmas gift that you received that you can remember in your you know your from childhood up. You know like did you get it? Like red rider BB gun. You know what I mean. What was the best gift? Most of us enjoy the fact that you know in some cases, women only give you a blow job on your birthday or Christmas. So that's what you remember, you know oh yes, I can go first.

Speaker 2:

That's why I know, but it was what you gave.

Speaker 3:

But like remember, I couldn't even answer that then, Like you had some.

Speaker 2:

I had some. But it was like it was a big thing that I couldn't get oh yeah, I know, I know what I told you.

Speaker 3:

But I'm like yeah, I mean, I guess back when I was a kid, like the one thing I remember is actually there's two presents. I remember the one I fucked up on and actually found before Christmas, that's the one I told you about which was the GI Joe base. Oh the actual full on. Gi Joe, you were lucky. Oh yeah, yeah, that's what I said. Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

The whole way I was going to say mine was the GI Joe. I had the snowmobile with the blowjob guy yeah that's all he got. That's all I got and I remember when we got that he was so happy to put that little snowman bill together in that and he had the way it was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was calm blowjob. Yes but his name was actually snow job, no job, and you hit the button, they blew apart.

Speaker 2:

No he shot the rockets, yeah, on this snowmobile, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I actually got the whole GI Joe thing. You're a spoiled kid, oh no, you have no clue, but I, because I got that. And then I got the Star Wars winner thing to where, when he was hanging upside down. Oh, I don't remember that. Do you remember Star Wars when the big beast and Luke Skywalker was hanging upside down?

Speaker 2:

because he was, oh, and he was getting eaten, yeah, you wrote and down in there.

Speaker 3:

No, like you could hook Luke Skywalker's. Foot in the little bridge. I don't remember that. Then you hit the button and fucking it, blow up and he'd fall and you could beat up the guy, whatever, yeah. But yeah, I got the GI Joe thing and you're a spoiled kid, oh yeah, so so I do.

Speaker 2:

One I was going to say was the snow job guy, the bloke. I remember that we used to. Yeah, I was so jelly because I didn't get one. I didn't get a GI Joe. Oh, actually I think I got on snake eyes. Yeah, you did. But I just got the character, the character.

Speaker 3:

And you got the whole kit and the guy.

Speaker 2:

But one thing I remember is you remember I don't know if people remember this, but you used to put a battery in this little, let's say, truck, and it was a little small thing, and then we got the helicopter that would come down.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and pick them up, and pick them up. Yeah, yeah, and they had lights on, yeah, and you put them on this track, but the batteries ran out, like within seconds. Wait, they ran quick.

Speaker 2:

All right, but it was like we had the, the helicopter that would come down and pick him up and I was like man, how cool. Because the reason I say that was so cool was because that was the it gift at that time.

Speaker 3:

And they would run around these little tracks.

Speaker 2:

We got it. It was a shared gift that my brothers yeah, it was all three of us.

Speaker 1:

Right, but it was like I can't believe we got right, the gift.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, I remember that, that was back.

Speaker 1:

I remember 30 something. No, all right.

Speaker 2:

All right, mine was one. I got my PS5, but I'm going to talk about it earlier than anybody I know, but I want to talk about the first time we got a Atari. Oh, yeah, yeah. Remember when we were little. It was a together gift. All three of us. We got this Atari and it was we were. We opened it late at night, yeah, and then we had to go to bed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you couldn't play it.

Speaker 2:

No, my dad played it all night and we could hear Donkey Kong, yeah and all the shit.

Speaker 3:

Like Pong and oh yeah. Tank no.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Tank. Yeah, do you remember Tank like just two tanks, like I remember playing my dad, just two tanks Like you used to throw a hook.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we didn't have a tank. We had Donkey Kong, we had Pac-Man.

Speaker 3:

And we had a.

Speaker 2:

We could hear him playing all night. Yeah, but it was weird because we got it it was real late when we opened it. It was like what, seven or eight o'clock at night, yeah, it was later than that, it was probably. It was like we opened it up and we were like, oh, we forgot one and it was late that night, yeah. And then we opened it and they were like Someone else could have brought it. And then yeah, and then we hooked it up and we were like we got to play like well three of us and Donkey Kong was the first game we got Right.

Speaker 2:

So every time you died you had to give the remote. But we played it for like an hour and then he was like you guys go to bed. And then we could hear the thing upstairs. Don't worry, I'm like, do you know how torturous that was? We got to play it all night, but as soon as we woke up in the morning we got up early in the morning and we just took turns.

Speaker 3:

We got up and we just took turns and just played for like the whole Christmas break.

Speaker 2:

And it was it was funny. But you think about it like if you were a dad now, you know you were a dad, you know you were a dad and it was. It was funny. But you think about it like if you were a dad now and you bought your kid a PS five and then he was playing, you'd be like okay, kid, you got to go to bed. Now it's my time I've seen him playing it for hours, but you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like the games are more advanced now. Back then, bedtime was a certain time.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like right now you wouldn't be able to. Like you don't have school, yeah, I'd be up with him the whole time. Be like yeah, let's go. Yeah, but no but back then it was at 39 o'clock and we were on break, and it was like

Speaker 2:

9 30 10 o'clock. We got to stay up a half an hour, you got to stay up to 10.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I swear he stayed up until one point in that hand.

Speaker 3:

I probably stayed up later than my brother and then he just when you fell asleep. But the worst thing, was is.

Speaker 2:

we only had one TV, so when my dad wanted to watch TV, you had to shut it off. Yeah, we couldn't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

So it was like, okay, that's enough of that. And we were like, oh, I have the best score you know. And it was like shut off.

Speaker 3:

And then you didn't get your turn. Me and my dad used to play combat. I think it was called combat. It was like two tanks, yeah, and you tried to shoot each other Really.

Speaker 2:

I never played with the round joystick.

Speaker 3:

No we had the full. Oh yeah, oh no.

Speaker 2:

The Atari had the joystick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, atari had. So I'm saying, yeah, that's what we had. Yeah, the full With the red button.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hated playing Pong. I did not.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we played Pong. Pong was the round and it was either called tanks or fucking combat or something like that and like we just shoot at each other. But you'd have to try to move and guess where you're going to get them.

Speaker 2:

When you know you pull that stick, you would like break it trying to move. Oh yeah, absolutely yeah, trying to get it out. How much strength did you put on that stick?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because, like that would stand at my dad's, so like he'd be all good at it and I'd be like you, just put my ass the whole time he played it every night, you know you know he like me one in a couple of times. That's why they cry.

Speaker 2:

Just keep you interested. Oh, you beat me. We do that for our children, yes, we do Absolutely. Oh, that was great story time.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 2:

How about this beer? We got to rank this. I see why you were hesitant, on me too, and I'm going to describe what I get.

Speaker 3:

All right, I want you guys to go first. Go ahead, all right, go Billy.

Speaker 2:

I get a. It's hard but you almost get like a deep flavor on the backside, no, on the front. Just drinking it, you get a deep like a, almost like a chocolate. Would you say like you get a chocolate, I would say caramel. Yeah, I was gonna say caramel. Hmm, it's a brown ale. It's a brown ale and I see why you get. You say caramel, but I mean I'm going to say seven. I enjoy it and I don't mind it.

Speaker 1:

Would I keep it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I'd keep it. I'm not keeping it, I'm going to say six and a half. Only reason is I love the front side. It's delicious. I could drink it every day. It's the go-go. What do you think? What do you?

Speaker 3:

think, what were you Damn it.

Speaker 2:

So I like I was thinking I mean I could, I don't mind drinking it.

Speaker 3:

No, I know I'm enjoying it. I was trying to get something that you guys enjoyed like and I don't know. I thought that for me it was a little higher. I'm going to go eight and a half. I'm going to go nine. Oh, you were going that high.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I was going to go at least eight, nine.

Speaker 2:

This, you know. It's oddly because normally we're very close to each other. Exactly On a red.

Speaker 3:

And, and this is a brown, it's a brown like.

Speaker 2:

I just don't like the bitterness on the backside. I don't mind it, I actually kind of enjoy it. I didn't mind that. That's the thing.

Speaker 3:

I didn't mind that. I thought it was a sweet on the front.

Speaker 2:

The front is beautiful.

Speaker 3:

And then it just had a little bit of a bitterness on the back, I gave it a seven.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's a solid.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's a seven and a half, yeah, yeah, I can get where you're coming from. I'm definitely six and a half, because I mean I sort of I love if I get drinking it I don't have that bitterness, but when I take a break, when you take a break, it does get, it gets better and we go from IPA to this. No, yeah, yeah, so I'm going to stick with eight. Okay, that's good, I can see that.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I don't. I say, I said I wouldn't keep it, but if I had it around I wouldn't mind. You know what I mean. If I had another fridge, I don't think I would pull it out, I think I would, I think I would Would you, I would keep it myself, you would and you would. So it's Jason.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Cause, if it was around, I'll say I'll give it a go, yeah. I would keep it. It's not Princess approved though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know I couldn't see that, but like I could definitely keep this in my fridge, like I love the artwork and stuff, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Slick rock. I like the whole theme that this, this brewery has. This brewery has absolutely. Yeah, I did enjoy the sunshine better, though, yes, I, and I would think I'll bump up the sunshine even more. So if I went to the brewery, I'd do the sunshine. Yeah, I would do, I would grab, but if I saw the Brown. L. I'd be interested what it tastes like.

Speaker 3:

Well, so now, you know, though you wouldn't have to. You know what I mean Like I, like I, if you're like me.

Speaker 2:

I would definitely. I would order this sunshine a can sunshine in a minute, yeah, and the Brown L, I'd be like yeah. I, I but see I'm not a big Brown L fan. I like reds, but not Brown L's.

Speaker 3:

So I consider the Browns and Reds kind of the same yeah but they're red over a. Brown L I, I do come exactly, yeah, but you still get the caramel. But this caramel is is a little bit harder.

Speaker 2:

It's more burnt. Yeah, yeah, absolutely You're right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're right, yep.

Speaker 2:

Cause you definitely get more of a burnt flavor on it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Now, if I'm my own, my brewery, if I excuse me.

Speaker 2:

I'd make a red, I wouldn't make a Brown, I'd say, burn it and then call it a Brown.

Speaker 3:

No, you know what I mean I. I got a different idea, but yeah, you're right?

Speaker 1:

No, save our ideas.

Speaker 3:

I am no, I know, I know I know, I'm thinking, I'm thinking something just just that would top this just a notch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, I'll get it, but I tell you what I would add that that first brewery we did. I love to have both of them, dude, they are great.

Speaker 1:

That IPA is Civic oh, man, and it's just a. I have a bond to have that brewery.

Speaker 3:

So here let me put you in perspective of your trip. This is this, is this brewery, the Uh Karehi. Karehi was in a somewhat big town. Okay, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

So they had 10% of people Okay In.

Speaker 3:

Georgia and it's actually saying it's out of South Carolina.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Carolina or North Carolina, yeah, and it's right on the border Right, so they probably have more and they're getting bigger and whatever. The place I was at was out in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Speaker 2:

And for this place? No, oh no, no, civic, civic would blow it up there.

Speaker 3:

Would blow it up Civic would.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, what these guys are doing, yeah, just based on location and. I feel bad that I don't know civics backstory yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no. Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they listen to show and give you a minute.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and give me a minute and let me call them. Or yeah, I'm not going to give you my number right now, but they hook us up or hit us up on our.

Speaker 2:

We have a website, website, another reason to drink, and then you can email us again.

Speaker 3:

Love to talk to you or send us an email and let us know your guys's backstory, but you guys blew it up over these guys. You really did.

Speaker 2:

If we could get, civic anywhere, it would tear apart yeah.

Speaker 3:

And we drink a lot of beer.

Speaker 2:

So we drink a lot of beer and you're getting two 10s out of one fucking brewery yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm telling you, they, you score, bring them to home. They, they're whole demeanor of everything was amazing yeah.

Speaker 2:

The. I might Google that.

Speaker 3:

This, this actually the Whatever Curry.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, curry, I was kind of I don't want to say it was Commercialized, commercialized, but they had a nicer place, it seems more, but not homie Like not friendly Welcome Not friendly. It was like you know what I mean Like it was just a regular brewery.

Speaker 2:

Like we see everywhere People are nice and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you're not knocking on the place, but Civic Fucking had it nailed, dude. They had it nailed for their little ass place.

Speaker 2:

I mean great beers you brought back on your trip. I appreciate them. Yeah, let's talk about another reason to drink this week. I am just happy. Billy looked at me like a day's like I'm skipping something. But I didn't. No, I did think about it, my mind you did.

Speaker 3:

I did.

Speaker 2:

We were twins. I can tell when he looked at me.

Speaker 3:

I was like, and I was like are we already at this point? Yeah, I'm right there bro.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, I'm just enjoying the holiday season. I'm trying to take myself and slow down a minute and enjoy. Yes, that's the.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Enjoy. And someone asked me today why you smile so much. I said because I'm going to go drink a beer.

Speaker 3:

You know you're going to enjoy your day Slow down, enjoy. Yeah, slow down a minute, because everybody goes home and they just cook dinner, watch TV and go to bed, right, yeah, we enjoy our day, and I admit that that's going to be mine, just because I just got back from vacation. I had a week you were- probably running.

Speaker 2:

Now that you're back, you feel like time is going quick, don't you?

Speaker 3:

But me running on vacation? No, that's not vacation.

Speaker 2:

No, not vacation, no, I know.

Speaker 3:

I know what you're saying, but because we're running on vacation.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean when you come back from vacation, all of a sudden you're busy.

Speaker 3:

No, I get that, but we're always running on vacation too, right.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean You're busy. But, that's a different feel, such a different busyness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a joy of a little busy 12 days away was amazing.

Speaker 2:

But it seemed like forever here.

Speaker 3:

It was just and for me it went by within five days.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but here you know, because I see him all the time. 12 days he wasn't around.

Speaker 1:

I was like what the fuck? And I'm used to gaming with you and everything.

Speaker 3:

I want to kill my wife. I thought he was going to break bones. I thought he was going to break bones because he was so lack of protein.

Speaker 1:

It was a calcium.

Speaker 3:

He has no hair. Don't slip on the ice, no.

Speaker 2:

I was taking my mail, I see him slow. Whatever your protein, you need your protein shots. I got to stay this book. You're only a penis on Funny funny man. But my another reason to drink is I'm enjoying the holidays and I'm taking it slow going to enjoy every day. And then I actually get to go see Jason creeper. Just remember people take it slow. Jason creeper, when are you going?

Speaker 3:

We're going there Christmas, december 26th.

Speaker 2:

When December 26th, after Christmas, yeah, still a holiday. I figured the holidays all the way until January 1st. Yeah, oh you're off.

Speaker 3:

That Remember? Yeah, I'm driving down, you're driving down. See, I can't go because I asked everybody to go. No, I can't go because you're flying back up.

Speaker 2:

No, I asked you before I can get canceled ticket. You can follow me, remember, stephanie is coming up here. I can't. I know I was trying, it's going to be me and Jason. We're going to be at the party, oh.

Speaker 1:

Stephanie is coming up here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 3:

You're just going down there to go to Strip Force yeah.

Speaker 2:

Strip Force.

Speaker 3:

Jason does not go there. Hey, Stephanie, they're just going to Titty Bars, no they're going to Titty Bars the whole time, the whole time, the whole time. They're out between two titties.

Speaker 2:

Jason, save your dollar bills boy. Best. I've saved them 20s $8 anymore, Anyways, end of the day buddy.

Speaker 3:

End of the day. I did, we did, we did, I did, you did, I did Too many beers. No, no we did four beers from Florida. Yeah, Uh, car, car, honey no survive standalone Carahi, carahi, no, you're saying that Carahi?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know I am, but I will not say civic wrong.

Speaker 3:

No, start with civic, because that's what we're saying. Yeah, civic is fucking amazing. We did 20s. Yeah, from civic, from.

Speaker 2:

Sop choppy. You guys look this up like anybody listening may hopefully.

Speaker 3:

Maybe they have a website you can buy it from there.

Speaker 2:

Whatever they were, amazing they have good beer.

Speaker 3:

It was very great beer refreshing. And then car honey. Like I feel bad that car Carahi.

Speaker 2:

Carahi, Because it tells you how to say it says actually how he like I'm not trying to be funny about it because it's a cool backstory.

Speaker 3:

Yes, like 30 miles, 30 miles up the mountain. 30 miles down the mountain standalone, it was the first 104th airborne for World War II. Yeah, so like I'm not trying to make fun of it, and they got the World War II plane on it, yeah, no, no, like I like it just Wonderful.

Speaker 2:

A lot of military pride on this and their beer is not bad, no their beer is not bad.

Speaker 3:

Like we have a lot of people who are like you know. We have a lot of people who are like oh, we went eights, probably across the board on average, we'll just say we'll average eight across the board. And it was. It's a good beer and it's a cool backstory, so yeah thank you, rick, for your trip.

Speaker 2:

Rick trip, absolutely, yeah, hey, I can't wait to do it.

Speaker 3:

We all enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

See, I like how he thinks about us when he's there.

Speaker 1:

He's like oh, they would love this beer yeah.

Speaker 2:

When he's sitting there drinking. Yeah, we're just saying we do, we do, and you know every listener does that, because I get text messages like I think you guys are like this beer, that beer, this beer.

Speaker 3:

But now, before I get off, you know, before we shut it down, like did you guys taste a little bit of saltiness on the rim?

Speaker 2:

No, I did not. Yeah, I got lucky.

Speaker 1:

I didn't get the one.

Speaker 2:

You know. So one thing I want to bring up as they talk about you know, listeners and stuff. So I had a listener come up to me and say I cannot find that Shiner Trail mix or that that one we considered the trail mix. Yeah, that was so good yeah.

Speaker 3:

The Shiner trail.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I told him. I said, dude, I can hook you up because I bought extra because my wife said she wanted to try it. Right, she didn't drink any of it. What do you say about it? No, I haven't given it to him. I told him I would hook him up. But the thing is, is the beers that we're going to do in a couple of weeks from now? Well, next week we're going to try Shiner Cheer, yeah, which we you know we love.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then the next one is Great.

Speaker 2:

Lakes Christmas Ale Bourbon Special yes.

Speaker 3:

So if you can get that next week right yes, that's next week.

Speaker 2:

So, and I gave him one can of each. I gave him a can in the bottom.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know. So if you get a chance, go ahead and go ahead and get Shiner Cheer and then go ahead, which I love, Shiner.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and it's on. How can? You not love him. I know that gets me in this Christmas here right there, this is enough dude, this is enough, baby.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to peace on her Any last thoughts guys.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what do you get when?

Speaker 1:

you jingle a guy's balls Bells. No, you guys get white Christmas. God bless you Be safe.

Speaker 3:

everybody, don't jerk off. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to get a beer.

Speaker 1:

Have everybody don't jerk and drive.

Beer Tasting
Learning From Experience
Pilsner, Hazy IPA, and Thanksgiving Cooking
Thursday Night Beer Stories With Neighbors
Beer Tasting Discussion
Distance Measurement and Humorous Anecdotes
Childhood Christmas Gifts and Memories
Bedtime Nostalgia and Beer Tasting Review
Military Pride and Beer Discussion