Another Reason to Drink

Free Balls

December 13, 2023 Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 4 Episode 47
Free Balls
Another Reason to Drink
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Another Reason to Drink
Free Balls
Dec 13, 2023 Season 4 Episode 47
Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR)

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S4-E47, Ever wondered what's the best Christmas Ale out there? Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of laughter and tipsy revelations as we uncork and savor the Barreled Age Christmas Ale by Great Lakes Brewing Company and the Shiner Holiday Cheer by Shiner Brewing Company. We'll spill the beans on everything from the unique can design to the flavor profile, and even share our personal preferences. 

Feeling the holiday blues? Let's take a walk down memory lane as we dish out hilarious stories of our favorite classic cartoons like Tom and Jerry and The Great Race. Watch out as things get a little more colorful when we navigate the precarious world of underwear shopping. Buckle up for a wild journey as we meander into everything from bar crawls to quarterbacks, and even prunes stuffed with cream cheese.

No stone is left unturned as we chat about our golf outings, the disappointment of frozen wings, and the curiously enjoyable experience of stuffing prunes with cream cheese. We've got beer reviews, dad jokes and a peculiar love for a certain BBQ sauce. So, pull up a chair, grab a brew, and get ready for an episode that's bound to leave you reaching for one reason to drink after another.

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S4-E47, Ever wondered what's the best Christmas Ale out there? Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of laughter and tipsy revelations as we uncork and savor the Barreled Age Christmas Ale by Great Lakes Brewing Company and the Shiner Holiday Cheer by Shiner Brewing Company. We'll spill the beans on everything from the unique can design to the flavor profile, and even share our personal preferences. 

Feeling the holiday blues? Let's take a walk down memory lane as we dish out hilarious stories of our favorite classic cartoons like Tom and Jerry and The Great Race. Watch out as things get a little more colorful when we navigate the precarious world of underwear shopping. Buckle up for a wild journey as we meander into everything from bar crawls to quarterbacks, and even prunes stuffed with cream cheese.

No stone is left unturned as we chat about our golf outings, the disappointment of frozen wings, and the curiously enjoyable experience of stuffing prunes with cream cheese. We've got beer reviews, dad jokes and a peculiar love for a certain BBQ sauce. So, pull up a chair, grab a brew, and get ready for an episode that's bound to leave you reaching for one reason to drink after another.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm gonna start using it. Welcome back to another reason drink. I'm your host, bobby, with my two co-hosts. Is that the gaggle, or what do you call?

Speaker 3:

it, the gaggle, the gagg-gagg-glogg-glogg. That's the glogg-glogg.

Speaker 2:

That's the glogg-glogg-glogg-glogg-glogg. Bobby's got a new toy here.

Speaker 3:

No, Bobby does not.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, rick decorated for us, but hey, this is Princess Rick. Hey, welcome back to another reason drink, and what we're gonna do this week is two great Christmas beers. Now we got a special one we're gonna do. It's by Great Lakes Brewing Company and it's called Barreled Age Christmas Ale. It's 8% of 16 ounce cans. It's a Barreled Age limited release and it's the coolest can I ever get, because most people like Christmas, the Great Lakes Christmas Ale. Now you get it with barrel, let's see. But I have to admit that the can itself is clean, though.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. It's all stupid, it's just really nice and clean. A couple of snowflakes and a little fucking trainer, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

A train of globes.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's kind of a cool clean can?

Speaker 3:

It is cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

I agree with you on that one. And then we're gonna do one of our favorites. It's a Shiner Brewing Company and it's a Shiner Holiday Cheer. Now we have done this in Peaches McCons. And again, this is a 5.4% and we love that one, that one, that's amazing. And the pecan and the peach flavor that comes out of that. But the first one we're gonna do is Great Lakes Christmas Barreled Age. If you can find this, grab it. Well, wait.

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

We'll drink it. It smells cherry, like cherries. I don't know it's gonna take me a minute. Yeah, me too, because the first sip I don't know if I'm loving it, I just get barrel. I don't get anything right now, so it's kind of sex. He's got a little bit of cold. He's got a little head cold going on so I'm kind of just trying to drink my way through it. If you need the glug, glug there it is. Yeah, maybe a shot of penis on he's sweating over there.

Speaker 2:

He's sweating. He had to take a break. He got blow his nose, but we have two great beers today and we'll try to keep the show under here an hour Like an hour and a half an hour and 20, like we've been doing. Honestly, we should have probably paired this with the regular one to see if Like just a regular.

Speaker 3:

Christmas ale Great Lakes Christmas Ale.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we're not big fans of Great Lakes. Yeah, there are some. I mean they're very popular. There was a time I'm just getting a lot of profit on this. Take about 20 years ago, when Great Lakes came out with the Christmas Ale Everybody bought it up. Yeah, I couldn't even. I had to buy it and take it down south. And there was another one that were real popular Burning River.

Speaker 1:

No Loch.

Speaker 2:

Ness, yeah, the eerie. Oh, they still have it, the eerie monster, I think it was, or something like that.

Speaker 1:

And then the.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The Commodore is very popular, it's very popular.

Speaker 2:

They're really good. Well, even the Elliott Ness now is really big. Yeah it is. Didn't we have to take some down when we went to Jason's 50th for them?

Speaker 3:

No, not.

Speaker 2:

Great Lakes, he likes that steamer. No, I thought Greg wanted us to bring some.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that could have been.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not Jason because he didn't know we were coming, but I thought Greg wanted us, I mean it's just kind of warm. I'm kind of warming up to it. Yeah, you just got to get past the first few steps. Yeah, it's got a good caramel flavor. You figure it's ticking out our everyday drink or two.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, knocking it out. Yeah, because I still have that right here.

Speaker 2:

So my everyday drinker has been the Heineken.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yep, yeah, I've been doing Michael Ultra and Rick's still on a training fluid. He's looking for it nowhere around. Where'd it go yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think he's left it out there, no.

Speaker 2:

I don't need it.

Speaker 3:

He's like I need some Nyquil.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, I can't wait. Sleep is good. I only woke up once last night and changed all my clothes because I was fucking sweating.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you were, but that's good.

Speaker 2:

You're sweating now. I ain't sweating now. No, no no no, no, were you sweating it out, though, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean, was it not super hot and everything?

Speaker 3:

It's just comfortable like it is now no, yeah, just yeah yeah, because I could sleep in this room.

Speaker 2:

I take a shot of Nyquil dude. It makes me fucking. I'm a hot sleeper anyhow.

Speaker 3:

I hope you sweat. You know what.

Speaker 2:

I mean, so I fucking. Then I put extra blankets on fucking long johns, fucking like.

Speaker 3:

Do you go to?

Speaker 2:

bed first, like you're freezing, no.

Speaker 3:

You know how when.

Speaker 1:

I get in bed.

Speaker 2:

first I'm like freezing, then like an hour later I'm like oh yeah, I'm on it back yeah. No, no, when I climb in bed, it's cause I got the flannel sheets on now, so that's nice.

Speaker 1:

I do like the flannel sheets, oh I do.

Speaker 2:

I love flannel sheets. I almost hate to take them off when summer comes when summer comes, but you have to.

Speaker 1:

You have to, you have to Yep.

Speaker 2:

And the only reason? Because you would be making your AC colder just to be in flannel sheets. Yeah, but the problem is is my flannel sheets. I can't use them why? Cause I move my foot constantly back and forth. You get them little beads down there. No, it burns my foot. I got like a rug burn.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Cause my foot's moving like this back and forth constantly. Do you set it on tracing? I know I don't want to say yeah.

Speaker 1:

When I'm in bed, my foot, I go like this constantly. Yeah, that's fine All night long, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then when I wake up I got a burn spot on top of my foot From flannel sheets, yeah, from rubbing on the sheet Like all night long. Yeah but your, your foot's just going like this, like waving right, or is it like literally going back and forth on it, like here's the bottom of?

Speaker 1:

my foot.

Speaker 3:

It's like the side.

Speaker 2:

I'm on the top of my foot going like this oh okay, and then I can't wear socks and shit cause it fucking hurts. Huh, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I just like like my foot's constantly cause I sleep on my side, so my foot's like this and I just put that up on her.

Speaker 1:

You're a fucking weirdo, I know.

Speaker 2:

Tracy. I don't know how she sleeps with me with that foot moving all the time. Well, like I remember, like when I was younger, and like I had to have to sleep in the same bed as my dad when we would go down to West Virginia or whatever, but like I remember he would do that with his foot Like he'd just rock it back and forth. It would eventually stop, though, and I don't know, I'd fall asleep. You know what I mean, but, but you know what I mean. Like that's why it was weird. Like I was like okay, I understand going back and forth, like waving.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

I lay on my side, so my foot's like it would be like take your hand and just rub on this Right All night long, and then Indian burn yeah.

Speaker 1:

But you use that real soft.

Speaker 2:

But I use like silky sheets and it doesn't do it Right Because it's like it's smooth. One thing about silky sheets. You wake up in the middle of the night and all your blankets be off. You yeah?

Speaker 1:

they were all fucking over the place, but you're like looking around for there's magic marker all over.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like that one time.

Speaker 3:

And they in camp.

Speaker 2:

But they, I like the silky ones because I feel like they're. They're cool when you first get in but they warm up so fast. Yeah, I do. I like flannel, I like flannel.

Speaker 1:

I personally like flannel yeah.

Speaker 2:

Cause it's something about that, that coziness.

Speaker 3:

Just yeah, you get it. You get in and it's warm and soft. It's like yeah, it is.

Speaker 1:

It's like oh, it's getting on Make some direction.

Speaker 2:

Come over here, Make some. Where's my tissue? Make?

Speaker 3:

some static electricity Little soak.

Speaker 2:

You get your little one. It's like ET oh, et out, yeah, et, come home. Where's that little hole? Where's that little glug glug hole? That doll sits there. How long you had that ET doll, dude, I've had that ET dolls and so it was probably eight years old. It looks bad. His hands covered his butt hole. Yeah, right now he's got it shifted around. I wish it still had it. If it's still had it, it's still got it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you don't even know.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you could sell. You would sell your toy, though I've never thought Look at how beat up he looks Don't stare at it, I've never done anything with it, I mean it just Dude, he's that way. It's literally since eighth grade. I am eight years old. Yeah, I remember I had my. I probably my mom probably has pictures of it that I had a little onesie. Yeah, I had a little onesie, I had a little onesie. I had a little onesie, I had a little onesie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Like you know, we'd all sleep a little. Zip up onesie thing. Yeah, bobby does, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I would put that in my chest and his head would be sticking out.

Speaker 3:

I would walk around the house. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Speaker 2:

Look how cute I am.

Speaker 3:

You're 15. 18. So what?

Speaker 2:

You still got that. How long did you sleep with that doll? And then, finally, it just moved away. Dude, I don't even know how I still have that doll, I know. I don't have the millennium falcon and all the shit that would be worth a lot of money, but I have this fucking thing. Yeah, it won't go away. I've thrown it away five times.

Speaker 1:

No, nose on it. I fucking.

Speaker 2:

Come in the next day and it's still here. I'm like what the fuck? So I just don't touch it.

Speaker 3:

It wants to be in your hoodie, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just don't touch it. It has a hat on it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it looks cool. It's got a bronze hat. We see it all the time. He's pretty happy. He's been a little bit of a while he's been content right there.

Speaker 2:

Out of all the times I've moved since I was fucking eight years old, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's the only thing that I have left and that's unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand how the fuck that thing has been around or showed up, because, believe me, it wasn't in my house. Multiple times, but I don't know if my mom just had it hidden and it just came. You know what I mean. It might be some special to her because she remembers how old is that thing? At least 40 years, right? No, yeah, yeah, probably. Yeah, probably 40 years. Yeah, because you could probably Google it. Et was probably 40 years or 45 years. I want to say I had it when I was eight.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's 48.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so it's got to be damn close to 48. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now you're going to make it Google ET doll. It probably has a side. I just want the ET movie come out.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was in 84. Yeah, 83.

Speaker 3:

Right around there, yeah, maybe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it was around 80. Rick's about four, Anyways just to give you guys a quick update 82. 82. That's what I was saying. Quick update Rick did decorate the podcast room for Christmas and it looks beautiful. You could see it on our Tiktok. Yeah, he did, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And it's very nice. So 82, huh, 82. Wow. July 11, 1982. Yeah, you watched that movie a lot yeah.

Speaker 1:

I didn't really 92. So it's kind of where you have a doll for it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, I did watch it, but I mean it's not like I, it wasn't my go-to movie.

Speaker 1:

It was a 41 years.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we were pretty close. I had to say your favorite cartoon when you were growing up was GI Joe. That was good, it was good. Yeah, yeah, it was good. I don't know if it was my favorite, I don't know, I forget what. My favorite because I got really big, I think mine was GI Joe. Yeah, but we we listen a lot of Tom and Jerry to Tom and Jerry. I love the classics yeah, I love the classics Three, I mean with the little rascals, the Looney Tunes, yeah the Looney Tunes.

Speaker 2:

I never really got into the little rascals.

Speaker 1:

You didn't. I know they were a prize.

Speaker 2:

My brothers weren't a lot to watch the Three Stooges. Yeah, they were popular. We used to be able to watch them. Yeah, my brothers weren't a lot because they would do it. Oh, because it was Three Stooges and they were sitting there and like the older brother would be like. I'm fucking smack the other kid.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's enough of that. Yeah, you guys love that. But then I got into like Wildcats Remember Wildcats and like that was a little later. Tron or not? Tron Um.

Speaker 1:

Thunderbird Transformer no Thunderbird.

Speaker 2:

Thundercat, thundercats or what was that thing that turned into a big fucking. They would all five get together and had a sword?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had a sword Tron.

Speaker 2:

I keep saw it. I want to call it Tron, but it wasn't. It was a Thundercat. No, no, no. It was only a cartoon and never sold toys for it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they had toys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you could buy the whole. Thing. But he had a big sword, and it was always in space.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't remember, I do remember, I remember that. But they were all animals, yeah. Yeah, they were all cats or something.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

They fucking be robot cats and then, they'd all come together and turn one big dildo and fucking yeah. Kind of like before Transformers came popular.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was the pre. That's where they probably got the idea.

Speaker 1:

It was the.

Speaker 2:

Japanese Transformer yeah.

Speaker 3:

Basically yeah.

Speaker 2:

They. You know people don't this these days but because the TV today, but we used to look. I mean remember as a kid looking forward to Saturday morning.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and if you slept in, you missed it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like, but I was always the Looney Tunes. Yeah, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I mean Looney Tunes Like I even remember my noon.

Speaker 2:

They were done, though they had the show. So I'm like science guy and all that.

Speaker 1:

Trying to teach you. You guys remember that great race.

Speaker 2:

They what? The great race? The great race, yeah, it had like a mill of vanilla, the big ape.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the great, great, great, big ape and mill.

Speaker 2:

And then there was somebody else, mill of vanilla or something like, but they were racing. It was almost like the cannonball run. Right, yeah, and they were racing, they had that little dog.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, you did that good.

Speaker 2:

You should do that for Halloween, you should.

Speaker 3:

That way you do that good yeah.

Speaker 2:

But they would know and know and know what he is. We there would be somebody out there, I guarantee you like, if you, if I, dressed up like the dog and that, but you'd have to have his villain, the head of villain partners. And he had like a kung fu, like no no, no, no, no, no, no that was no, that was oh come on A kung fu. Yeah, hong Kong. Yeah, lucky change yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude, they were awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's when cartoons were good they're so funny. But we didn't have like pre-record, so you had to get up Saturday morning. You had to wake up, yeah 6 am You'd be like, because all the good ones would play early in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 8 o'clock was prime time. You guys are all right. Tell me what cartoon this was and or what it was doing. Uh, bringing home a little baby bumblebee. Won't my mama be so proud of me. Do you guys remember that? Um, it was that bear. No, winnie the Pooh, no, no, no, not Winnie the Pooh. Um, no, it was a loony tunes thing. Oh, no, I don't remember that, it was the vulture, remember he?

Speaker 1:

was flying yeah, bringing home a baby bumblebee.

Speaker 2:

And he's just holding a little bumblebee trying to like and then finally at the end of the cartoon or something like, he was bringing a big ass elephant home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he could. He's lying yeah.

Speaker 2:

He was, uh, he was all dumb and everything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was on the store, he was he was.

Speaker 2:

he was working for the store, so he didn't have to deliver babies. No, no no, no no, no, no, this was a vulture, yeah, but he, he, no, no, no. His mom would always slap him like how are we going to eat this?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, are you?

Speaker 2:

supposed to be going to get something big.

Speaker 3:

Oh, bring on, he bring back this little bumblebee. You're like, here's my bubble, but you can watch all those still yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can do, and stuff like that yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you don't get that, but Tom and Jerry was the bomb, tom and Jerry was the bomb. They were on the most, weren't they? I don't know if they were the most. I remember them the most, I think the ones I two shows. I remember Tom and Jerry's where they opened the refrigerator and they flooded the basement and then they froze it, they froze it, and then they had a war. Yeah, oh, and the war one was awesome. Well, I thought they had the war one on the ice.

Speaker 3:

No, they did, I get it around, they did the skates up there.

Speaker 2:

But then they had the war, where they had the firecrackers in the planks. Yeah, and they were dropping bomb. I remember the one where they had the, you had Tom and Jerry, but then they had the little other guy and they would. They introduced voices at that time and they were like little sword, like French sword, a puppy, yeah, like they were sword fighting.

Speaker 2:

And then he would always try to yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, and you know that little guy would always run up and rip off a fucking yeah, a whisker no, that was, oh, the one with the mustache. He was always seeing that song and he'd be like doing yeah, and he'd run up and just rip off a whisker from Tom and fucking make a new string. And he was like doing I like the cowboy one, like the cowboy ones, when, like he would, tom would fucking like make Jerry lick the fucking cigarette paper Like hey like you'd hold him by his head, you'd be like yeah.

Speaker 2:

He did, didn't he yeah?

Speaker 3:

Those are classic, so awesome.

Speaker 2:

They are so awesome. What do you guys think of this beer? I, I. It. Is you drinking more as I drink more of it, dude, and my taste comes back a little bit after I bloom, we'll give it a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

What is your guys's like, dislike and learn this week? So I'm going to go with a dislike just because I've been a little under the weather and it's been hell at work and whatever. Being under the weather, right, right, it just sucks, you know, and I can't call off just because I got people out, whatever. But I do have a like what's that? I made a person cry at work today or yesterday.

Speaker 3:

That ain't no lie.

Speaker 2:

Fuck and I liked it and I'm just going to keep it at that. But whenever you're going to make somebody cry at work because you hurt their feelings, because of the way they talk the way that you talk to them, because they're I'm sorry. Was that a guy or girl? You may cry, it was a girl, oh and.

Speaker 2:

Is leaving it at that. I'm going to leave it at that, but I mean just because they didn't give me the right information. So I went off with their information and when they came over with their other information, I said this was the information that you gave me. So this is what I did. I'm doing my job. What do you want me to do? Oh, and who came out? Oh it ran off and fucking got the big boss and yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm like get the ball.

Speaker 2:

Really Don't, really. So now I'm I put into the HR fucking book, or into the. Hr little fucking thing. Can we please have a padded room for a safe room for people who have feelings? I guess, because you know we're all supposed to be supervisors, leads, whatever, we're not supposed to really have feelings. No, you take the punches as they come and evidently this very nice lady can't take fucking. You punched too hard. Stop it, dude.

Speaker 3:

The look on his face like he wanted to punch you. I was fucking, I was fucking.

Speaker 2:

I was fucking little. She had me going so bad. I was looking, I was like I'm just doing my job, that's what they are. She's like, so am I. She was like I did all the work, like you printed out some papers. What's footwork in her? No, you did not. Oh, I got it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm going to mine, all right.

Speaker 2:

Never mind, Mine's a learn and you guys can probably relate to this. So the other day I went to this door I said, damn, I need some new underwear.

Speaker 3:

I'm just going to break down?

Speaker 2:

and buy underwear is freaking expensive.

Speaker 1:

Stupid dude yes.

Speaker 2:

Stupid, expensive that and I hate. Tell me you didn't go to Coles.

Speaker 3:

I did I did yeah, okay. The last time I went to Coles.

Speaker 2:

They completely fucked me. How, tell me? Tell me, because their sizes are completely fucking wrong. Oh, you got, you did. Yes, you can't go over the package size. No, no, because I remember last time I bought underwear right, and I was bitching. It was expensive then. And I bought medium Right, because I went off that little thing, off that little package size. You got to go two up. Yeah, because my balls would not breathe and I couldn't get them. They were like they were. I wear the boxer briefs. Yeah, that's what I wear. They were so tight I was like I can't wear these. No, they're fucking girl booty shorts. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's what they are.

Speaker 2:

I'm like what the fuck? I got some in there. The Colombians yeah, fucking you know, $30 for fucking four of them. Four of them, yeah, mine was 42 for four pairs. Yeah, that's 10, roughly 10 plus.

Speaker 1:

I was pissed For a pair of underwear that's outrageous For a year or little.

Speaker 2:

You could get like a 12 pack for $9.99 or something. Well, yeah, but the thing about it is is I agree with you. I bought the wrong ones and I hate it. So, anyways, I put the one and I was like I bought 12 pair. I was excited, right, paid it arm and leg for it, put one on and I'm like by the end of the day I was like I cannot wear these. So then I gave the rest to Ethan.

Speaker 1:

I was like the new ones, the new ones. I gave you, just bought.

Speaker 2:

No, no, this was the prior. I gave him all to Ethan Because he, you know he's fit and physical.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's got our legs, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I said here you go. And then he said they work okay. But he said I asked him today. He said he said he was buying his underwear from that shiny place. You get like two pair for I don't know how much I was going to Google it, but you get. They got the actual ball thing that holds.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

But, Jocky's do that too. But he, yeah, he said dad wearing them ones that cup your balls. When I wear other other wear unregular underwear. They feel weird to me, you know. But anyways, long story short, I went by, I broke down $42 for four pairs, but it was at cold, it was by you, buy like 12 pairs, you got like $120 on underwear. No, no, but they had a special. They had buy one packet, the next one off, and so at the end of the day it cost me like $65 for eight pairs of underwear.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, and I'm like damn, but I learned from the last time. You got to go bigger. You got to go bigger. Yeah, I went by their, so you went large. Their measurements yeah, I went large and how they fit? They fit good. Yeah, okay, which kind do you get? Haines, haines, yeah, were they silky or were they jockey?

Speaker 1:

Or like I go silky, they're silky. Yeah, I only go silky.

Speaker 2:

I think the ones where Ethan was getting online. He was in like a membership. They would send him two pairs every month and then he did it for almost two pairs two years. Ethan said like, for example and this is a good thing, so if it's $20 for two pairs, right, but the ones that cup your balls and stuff like that. He says you think about it, in 10 months you got 20 pairs Right.

Speaker 3:

And I said yeah, that's more than enough.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so what he does, what I do, I do this with t-shirts. Two t-shirts are outrageous too, yeah. Everything I do all that when you buy one, I throw one away. Yeah, I do that too, so I'm in there throwing 10 pairs.

Speaker 1:

Buy it Six pairs of underwear.

Speaker 2:

So now I want now you guys got me wondering because I found one pack of underwear at some off-brand store- or whatever, I believe they're jockeys, but they're the silky ones, jockey, jockey, silky ones are the shit. I want to know what they are now. Really, I bought jockey, jockey silk ones. I bought them. Wonderful. I said I want jockey underwear. So for Christmas I got a bunch of jockey underwear, but they bought me the cloth ones and I'm like, oh, they bunch up too much, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Those are good. They were pretty nice.

Speaker 2:

They were really. They're really nice. Let me feel that band on that one. Yeah, that's pretty.

Speaker 3:

I hate when the bands roll.

Speaker 2:

No, feel that. No, no, no it's. Oh yeah, that ain't cool. We're the underwear show here, Underwear.

Speaker 3:

That is pretty nice.

Speaker 2:

Those were really nice. Those were the best underwear I've ever bought in my life. Yeah, Because you don't want it pulling up. No, no, I don't want it rolling out. But like the Haynes, they got real thin on their banding. Well, I got a pair on now. Here these are Haynes Ew, that's a come stain.

Speaker 3:

Do it quick. Oh, they're thick. You got the wide thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got the wide.

Speaker 2:

It's still thinner Right, and they're the silky ones.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those are perfect, those are band. Yeah. Yeah, they're more athletic, right.

Speaker 2:

But yours does have a nicer wider.

Speaker 1:

But growing up we didn't have this shit, no, fuck, no we had tidy whiteies.

Speaker 2:

Tidy whiteies is it? Yeah, you go, you go. What? What do they say? Too tight around the balls. But I ain't gonna lie that shiny I'm not putting a plug in for shiny, but the shiny underwear that has where they cup your balls, Is that the name of the company? That's where they sell clothes Like a lot of people buy, like pajamas. They have unique stuff Like they're underwear. I got a pair, Ethan gave me a pair and they had like people fucking on them.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it was pretty cool. But they, they cup your ball Like you put your balls in this little pocket Really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and if I don't know, if I'd like that though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, once you get used to it you don't go back Cause they like yeah, but as much as I move like I'd be afraid that fucking no cause like I'd be like running a piece of string underneath your fucking nuts.

Speaker 1:

No, they cut through it. Yeah, just trying to solve through all the opposite.

Speaker 2:

So probably I would I'll do one day is buy a pack and they give you one, but they they cup it and then, like even Ethan said, they they help with moisture control. Oh.

Speaker 1:

I can see that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like, because there's some underwear that probably should be thrown away. Yes, you know what I mean, but, like, all I need basically is material to separate your balls from your thighs, my balls for my thighs and my thighs for my thighs sometimes. Yeah, you know what I mean, like, so that way I went on walking.

Speaker 1:

You ain't got friction.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to lose weight. Yeah, yeah, like, but I mean even still like, cause I mean it barely touches, but it touches a nut. You get that monkey butt going on, dude, there ain't nothing you can fucking do. Oh, hell, and you can do these come down a little bit farther, but I ain't gonna lie, these hangs had a nice pocket for your right.

Speaker 1:

Right, so does um jockey.

Speaker 2:

That's why I like I don't you guys ever wear so underwear, so tight. It's like it's putting so much pressure on your dick.

Speaker 3:

No, no, that is uncomfortable no. I will when you're like always pulling your underwear no no.

Speaker 2:

You got a pair like that or a couple pairs.

Speaker 3:

I was like I'm fucking throwing these, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, I know they're so tight on the front.

Speaker 1:

You're always like no room. Yeah, you got no room. No, you're always like just as fuck.

Speaker 2:

No, that's why I don't throw away underwear. Why? Cause it's all stretched out and everything is fucking fitting good.

Speaker 3:

Finally like okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't give a fuck if there's fucking holes everywhere and fucking skid marks up and down them, whatever.

Speaker 3:

Like fucking. Whatever your balls Fuck.

Speaker 2:

You're just sitting in them and they're fucking running good, but I know there's people our listeners out there that they get the underwear too tight. It doesn't give you enough for your your shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the fucking move. Yeah, you gotta have that room. You're just all contained, you know, and tight On the front.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I don't like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't either. Anyways, that's my learn.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If you guys just have a small dick, you don't have to worry about that Shit. I'm the one complaining about it.

Speaker 3:

It's bigger than that fucking thing.

Speaker 2:

We got Dildo sitting on the table.

Speaker 3:

And I took a. It's not a Dildo, it's a shot Shot.

Speaker 2:

With that in there. Yeah, good If you can find the Dildo in our tiktok.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you get you get a it's on the table.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you that.

Speaker 1:

Does it?

Speaker 2:

show it on there. I took that picture of that angle, yeah, but it wasn't leaning up that. Oh, it's staring Bobby and I. It was sitting right here. That thing's got that huge hole in it. Don't just one eye? One eye looking at one eye.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got a.

Speaker 2:

Dildo sitting on the table. It's one of the things that you put a shot in. It's a shot but it's a penis, but it's a brown penis, yeah, and it's about only four inches.

Speaker 1:

We're going to bring it out More and more.

Speaker 2:

Bring it out for February. Yeah, I love you February, but anyway, my like dislike, learn guys ready. Am I right, though? Is that is that is that is that is that is that is.

Speaker 3:

that is that. So my like, dislike and learn is September, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I am. My fellow DR made it to 11 bars and got a T-shirt on the pub girl. Yes, oh, you guys did yeah.

Speaker 1:

We did, I did 15. We did 16. We did 16 bars.

Speaker 2:

I was supposed to do one up a beer like a drink at every one. A drink, just buy something.

Speaker 1:

Right. You could buy food or a shot. We did end up drinking. I bought a beer at every place. I bought a beer at every place.

Speaker 2:

But I didn't have time to finish every beer.

Speaker 1:

Because we were a movement.

Speaker 2:

I finished my beer, where were? You feeling no pain, but you said you started at noon though. Yes, yeah Well, and we were at one place for two hours. So eat that kind of like eight and so that kind of ate it up. But why were you there so long at the one place for? Two oh because they only had one cook. Oh, it wasn't their fault. Look that one place was pretty. It was really deck.

Speaker 3:

Every place was beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I'd seen a couple of pictures. No, every place was beautiful.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it was Go ahead, bob, all right.

Speaker 2:

So it was in Geneva on the lake and it was a pub crawl, but every place that was on this pub crawl went blew it out with that Blu it out. And they made you and they had Christmas drinks, Christmas shots. I just got beer and I was just a boom, but we went to the first place and they were short handed. So our we, there was 16 of us or something like that yeah. And it took a long time to get our food. Yeah, Cause.

Speaker 2:

That's why you guys were there, so yeah but you know what that helped, helped with what Keeping it helped us keep under, so were because, you, you couldn't even get it. Yeah, it slowed us down. Everybody had. I think I had two large Bud lights there. I only had two drinks. Yeah, that's all I had. What do you mean by large Bud lights Like a? Large glass 24. 24 ounce basically 24 ounce. You know what I mean. It was probably actually 16. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Big fancy glass yeah.

Speaker 1:

But, we were a big old fucking shot.

Speaker 2:

And then we would move to a Knox bar and then we would do like there would be like a cluster of four bars. So we go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom Cause we were trying to make up time, cause we rented a bus and we only had it so long we had a very good person helping us move along, keeping it in order.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just, she was just like let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Speaker 3:

She was not mine yeah.

Speaker 1:

She was like no, no it was one of the people that went with us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, One of the people that kind of set up the or actually got the bus and everything else.

Speaker 3:

Set it all up, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're not going to say any names, but like just she was on the spot, dude, once we left that first place she was like shots, come on guys, shots, let's go. And we actually made it through five bars.

Speaker 3:

Quit like within 20 minutes, 30 minutes, yeah, cause they're pretty close to each other, they are.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is, she knew because once we got down to like that sixth bar, yeah, people started bullshitting. And then it started slowing down it started slowing down so it was kind of harder. And then even we were stepping up, going, hey, we got to move on guys Got to go, got to go.

Speaker 2:

We were 10, 11,. We were slowing down a lot we were. So we got down there at noon and I think we hit the last bar at 630. That's moving, dang it. Then we spent two hours at the first bar, so we did the other 10 bars, most of them in four hours and then we slowed down and fucking. So it's almost like a podcast, where you're sucking them down pretty much. You're going real fast and then boom, but it was fun.

Speaker 1:

I got my t-shirt.

Speaker 2:

It was a great time I would do it again. You think about it, like we last week show hour and a half Right Four beers. Yeah, it's that pace, damn.

Speaker 3:

Or even quicker.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's quicker. Yes, no, it was a hell of a lot quicker. Yeah, cause you had to hit six bars and those Hour and a half we hit Rick starts looking at it.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

We hit six bars in three hours. Six, so that's six beers. We still had another five bars to go in another hour and a half. Wow, yeah. It was yeah, we were moving, but I mean, but then we stopped at Someone said they do it over two days, two day period, yeah, but then we stopped at another bar.

Speaker 1:

We went past 11.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we, yeah, we kept going and then I went out later with the other people. Yeah, I said no Okay.

Speaker 3:

All right, I see your T-Fo. He's like sinking his leg.

Speaker 2:

Like I do him bad. Yeah, all right, I'm actually do. I enjoy this.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I I.

Speaker 3:

You're not a big fan of the.

Speaker 2:

Christmas, I am not a big fan of their Christmas, but you had a little bit of bourbon to it. That's a whole new.

Speaker 1:

It's a kind of warms you up a little.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, it does. I'm going to go nine. I am with Rick. I'm going to go in nine. I think has a little bit of chocolate flavor.

Speaker 1:

It does. It's a little bit of caramel. Yeah, I taste caramel.

Speaker 2:

I tasted the bourbon the whole way. Yes, yes, absolutely, I mean. But I didn't mind it At first. I was like let me get a few sips in, but at the end of the day I wouldn't say this is princess, because it is a little bit rough it is strong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a little strong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would keep this. I would do chasing Cupid Keeper, I would keep it. Yeah, I would keep it. The reason why is because it's good. Well, there's a. It's that henna bourbon with that Christmas twist. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what's doing it. Yeah, and I would have had that sugar rim on there.

Speaker 2:

But you know I'm not a big fan of the Christmas out either. I'm not of theirs, no, and I don't run out and buy it. I have it at my house. This one I would have. I would run out, yeah.

Speaker 1:

This I would have, I would run out, I would actually know Because you know, if the neighbor came over, you gave him. Oh yeah, He'd be fucking.

Speaker 2:

But I know people that are big popular fans of Christmas out Greg Right, yeah, and I'd be like hey, you're having one, we'll get great, this is a Christmas present you in heaven Doug can't drink it because he gets him fucking hammered yeah 8%.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, no, no, just a craggler Wrangler. Oh, he won't, he's coming on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's something in it that just makes him fucking.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm going to get it for Christmas.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to give it a nine as well. Here I got you, so he's gone. I'm going to give it a nine as well, but it's time to go grab your ice cold beer. We're going to do the Shiner holiday cheer. I know you can get this everywhere, that's from Texas. Enjoy, we'll see you in a minute. Welcome back, he couldn't wait. Nope, all right. So, where are trying these shiners we're not trying them.

Speaker 1:

We already know what they taste like we already know At least Shiner box fucking holiday. You smell it? Oh it's so good.

Speaker 2:

So, good, so good, 5.4. But they go down so good. Well, no, I know they're refreshing you. Let Bob left me Tuesday night Like I thought you were going to be around.

Speaker 1:

I was out golfing.

Speaker 2:

And he went down golfing that I didn't get invited to. We were going to buy you.

Speaker 3:

But I got any one. We had wings too. I was like you know, I was like bat phone.

Speaker 2:

I thought I had you on silent, but I was like, yeah, I had four beers left.

Speaker 3:

I'm like yeah, I have a couple of beers.

Speaker 2:

Then them four beers were one way and I'm like, oh shit, they're Shiner box.

Speaker 1:

Shiner box holiday.

Speaker 2:

So I had to stop and get another six pack.

Speaker 1:

But it is so good.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's so good, oh, it is delicious. The thing about it is so refreshing, am I right? I mean it is good, it's so refreshing, the peach flavor.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't get holiday more than just like cheer out of it. No, I just get cheer. Yes, I just get cheer. I literally like it's a mouthful of cheer. I know we've done this before. We've done it before.

Speaker 3:

I see it.

Speaker 2:

And we, we nailed it. We've knocked it out of the park every time I know it's a Jason creeper. It's always a keeper and it's a 10. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's here. We'll just cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Enjoy your beer with us. Drink our beer. It's so delicious, damn, I'm blown away. The peach flavor is not artificial tasting, it is not. Yeah, it's so good. You know, I'm glad we did the other one first. You know why? Because this is helping.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now I'm going to throw this off subject because I'm just I got to talk about this. Normally I watch the game with Rick, or you know, and talk a lot, but we didn't watch the game together this week. But I want to tell you how to Falco Think he was good. I thought he was fucking awesome. Yes. Yes, our defense couldn't do shit, but leave him around. So we're talking about you know. They put him on the practice squad again. I know I heard why they said we won't win out unless we have them.

Speaker 1:

And they put him on practice no, they're gonna go, and they said that they weren't used to him throwing DTR.

Speaker 2:

They're gonna but DTR can't throw over 20 yards. But I don't get it, dude, he was so calm in the pocket. Well, I mean, dude he was. I Didn't like how he kept trying to thread things, yeah, but at the same time I'm like fuck, this dude can throw it on. Yes, but he was doing it, I could see where the interception was coming. You know, what I mean, because he kept trying too hard.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he was trying to impress, yeah let him, let him let him go out there.

Speaker 2:

They drop passes were because they weren't used to him throwing exactly right in the bread basket.

Speaker 3:

It don't matter. Was there a?

Speaker 2:

problem with fucking DTR to you. They've been dropping them for fucking weeks. It isn't. We don't have a 16% drop. They're gonna bring DTR back. That's what they say.

Speaker 3:

That why would they?

Speaker 2:

put on practice squad when we in there on bring Walker in front of them. No, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 3:

I, they signed them up.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they put them on. I didn't hear that they.

Speaker 1:

I seen them.

Speaker 2:

They said they put him back on the practice. I didn't hear that I fuck, but I heard on the news yesterday they said that they were. He was taking first round snaps, dtr was taking second round, hmm, so it will see, but I see the predictions I Want fuck oh butter.

Speaker 1:

I want.

Speaker 2:

Falco. I want Falco over fucking Dishon.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Leave him as the fucking backup.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I let fucking Falco run us out for the rest of the his contract. Yes, I the way he played, but our defense suck balls.

Speaker 1:

He was.

Speaker 2:

He was so calm in the pocket yeah he looked like a old pro ran it if it it didn't, wasn't there, and then he knew how to throw it out. Yeah, I'll tell you right now. Looking up at, did you guys see the like when they would pan to Dishon and his?

Speaker 3:

yeah, in his box.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the owner's box yeah sitting there, dude, did he not look miserable next to that girl, like that girl had the worst fate, like worst resting cunt faced.

Speaker 1:

I Ever seen a mile Welcome to life.

Speaker 2:

I was like holy shit, yeah, he looks like she's just sitting there going. How many massages have you had today, motherfucker? Or like why are you playing, motherfucker? Or why aren't you playing. Yeah but you know, look, you got this white boy out there Just fucking running it up and down the field showing you how to play.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, showing you how to play, yeah, yeah, but I'm telling you and I don't, I, if you ask any Cleveland Brown fan and I did today at work, falco, they said Falco, falco, Falco, falco, falco, falco. He looked promising, dude, he did, he looked Amazing. Yeah, better than what we have. And then what? What does the coaches think we're gonna go with? This motherfucker cuz? I mean gotta give him time. He just came in and then you throw him out.

Speaker 1:

You gotta give him a coach is like they.

Speaker 2:

What are they fucking stupid? We're not going to TR. Well, you know I does play with passion and stuff. I like that, but he needs time to grow.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I might be lucky.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, but it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, they're gonna go with Watson. Yes, could be because they're paying millions, but he is out but, he's out for the rest of the season. He's an even could sit or Asian don't even consider him, and so why would you go with a younger Rookie in experience a rookie quarterback over a fucking VIP fucking?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Everything. Yeah, like you, you throw this fucker out there and let him go. Yeah, let him go. You take your chances. Yeah, fuck going with young. Yeah, whatever and I'm almost. I'm sorry, you know what it is. It's a Moment, moment and like, I really hate to do this, but I'm not trying to play the brown card, but I mean, is that what it's coming down to?

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's just the money.

Speaker 2:

I think it's what the money we already paid the money for fucking Falco.

Speaker 3:

No no, no, no, it's contracts Real smaller compared to some of the other, so GTR and all them Walker.

Speaker 2:

I think what they're trying to do is they got?

Speaker 3:

okay, so many.

Speaker 2:

They're trying to carry so many eggs in the basket. Yeah, like this DTR is gonna be like the best thing since, like well Thing is. I could see DTR being there. Not at this moment, not at this moment, but he does play with he plays he's all about Browns, right, so I'm happy that he's there.

Speaker 3:

But I think we're my walker sucks oh.

Speaker 2:

I'm not talking Walker now, but I'm talking Falco with DTR backup. Yes, learning Awful Falco. Yeah, because I experienced so smooth in that pocket. He didn't even look like he was when he didn't have a chance to throw it, he ran it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he would put it in the end, arms to his hand in his fucking pocket.

Speaker 2:

Yeah other hand, on the ball, go and fucking. You know what I mean. Like every time he ran out. He was so precise. Yes, but he was just, he would just put his hand right here on his chest.

Speaker 3:

But I just, they even said he didn't even have to do is.

Speaker 2:

He didn't have to do, he didn't have to set his feet that throw a good pass.

Speaker 1:

No, you know duty. He was One step they said look his feet and he was set and he threw that perfect.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Yes, and the thing about it is the people dropping it. It was in their bread basket, it was in the numbers. They're like oh, I'm not used to being in my numbers, yeah, yeah. Yeah, they took their eyes off it. I don't I'm not used to that speed and fat, and just it hit me right where it should be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah between right and you know the thing about it is he threw it, like you said, threading it between the needle, so their players were thinking I'm gonna get hit, and they were more worried about that by getting hit.

Speaker 2:

Cooper, we are eleven percent drop rate. Yeah, I thought we were 16. Oh well, we were 11 when we started that game. It's getting bad. Yes, and we were a number. I think we're tied for last or something. Defense went down the toilet. Oh yeah, the thing is this body. If you watched Garrett, he couldn't get in. Yeah, if you watched Gary, they you like, as soon as he got hit he stepped off to, he quit. Oh, he wasn't giving no, he wasn't like he would just like kind of walkie, like oh.

Speaker 3:

I got like he's hurt or something. He's hurt, well, his arm I, he's hurt.

Speaker 2:

I he's hurt, he's trying to just milk it, yeah, but you know what? Take them out and let, and let them rest let a rookie get in there. Let a rookie get in there and try to fucking earn something. Yeah but they could fuck us even more. Yeah, you know what I mean they kept putting Garrett in on third you know why, though, and third.

Speaker 1:

A third down because the reason why is they had a double team on yeah, but alright, let me go one last you put a rookie in there, you're gonna one last thing, yeah what about that flag?

Speaker 2:

that about that guy that moved on the line? That was bullshit. That's bullshit. The guy didn't even have the fuck ball. Yeah, it wasn't even the same fucking guy. That was bullshit. Yeah, I can adjust the ball to fucking hike it, yep. No, it was all bullshit. It was all and they call the wrong. But alright, let's move on. Oh, that's enough about yes, claim rounds.

Speaker 2:

I want to. It's now time, for we got Christmas strippers out here and they're gonna be showing you their Special package and show you they're gonna show you their balls and their titties. Haha, which one's fake. That's what you got inside. All right. This week's question All right. It says we're on underwear. I'm a failure.

Speaker 3:

I'm like I'm on the way.

Speaker 2:

So have you ever gone a day without wearing underwear?

Speaker 3:

Yes, Really yeah, yeah, I would say yes.

Speaker 2:

I have never yeah, yeah, maybe that work. No, have you ever like yeah, like woke? Up and say fuck, commando, commando all day. Oh, absolutely yeah, I know I did in school. Um, um, yeah, absolutely yeah, I prefer to wear underwear, but there was a time or two I was like, oh, just you know.

Speaker 3:

I got, I, I got ever.

Speaker 2:

I got a couple buddies that that they do it all today. Well, my they are good buddy, he, he always goes commando, but I, I couldn't never do you gotta say. Snoop dog firm. I'm dog Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah so I can't do it.

Speaker 2:

I don't try to keep names out of it. The thing is is I can, I can never do it. I would never do it in my freaking, I never have. I've tried it, I have. I'm with you, right, oh boy.

Speaker 1:

I try to try it.

Speaker 2:

It's not that it's uncomfortable. I Get chafed. Do my monkey butt sets in yeah, no see mine is this does your balls hang, and then it's like switch.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you're left and right, you're sticking and fucking. Yeah, I never, I was weird.

Speaker 2:

You know you don't want to. You want to be cuddled.

Speaker 3:

What's the other?

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm not a baby Potter guy, are you guys? No, no, but I, I'm free range, just fucking.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't the other bro.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't use nothing. No, they got products out there, bro, but I don't use. You need that more when you get older, hey well, no, no no, and I'm telling you. They got products out there called Bob deodorant. You gotta investigate this shit. They got one lotions that turn into powder. They got powder sprays. They got all kinds of it. Might be worth to try with your summer issues. Maybe, I should get them as a Christmas present.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I might know it. No, don't even bother ball deodorant. No, you wouldn't try it. Would you try it?

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry would you try oh this shit's the bomb, dude.

Speaker 2:

I guarantee you my balls smell so fucking good I they don't know when my body all right. But no, I'm telling you, they make products like even on manscape.

Speaker 1:

No, they make one, but don't buy man's cape.

Speaker 2:

I still have tight balls like mine, no, no, no, I don't want a.

Speaker 1:

Old, I don't want fucking ball deodorant.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I don't need them. You want ball juice? No, you got to get ball. Do you want ball juice?

Speaker 3:

No, I don't want no ball juice because I got ball deodorant.

Speaker 2:

No, I'll give you it.

Speaker 3:

I give you all ball juice all day. I don't know I don't make so many, but I got the number one product and I love it.

Speaker 2:

So and you know they make a bunch out there and they make man's cape makes one, but manscapes one is just like that T oil and stuff dude. I'm not big fan of that gave you a bunch of bullshit of this and that don't buy man's cape. Yeah, I like, I like manscape.

Speaker 1:

I hate to say the beer, yeah, beer stuff, that's what I use. The rest of shit.

Speaker 2:

No no.

Speaker 1:

It's a name.

Speaker 2:

But see, I'm telling you, there's the first ones out there that you could shave your balls without right knit yeah but I'm telling you cutting them off.

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean there is some ball Fucking deodorant out there for a man. If you got redness or sweat or skunk, boom ball deodorant, bro, get it on there. Ball juice I'm gonna buy you some ball joint. Love the smell. Your balls should be wanting to suck that ball. Oh, stop it. He's like stop and they make ones that don't leave a powder residue. They got so much detail and why is he googling ball? Gugling ball.

Speaker 1:

I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I got other things going on, hey, I but. I'm telling you I'm gonna give. I got a bottle for Billy. I wanted him to try. I am not. I don't want your ball fucking. I'm gonna buy you a fucking ball deodorant. No, you're balls think. Yeah, I know you like that though.

Speaker 3:

I thought you like that. Yeah, that's what you told me.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't oh, I use ball deodorant.

Speaker 1:

But I like the smell your ball the way they taste, how they smell. Hey, I'll put this out here.

Speaker 2:

There was a guy right Mm-hmm, that's someone pointed out to me. I'm not gonna say, but he would literally stick his hand down Rubber's balls no fucking way and he I'd fucking puke. He got so used to it. He was Like how you can say it numbed around when he would he didn't do it. Yeah, when he did when he did he. He was so and this was police I work and I was like no way. And then I seen him do it. I I was like fuck no.

Speaker 2:

I do needs Baldy owner yeah but he, he enjoyed the smell of his funky, skunky balls. Yes, you know he was going to make me puke dude, I don't know if I've ever told you guys this story.

Speaker 1:

I don't want a ball joint story. Here's the beard.

Speaker 2:

But I gotta tell you this story now I tell it, I was sitting in study hall one time.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm in.

Speaker 2:

In high school.

Speaker 3:

High school and few years ago.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna gang couple few years, yeah, and there was this girl that we called Pebbles. We'll just say pebbles. Yeah and she was sniffing it for him. She was a little overweight, yeah, not huge. Not huge but a little overweight. And I was sitting there at one time in study hall doing my little work whatever and Just looking around the room, cuz it's study hall. Mm-hmm and I seen her Sticker hands down her pants, pull it out smell it and go and like cringe herself.

Speaker 1:

No, I Wasn't expecting that, like she started to get the puke face like like she like literally. No.

Speaker 2:

I use Baldy on her but fresh.

Speaker 1:

But there are people. Have you seen that? You know?

Speaker 2:

And she was just sitting there eating a hot dog the whole time Just fucking with them cringy fucking fingers. But have you seen a guy sniff his own like I?

Speaker 3:

Know, billy, I have you got it you gotta have fresh.

Speaker 2:

I know I seen a guy and he not only once. They pointed out to me, I realized that son of bitch does it a lot. Oh, really, yeah, he did it quite frequently. You know, I did have a guy I guess we were talking earlier because of our underwear. Yeah, his name was actually Tom Cruise. I'm that that was his name. I was literally his name, but he liked to play like jingle himself a lot. What do you mean by jingle on outside of pants? Grab it and just kind of jingle just grab it.

Speaker 2:

That's cuz that tight-ass underwear, yeah and that's what I'm thinking now like cuz, like it's like he, just I don't blame. I would do that shit in private. I'd be like fuck I know, dude, this dude did this like like that's because he probably needed this. I quit wearing them after that. No, no, you guys brought that up earlier. I'm like oh, maybe that's why that's why.

Speaker 3:

That's why he's kept literally tight.

Speaker 2:

No, it ain't whitey tighties every time I talk to every time I talk to an employee there. Mm-hmm, that was under that dude. Yeah, I would do it just on purpose, just to fucking mess with it. Just to fuck with them, you know what I mean. Yeah, you talk about Tom.

Speaker 3:

You need to do that. Yeah no, that's now. I would never shake that dude, no that that chick though.

Speaker 2:

Dude, that was the most disgusting thing I think I've ever seen. She turned green. Yeah could you imagine.

Speaker 1:

Fucking no no, I don't want to imagine.

Speaker 2:

I am the freshest motherfucker. Imagine going down on that and it just squirts out. I wouldn't go down. I, for life I would not go down. Damn, I Couldn't go down on it All right, oh fuck. Oh, joke time, I don't got him ready.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I thought you had some.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got some pretty. You call a guy that goes down and a girl that has stinky pussy Bob. No, why would you say even my name, cuz I'm Broke Santa?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Claus, saint Nicholas.

Speaker 3:

Saint Nicholas.

Speaker 2:

I got no money. I do, I have to. I'll look up the name of that ball. I mean, oh, I ain't got juice cuz I'm fresh. Oh Wait, I gotta turn down my volume and I'm trying to do this in my juice. It's always about jokes and they always get them off tick tock. Oh hey, well, I just wanted to point out Did you guys notice that at our famous barbecue place out there, mm-hmm, that he created a barbecue? Did you guys see this? That Russell's barbecue created a barbecue sauce for the elf? Yes, the bad elf, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, we have barbecue right, he created.

Speaker 2:

look there he is walking around. Yeah yeah, I'm showing a YouTube video. It's damn good barbecue, damn good barbecue, and he came out with a. Russell funny. Yes, is that a bad elf? Those are like really hot.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I want try.

Speaker 2:

he turns around and he says yeah, but I heard that sauce, look, look, he's got it right there, I'm showing a video. Yeah, I want to see it, but if you can get a chance to go in Jamestown now. Russell's barbecue is the best damn barbecue. You ever tell him that another reason drink, yeah, yeah, please tell him you. We say you'll get one wing for free. One wing for free, half a wing.

Speaker 3:

Try to redeem that.

Speaker 2:

Do you know why? Getting a broken drum is the best Christmas present ever? Why? Why is that? It's just can't beat it. You guys remember the song that baby is cold outside and yes. But I've never seen the original part of it. Yeah, but they banned that song because it's it's a we talked about this last year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they banned it and there's wet pussy fucking no, because the influence is.

Speaker 1:

The WAP song was higher than that fucking.

Speaker 2:

Whatever with the mac cheese. Yeah yeah, but they actually said because the song and promotes all rain does not, but that's what they said.

Speaker 3:

That's what they say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but the thing is the cold outside was just day for one more Do they song sing to retirement Christmas trees? What Falala, lolala. Hey, here you go. What's funny. What's funny. What side of Turkey has more feathers? The rear. I already seen the outside, the outside Thanksgiving gobble, gobble, gobble. I thought it was funny, but it's a follow. All all, all those fucking. That's a dad. We got dad jokes here, if you want, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I got a bunch of memory. We got out with dad. Oh, you guys did yeah, sitting there looking at.

Speaker 2:

Okay, fuck you guys. What I can you give me a beer, cuz I'm done with this ultra. But anyways, please check out. Everything we talked about on the web are on our podcast, on the website, and if you go to Russell's barbecue, you gotta try their sauce. What was that wing sauce that they mixed the two and one? He'll tell you, though, yeah, if you go out there and say what was the sauce that you won in Memphis, tennessee, and get that sauce in your wings, is the shit is. I actually took it home and I mixed it, but I think it ran out. Yeah, and then he did something. He tells you the recipe of how to make music. He's a good guy. Yeah, he's a good guy. I need, I need to go back I want to try his elf sauce.

Speaker 1:

I want yeah, yeah, all right. Well, maybe we run out, it's yeah, you Rick.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm gonna be here. Oh, you are yeah.

Speaker 3:

I like to hear over here this weekend.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't supposed to be here, but I ditched my my partner. We were looking we were looking for a special event like special. Yeah, free to do whatever let's rate this beer real fast, cuz it's all gone. Oh, we already did. Yeah, we already 1010, 1010, 1010. Dude, this is it's an amazing beer.

Speaker 3:

It's so refreshing I don't know how they not, and I like regular Shiner. So I love, I love regular Shiner has so many different flavors.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they remember that coffee, one that with the nuts and stuff, that was trail mix, trail mix, trail makes. It wasn't called trail mix, it was called trail something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but anyway it was so good I gave it to one of our listeners the other day. I had some leftover, you had trail I had. He said he was trying to find it right. So his and his brother tried it. I gave him one each. They were like that's really good, but I taste chocolate. They were surprised they taste chocolate and I was like cuz, it's a stout Like one guy goes this is the best.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you know he doesn't like stouts. And then all of a sudden you entered. I mean, that thing had chocolate nut berry. Yeah, the one good thing about Shiner, I'm gonna have to say, is that everything is very smooth, it's not there's nothing overpowering.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did we go?

Speaker 2:

there's nothing over, billy, mean, you went there. We didn't go here, but because it was in Texas, it was everywhere. Shiner, I did go where we go, bodies deep ed, I went here personally, but it's an. Actually it's in its own little city. It's in China since, yeah, but it's a great bear Anyway in Texas, though. Let's move on to your guys. Another reason drink this week. Another reason to drink, oh my.

Speaker 2:

I'm sick of me a girl cry. So hey, you know. I want to tell you that they did the survey, that man colds are worse than women. They're cold, yeah, they said that. Because the reason why is they did that whole thing? They said it's true, man colds are more worse than yeah women, yeah, because something, they broke it all down. I can't remember. But I was like, oh, that makes all sense in there. Of course cat didn't.

Speaker 1:

I get.

Speaker 2:

I get it though. Yeah, because, because look at all the fucking snot that comes out of their shit. Yeah, okay, they get the bleed out for free, fucking yeah. And then they get all this other little disgusting things that come On every once in a while. They get disgusting this out of it. Yeah, but they did say that like men, because the history of like us being more manly and stuff.

Speaker 2:

But a cold actually hits us a cold. That's why we act like babies. That's why we act like baby because it hurts us more. So they're like thinking, well, why don't you get through it? But women are more. No, I women have had kids. Yes, you know what I mean. So like a cold to them is like it's like more tolerant like to us is like we got a splinter but it's a cold like.

Speaker 3:

But when we get a cold, a man cool is a real thing.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, okay, I can see it. So his man. I still think that they can fucking.

Speaker 3:

You're waiting to see that.

Speaker 2:

The first person to come here and see that. Yeah, hey, watch flew gone. If a girl came here and did that, would you hit it? Fuck, no, fucking, do that.

Speaker 1:

I know spider web, oh my god, splatter me against that wall.

Speaker 2:

Tangled up when someone else is called. Why do you go? Because that's all that pussy.

Speaker 3:

That's why she's going to a real house.

Speaker 2:

Get her spider web. Hey, motherfucker, smack, that's All over your face. Oh, I fucking died. That's the new Marvel superhero, spider pussy. I mean, I had to say it, I said it last time. We need to slow down time. Yeah, I mean we need to enjoy the moments when we have them right. I mean, we got this beautiful room. Now he decorated it and I'm thinking he's gonna have any. He was drinking cheer. He was enjoying it.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking Bobby was gonna come over and fucking. I was like, alright, me and Bobby will decorate this motherfucker or make it all pretty for Bob Billy. Look, I'm like you know. Okay, he's down there golfing without me.

Speaker 3:

I know no.

Speaker 2:

Like to go once you would, I wouldn't like going okay, we got a new screen and actually, actually record record, you right. Yeah, and I didn't know Billy was moving his feet, so fucking. Yeah, I didn't either to we watch the video right, I was like in my right foot before I even got our eyes and then, soon as he planted his right foot, 200 yards.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I wouldn't mind going once, yeah it was pretty bad, but they bumped us down.

Speaker 2:

What so? It's a little cheap I we got like not the big screen, not the middle screen, not training screen. Anyways, this Wednesday we had to do off-season off day, so Wednesday is available if you and Bobby want to come down.

Speaker 3:

It's cheap these bad for me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, but it's only this one time, okay, and then we go back to Tuesdays, okay because they had a book out. But this screen is um. It's like Half the prices. It went from 80 to 40 to rent a screen per hour.

Speaker 2:

So it's like I did up its last, but we drink more buckets of beer, right, right, but it's um. It's actually very nice because it's training screen, so they, when we get there and we got there early it took pictures and videos of us and I watched Billy and I was like Billy, you're moving your foot, you're gonna his foot was like, and then once he planted his foot, he ended up almost winning the whole fucking thing, yet yeah cuz he was shooting 200 yards and I'm telling you, if he kept his foot, still Boom yeah, I stores and front foot, you know, just keep them still.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was turning it up and twisting my body around dancing before I was even. He wasn't even hitting and he was like ours already at the finish move, Yep right, right, so it's a good thing interesting yeah so. I'd like to see that actually like I would like to see dude, we'll get you up there cuz I've been up there, he's been up there.

Speaker 2:

We get you up there, hit your driver or anything you want, and we'll just it's record, we and you can see and then you know there was some fuck ups where you hit the ball. Yeah, and we're like oh, that's just, I was actually like just see my feet, like what I'm doing. It's got three angles, yeah so you see, and it tells you your speed, of your club speed of the ball and the spin and everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's really funny about.

Speaker 2:

The only thing in my mind right now is like Bob on his knee one time and Billy on his knees one time Like three different. And we gonna say that maybe I mean they were licking golf clubs. I'll make a TikTok video. Yeah, we're down there. Anyways, my another reason to drink this week is, um, actually, that I Enjoyed my week.

Speaker 2:

It went back, you know you know, the thing is this when we we had flying by, yeah, when we had golf, mean you would meet up for golf the week with flyby. I'm telling you, when we meet up for golf this is like it was even fast, dude. I met up Tuesday and we went to oh oh, the rig, the rig, that fucking the wings and the food, and they were so fast on it and I was like bam, and we were like I was tearing up my food, anything around here.

Speaker 3:

No, not like anything.

Speaker 2:

$23 to eat there it's ridiculous yeah and we mean him shared the chili cheese fries. Then we share the chili cheese fries one time. Yeah, we did, yeah, yeah, we shared them. And then he got a hot dog. That was 295.

Speaker 3:

I hardburn and.

Speaker 1:

I got a burger, that was 495, 20 bucks, we're that hard that air hamburgers are good there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, so I'm telling you in their wings. I do want to say that I bought a bag of wings from sparkle.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay worst Fuck oh, we're wings.

Speaker 2:

I've ever seen where they're frozen.

Speaker 3:

They were where they you try to our goal, means or where they like a like a brand that you bought I.

Speaker 2:

It was the only thing they had, literally, so you literally put them through your air fryer and they didn't know I went. I deep fried them. Oh really, it should turn out nice and crispy. Oh, they were crispy, they were all fucking less, and I would say less than three inches.

Speaker 1:

Wow, oh it's just no meat every, every single one of them.

Speaker 2:

Wow, were like I don't know if they didn't give these ones steroids. I'm like these are actually like real chicken, like yeah, or their pigeons.

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure I.

Speaker 2:

Tiny. They were that small. I think they're where they go at all. The meat was good. I can't say the meat was good, but you didn't get no meat. You, you ate 20 of them, yeah, just to get filled. You know I mean you paid $23 for this fucking bag of them and you didn't eat work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you almost had to eat the whole bag.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I do we literally between two of us eight? I had like five left Wow 30. Wow Because normally I can't eat six or eight. Yeah, yeah. No no no, no, like they were. I Swear to you they were three inches big. Oh no me leg thigh or leg wing, whatever. Yeah, I Think they're a pigeon, yeah, I think they're a pictures. You know, I went to a restaurant I never heard this before where they said that was the whole wing or the whole yeah the whole wing, the whole.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I went to a place that had the whole wings.

Speaker 2:

They were the best wings I ever had and the reason why is because you got the, the flag and the wing. I'll do all connected. Yes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you got the tip, yeah the wing, cuz I was like the drum.

Speaker 2:

I was like that's kind of expensive for six. No, we yeah they do that up and cook spores, yeah. I went to smoke you on the water, and Greenville smoking the water does that and they do the whole wing, so you get the tip, the wing and the drum. Yeah, I'm like six of them. I'm like that's why six wings?

Speaker 1:

They're like the lady was like no, you can't.

Speaker 2:

And I was like, okay, so over a six, the best damn wings I ever have. I crave them, motherfuckers. Yeah when they smoke them things and then they put that sauce and stuff on it. Yeah, it just get the whole wing. I didn't eat the tip with the fur and everything. Yeah right but it's not. They said it's not it, I pleasing. No, it's that. That's only reason they cut them up, it's just not as. I please yeah.

Speaker 1:

You like, the drum like, and, but it's the same meat.

Speaker 2:

It's the same, but I think it cooks better.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it does cuz more equally.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you're not eating the tip that's getting burned. I mean, it was delicious, I was really impressed. And then you know, six wings turns in 12 wings.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're getting six wings, Six strong, that's it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's it, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right. So at the end of the day, today, rick and the day guys, we did a Great Lakes Christmas ale that was pretty good bourbon, and that was pretty good with nines all the way around. Nines all the way around was 8%. Yeah, and the bourbon's not real strong.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

It gets to me. It got strong at the end too. Oh, it did, I would agree it like Well I get kind of I get. Went at the bottom, but the last couple sips were pretty hard.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the Christmas sales?

Speaker 2:

good yeah, but then, dude, we did the shiner back. How can you not know? Christmas yeah, I can't say it's not even Christmas, honestly, because it's peach, right, yeah, peach pecan. But so good, but you know pecan, texas is known for its be good for it, dude. What's that Christmas beer? We always talk about this is amazing Kentucky bourbon peppermint peppermint.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen that yet. Have you? I haven't, I haven't, I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. I've been looking for it but I haven't seen it. I did, I didn't show you, guys, but I did get a candy cane from. I love rails peppermint rails and trail Rusty rails, or rusty rails yeah there are no rusty nails, rusty rails, it's. Rs it's yeah it's uh.

Speaker 3:

We've done it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah but they're very known for their flavors because they have, like unique Candy cane milk.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All right, I got a piece, so we got to take short break. We'll take short break and get that, so we're on our third round.

Speaker 1:

We're doing it All right, this is.

Speaker 2:

RS? What is this? What is this RS? Is our sheen brewing, come our sheen? That's it. Akron Ohio done our and we're gonna do this and it's a candy cane milk stout. It's 8%. It smells good, oh, 8%. Oh, I'm gonna be in trouble tomorrow. I gotta work. That's really chocolatey, it's like chocolate milk. It's almost like I get a weight. I get it. I was drinking my I can so for, so they need to put more peppermint in this. I see I think it's either over peppermint or over bourbon.

Speaker 2:

No and there's not even a bourbon in it. I wouldn't say I think it's over chocolatey, it's chocolate. It's almost like chocolate milk With that is that what I'm tasting is just like chocolate milk almost. It's a milk stout, so it's like chocolate milk. Yeah, I don't taste the peppermint. Do you cuz the stuff?

Speaker 3:

That do you all. I taste, I taste a little bit but I taste, that's all.

Speaker 2:

I tasted is peppermint. Oh really, I take I taste more we're the. Cuz it's milk stout. So the chalk, the stout would be chocolate, chocolate and then the milk would give it that chocolate milk yeah, but I don't taste the candy came part of either. No, are you kidding? No, no, I taste a little bit.

Speaker 2:

How come I can. I don't taste none of it. I taste a little bit of candy cane, but not that much. No, not like where it's blowing me away. A little bit more would be better, probably A what? A little bit more that peppermint would be better. I mean, if I'm thinking peppermint, I'm thinking one of those red and white things I'm sucking on. Come on, rick just looked at me. He's like I can't believe. Bobby said that.

Speaker 3:

You know those little round candies. He just opened the door.

Speaker 1:

But you said one of them, white things you'd be sucking on. Hold on, let me run to the bathroom.

Speaker 2:

I just got to get red lipstick and you were put a couple of stripes down it, but you know what candy I'm talking about, rick, all I heard was white sucking day, but I don't, you guys don't all I taste is peppermint. I don't taste that You're joking, right? No?

Speaker 1:

I taste chocolate milk.

Speaker 2:

I taste the peppermint, but it's more chocolate milk, the peppermint. I taste more of a like a after. A smell or something.

Speaker 1:

Like a smell.

Speaker 3:

Why were you sniffing your fingers like you just scratched your balls? My balls are fresh, but like a Jesus Christ. Oh my.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

What did you have to do?

Speaker 2:

with this.

Speaker 3:

He sat with sniffing my fingers.

Speaker 2:

That's reason he died. Oh, don't go there To make our balls smell better. Yes For Bobby, I really don't taste the peppermint. I get the peppermint, but it's very soft yeah.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I drink in a milk chocolate drink.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm overpowering on peppermint.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it could be just your drink, though? No, I think it's cold.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to, I don't want to switch them up.

Speaker 3:

I thought about it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think it's probably cold. He's not getting the taste buds and the peppermint's more of a um like a smell. You think the milk would be more potent. I do taste, I do taste the chocolate, whatever, but at the end of it all, like everything is peppermint. No, I just take chocolate. Now let me ask you this At the end I taste peppermint.

Speaker 2:

So far we're in. What do you think I'm going to go high on this? I'm sorry, but would you keep it? I absolutely would. I would probably keep it too, I don't know because I'm yeah. Yeah, I would keep it. I would keep this because I am getting a. You guys are saying you're getting a low peppermint, but we're getting a high chocolate. Yeah, I'm getting a high peppermint, and maybe I just need to mix mine up.

Speaker 2:

I think the mixing up, because now that I'm getting lower, lower, I'm getting more peppermint. Well, yeah, I'm getting a strong. I'm actually getting a peppermint on the back of my throat. Yeah, like it's all peppermint. Oh, I mixed it. Yes, and I got peppermint now.

Speaker 3:

We should have stirred up. I think they, I think.

Speaker 2:

I think you have to. Uh, yeah, probably put it in a glass.

Speaker 2:

It says put it in glass. It does, yes, right there, it says pour straight in the glass. Oh, that's probably why. So that? And that's what I was like. I well, I stern mind like you were doing his fellow on the floor Dude, I'm getting an. I'm getting an Andes, like an Andes candy is what I'm getting. I'm getting out of this Every drink. I hate to say it, I almost getting too much peppermint, yeah, so I wonder if I should have missed. Mixed it, yeah, stirred up.

Speaker 1:

Cause you don't want to shake a beer.

Speaker 2:

I'm like halfway through. Yes, I do too, but I'm stirring it like this. I don't know if I can get to the whole thing. This is a lot of it. It's a lot of peppermint. Yeah, like it's very strong. It is yes.

Speaker 1:

That's why you must have shook yourself.

Speaker 2:

How are you guys not getting the peppermint on? This Like I think I'm getting peppermint breath now, billy. Now I shook it up. It is so strong of peppermint. Yeah, you don't even taste the milk chocolate. No, no more. I was actually enjoying the milk chocolate.

Speaker 3:

Me too it was like chocolate milk. No, it's all peppermint.

Speaker 2:

But, billy, if you stir it like just shake it I've been doing it it's a lot of peppermint. I'm thinking it's strong. They said pour this in a can, straight in a bottle.

Speaker 3:

And I classed it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's what we messed up, because I think the peppermint sit, it settles. That's a lot of peppermint.

Speaker 3:

No, it's a lot of peppermint. That's why I was like how are?

Speaker 2:

you guys not getting this I wasn't getting it, but I just grabbed mine and pulled it out. You could tell we're professionally and you know what? Yeah, I think I got peppermint.

Speaker 3:

Bro, do that breath thing again. Yeah, dude.

Speaker 2:

You go in and fucking blow on her vagina with peppermint breath. Oh, it'd be refreshing. But actually I'm gonna have to turn into a raisin. I'm gonna have to tell you a race. I'm gonna have to. Yeah, it turns a grape into a cold, turns a grape into a raisin.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna have to tell you this tastes way better.

Speaker 2:

You know, when I was a kid I thought that theory. So I put grapes on a light bulb and I try to get them to shrink up and be ready to dry out?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no it didn't work out.

Speaker 3:

It didn't turn a raisin, no I had chips for four days.

Speaker 2:

No, that's not a prune. What's a? Prune we used to see prunes on plums, a plum. Yeah, yeah we used to see it plums all the time, my dad. There was a plum tree in the backyard.

Speaker 1:

But they were juicy and we were like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

We were like Terranese plums up and my dad goes oh, you shouldn't eat those. Then we ate like 20,.

Speaker 3:

I think Too many. Yes, yeah, and all three of us boys.

Speaker 2:

We were like. But my dad every Christmas he was Mexican so I don't want to tell the story but every year he would take these prunes and he would haul them out. Memory but cream cheese and stuff in them. I don't remember that, oh.

Speaker 2:

I remember sitting there and he would just make these. He would take these prunes and he would just haul them out, put cream cheese in In a prune it was cream cheese and something else it was jalapenos or something and he would put it inside a prune. And I had to Google that and I remember dad making them all the fucking time and we never ate them. But we never ate them because we were like prune prune Because we ate the plums. And dad said there were prunes and we were scared. But I don't mind, a prune, a jalapeno and a prune cheese and a prune, it was a cream cheese stuffy. That's a shit storm coming.

Speaker 3:

It was cream.

Speaker 2:

It was Google it, billy real fast.

Speaker 2:

I would do a prune stuff with cream cheese and see what the thing is. But I remember dad sitting there and he was in his chair and we were watching TV and he'd be making those damn things. And I remember him eating the stuff. He carved out the prunes and he would like boys want some of this. And he would laugh because we already got sick of the plums and he would be like the prunes are gonna be the shits, but he would stuff prunes with cream cheese and some plums Prunes Okay.

Speaker 3:

The dried up ass prunes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so they have a thing which is I don't know man. Let me see the picture Cream cheese stuff with prunes topped with almonds. Yes, that's what he would do and he would make them, and they would look like that. Yes, no, yep, good lord.

Speaker 3:

And he would do that. I don't know if I would like that I heard.

Speaker 2:

they're delicious. Yeah right there and I'd take you to show and put a little pecan on top. Merry Christmas, mother boogoo. But he would do that.

Speaker 3:

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Right there's the finished product. But he was blocked up today.

Speaker 3:

But he would do. You're following up tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

You know how mom sold a bunch of cookies. I don't see that one though. No, he did that, billy, don't you remember?

Speaker 1:

him, I don't remember that one.

Speaker 2:

He just walked around and give a fucking bow.

Speaker 3:

So I can't make up that story because I don't know what You're right on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he would stuff cream cheese and two prunes. I'm going to try it this year. Just put a prune on it, get him all wrecked. No, he's just put a. My shit's going good now. I eat well prunes, but actually they said it was really good. I never ate one because my dad would sit there and he would carve those prunes out. Yeah, you kind of make it. Actually, I hate to say it Is.

Speaker 1:

They look almost like you're making a vagina out of it, right, and then you're stuffing it with Crinkled one With cream cheese right Old, wrinkled vagina, and you're saying, let me cover that up with almond.

Speaker 2:

But he would do that and he would sit there and he would make them and we were sitting there watching. I want to keep the good memories, when he would make popcorn balls or something.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he made a lot of popcorn balls.

Speaker 2:

Stuffed vaginas with cream cheese.

Speaker 1:

He did that, billy.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying everybody gets a bow, everybody gets a bow, but he did. I remember that and I'm going to have to ask. Jason, you remember that I asked the creeper, jason, creeper keeper, do you remember that making the prunes stuff, billy? To this day I can see him, but there's such a thing about it, though, so that I didn't make it up. No, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

It's literally. I don't think you would have Google that?

Speaker 2:

No, you know. No, I believe you. Damn, I can't believe it. We didn't eat them, though we wouldn't have like we would, we stuck out.

Speaker 3:

I mean, when you look at prunes right there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but he would do that.

Speaker 3:

He would do that picture right there, billy, I'll eat a prune.

Speaker 2:

If I see it like okay here, I'll try.

Speaker 1:

They're not bad, I'll eat them, yeah, but.

Speaker 2:

I remember him. I'm not running out and buying them. No, I'm going to do it now for the.

Speaker 2:

I've never heard actually anybody running out and buying prunes I love prunes, yeah, but I've never heard you and Tracy say no, hey, if you're going uptown can you buy me a thing of prunes? Make sure you get the sun dry ones. Can you bring me up some cream cheese and some almonds? But the thing is is he would carve them out and I remember he had a whole pile of carvings. He was like you boys want some prunes and we're like, but actually he stuffed it with like a hot cream cheese because I said well, let me try the cream cheese, and I licked it and it burnt my mouth With the jalapeno.

Speaker 1:

But see that.

Speaker 2:

I could see that that was a memory. I could see that.

Speaker 1:

My memory is different from theirs.

Speaker 2:

Because I walked up to my dad and he was like well, you want to try some of these prunes? I said no, but I'm going to try some of the cream cheese and he just laughed at me. He said go ahead, right, and I took a chunk because I love cream cheese and it was just so hot it burnt my mouth, but it was a hot cream cheese that he made that he stuffed within these prunes, but he didn't have a walnut or a almond on it.

Speaker 3:

But it was stuffed. It was stuffed with like a hot cream cheese.

Speaker 2:

It was a sweet heat. It would be a sweet heat it was like a jalapeno type thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it would be what it would be.

Speaker 2:

I don't see it.

Speaker 3:

But look at the girl that.

Speaker 2:

Posted that she has a big head. Yeah she does. She has a big mouth, purring mouth.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's rate this and let's get out the house.

Speaker 2:

You already pretty much drank yours, huh.

Speaker 1:

Yes, damn, I'm almost done.

Speaker 2:

I'm about a quarter yeah quarter I'm about a quarter. I'm about to end. Yeah, when'd you buy this today? Yeah, that's good beer, all right, so what are?

Speaker 3:

you going?

Speaker 1:

to rank it right, melch.

Speaker 2:

I want to get back to you guys, like as far as your peppermint, all right.

Speaker 1:

Peppermint Blow out. Did the peppermint blow out for you guys after you started mixing it? Yes, after you shake it up a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the peppermint was outstanding, I'm going to give it a nine. Oh, you went high. I love the peppermint chocolate flavor. It's just to me Delicious. All I had was peppermint at the beginning, and it's Jason Creeper Keeper for me. I don't know if I'd keep it. It's a good Christmas beer. What do you think I'm going to keep it? Oh, and I'm definitely going a nine, a nine, double nine. I'm at eight, really. Yeah, and I'm not princess. Oh shit, I didn't get there. Now that peppermint is outstanding.

Speaker 2:

I can understand, princess, it is strong and like it's strong and back in the glug glug it's fucking all right, you got it in your mouth. You said the word it is. It's a strong flavored beer. It is delicious, but it's good. The peppermint aftertaste it is cold, but it's not cold cold.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not, and.

Speaker 2:

I think if you poured this in a glass, billy, it would have gave you that milkshake stout type.

Speaker 1:

I think it would have been more blended.

Speaker 2:

We didn't do it right.

Speaker 1:

We didn't do it justice.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, that's where I'm at All right.

Speaker 3:

You get a nine. I get a nine. It is delicious. You get a nine.

Speaker 2:

I get a nine, that's a kick of eight point seven, five, all right, so yeah, yeah, brace it down.

Speaker 1:

To that it's a good beer, but what is this RS?

Speaker 2:

I forgot what it was. Rachine.

Speaker 3:

R Rachine. They're very clean, out of clumb.

Speaker 2:

Out of clumb.

Speaker 3:

They're very no, they're out of Akron.

Speaker 2:

They're very popular with a lot of restaurants. I go, I'm telling you you got to get this. Yeah, if you see it, grab it. I'm sure they're, and honestly I guarantee you at a bar they're putting it with like Peppermint candy on you know you did that White frosting yeah. With the peppermint around that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or you see that.

Speaker 2:

A nice fudge. Yeah, with what? The peppermint? Yeah, or anyways. Anyways, any last thoughts. Guys, god bless you, don't turn and drive and everybody be safe and have a happy holidays. What did you say?

Speaker 1:

Don't turn and drive.

Speaker 2:

No, he said Every baby be safe. Have a nice holiday.

Christmas Beer Tasting and Sleep Preferences
Remembering Classic Cartoons
Tom and Jerry, Beer, Work, Underwear
Discussion on Underwear Preferences and Brands
Bar Crawl Experience and Review
Discussion About Football Quarterbacks
Discussion on Underwear and Ball Deodorant
Various Topics Including BBQ Sauce
Golfing and Complaints About Food
Discussion on Beer and Wings
Memories of Cream Cheese Stuffed Prunes
Review and Discussion of Rachine Beer