Another Reason to Drink

Don't forget to tip the bouncer

December 18, 2023 Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 4 Episode 48
Don't forget to tip the bouncer
Another Reason to Drink
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Another Reason to Drink
Don't forget to tip the bouncer
Dec 18, 2023 Season 4 Episode 48
Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR)

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S4-E48, Ever dreamt of a perfect road trip, combining amazing scenery and craft beer tasting? Or perhaps you've wondered about the intriguing world of craft beer and how different flavors like chocolate cherry and fig ginger compare? Well, you're in for a treat as we take you on a journey of tasting holiday-themed beers from Ellicottville whilst planning an epic road trip.

Buckle up as we kick things off with the Chocolate Cherry Bomb, an Imperial Stout that's a sweet symphony of cherries and chocolate. Not your cup of tea? No worries, we then shift gears to Lloyd's Christmas, an Alebrood crafted with an intriguing blend of ginger and figs. Of course, it wouldn't be a proper tasting without a dose of humor and lighthearted conversation. We share hilarious anecdotes from our lives, including Bobby's fear of a prank toy and Rick's recent sickness saga - trust us, it's quite a story.

But that's not all! We delve into football banter, debating our favorite team's new quarterback, posing an intriguing question about relationships, and even share our dream gifts. All this while tasting Alicotville's finest beers and giving our honest verdict. And to cap things off, we have tales of pizza mishaps, failed attempts at securing tickets to a Browns game, and a comparison of Alicotville's unusual chocolate flavors. A cocktail of fun, dreams, and lots of beer, this episode is a rollercoaster of emotions that'll make your day. So grab a beer, sit back, and join us on this wild ride. And remember, as we always say - don't drink and drive!

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S4-E48, Ever dreamt of a perfect road trip, combining amazing scenery and craft beer tasting? Or perhaps you've wondered about the intriguing world of craft beer and how different flavors like chocolate cherry and fig ginger compare? Well, you're in for a treat as we take you on a journey of tasting holiday-themed beers from Ellicottville whilst planning an epic road trip.

Buckle up as we kick things off with the Chocolate Cherry Bomb, an Imperial Stout that's a sweet symphony of cherries and chocolate. Not your cup of tea? No worries, we then shift gears to Lloyd's Christmas, an Alebrood crafted with an intriguing blend of ginger and figs. Of course, it wouldn't be a proper tasting without a dose of humor and lighthearted conversation. We share hilarious anecdotes from our lives, including Bobby's fear of a prank toy and Rick's recent sickness saga - trust us, it's quite a story.

But that's not all! We delve into football banter, debating our favorite team's new quarterback, posing an intriguing question about relationships, and even share our dream gifts. All this while tasting Alicotville's finest beers and giving our honest verdict. And to cap things off, we have tales of pizza mishaps, failed attempts at securing tickets to a Browns game, and a comparison of Alicotville's unusual chocolate flavors. A cocktail of fun, dreams, and lots of beer, this episode is a rollercoaster of emotions that'll make your day. So grab a beer, sit back, and join us on this wild ride. And remember, as we always say - don't drink and drive!

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Speaker 1:

Okay, welcome back to another reason to drink. I'm your famous host, princess Ricky Ricks, in the house. Yeah, we have no Bobby today. No one to run the switchboard here.

Speaker 2:

What are you to fuck with us tonight?

Speaker 1:

No, keeping us on track.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, but tonight will be a good show because we're getting into some, you know, right into the holidays. We're jumping into some Christmas beers and you know we're only, as of today, the countdown's gone. I mean, it'll be.

Speaker 2:

Christmas, yeah, yeah. What a week away? Yeah, yeah. More or less I will say yeah.

Speaker 1:

By the time you hear this, this might be the Christmas show. But anyways, tonight we got special, special, special, as Bobby would put it, um beverages. We got to Ellicottville and we're doing a chocolate cheer bomb. It is Imperial Stout um with chocolate and cherries, cherries. Yeah, this is sweet organ, sweet cherries you know, and it's 8.2. Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

I just look, that's what I just seen.

Speaker 1:

I just both all these are 8.2. No, this one's a we get a little bit of break. So just so, we're, we're, we're saying all these beers is because um Rick went out today and he bought a variety pack a variety pack from them.

Speaker 1:

Ellicottville, which was basically what it was, is the chocolate cherry bomb. Lloyd's Christmas, which is, uh, alebrood with ginger and figs. And then there was the um, salted caramel, cold express. And then there's the sugar cookie, which, uh, I had the sugar cookie before. It's very good, but tonight we're gonna, because there are eight pointers, we'll just do 16 pointers, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, just two of them. The other two are less, are six two and five six.

Speaker 1:

So then it's bad.

Speaker 2:

So they're not, or six, three and five, six. We got a good show tonight, so we went straight to the Aiders.

Speaker 1:

That's what we do, yeah. So tonight we're gonna do the uh chocolate cherry bomb and then Lloyd's Christmas, which is the Alebrood with ginger and figs.

Speaker 2:

So I'm thinking we should do the ginger and figs first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because the chocolate Excuse me. It will be over. Yeah, it might.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the imperial might be a little yeah, so a little much, so we go ahead and open these up.

Speaker 1:

I like the can. It's got the cool dude on it. Yeah, I like the whole, all of them actually.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty cool pack and we've had Ellicottville multiple times, yeah, and they've always done us good Like we've. We've enjoyed every one of them.

Speaker 1:

They're very good at making like.

Speaker 2:

If it says sugar cookie, it tastes like it's right, yeah, but it's not as sweet as southern tier, right, you know what I mean. Like they're not complete dessert beers.

Speaker 1:

Now it's gonna take a minute because my, my palate has to change on this one. Right Right off, that first sip New, I don't know. It tastes like I don't know that fig the back end is killing me, man.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that is, yet that's what I say.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna take a minute to get that one. So, uh, why we? I don't like Bobby's spot over here. He's got this dick thing looking at him and then it's just getting ready to hit him in the eye. I know I hopefully yeah.

Speaker 2:

I know I I want to set it up somehow, yeah, to where I just hit like a button on the floor and it just shoots at him. Yeah, you know he like he would pee, I know he would, that's exactly it.

Speaker 1:

He would be pee, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like we can figure out some little compression thing.

Speaker 1:

You just have it open and it just, I'm afraid, someone's gonna come out.

Speaker 2:

No, I cleaned it really good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you licked it, I licked it clean. Yeah, it's kind of shiny, I sucked it out. Who did it? Huh, who did the shot in it? Tammy, oh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I did it, but her boyfriend was there and everything we were making fun of her like yeah what's that look like?

Speaker 1:

Oh, my, oh, my. Yeah, I know I was bad, yeah, you were, I was really bad.

Speaker 2:

Okay, which is another reason to drink then. Oh, we're already going to another reason to drink, no what no?

Speaker 1:

what is it no?

Speaker 2:

like yeah, yeah, stuff like that. Um well, I'm finally on the back end of not being sick, so yeah from.

Speaker 1:

I do.

Speaker 2:

I spent a week like, literally, this coming Tuesday would be two weeks. Yeah, that I've been struggling with this.

Speaker 1:

Fucking. Well, thursday you were like sniffling, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I'm still doing it, but like after Thursday, like I just went straight downhill then yeah, you're done. Then fucking. Yeah, I laid on the couch all weekend and it was rough.

Speaker 1:

It was, and. I'm still not 100%, but he didn't even get on a play video games.

Speaker 2:

I didn't do. I literally just laid there and watched TV and fell asleep in between. Oh, Like, you know what I mean. That's why I was like I'm not even getting out. I like I don't even get fucking, I don't care, yeah when you have that attitude, you know that you're. Oh, you're at no point. Yeah, yeah, and I got it. Yep, as much as I'd love to, but nope, just gotta lay here and sleep, sleep.

Speaker 1:

We have to make sure we save one of these for.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Lloyds Christmas, because I ain't feeling the Lloyds Then I'm so full too. Yeah, we did. We went down and we had a little Mexican food and yeah, and we eat probably too too many tacos. Yeah, I feel like a complete fat guy In a little suit, so you're you're dislike learn and so probably I like you're. It's a little like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just finally coming off this cold, finally, uh, getting back to normal. I'm not quite there yet, but it's on the uphill of it anyhow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, mine, like. I know we're not allowed to talk about work aspect and point of view, but I think this is kind of funny. I was going in and I learned this is a learn for me. You know that song, god, I think it's Ice Cube. Today's gonna be a good day yeah. So I was listening to that song going to work. It was still fresh in my head. I get it. Today's gonna be a good day.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean and then it went to shit. Straight to shit I even told my boss.

Speaker 1:

I was like, yeah, that was not good. I was thinking, today's gonna be a good day, alright, alright it didn't last you going all positive. I was all positive, yeah, I was Fuck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then it just went to shit, yeah we just had problem after problem, I'm like. And then you, you know the, the, the expression came out of me. I always say this. I say, um, oh, they're bending me today, you know cause, you know I don't break, but we're putting some bend on me today.

Speaker 2:

And then Isn't that funny, though. Like you'll go in, like I'll go to work on my way to work and be like man, today's gonna fucking suck and it'll be a great day, everything went smooth. And then you'll go in all happy, you know, bright eyed, bushy, tailed, like, yeah, let's go. And it's just fucking Boom. That's cause they see you, rick looks happy today. Let's fuck his world. He's smiling for him. Yeah, that's ruined his life. Yeah, that's ruined his day.

Speaker 1:

Let's see if we can get him to break. Today I did, I told him, I told my boss I was like whoo, I was bending today. But then I kind of know that I have to like kind of remove myself Right and give myself a second to recover. Yeah, because before you snap. Yeah, cause it's all about everything's about how you approach the situation, right, you know, I know we'll get through and all that and everything, but I gotta, when you're going through that moment, you're like fuck enough enough. Like a like what do you call it? Like a teapot?

Speaker 1:

You're like yeah yeah, you get right up burst and yeah and.

Speaker 2:

I get that and like, and I have a hard time doing that sometimes and I'll just blow.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you blow. Yeah, see the key.

Speaker 2:

You can't, I can't, no like I'm just a floor person, like whatever, as long as I don't swear at them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it whatever, or smack them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

Or both. Yeah, cause it's came close a couple of times, I mean you know, I know, like I said last week, I I mean that chick fucking cry.

Speaker 2:

And you know like, and I mean, I felt bad about it, ish, but Is she? Had you made her?

Speaker 1:

gag Was she in tears.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she was fucking. I didn't even have to make her gag. She was already fucking crying. I fuck her. She came in crying. I like, oh, she went straight to the boss, didn't fuck her. Oh man, I was just like, look I'm sorry but you came at me the wrong way and I came back at you the same way you came at me just because it hurt your feelings. It don't hurt mine, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to be like you wanna fuck me like that.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I got you, I got you, I got you right here, come here.

Speaker 1:

That makes me think. How do you get a, how do you get your girlfriend or wife to scream at sex? I don't know, you call her when you just finished with your girlfriend. That's kind of funny, yeah, and anyway it made me think of crying.

Speaker 2:

It made me think of crying.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so that my day was like yeah, it's just funny that, like it almost goes to what you're saying, you come in thinking, oh, that's gonna be the fucking worst day in the world, and it's not Everything is great and then you come in there happy and people are like oh that motherfucker can't be happy.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, fuck him.

Speaker 1:

He's getting paid and he's happy. Psst, psst, hey.

Speaker 2:

See Bill smiling over there.

Speaker 1:

That's fucking swell, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

Go over there and piss in his weeds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then I'll come after you. That's what gets you. You can handle probably one or two or two, but you get that third one.

Speaker 2:

It's like I'm gonna fucking get her. I really mean to fuck alone.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna be gagging on some. I'm telling you, god, what is it? What's that?

Speaker 2:

The glug, glug glug, glug, glug, glug, fucking great. Get the glug glug here. You need to fuck alone.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna make you cry and then I'll step back.

Speaker 2:

I have to step forward, push real hard.

Speaker 1:

This isn't bad, as I get through this.

Speaker 2:

But it's not bad. But it's not gonna be a high rated. I'll tell you that right now.

Speaker 1:

I, almost technically, could just probably push this one. Yeah, you'll be okay with it.

Speaker 2:

So it's an ale brewed with ginger and fig, yeah, and I'm not getting the ginger, though.

Speaker 1:

No, and you think that would have been the most. You would think that would overpower. I don't know if I'm getting the fig in us. That's that weird taste.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a weird taste, that fig. Yeah, you know what I mean. Either you do the arrow, it's the mixture of the two, but it's just a weird tasting beer it is. It's just an off tasting beer to me.

Speaker 1:

Maybe if they coated the rim of this with something, and I don't know, mannies.

Speaker 2:

I got mayonnaise. I got mayonnaise. I got a lot of mayonnaise.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm kind of I mean the salt. I didn't want to do the cold pressed coffee one tonight because I was thinking with the full belly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, I just like I just I didn't know what percentages any of were, so I just liked cherry, so I was like chocolate cherry.

Speaker 1:

Yup, I'll take that, that won't be so bad you put the other ones back in the fridge. Yeah, oh good, I might swap out at break. Yeah, cause this one's sitting out, you know.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you mean swap out.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the chocolate, the chocolate cherry, yeah, yup, but anyways, what else we got tonight? We've got tonight we got that Do we.

Speaker 2:

So they signed Falco to the full on roster now, yeah, so, which is a good thing. I mean I think he's doing great. I think he's doing great Personally. I mean I think he's about the best quarterback we've had in the last 36 quarterbacks that we've had in the last four years.

Speaker 1:

So they were telling the story about like he was basically on the couch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was going to his mom, mom and dads every Sunday. They would go there and have dinner and watch football, yeah, you know basically all day long, and then he would leave at like the four o'clock game or maybe even the eight o'clock game, go home and get his kids to bed and he'd watch the eight o'clock game by himself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then he got a phone call, wow.

Speaker 2:

And comes out and just fucking crushes it.

Speaker 1:

I like how he stays in the pocket. It doesn't get he is.

Speaker 2:

You can tell he is very orthodox yeah, on what he does. You know what I mean. Like you can tell he's just that veteran quarterback. He knows he's very precise, very, everything's the same, always keeps that hand to his chest when he's running out. Yeah, you know what I mean. You can just see it. Like it, just like oh, this is what an actual quarterback looks like it's amazing and it's funny.

Speaker 1:

I mean not to say that DTR, he has heart and everything.

Speaker 2:

No, absolutely Passion, and stuff.

Speaker 1:

But I mean it's very nice that and it's weird, I didn't know. He just came right off of like right off the couch, Literally the couch.

Speaker 2:

He was sitting there with his hands in his pants, Fucking, drinking a beer going.

Speaker 1:

My life sucks whatever, if I pay some massage people, I'd probably make 200. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know, last weekend, last Sunday, he broke a record since the 80s.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what was that?

Speaker 2:

Scype. Oh, what was that? Two or three touchdowns in one game with over 30 yards.

Speaker 1:

Oh, 30 yard passing. Oh yeah, Because he got that someone, he came out like psh psh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so he broke a since the 1980. Wow, wow, he broke Brian Scypes. Wow, and he was a good quarterback. I don't remember when I was young and it was funny, my brother, who doesn't really watch football, brought his name right up. He was like Scype yeah. I'm like, yeah, how did you know that name? He was like I don't know, I just pulled it out of my ass. But yeah, he was like everybody had that jersey back in the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was popular. Yeah, yeah, kat liked them too. She had them a little pendant with the heart.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

She still has this she still has it.

Speaker 2:

She still has it it is around somewhere, man man, he's in a little inside that pendant.

Speaker 1:

He's like young. That's nasty. That's nasty. He's an 80-year-old man now.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure he is yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean he was in his 20s then.

Speaker 2:

Almost 50 years ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 70s, 70s, yeah. I wonder if his mayonnaise didn't work.

Speaker 2:

It probably doesn't hit the little fucking pfft, the smoke comes out.

Speaker 1:

I see you take a sip of your Bud Lightyear. Yeah, just a yeah, Because this is rough. It is rough. I don't know if I could get it on there. I am not going to be able to get it on there Because I keep trying to and I'm like I mean it's not horrible.

Speaker 2:

No, I got to say it's not horrible. I don't know how to rate it.

Speaker 1:

Well, you got to rate it as a Christmas, ale right, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it is an, ale I will say if we're going to go, for ratings. I'm just going to say eight. You're giving it that high. I was going to say seven.

Speaker 1:

I knew it going that high, I'd go seven, I'd go a seven.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's not bad, that's not horrible, because it's not horrible.

Speaker 1:

It's not horrible, but it's six down the road you think, oh yeah, six, man Taste it.

Speaker 2:

It tastes like just any other Christmas, regular Christmas ale to me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No flares. Yeah, there's no flair.

Speaker 1:

I'm surprised you gave it a seven. I'm going to go a seven.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to stay with a seven Because it just tastes like literally like any other Christmas ale it does.

Speaker 1:

I give it that I'll go. You know what I mean? Yeah, cuz it isn't bad, but it's not it's not horrible.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna give it a five because I have something on the. There is something in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm wondering if it's the fig it just, it's just not hitting it with me. No, no, I don't taste that. You think ginger, like we said before, would just overpower everything but no, it's but the look, would I buy the box still. Hmm, absolutely yeah, I'd still buy the box. I wouldn't keep these though.

Speaker 2:

No, these would be.

Speaker 1:

No, you know what these would be kept, because they would still be in there.

Speaker 2:

No, these would be chasing this one. Know the pack. The pack, yes.

Speaker 1:

I agree, but but I mean cuz we're that's early saying we're gonna do it off of this one.

Speaker 2:

These ones would go to like the neighbors, yeah like you, come over buddy and put a bow on it and go here, try this yeah you gotta find someone that really likes ales.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't. You know, isn't this kind of remind you of Great, great lakes Christmas, you know?

Speaker 2:

yes, yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

It's not horrible people that, like Christmas, they'll would love this, would actually love this, yeah, so that's good. We could do some of these card things too. Oh, but Bobby normally does that After break. Oh, he does that one after brain. What one? Oh, the his, yeah, his, um, what does it call it? It's his jiggle. Story time yeah, we'll do we have a story is online three ready to take your calls, bobby.

Speaker 1:

You'll be here in any minute today to calls online too. Okay, let's say. Okay, let's say, let's say, let's say, if you could, oh, what would be the one now, bobby? Bobby did this already, but what would be a gift that you would want right now?

Speaker 2:

No money, any money, I mean a gift that I would want any money yeah like you know, you can say Lambo, you know. Yeah, I wouldn't even want that.

Speaker 1:

I know what would be that one gift that you would take. Hey, if we do it on our hundred, maybe a listener of five.

Speaker 2:

Fuck, I don't even know dude like. I mean like I don't think like Like the greatest gift would be like pay off my truck.

Speaker 1:

Well then you just say a new truck, a new truck, you know the new Tacoma's expensive.

Speaker 2:

Oh, tacoma is expensive, but they're really popular new.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would. I would still take a Tacoma, a new Tacoma.

Speaker 1:

I would yeah okay, so Rick's gift is a 2024 Tacoma.

Speaker 2:

Off-road V6 4x4 yes, what color would you like? Yeah, dude, I Really liked the desert sand. Oh, I like that one. Or I've seen one the other day, dude, that was, it had event special or whatever, but it was a flat green. Oh, that would be like the flat army green. I think I would like the flat green. I would do like and, and I would also like the railing on the back For the ten up top. Yeah, actually, that's probably what I would like for. Oh, yeah, a gift is a top tent.

Speaker 1:

The one where you climb up on top of your vehicle. Yep, you mount it to the top of the vehicle. You sleep up there and you have the whole ladder. Yeah, that's cool too yeah dude it would you take the truck over the top.

Speaker 2:

I would take the truck over the time. I think the truck should come with the tent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there you go as a package deal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I also want the Bush guard on the front, like in case I hit a night in piggy. It's my Christmas present.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's a good one, though, yeah $50,000 truck. But that I mean that's a good one. So I mean it's funny that you pick a vehicle, because when I first, when I think of that, I think a vehicle too, you know right. Just because you know I've been really craving to have some kind of sports car. So I mean I Would love something too dorsh Converable. I like Ashley and Martin's, you know that. Maybe that dark gray, black right.

Speaker 1:

All right, yeah, yeah it could be a four-door, but that's slick. I really do like California style Lambos. Okay, yeah, so something like that, something like that. I went a lot higher money, but At that point I don't care what color if you got it for me, it could be pink, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

You just get a Cooper. They're two doors no.

Speaker 1:

A dick's bigger.

Speaker 2:

You ever watched the Italian job, dude? No.

Speaker 1:

I'll leave that to you, but that it's funny, though we both think of cars, because I mean, that's something you spoil yourself with right.

Speaker 2:

I don't like. I just something that you have to have.

Speaker 1:

To go to work. Well, you know, you can sleep I mean you can sleep at work.

Speaker 2:

Put that little ten of them up, dude. Well, because we're thinking about going out west.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, and that'd be perfect so we figured all this out and you know I started looking it up. I'm like, well, sweetie, you know I'm thinking about taking two weeks off work. Yeah, we want to hit like Utah, wyoming, like kind of do the whole Western whatever for two weeks, mm-hmm. And then I was like I googled it. So from here to Utah was like Four days of driving, of drive, wow, yeah, I'm like, okay, $53 for a one-way ticket to Vegas, yeah, and then rent a vehicle, yeah, I, and drive it back to here or drive it back to Vegas, and then, no, I would drive it back to fucking here and just drop it off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and drop it off.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like at least we're out there in one day. Yeah, for $53, and not the $500 in gas just to get out there. Yeah, and the five days it took us to get there.

Speaker 1:

And the wear and tear on your vehicle and the wear and tear on the vehicle or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But you know what I mean. And then get a minivan and then we just fucking. We leave right from Vegas and go to Utah, washington, wyoming, wisconsin. You know what I mean. Like fucking whatever, do a loop, do a big loop and come right back and fucking drop it off and say here you go. Now you're paying $53 and fucking airfare, yeah, out there in four hours.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that sounds yeah, you know what I mean I was like. And we have all the backpacking gear that we can pack all of our clothes in our backpacks, yeah. And then run to a Walmart and go get a fucking cheap ass cooler, yeah, and put it in there.

Speaker 1:

And I mean, even if you got an expensive one, you're bringing it home.

Speaker 2:

Well, exactly, yeah. But I mean even still, like you know, you can't take a cooler and shit on a plane with you. You can, but you fucking pay out the ass for it. You'd be better off to buy it. Yeah, we'd be better off to fucking fly out there with a $30 bag of fucking for over the head bag, yeah, and buy a fucking dollar store, fucking clothing and live in that for fucking two weeks and then go.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean, yeah, and then go to a supermarket and do like all that you can make a hiking trips and everything else.

Speaker 1:

Just what it would cost you to drive out there.

Speaker 2:

Just to drive out there. Yeah, would be worth the $53. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean and all the extra cost of the year and all the extra cost of the year.

Speaker 2:

And everything else. So I don't know. We're still kicking it around. We might end up doing it.

Speaker 1:

That always makes me think of that trip. I want to go up towards Canada, up towards Nova Scotia area. Okay, if you come around. You know I looked it up, the driving of that is very time consuming but there's very nice places to go in between, but they're beautiful places. Yeah, and I thought about taking you know it's almost like a week Right Just to do the loop, but it's a relaxing loop. Two days here, a day here.

Speaker 2:

Well, you go up into Nova Scotia and then back down. Yeah, come back around and twist through New York, through Maine and shit Yep.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause we went to Maine. We went all the way up to oh, what the fuck was it? I forget the name it was the very northern town of Maine. Yeah, like we were staring at you, like you could see the Canadian border, there was a little river or whatever in between us and LeBac.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

LeBac means All right, it was cool dude, it was beautiful. Oh my God, maine is beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I know, and that's what I want to do Come down through and then drive across Yep, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, you got to go straight to the ocean, dude, and run Maine all the way up the ocean Like just follow the fucking. The coast, the coast, all the way up. It's absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Well, mine was going to go up towards New York, the falls, okay, and then go up and then come down and around Around and follow it down, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's beautiful, absolutely gorgeous.

Speaker 1:

I know I liked that. I was like it's kind of a dream, I want to do it. It's just mostly driving, yeah, and just enjoying it. Enjoy it, yep.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, we got that story time in, we got the and we rated these beers, of course, and then we got our dislikes and learn. So we'll take a little break here, we'll grab a nice cold one, as Bobby would say it, and we'll be right back. Welcome back.

Speaker 2:

I hit the wrong road, but I know, is that going to mess the whole thing up?

Speaker 1:

No, I had to do it in two parts, oh okay, but at least we did it right at the beginning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it shouldn't be that bad.

Speaker 1:

So should we start all over?

Speaker 2:

Let's start all over. I don't know what's another reason we're back to another reason to drink. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

But we got a nice cold one. We got this chocolate cherry bomb.

Speaker 2:

Bomb From Ellicottville. It's 8.3.

Speaker 1:

I can smell the chocolate.

Speaker 2:

So much better than the last one. Oh yeah, I can get this one down. Oh, I could get this one down really quickly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if it was really cold. Is yours real cold? No, it's not real cold. If it was really cold, if it was really cold.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it would be really good, it'd be refreshing. Yeah, you could almost put this over ice. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everything going down. It's funny you say that because today I took the time out, I got a glass of water, put it on ice and drank it, and I drank it quick. I said you know what I'm going to move for Coke or Pepsi or whatever, right, so I went and I said you know what I'm going to get ice. And that was actually pretty damn good.

Speaker 2:

Just something over ice. Yeah, it was really refreshing. It was really refreshing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was like damn, I haven't done that in a while and I don't know why I don't do it, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

Especially if you have an ice machine. We do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm like make it easy, right, but it actually was refreshing Right. I was like wow, that was pretty good.

Speaker 1:

No, Hell yeah, that was almost one of my likes, dislike and learns.

Speaker 2:

It's just putting something on ice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, enjoying it, it's just enjoying ice, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm like a peasant. I finally got ice. I finally got ice.

Speaker 1:

I wonder here's a different story because you don't want it to kind of like no you don't want the water right now, but I would drink this quick enough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was just going to say I would drink that soda so fast. Right, yeah, it was quick, you ain't watered it down. No, so you know, you often see them, people with the, they do the TikToks where they try to make each other laugh, yeah, so the one of the things on there was kind of Mamersmirk is like as a joke was what do you call a ghost poop? A what, what do you call ghost poop, I don't know? Boo boo, boo boo. Boo boo, boo boo.

Speaker 2:

Boo boo, boo boo. Yeah, I thought it was kind of something yeah, boo boo.

Speaker 1:

That should be my Halloween. So what's the?

Speaker 2:

what does non-alcoholic beer and going down on your sister having common, there's no benefit. No, they both taste the same, but you know it's not right. Ah, they taste the same, you're right, and you're right, and they're right, I'm sorry. So what does girls in a condom have in common?

Speaker 1:

Girls in a condom have a condom.

Speaker 2:

What does a girl in a condom yes, what does your wife in a condom have in common?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't know, it's very good.

Speaker 2:

They both spend a lot of time, more time in your wallet than they do your dick.

Speaker 1:

That's true. That's true, it's always empty.

Speaker 2:

I had one more, damn it, and that one was the funny one. Last one was the funny one.

Speaker 1:

I really had. The last one was the really funny one, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I kind of liked the sister in the knock. No, the last one was even funnier. Oh no, no. What do barber shops offer in the wintertime?

Speaker 1:

I don't know Cold cuts.

Speaker 2:

Cold cuts. That's a dad joke. They're all clean. You know that.

Speaker 1:

They're all clean. I love you.

Speaker 2:

That brings all the bad ones.

Speaker 1:

I want to see if we, the things we should know, are things they don't teach in school. Hell, whatever, I think they're about the same, aren't they? Almost? These are kind of funny. Let's see what we got here. A little hard to read, let me get my thing. This is things they don't teach you in school. I kind of like these. Does the average person wear out the left or right sole of their shoe first?

Speaker 2:

The average person. Yeah, the right.

Speaker 1:

That is correct, I mean, I would think, because most people lead off with the right and the right footed and they drive and don't most, yeah, yeah. Yeah, why does your hair turn gray as you age? Because you're pigment Yup Pigment in your hair cells stops producing. Yup, yeah. And then your hair pigment no longer produces yeah and turned to gray yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Man, you're two for two. Are there sexually transmitted disease among animals? Yes, yes, most common is AIDS, std. I don't know what the most common is Aren't we considering animals? Yeah, oh, yeah, okay, last one what year were you first sold under this name of Post-it Notes?

Speaker 2:

Oh 1981.

Speaker 1:

1979. Oh, I wasn't too far. That's why I was impressed.

Speaker 2:

You wanted to do one more. You knew it so good yeah.

Speaker 1:

What? 3 for 4. 3 for 4. And you're pretty close on that last one. Oops, sorry. What objects has been thrown farther than any other on earth by a human just over a her or just over 1,300 feet? Wait a minute. Wait what. What object has been thrown farther than any other object on earth by a human just over 1,300 feet? Javelin, Frisbee.

Speaker 2:

Frisbee Damn it, damn. Yeah, frisbee would go farther.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the tires on an aircraft do not contain air. What do they contain instead? Oh, I didn't know that Helium.

Speaker 2:

Nitrogen, nitrogen, okay yeah.

Speaker 1:

Not doing so hot on this card. No, fuck, no, he's all patient.

Speaker 2:

The Frisbee one?

Speaker 1:

no, you should have got.

Speaker 2:

Made more sense.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was just like okay, javelin goes pretty far. Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

What color? What color were the Egyptian pyramids originally?

Speaker 2:

Oh fucking no Sand color, no they were white Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, white and gray white they were covered.

Speaker 2:

They didn't teach me that in school.

Speaker 1:

They were covered in a limestone. Really, that is gone now. Remember they stole it. They came in.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay. If blood is red, why do your veins look blue? You should know this one.

Speaker 2:

Because blood ain't red, it's not red.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's not red, it's blue, it's when it hits.

Speaker 1:

It's when it hits you air.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it fucking turns.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty good. You didn't do too bad for that. You didn't do bad at all. You win the trophy, this big black.

Speaker 2:

I get this big black with this big brown penis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get to move around and touch a lot. Why you keep dropping it? I like it. Why is it in your mouth?

Speaker 2:

No, that's entirely way too much to read, too much what you do, entirely way too much to read yeah, you're thinking to be easy. Yeah, I was like, we'll just do a small Does dad jokes.

Speaker 1:

Come on, tell me a dad joke.

Speaker 2:

What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

Speaker 1:

It's normally on the bottom. Oh, a carrot Orange and sounds like a parrot. Oh, parrot carrot.

Speaker 2:

Man, that's terrible. What is a door not a door? I don't know when it's a jar. That's fucking funny, dude. That's fucking funny.

Speaker 1:

Come on.

Speaker 2:

That's kind of funny.

Speaker 1:

What's a door? Not a door when it's a jar.

Speaker 2:

When it's a jar, he has to use this little light, because we got it romantic in here.

Speaker 1:

It's a romantic night. What?

Speaker 2:

did the coffee? Or what did the coffee say when it got to the police station? I've been mugged. How does a penguin build a home?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. That's it. You know the answer.

Speaker 2:

God, it glues it together, it glues it together. Oh my, that's funny. It glues it together, it glues it together.

Speaker 1:

Stupid. He paused so much. I don't really like that it glues it together. It glues it together. Okay, what do we do now? I don't know. We are drinking our beers. Oh yeah, we forgot about our beers. The whole reason for the show, right? I'm sure Anything interesting happened. Oh, you were sick, so much Nothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I ain't shit happening Fucking, don't really care for our game and no, like what the fuck do we play? Go, no, go straight down.

Speaker 1:

Oh no. So you know you got a good point there, because me and Bobby were talking about how zombies isn't as fun. No you can. We were talking about PlayStation 5, the Call of Duty.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, and like I don't know, it's just not like I paid $100 for this fucking thing, yeah for the game Literally it was a DLC, yeah, you know what I mean. They didn't really change anything. They gave us a couple extra guns, yeah, but they didn't really change that much. A couple new maps, it could all been a DLC for 20 bucks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I miss playing the DMZ.

Speaker 2:

Dmz, yeah, and it's still on there, but I hear they're taking it off. Oh really, yeah, so so we're gonna play it. We need to play it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I used to look forward to playing that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, zombies, not because you start over every time and then if you could carry your shit out with you, it might be a different story. It might be a different story, like you know what I mean. Like if you can get your pack of punch, yeah, like keep that. And like go back in and like, okay, let's try it again.

Speaker 1:

And but you start over every time and it gains what? 40, 50 minutes? Oh, easily yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you're just running around and yeah trying to get 20,000 fucking so you can pack a punch for a third time. Fuck off. Yeah, I'm with you on that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I told Bobby, we were talking about that the other day and I said and then the only thing you get in there now is you just go in and you know, do the quick place. The quick place, which is, you know, collect dog tags.

Speaker 2:

And it's also I mean, you just die so much I mean like there's some maps you don't even get it.

Speaker 1:

Now. We played plunder the other day. That was kind of fun what me and Bob were playing resurgence.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you know, that's not bad. Like I was fucking before Bob got on, cause I forgot he did that 5k. Oh, yeah, sunday, I was surprised you didn't get on Sunday, but you were down in Cleveland. No, I was in Cleveland, yeah, that's why. Yeah, right, so I'm like well, I know one's here. So I had a plan. I didn't realize there was quads and solos. If you scroll down, if you get going down and try to figure out from the 17 different Whatever's to get to it, yeah, so I was just doing quads by myself. Now it's coming in fifth place. Yeah, let me. And Bob wanted to do owes and we couldn't get past eighth. Wow, really, yeah, I was like what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you suck. Yeah, I mean, he sucks so bad he wants you to cover cover me, cover me.

Speaker 2:

He just runs around and like doesn't pay attention to nothing. Dude, cover me, cover me, he's so slow.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so my weekend because I didn't, I didn't get to play where I was down in Cleveland. That was a good time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got hang out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, welcome to the farm. We went to that bar. It was a good time. We got to hang out there and stuff. I was telling Rick earlier I've seen so many women with only fan shirts on advertising.

Speaker 2:

Advertising on just yeah, and probably make him bang.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, make it more money than we do. Yeah, you know what I mean. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna start doing it yeah.

Speaker 1:

And the thing yeah, you're skin, say only fans look at my foot yeah, whatever my corn on my toe.

Speaker 2:

Fucking. You know, there's some nasty chick out there or some dude. I would just sit there and beat off to fucking my corn on my toe.

Speaker 1:

He was nasty.

Speaker 2:

Five, ninety, nine a month.

Speaker 1:

I'll show you a new picture of my Bar. Hey, you bought me this beer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I joined my corn beer, my corn beer Kid at work keeps on saying he was like I'm gonna make one for my dog. He's like just show, buckle, you probably make a money off of it, dude you know somebody's six bastard. You're sick bastards out there.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you do it as a joke.

Speaker 2:

Oh, give me that fucking asshole picture every fucking day. She's subscribed, you get that asshole picture the asshole picture right to your phone.

Speaker 1:

Why is this a picture of Bob?

Speaker 2:

big old blue not.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, oh man, yeah, but it was a good time. We had a good time partying up, felt no pain the next morning. Oh, I have to tell you about the pizza story.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't tell you that right. So Last time we went up to Cleveland it was late, we were getting out of the bar and we were going back to the hotel and Cat wanted a pizza or something. The only place open was this little pizza joint. Right, I said, okay, this is it. I'm looking on the map. Very shit, all right, three in the morning, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, this is all right, walking these damn streets, you know.

Speaker 1:

so I go in there, I get two slices and I'm eat one, and then she decides that she wants to eat my other one there, so I ordered two more. Taking them back to the hotel, I'm like this shit, good, all right, I'm walking back, for first of all she didn't want any right and then now she's right, yeah, yeah so I got to, I took it back.

Speaker 1:

I put them in the fridge with the bed. The middle of night I hear something. I see her over there. She's freaking, got the sitting on the bed. Eat my damn pizza. He'll my pizza in the middle of night.

Speaker 2:

You know she's rolled it up and didn't even swallow. Yeah, swallowed it all, like didn't even chew. That she is so quiet.

Speaker 1:

She's taking big things like that. So I know I, but we she ate my pizza and everything. So that was that story. And then this this time we're coming out of the bar once again, 2, 2, 30 in the morning. She's thinking in her mind we got pizza the last time we're here and it was real good, right. So she's hitting me up At Almost three o'clock to get a pizza, you know, and I'm like we're already at the hotel because we could walk there. You know, right, I'm like damn, we didn't pass no pizza place or anything.

Speaker 1:

So I look online, I find one. I get one delivered, right, and I get it up there. I go down. I have to wait up in the morning or wait up to get it. Go down in the lobby, get it and come back. You know, stay dressed, shoes and all you know. She's in bed, all comfortable. I look over, I give her a slice, right, hey, baby, I got the pizza. You want one of you? You know I ate two. I was like, oh, this is good. You know, she takes like two bites of it. I look over. She's out, sleeping, sleep. I take the plate off of her. I eat the rest of her pizza. I'm thinking fuck, I told her before I even ordered just go to bed, babe, you won't even know you're hungry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're right, yeah, right.

Speaker 1:

So anyways, long story short, spent 40, some dollars on a pizza.

Speaker 2:

Right three in the morning two then she ate two bites now we're, you guys, staying it down there like right down right down on the flats.

Speaker 1:

We stayed at the Um. Oh, what was that go?

Speaker 2:

the loft, the loft. Yeah, that's a nice place. Yeah, yeah, I said there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was nice, yeah, and then the view out the way yeah, it's beautiful, it's beautiful, yep. And then we went down and we ate at that, that breakfast place right around the corner it was like a bagel place. That was real good. It was something I don't know, but it was, it was do you guys go to the dueling pianos down there. No, we went to. Uh, welcome to the farm.

Speaker 2:

You're right, but I didn't know if like, because I think dueling pianos around. Yeah, it's on your way back to the loft.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking it's around that. Yeah, it's all right there.

Speaker 2:

But that's really cool, dude. We went in there one time and, dude, that's amazing, it is just watching them. Two guys, like just watching two guys. Some of them are like just random guys. Yeah, you know, they'll just let them go up there and they're good. They're good and it's like, holy fuck dude, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

And that's how it was. I mean, that whole area down there is awesome. It's cool, yeah, yeah around the holidays and then we went. When you know, we woke up the next morning, there's browns game, of course, right in town. So, um there, there's a lot of tailgaters out already.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sure, yeah, yeah, you guys got on tailgate with them a little bit.

Speaker 1:

No, I, I look out. Yeah, we went. I had to go to my mom Mother-in-law's. She lives there, so we tailgated with her. But, um, I wanted to go to the game but they said it was supposed to rain and I didn't want to sit in the rain. No, yeah, I don't blame you, yeah, yeah. So I was talking to this guy that was next to me in the bar and, um, he said, hey, you going to the the game? And I was like no, I said I'd love to go, but I ain't gonna lie, I don't want to sit in the ring, I don't want that shit. Right, he says I'll hook you up. He says, uh, give me your number, exchange numbers. He said I'll hook you up. If I get two extra shots I mean seats I'll get you and your wife up. No rain guarantee. I was like, sweet, let me know if you can't. That's cool, you know right. But yeah, he didn't come through.

Speaker 1:

He, he must be yeah but it was nice, but he knew, he knew he just sent you dick pics. I still get that I forwarded. I said this is what you could be with. You could be you're stuck with me. He told me uh, he just got back from um, um hanging out with um. What's the guy that shot the budweiser thing? Kid rock, yep, oh yeah, yeah, showed me a picture. Oh yeah, yeah. And then he was just hanging out with uh um, chase rice, who chase right?

Speaker 2:

his country singer chase oh yeah, yeah, okay, yeah oh yeah, yeah, so he's pretty big guy like he looked pretty cool. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I said, are you a singer or something? He just kind of smirked so I don't know who he was. Drug dealer yeah, there was a lot of people going up to him so somebody knew. Yeah, they knew him.

Speaker 2:

So you're probably really next to somebody, probably pretty famous, and I didn't know who the fuck he was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but hopefully he comes up with some tickets here for you.

Speaker 2:

Like I guarantee you ain't gonna get wet, but your wife will.

Speaker 1:

See, already was. Did I tell you that I had to get her off the bouncer several times? She would not leave the bouncer alone. She was like nah, I like. I told you like five times. That guy does not want you grabbing his ass. Right right or his muscles or his arms or anything, you know. But she was pretty wild later in the night and she was like you know, it's bad when they start trying to grab your arm and they're like okay.

Speaker 2:

Grab an extra sock and put it in your sleeve.

Speaker 1:

She was like, it was like, and then mine's more like.

Speaker 2:

That right, right yeah, and that's just her ass.

Speaker 1:

I, I did. I did have to keep telling her can't leave that guy alone, I don't want you. Yeah, oh, we got it. And then she's like, she's like, uh, make sure you tip the bouncer. And I'm like, I'm all yeah, because. And then I walked up to him, I literally I gave him a tip and I said this is for putting up with my wife all night.

Speaker 2:

He's yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's like, don't worry, this kid's in his 20s and cats right.

Speaker 2:

All right, I mean she already. I already gave her my tip in the bathroom.

Speaker 1:

You weren't looking yeah just the tip just the tip by the way, my name's justin, justin, justin, uh, it was a good time, but yeah, so that's awesome. I often think if you win, I mean if I went up there, oh, she's the only fans friend. Oh, so that one I could swore I'm like. I recognize that tattoo between the titties. Right, right yeah so I'm like I know I've seen her somewhere, All right.

Speaker 2:

No, I believe it, dude. Yeah, especially because you know they're all on tiktok.

Speaker 1:

Advertising like advertising, like crazy. You know they don't do it so much now, but there was a time that was really.

Speaker 2:

I think I just got off the the feet of it, yeah. Because it was really bad yeah and it didn't matter like it just automatically threw you on it, yeah like six months ago, it was yeah, wouldn't you say? And now it's just all fucking shopping.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, to try to get you to buy something, or or um yeah, yeah that, yeah, I get shopping and cops and food, because I and food. Yeah, I, you know, and some of them food ones are weird. They like draw it out too long.

Speaker 2:

Well, I learned, you know, if you can just hold on the bottom left corner, yeah, you can scroll over. No, it speeds it up. Oh, it does it, it, it.

Speaker 1:

It fast forward, fast for oh, I need that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you can fucking just hold it and it fucking goes, yeah, and you can get to the end and actually see where the finished product is. It takes two fucking long. Oh, tell me where you're from.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, shit like that, yes exactly it's like no.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a two a yeah like no, I just want to see the fucking finished product and if I want to make this or not, like yes. Yeah, quit it. Yeah, I agree with you, yeah they added too many minutes.

Speaker 1:

They did, so let's you want to rate this?

Speaker 2:

Yep, I would keep it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I would keep it.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I like this you do.

Speaker 1:

I do like this a lot. Where would you give it? It would be under a periosteout, so I'm gonna go a nine, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna go nine. I like the chocolate. I like it. There's a henicherry in it. Yeah, I like it's a heavy chocolate. It is it is a stop. So, but it's not the Normal chocolate stout. You know what I mean. It's a sweet chocolate. If it was definitely colder, I probably yes, yeah, I think we were a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes but I, I'm with you. I'll go ahead and give it a nine as well. I wouldn't. It's borderline with princess, though. The reason I say is that because, you know, imperial stouts can be a little heavy. Sometimes they can, but this one is the sweetness of it, the cherries is what is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it makes it, I don't know. I Personally think it should be a princess, but that's mine. Yeah, that's just my own, because it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's not your more seven.

Speaker 2:

It's not your normal stout. It's not your normal no I agree with you.

Speaker 1:

I think it could go down. I think. You know yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's your it's 8.2 though it is 8.2. Yeah, so it is a penny dropper. Yeah, but I think, yeah, if you get a couple of these, oh, you drink. Yeah, if she drinks two of these, oh yeah, yeah, she's gonna be grabbing more than just a fucking she's got on my tears. Yeah, we're grabbing more than about. That poor bouncer guy poor bouncer guy and I know cats. So I mean, yeah, love you to death, cap, but I mean you do get a little annoying sometimes.

Speaker 1:

I have to go until the guy. I mean get her, leave her, leave the guy alone right like stop. Okay, stop you like it yeah, once or twice as good, but she would yeah, eight times, nine times. Right, yeah, I get it. I'm like hey, that's yeah, I didn't feel threatened or anything.

Speaker 2:

Do you feel the air off this dick coming at you? Oh, I do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Sam tell me, we need to rig up something.

Speaker 2:

So what if we figured out a way to like tape it to the door, so that way, when Bobby opens the door, it shoots them right in the face?

Speaker 1:

What about? Just if we get the recording, we do a mayonnaise with it. Mayonnaise and make it with a little water, so it's a little bit thinner just like I would leak out. It would have to be thick.

Speaker 2:

We'll keep it on the thicker side, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then just be like Tape it to the side of the door.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm saying you just when he comes in. I was when.

Speaker 1:

I come in, just pull it out, yeah, like we'll tape it underneath the the thing and just pull it out and squirt it on.

Speaker 1:

Anything's great now there, what, yeah, you just throw up. Yeah, especially if you made it a little bit warm. I got some whipped cream in there. We'll cream won't work. Why wouldn't it? It'd be easier to clean, though it would be, yeah, but if you get it warm a little bit, we can pin them down and shove it down his mouth and salt it. So just salty whipped cream it, we got something special for you, bob Merry Christmas I need you to lay down on the ground real quick. We're gonna do a take-talk.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna do a take-talk. That's a good thing he's gonna listen to this.

Speaker 1:

Now he doesn't listen to it enough. He does.

Speaker 2:

Right, as long as we don't pause on anything too much.

Speaker 1:

We're saying too much. Yeah, okay, alright, okay, we're there. What's, uh, what's your reason to drink, my friend?

Speaker 2:

another reason to drink my another reason to drink this week is I'm feeling better.

Speaker 1:

Yes, again, again, I get double back.

Speaker 2:

I've got better. Yeah, because I haven't been able to drink. How many drink one? Since last Thursday. Yeah and anything yeah well, you just like, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yep feel better, no fucking getting there.

Speaker 2:

We'll find out tomorrow morning. Yeah, this might just put me right back in the fucking edge. It might, it might just fucking go right back to the fucking couch.

Speaker 1:

He has the day off anyways. Yep, my reason to drink is it's getting Christmas. It's getting close to Christmas and I'm looking forward to the break and getting close to Christmas Everywhere you go.

Speaker 2:

Happy new year.

Speaker 1:

But uh, okay, our recap. What is it he does, uh?

Speaker 2:

At the end of the day, at the end of the day at the other day we did an alicotville chocolate, cherry, imperial style chocolate and Oregon sweet cherries, and then the other one was figs and ginger who, and that's all the further.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna say it was Lloyd's Christmas, it was Floyd's. Was it Lloyd's or?

Speaker 2:

Floyd's LRF. Yeah, I know there's one of them. I wouldn't hunt for it, so don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:

That one alone with this.

Speaker 2:

One does alicotville. They were both alicotville. They're both in the eights. The last one, lloyd's Floyd's, whatever was eight. This is eight. Three or eight. Two, that was a three one. No, it was only eight. Oh, okay, that's right and I I Would look for the chocolate cherry bomb Before I would look for the ginger fig.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I for sure.

Speaker 2:

I would tear because it was. Yeah, it wasn't the best, it was probably the worst alicotville we've actually had. Yeah, actually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it wasn't horrible. I'm gonna don't get me wrong. It wasn't horrible right, but yeah, it wasn't the best for sure out of all there's yes, okay, any last words?

Speaker 1:

Don't turn the drive, and God bless you.

Speaker 2:


Christmas Beers and Work Woes
Discussion on Football and Beer
Dream Road Trips
Casual Conversation and Jokes Over Drinks
Pizza Mishaps and Weekend Adventures
Discussion About Alicotville Chocolate Varieties