Another Reason to Drink

Celebrating the Holidays with Laughs!

December 30, 2023 Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 4 Episode 49
Celebrating the Holidays with Laughs!
Another Reason to Drink
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Another Reason to Drink
Celebrating the Holidays with Laughs!
Dec 30, 2023 Season 4 Episode 49
Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR)

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S4-E49, As the holiday season wraps around us like a warm blanket, Bill, Rick, and I bring you a festive episode brimming with laughter and the clinking of glasses. We've been treated to an array of meads by Artistic Meadery, and we're not shy about sharing our thoughts on these potent potions. Imagine a cherry-raspberry apple mead that dances on the tongue; we call it Dragon Heart, and it's just one of the many flavors we're sampling. It's not just about the drinks, though – join us for a hearty chuckle as we exchange gifts, recount the follies of DIY heating installs, and debate the best places to buy a prime rib for the holiday feast.

This episode isn't all about the mead; it's a mosaic of mirth as we wander through topics like gaming logistics, the quirks of work relationships, and even hypothetical prosthetics with a side of humor. We're stirring the pot of nostalgia, too, revisiting memories from military service to the first flush of excitement when we started this podcast. As we meander through conversations, we'll also take you on a taste-test journey comparing the merits of coffee-flavored mead to the sweet tang of an apple crumb concoction.

As the year winds down, we're not just raising glasses; we're also raising questions. How do our work schedules and vacation days jive with the holiday spirit? Can a coffee mead really taste like banana? We're wrapping up the year with an episode that's as rich and varied as the drinks we're sampling. So, whether you're in it for the stories or the sips, this episode's got a little something for everyone looking to bask in the holiday glow. Tune in, raise a glass, and let's send off the year with a bit of cheer and a lot of laughs.

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S4-E49, As the holiday season wraps around us like a warm blanket, Bill, Rick, and I bring you a festive episode brimming with laughter and the clinking of glasses. We've been treated to an array of meads by Artistic Meadery, and we're not shy about sharing our thoughts on these potent potions. Imagine a cherry-raspberry apple mead that dances on the tongue; we call it Dragon Heart, and it's just one of the many flavors we're sampling. It's not just about the drinks, though – join us for a hearty chuckle as we exchange gifts, recount the follies of DIY heating installs, and debate the best places to buy a prime rib for the holiday feast.

This episode isn't all about the mead; it's a mosaic of mirth as we wander through topics like gaming logistics, the quirks of work relationships, and even hypothetical prosthetics with a side of humor. We're stirring the pot of nostalgia, too, revisiting memories from military service to the first flush of excitement when we started this podcast. As we meander through conversations, we'll also take you on a taste-test journey comparing the merits of coffee-flavored mead to the sweet tang of an apple crumb concoction.

As the year winds down, we're not just raising glasses; we're also raising questions. How do our work schedules and vacation days jive with the holiday spirit? Can a coffee mead really taste like banana? We're wrapping up the year with an episode that's as rich and varied as the drinks we're sampling. So, whether you're in it for the stories or the sips, this episode's got a little something for everyone looking to bask in the holiday glow. Tune in, raise a glass, and let's send off the year with a bit of cheer and a lot of laughs.

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Speaker 1:

Se Hogga.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to Another Reason Drink. I'm your host, bobby, with my two co-host, bill, rick, and tonight we got a very special night. It's our holiday special because it is Christmas time.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it is. It's so exciting. I was wondering should we keep this room like this all year for?

Speaker 2:

a little bit. It's gonna look weird when I take the decorations down. It seems so bare on it.

Speaker 4:

Probably won't take them down for quite a bit. Kind of lazy that way it looks cool, though Tins all in the red what we're gonna do is.

Speaker 3:

We got.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there you go yeah, we can carry it all, forge it all in the heart.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, put blue on.

Speaker 2:

We got some meads from one of our listeners and thank you very, very much. Thank you very much it was a Christmas present and what there are from artistic meadery. Now these three flavors are gonna blow us away. Now we got Dragon Heart, which is red, or Apple Mead with cherry and raspberries. That sounds cool.

Speaker 3:

I think we start with that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then we got Bananas Foster's Forever.

Speaker 4:

I'm thinking we should do that on the end. I'm wondering if the banana is gonna overpower Well this is the last one is Apple Crumble. So we go with the first raspberry and apple and then we go in the apple and then we go in the banana. Yeah, that's my thing. Blam, blam, blam. But they're all 6%.

Speaker 2:

Is it 6%? And we do love meads. Meads are delicious, they're so good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they are.

Speaker 2:

And she actually got us a bottle opener, that's neat, because I need one we're gonna try it Real hard, put it on there.

Speaker 3:

No, you're just supposed to go pop pop.

Speaker 2:

Maybe too hard. Here let me try it.

Speaker 3:

Maybe it's not meant for meads.

Speaker 4:

It should pop it right off.

Speaker 3:

Okay, ready. No, hey coming off. That's on there, man.

Speaker 2:

Alright, let me try it.

Speaker 4:

It sounds like you got it.

Speaker 1:

You did get it. Oh, hit all the buttons. You know where that thing ended up.

Speaker 2:

We hit crickets and they try on the bottle.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead pop it open. So we tried the new bottle opener. It might be tight on there Compared, because these are probably oh yeah, he's having a hard time.

Speaker 4:

They don't twist off, they don't twist off, you're gonna hurt your hand. Yes, it did spin.

Speaker 2:

We're still trying to open the mead. Oh, I heard us. Oh, there's a little bit more. Jesus, did you get it?

Speaker 3:

No hey you must put them in the fridge.

Speaker 2:

Here he used to go get the bottle opener, the old fashioned one, yeah. But anyways, we're excited because this is our holiday special. We'll have it out this week so you can enjoy it. Why are you enjoying your holidays?

Speaker 3:

Have it playing in the background at your Christmas party, so everybody could be like oh, those guys are cool, cool beats, cool beats.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like we got, like you know story time.

Speaker 3:

That's the story. That's a Merry Christmas, merry.

Speaker 2:

Christmas we're. He doesn't like that song. It's a.

Speaker 3:

Christmas song.

Speaker 2:

We should put a Christmas song on here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, too late, now Next year Copyright laws.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that came right off, came right off that time.

Speaker 3:

You loosened it up, mead. That's probably a good pour he already down in the neck there.

Speaker 2:

No this gets fatter at the bottom. That's what she said.

Speaker 3:

It's fatter at the base.

Speaker 2:

There's quite a bit left. It's got a reddish color like the raspberry.

Speaker 1:

Here we go Every time we have a show shows on.

Speaker 3:

Here you go. Yeah, it is almost like a rasp. Yeah, give you some more and get Rick more.

Speaker 2:

All right, I got some more on the board. Oh, they want to shock us.

Speaker 4:

That smells good. Go ahead, fill it up, rick.

Speaker 2:

Salute, oh so.

Speaker 1:

Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, it looks like a cranberry. It does.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's good. It's so refreshing, isn't it? It's almost like a wine.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, it really is. Like a sweet cherry wine. Yeah, kind of I like it.

Speaker 2:

It's delicious.

Speaker 3:

Bobby's putting the breath, man. No, it's just kind of.

Speaker 4:

That's good, dude, that's good, that's really good.

Speaker 2:

I like it, but it's not over sweet. No, it is a little sweet. It's not over sweet Not over sweet Because I thought with the raspberry I wonder if we get further down.

Speaker 3:

Would it get sweeter to you? Or the bottle, though? When you put it in the light, see how it reflects.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's pretty cool. Dragon heart, it's pretty good. I think I've had it before actually. Oh really. Yeah, we went to a bar once up in Canton area and they had like a bunch of meads and the lady kept bringing them out to us Different ones. I think this one she brought us it's real popular, that's good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I like it, yeah Me too.

Speaker 2:

It's delicious. I like it a lot. Well, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and everything. And we're excited. We exchanged gifts. Billy got us some nice hoodie and hat, rick got us these candle warmers and Billy got us a candle and just simple stuff and I got them an ornament and some coasters and a little shirt shirt. Car heart shirt and stuff.

Speaker 3:

But it was nice. It was very nice, it was very nice.

Speaker 2:

Billy's got all his notes, always nice.

Speaker 3:

Well, I had to take notes because, you know I, there was something once me and Kat were talking. I said, oh, I'm using that for the podcast, right, it was on Monday. Come yesterday. I was like what was that I was going to say? And then she's like I remember she's all over the place. I'm like, no, no, I said it was something simple, but it was funny, you know, right. And then I was like I got to take better notes. And because I miss out on stuff.

Speaker 3:

I completely forget. Yeah, I even forgot what I was supposed to talk about now because I didn't write it.

Speaker 2:

I know?

Speaker 3:

Well, no, this was, this was side stuff. You know what I mean? Oh, I can't remember. I know it was. Oh yeah, I remember now, it was a long time.

Speaker 2:

Well, we can go into our likes, dislikes and learns why we enjoy this great beverage. Yes, your first wreck you can't remember.

Speaker 4:

I don't Well. I mean, ok, we had our Christmas party today, so, and I learned that I got to be on time to get food and maybe browns tickets. So I had a dislike there that I didn't win the browns tickets.

Speaker 3:

We have a dislike. You didn't win them either, I know.

Speaker 4:

I'm like damn it, I really wanted them. But for Thursday night jets, yeah, but no, I mean it's been a busy week, you know, end of the year, shipping, fucking whatever. It's just been fucking that.

Speaker 3:

That Thursday night. It's not this Thursday, next Thursday yeah, jets in between the two holidays.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, which is nice to have a Thursday night game.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, eight o'clock though.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, but you're not working. They work in the next day, so so, yeah, ok that would have been perfect, I just stay somewhere. For this one, there's no reason. What's your like, dislike and learn this week, billy?

Speaker 3:

So my learn is I was putting finishing touches on that split unit. Right, I'm out there, you know, and I try to put the line. All I had to do is pull the moisture out of the line, check it, boom, done. Right, I put the. I'm like, damn, the damn connector won't go on. Damn, it's the wrong size. And then I remembered in my head watching a video right on YouTube and that guy says oh, you might want to get one of these. You know he held it up. He said mine came with two, but you might want to get one of these. You know it doesn't say in instructions or anything you need that or other videos. It was just that one guy, right, right, I'm like, what the fuck did he say I needed? So I remembered that right now I'm in there. So then it's been an hour.

Speaker 3:

Trying to find the watch and I found it and sure enough, it was that damn fitting to go from that one to the other line. So then I'm like trying to find this fitting Right. Can't find the fitting because it's not local, right. And then you know, like home DBO A's, they'll order it for you, but it's going to be next week, right, right, yeah, and I was hoping to get it done. You have heat Christmas, you know, and I'm like damn. So I'm running around looking for this damn piece and I finally found it where I can order online, you know, but I was trying to finish before today, right.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So my learn was like I should have invested a little bit more when I was watching that because you bought that shit months ago. Yeah, yeah. So here's the funny thing, right, so I bought the system in September of last year. Oh, oh my, yeah, I bought the rest of the pieces in November, right, I put it in in May and.

Speaker 1:

I finally finished it yesterday. It's not even done yet.

Speaker 3:

So it's been a year and a few months and I still ain't got it done. I hate to go over two years, you know, right, all right, right. So the guy, if the thing don't work, it's not in the warranty anymore, because I had it so long.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm like I didn't use it Right, right.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I'm hoping it works because I found out that baseboard heater thing them run off to 240.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're expensive 220 or 2.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And they, you know, the guy said they're better than 110s or 120s.

Speaker 4:

Okay, voltage wise Right.

Speaker 3:

But they still are their hogs Right their electricity.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Eat it up. The 220 does.

Speaker 3:

Oh, they're bad. They're, but I had to leave it in because this unit only go to negative 17. Up here you could have an issue you know every once in a while, right? So you got to have heat, so I had to pay to have an extra block put in in order to get the electricity for that oh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just to keep it, just so. I thought originally that was free and open, you can use it. But I was wrong. It's for the baseboard heater. So Anyways, I learned that, man, you see that I would. I should investigate a little bit more, right, because I bought all the equipment off of that, the pump off the same website. No office suggestions off of videos, right, and all that stuff, the little blue glue they talk about stuff that seals and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I bought it all, had it already, you know, make sure I was ready and then a little one damn little fitting. Almost two years later, here we go.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, glad I don't listen to this.

Speaker 3:

Keep saying that how patient she is.

Speaker 1:

Two winners hey, two winners, she said without no heat.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she said maybe when we do the kitchen we hire someone, because I hired somebody to do the like they were done one day.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Right, they cleaned up their mess. Done Right, she goes. Maybe do the kitchen. Because she said that way, I said well, we could save a lot of money. Just take me a few years.

Speaker 4:

That's the problem.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry, honey, I'm getting to it.

Speaker 4:

I'm reminding me every six months, I'll be right back up, I promise.

Speaker 2:

This game is only take 15 minutes. She hates when I go down in steps.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, what are you?

Speaker 2:

doing Warner Bay's been playing video games. I have two likes dislikes and learns two dislikes Looks like learns two stories anyways. My first story is so Tracy got me all excited. She went to Sam's, got this prime ram I'm going to cook for her like oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thanksgiving, so Next year, next year, it's like you're here, yeah, cook it next year. It's in there.

Speaker 4:

It's in there so.

Speaker 2:

I'm all excited. I'm googling recipes and I was trying to find that recipe. I did the one in the summer.

Speaker 3:

So I was like I remember.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to make the exact same way. So I was like, oh, I can't. I don't know, tracy bought the one with the bones in it. So I go out to the refrigerator and I was like open the fridge. Right, there's a big piece of meat in there.

Speaker 3:

That's not prime man. Oh, she bought Boston.

Speaker 2:

No, she bought a brisket, oh, a huge brisket. Oh, so you're having brisket. And I don't have the heart to call her and tell her she bought the wrong thing Right Cause she was so excited and spent a hundred bucks on this.

Speaker 1:

For brisket. It's freaking huge brisket. That's cause it's so big.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's huge, oh man.

Speaker 2:

So I haven't even told her yet. Oh man, I know how she got tricked Cause the label. You know where the label the price and the ingredients and stuff. It says beef brisket, but there's a big sticker it says prime beef.

Speaker 4:

Oh, oh, yeah, yep, I even do the same thing, probably, yeah, and she thought that was prime rib.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know, and she bought the biggest one.

Speaker 3:

You drop a hundred bucks and woo. That hurts, I know, especially on a brisket.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, what the fuck are you gonna do with that? I think I'm gonna freeze it and have it at Fortress Deli and then run out and get a brisket. I have a, get a prime rib. I saw anything. I think I'm just gonna drive and go get it tomorrow. I don't have the heart to tell her, and everybody's looking forward to prime rib.

Speaker 3:

Right, and you know I didn't realize so many people do prime rib for Christmas.

Speaker 2:

But now my image, or my luck, is trying to find one. Yeah Well, you said there was somewhere, but I think they might be sold out.

Speaker 4:

I hear all these has a great prime rib.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I drive all the way out there to Shardon and what they don't have it.

Speaker 4:

Go to Meadville. There's all these in Meadville.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I really drive to Shardon Be safe.

Speaker 4:

You'd probably be better off in Meadville, because I don't see many people. Prime rib in. Meadville.

Speaker 2:

Versus Shardon, if they have it. I mean I hate all these men.

Speaker 4:

I don't know why you hate all these so bad. I like it. I love all these yeah. I just I don't know there's something about it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there's one out by Billy too. I was thinking maybe I could. I don't have a Sam's Club card, so that's really a shot. My, I don't know what to do, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, even at Sam's Club.

Speaker 2:

Tracy does, but I don't. Can't you take her card? I can, but I don't know. You know, I just I don't know what to do. So I got to figure out something.

Speaker 3:

But I was surprised. Wasn't Ham the traditional meat for Christmas?

Speaker 4:

I think at one time yes.

Speaker 2:

Turkey that you did.

Speaker 3:

It was Ham, but then Ham is Easter too, right, and the thing about it. Now, everybody I'm talking to at work they're like, oh, we're doing Prime Rib. I was like, oh, I love Prime Rib, yeah, and the one that he's like saying, oh, we're doing it twice. And I'm like what do you mean twice? So he goes. Well, the day before is one family and they're having Prime.

Speaker 2:

Rib and then the next day Christmas Prime Rib. But I got to find one Last year. I remember trying to go buy one and I could have find one. So actually I'm going to make a run. I don't know if I might just try uptown and see if they have one, because it is the season at like.

Speaker 4:

Piper's, it'd be a hundred. Oh, piper's maybe.

Speaker 2:

Just to see if it cuts it. If they don't, then I'm driving to wherever, to Shardin, to Meadville, wherever. But see, I go to Meadville, I have no other options. If I drive to Shardin at least I have Walmart. Giant Eagle, hindons, hindons, hindons, hindons is expensive, I don't know if I can.

Speaker 4:

Right, and you got the same options in Meadville oh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got.

Speaker 4:

Walmart out there. You got Walmart, you got all these Giant Eagle, yeah. But I mean and there's that whole meat place in Coney, out right across from the brewery. Yeah, that new brewery Livingston's.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, livingston's yeah. I don't know I might actually just shoot out towards Billy's, because I know where everything is.

Speaker 4:

That, and you have a ton of options down there too. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

A lot of options.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean you're 45 minutes Either way, either way if you go to Billy's or Shardin.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you go to Billy's, I'm a little bit safe. But the thing is is, if I can't find it here, we're going to Christmas shopping tomorrow Up towards Billy. So I can say, hey, let's swing in all these.

Speaker 3:

Or swing towards Sam's Club.

Speaker 2:

She's going to find out, because I'm like I don't know how to tell her because she'll be like upset yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but you just say it's fine because We'll have it for fourth of July.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I have a lot of people or a Labor.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah or a.

Speaker 4:

Memorial Day. Memorial Day, huge piece of me.

Speaker 2:

And then my second story is real fast is. So they asked me to go to my mother-in-law, asked me to go over to her brother's house and fix the garage door. As I'm driving there they're texting me like 10 other things to do it. But that was fine. But I couldn't find. They wanted me to shut off the water heater and water and stuff the water pump and everything Because as well. So I go in the basement because I can't find the fuse box anywhere. I am lucky to be alive because I seen it over in the corner. The floor is dry. Besides that corner a puddle of water like a huge puddle of water. I could see me. I pitched myself like getting like that cartoon yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was really scared for my life. I was like they're going to find me dead in this puddle of mud. Yeah, you know, I thought I was going to die because those boxes are so old, yeah, especially there. It don't have a. They took the panel off of it, so it's just open, the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I'm staring at it and I'm looking at a puddle of water staring at looking at a puddle of water staring at it. I'm like I'm going to die and no one's going to even know I'm dead for days Like where'd.

Speaker 3:

Bobby go and you know it's there. Them boxes are known to leak through the mass that comes from that comes outside yeah. Yeah, I didn't so.

Speaker 4:

I just said the whole panel box could have been fucking low. I know better I know better.

Speaker 2:

So my whole thing was like I think I pictured myself dying. Yeah, you know, like I'm going to touch this box. I knew not to touch the outside of the box because I don't know if there's live wires hitting it or anything. All right, all right. And then I look over the corner and they got wires hanging down with like little caps on them and I'm like, ok, this is a little scary and I'm like, touching the plastic thing, click. And then I go check to see if the water heater is off and they're like I actually turned off the stove. I turned off a bunch of stuff because it wasn't labeled.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I still didn't get the water shut off, so I don't know which one that is.

Speaker 4:

It's too hard for me to shut it off.

Speaker 3:

Where's the well at Outside? Is it outside? Normally they have a quick disconnect. You would yeah, it's something like that. But, I've seen some vowels.

Speaker 2:

I feel it's professionally. Yeah, yeah, I've seen some valves like some valves down there on the oh what is it, the pump and then side. You know the holding that you make. I seen that that round thing and there's valves on it. I was wondering if I could just shut it off there, but then I'm scared that it will lose pressure and that thing would run. You know what I'm talking about. To build up the pressure you should have a switch on the pump itself. Yeah, I couldn't find shit.

Speaker 4:

So outside, outside, yeah, you should be just a little fucking arm that you just fucking click over yeah, shuts it off. I in the well.

Speaker 2:

And I got going out there. I don't even know where shit is.

Speaker 3:

It ain't my problem.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

But me and us to say I can't see for my house.

Speaker 2:

The second part of my story is I thought I was going to die and I mean I was like, why does there have to be water there and nowhere else?

Speaker 4:

It's probably coming through that mass Mass just pouring out of the fucking and I'm like there's, like it's two inches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm like, this is fucking.

Speaker 3:

I had mine had water in it from the mass. I had to have that replaced and resealed.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and I'm like so it's running down that thing coming in, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because you don't have the box there, it's just pouring on the ground and it's in the basement.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'm like, ok, I'm going to die, but I made it, I die. So next time I go over there I say I got to go with someone, I can't do this by myself, I'm too scared, and the house is really spooky when you're crawling around, when you're crawling around. I looked upstairs and I just turned my head and looked upstairs I was like, yeah, I'm not going up there. And then I opened the basement door. I was like, fuck, I got to go down here.

Speaker 4:

There's Timmy standing there. Oh, I would have shit my pants. I'd have been like never going, never going again.

Speaker 2:

But I was scared.

Speaker 3:

Bob, you should do like a Halloween and stuff. Have stay over there, you stay yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I could rent it out.

Speaker 4:

Right, you could just take your ghost hunting, stuff. Yeah, just make all the pee.

Speaker 2:

There's a ghost here, yeah, and then tell Timmy to come and fuck with people.

Speaker 4:

Just have some way down in the basement fucking making all kinds of noises and shit All night.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, yeah, ain't going down there. Ain't going down there. Believe me, billy, you don't want to go down there.

Speaker 4:

I went down there. I mean it's not horrible, but I wouldn't want to spend the night down there.

Speaker 2:

But when you go in the basement there's so many like walls and like things in your way you can't get a. It's not like an open room where you can see everything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like you have to walk around in a circle and there's, you got the furnace, you got the old fireplace going through, you got the floor yeah. Yeah, so it's like in there shit running.

Speaker 3:

It's haunted.

Speaker 4:

Well, yeah, when I was in there, we tripped over a foot Because they had a ground.

Speaker 3:

You know they say that place with them dirt floors. What was that People buried?

Speaker 2:

in the 1800s, though, wasn't buried. Yeah, that's old ass, fucking house Like original people Like probably like 1890,. You know is fucking old. It's scary.

Speaker 3:

Pay a dollar to stay there.

Speaker 4:

Have you guys seen that movie? Fucking chained.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't seen it yet. Is it scary?

Speaker 4:

Dude, it wasn't scary, it was fucked up though I was, it was like completely the fucked up movie I've ever seen in my life.

Speaker 2:

He told me about it Nice, so it was yeah. What platform is it on? I don't even know Amazon, or are you? I guess in Amazon, amazon yeah, but you got some other ones that I can't get, like paramount or stuff like that.

Speaker 4:

So sometimes when he gives me a movie selection, yeah, but we watched that, so it was, it had been on Amazon.

Speaker 2:

Amazon. Ok, I'll look at that.

Speaker 4:

And but it was. It was the most fucked up movie I've ever seen in my life.

Speaker 2:

Dude, it really was.

Speaker 4:

So we can do that? Yeah, well, that's what they were doing. They would fucking kill people and then they'd fucking bury them underneath the fucking house, because it was a fucking basement. And they were just burying them, they'd fuck. Cover them in lime and fucking bury them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh fuck that yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and they just fucking run away and whatever. Yeah, I was just. Yeah, it was a fucked up movie, it really was yeah, you got to watch it, it's.

Speaker 3:

We got to rate this, but, yes, because I'm done, I'm thirsty.

Speaker 1:

I got one sip left. That's why I was waiting Go ahead.

Speaker 4:

Rick, oh, I want to go 10s.

Speaker 2:

I do.

Speaker 4:

I really do. But I'm afraid that I might like the other one better. But I guess it really doesn't matter. I it's fucking delicious dude. Yes, I really like. I like the little bit of raspberry taste to it. It's not over sweet, it's got like a cherry Raspberry.

Speaker 2:

It gives you like that bitterness.

Speaker 3:

It's their raspberry. It's raspberry, and cherry and cherry. Yeah, I taste cherry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but actually I had a lot of means and I want to say this is a really really good mean. I like this, I like.

Speaker 4:

I'm going 10.

Speaker 3:

I'm with Rick, I'll give it a 10. And Princess, oh, it's so easy.

Speaker 4:

It's so easy to go down. Yeah, I could sit there. It's a 10 and I would keep it. Oh yeah, All day long. Oh yeah, oh, Justin Creeper.

Speaker 3:

Keeper, I wouldn't be able to keep it. I drink it probably too fast, right.

Speaker 4:

Too much, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Now I know why the Viking strength so much mean. They are good.

Speaker 4:

But did they actually like? Flavor them like we did?

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Like they're doing now. They just did a honey, they just did a honey me, yeah, just a. But even still, it's still, it's still there. Well, you know, I mean, but it probably gave them energy, wasn't it? Because the sugar, because of the sugar, but yeah maybe but the alcohol.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah For battle. Give me a beat On this show. We might have to pause this time and another time. Yes, get these drinks, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, we're going to grab our other ice cold mean, so, go grab yours, We'll be right back. Welcome back. We got our ice cold, mean Me. Now we're doing this apple crumb. Now again, this is 6%. It's oh, now that looks like apple juice. It does. Oh, I meant it took a little more. I hate being last it might work out my bad he's going to get big old glass.

Speaker 1:

Let's see how much.

Speaker 2:

Look, we're even Look at that Perfect, even poor.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you got a little bit more. No, you don't.

Speaker 2:

You got, the more Give it a oh, rick needs it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, that little splash.

Speaker 2:

See now.

Speaker 4:

Now it's even. It ain't even.

Speaker 2:

So this is the apple crumb and it's apples with Ooh natural flavoring, but it says it's the crumble and all it's got cinnamon.

Speaker 3:

It takes you it, doesn't it? So when you sip it you're thinking apple, is that first, and then that?

Speaker 4:

cinnamon crumb on the end of it is just like.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it tastes like a pie.

Speaker 4:

It does, it does. It tastes like a crumb cake.

Speaker 2:

What's a crumb? Apple crumb or cinnamon crumb cake?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, you can almost chew on it.

Speaker 2:

Is it Jason Creeper? Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I would keep it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, over the other one, ooh.

Speaker 3:

I kind of like the other one a little bit better.

Speaker 2:

No, I think I like this one better.

Speaker 3:

I like this one, but sweeter, it's sweeter.

Speaker 4:

I think I would go with the other one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because I think, but I would still keep it. I mean, yeah, but the other one is definitely was the 10, because the fact that it was the cherries and apple, yeah, I do like the back end of this, though I do too.

Speaker 4:

That's cinnamon. Yeah, the little glug glug on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the good back of the throat. And I was talking to Jason the other day. He goes, he texts me like you, like eggnog. I go yeah, like eggnog, because you bring your PS5?. I said I would, but bringing it back on an aircraft. Oh no, they throw your luggage and stuff. I can't afford a $500 new one, just carry it, carry on bag.

Speaker 4:

No it's too, big.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to bang it up and get the parts all fucked up inside. Yeah, I don't think so. Would you take a chance?

Speaker 4:

I wouldn't take a chance on a plane. No, no.

Speaker 2:

Driving, yeah, I couldn't afford.

Speaker 4:

No, yeah, driving absolutely, but I couldn't afford a new one.

Speaker 2:

No, and then I'd be out Right, and then it would kill me and I'd be like Bobby, you playing today?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's broken.

Speaker 4:

I'm getting on Bill. How about you?

Speaker 2:

I'll just take turns with Jason. I'll get his count looking good.

Speaker 3:

No, you'll be playing on that PS4. It's gonna be good, oh he has a PS4.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, maybe Stephanie will buy him a PS5 and I can use his PS4.

Speaker 4:

You can take my PS4. He'll have an extra one.

Speaker 2:

Huh, if Stephanie buys him a PS5.

Speaker 4:

Well, yeah, but I got an extra one in that box right there.

Speaker 2:

You can take that down there and look and but I don't even know I'd be logging in. I wouldn't even know how to play on a PS4. Get my guy barely moving. I'll make Jason play on it and I play on his new PS5. I'm like I can't do this, but it's funny. Ps5s are everywhere now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, where are you getting before?

Speaker 2:

And they're only like 400 and some bucks.

Speaker 4:

Well, yeah, I know my son got a new Xbox. She got it for him for Christmas and it was. They got on sale for like 299, dude Really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wow, the new Xbox the brand new Xbox yeah.

Speaker 3:

Cause you can yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was like Cyber Monday or whatever.

Speaker 3:

There's even, like some, ps5s out there. If you don't get the disc feeder, you just get the digital disc. And no extra games or remote.

Speaker 4:

No, nothing you can get it pretty cheap.

Speaker 2:

But see, I don't even use my disc. I don't have a disc. No, you didn't buy it. I have a disc one.

Speaker 4:

I have a disc one I got a digital one.

Speaker 3:

I got some interesting facts for you. All right, you guys, cause you know it's the end of the year and what do they always do on the sites of?

Speaker 4:

the year that recap, recap, review, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So some interesting things I put out there and you guys will be. You guys will be shocked. So there's 161 episodes. This will make 162. Right, okay, published episodes. That's a refraining, so 162. Anyways, the number one show which kind of surprised me was lucky number 13. It's a murder mystery type thing, I don't remember. No, our shows.

Speaker 1:

Our shows.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was the number one. It's a while back, a little bit, but it was the number one Really. Yeah, the most listened to, because Huh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't remember what that was.

Speaker 3:

Me either.

Speaker 4:

I don't remember half of them, so yeah, I hopped on that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then so over the year. I mean this isn't much. You know, people, in theory of growth we want always 2000% growth, but we got 16% overall Growth.

Speaker 1:

Growth All right, so that ain't bad. No, that's not bad. 16 from over the last year.

Speaker 3:

You know, I thought that was pretty good and then and we had a good year last year, oh yeah, and then we gained 50%. 57% of last year's listeners were the first time hers.

Speaker 2:

So over half was first time. Yeah, well, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I had to start. There were so many interesting facts. Like you know, we're number one in like.

Speaker 2:

Seven countries.

Speaker 3:

No, no, number one in people's spots for listening.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's like nine people. You know we're number, you know number one, we're number one. Podcast. And then yeah, and then within top five the number grows.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Right, right right.

Speaker 3:

But it was interesting. And then just some of the facts, but I thought one of the ones that caught me the most was the Lucky 13 number. I can't get it on.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember the actual, I don't yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I don't even know why we called it Lucky 13.

Speaker 2:

I have no clue.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes, if you say the name, I'll be like, oh yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, cause I've tried to put that name done 13 years yeah. I always put the name in the top, was it maybe on Friday the 13th.

Speaker 3:

It could have been. It could have been.

Speaker 1:

You know what?

Speaker 4:

I mean, maybe it was a Friday, the 13th and we said something about it. Yeah, and that's how it is, it was like Lucky 13.

Speaker 2:

We already had a Meade show, so I don't even know what I'm called as Christmas Mead or something I don't know.

Speaker 3:

It'll get done next year.

Speaker 1:

It'll get done next year.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, that's cat's Christmas list Get done next year, yeah, but I thought overall that was some interesting facts. I mean, they had so many facts.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And then we'd been doing the show and they'd compare you to other people and it was all positive stuff. It was crazy, but yeah, I thought that was neat.

Speaker 2:

You know what a nice Christmas present be If my wife just scratched one of the things off my chore list that I didn't have to do or just do it. Yeah, it would go all the way, it would probably take less time to do it.

Speaker 4:

You probably would.

Speaker 2:

And it always would go away?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it would, it would go away, it would See. If she scratches it off, then she's always gonna bring it up to your face that she removed it.

Speaker 4:

That she removed it and she had to do it. Yeah, Like I had to do that one remember? Oh, we had to pay someone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a funny story because the people I work with, they get their nails done with Maddie, right, and then Maddie talks to them and they're like my mom doesn't let my dad eat sweets, so you know what they got me for Christmas Sweets.

Speaker 1:

They got me ice cream.

Speaker 2:

And then I was like how do you guys know me so well? They gave me so much candy and they know that I'm not allowed having it Right. So it's, funny.

Speaker 4:

I brought it all home.

Speaker 2:

I'm putting it in the freezer. She's like where'd you get that? And I was like they got it for me. I said it's all right.

Speaker 4:

Bob's gonna get a new perspiration for next year. New foot, new foot.

Speaker 2:

New foot. Yeah, merry Christmas to myself. How's that? How's that? Eat my ice cream. Here goes the other foot. I went no races. I don't know, I want one of those spring foot Dung dong dong.

Speaker 4:

Oh, the fucking, yeah the spring man like fucking the runner.

Speaker 3:

I'd be like down the hall, bob is always running, he's always running everywhere he goes. But you know, if he got a little step in my mouth, if he got two of them, he'd be like back and forth, he'd look funny, he'd see them coming here. He comes here, he comes here's.

Speaker 4:

Bob as he's bobbing. He'd be hard to bite his shoes.

Speaker 2:

They got shoes for him.

Speaker 4:

Just little rubber, fucking knobs.

Speaker 2:

Little extra snow grip, but that's a. That's funny.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was funny that they got me all kind of candy we might even have to rate this, because I'm sucking it down so fast this is very delicious, so good dude. And it is a little bit sweeter, but as you drink it more, it's not as Cinnamea, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the cinnamon's kind of fade away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it bites you out first, because you're not used to it. Maybe it mellows out.

Speaker 3:

And you just get a nice crumb.

Speaker 2:

Right. But if I was at this place I saw this, I would definitely say oh, give me that, I'll take that.

Speaker 3:

I think I like this, but the other one I liked it because not as sweet, Not as sweet.

Speaker 4:

And I like the cherry yeah, or cherry raspberry, whatever Like.

Speaker 2:

I like that.

Speaker 4:

It was kind of almost like a sour, but not.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. I would agree.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why I think you would like it more.

Speaker 4:

Because it was a little bit sour. It had just a little hint of sour on the back of it and it was a little more like punch.

Speaker 3:

This is more just sweet.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's just a little more sweet.

Speaker 2:

And that kind of reminds you of the holidays, drinking these nice little things like this.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

It was a nice Christmas present, delicious, thank you. Anyways, I don't have a story time yet, but you guys got any jokes.

Speaker 4:

I didn't look at them.

Speaker 2:

What has I?

Speaker 4:

50 legs? Nope. What kind of key has two feet but doesn't open a door Kind of key I have no clue.

Speaker 3:

I have no clue.

Speaker 2:

A turkey A turkey.

Speaker 3:

How does it? It's a turkey.

Speaker 4:

It has two feet and doesn't open a door.

Speaker 3:

And it's a key, it's a turkey. That reminds you that you know that one guy that.

Speaker 2:

TikTok, I set you guys the guy talking about the cat, the cat person.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, well, he was talking. The one guy goes why don't we have Christmas parties? He said because your employees. One guy was supposed to bring turkey and potatoes. That's the only two things on his list he's supposed to bring. So he brought turkey, whiskey and vodka, vodka, vodka. And then he got food, alcohol boys in Cause he down them all. But it was funny.

Speaker 3:

I was like that guy is really hilarious If you cut that when he said that he was going to go down to the store and get some cat Nick and a toy to see if that guy really Well.

Speaker 2:

The hit where he said he kicked the cat or kicked the cat and he said he didn't know that replacement that was power. I kind of lost it. I will have to look him up. He is fighting hilarious and let you know that one gets the funniest about the cat. Yeah, the cat.

Speaker 3:

The cat identifies as a cat, so they wanted to bring a litter box in and see if he uses it. He did, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it's funny, we'll have to get you the name. Yeah, so what's a?

Speaker 4:

priest and Woody from the toy story have in common, or is what's the difference between a priest and Woody from the toy story?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I kind of know that I have no clue.

Speaker 4:

Woody goes limp when the kid walks in. Oh shit.

Speaker 1:

That's fucking hilarious. Oh man, I just wanted to. I had some jokes, but I forgot to look at them.

Speaker 2:

We didn't have much prep time and so I forgot. Yeah, that's why I'm trying to think of a story time, you know?

Speaker 4:

oh, I could pull out my box of tricks.

Speaker 2:

What's better than a cold medulla, did I tell you guys that I'm not sure.

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Medulla, did I tell you guys this?

Speaker 2:

I know a warm bush, that's better.

Speaker 4:

I don't know yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, bobby down.

Speaker 2:

This is tricky. Gotta read it. What is the most exciting? Oh, I got to do story time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

Here comes Amanda off the stage.

Speaker 4:

She's hot tonight.

Speaker 2:

She's going to show you your goodies. Merry Christmas, all right. What is the most exciting event you ever witnessed? Oh, exciting event You're a witness.

Speaker 4:

I mean that's kind of hard because, well for me, just because I've been, I've seen the original black Sabbath in concert really, oh, yeah, that would be badass. Yeah, I seen the original with Ozzy Ozzy and all Tony Naomi and all their fucking there. That would be that it was cool. That was cool. I seen them, I seen Allison chains. Oh, I mean, we went to Ozfest fucking like six years in a row.

Speaker 2:

So you got to see all the good man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think tool, you know.

Speaker 4:

I mean I like I've seen a lot of my favorites, favorites just going to them. Then I seen a lot that I didn't even know that would become my favorites because they were on the second stage, you know. And then they blow up the second stage yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

The bodies did on stage. Do I?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

I guess that would be probably one of the cooler things I've seen, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I see off the top of my head.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to think of some cool things.

Speaker 2:

I just want to throw a concert, really, and that I sound so I can go Um. Chris Cornell, just before he passed. Was that your most excited? No same, oh. What is the most exciting thing you ever witnessed?

Speaker 4:

Hmm the birth of my child.

Speaker 3:

That's cheesy.

Speaker 4:

Cheesy, so I don't know who he is.

Speaker 3:

So when I was over in the desert, when that a 10 came over and blew them people up and we were in combat, that'll we do up yeah, I bet yeah that would be All right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that would be excited, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I heard just running.

Speaker 2:

And it's loud.

Speaker 3:

It is loud, yes yeah, it comes in with a 10 war hog yeah and that nose gun goes off, yeah, and everything moves so fast.

Speaker 2:

Go, go, go, and she's a yeah, that'd be.

Speaker 3:

I see so many people right unlike.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would be a little little. And then you're like yeah, it's intense. I have my, I have a lot of military ones like that. But, um, like you know, I've been in a C-130 refueling and all these saw the oil fires. I've seen a lot, but the coolest thing I ever ever seen, I had a refueled Air Force one right. So I was on the flight line and it doesn't come off the flight line. You got to fill it on the flight line.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so it landed and as it was coming down to a stop, this door in the bottom opened up and these guys jumped out of the bottom of the aircraft with Oozies, dressed in black, and surrounded the plane. Yeah, that freaked me out. That'd be cool, yeah, yeah. And then they were waving at me to come over there. I was like so I dropped my truck, I filled the aircraft and then they were like, okay, and gone. As soon as I turned they went back in the plane, right up that song hole with the ladder, rope ladder and they closed it and the plane turned around, took off.

Speaker 2:

That was and you know, I seen the president come out on other trips and stuff, but that was probably the coolest because I was the only person out on the runway, I was only a person allowed out there and I was just sitting there in the dark and it was probably like midnight. I'm just sitting out there All of a sudden I just looking and the guys just go so to choose, and they jumped the 20 of them, yeah, and they have Oozies and stuff and they're just running around the whole aircraft and pointing them guns everywhere and they point at me and they go like this. I was scared shitless.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, I would be too. Yeah, fuck you, I ain't coming over there. I.

Speaker 2:

Pulled up. And then that go, the one guy that was the crew chief, he just, you know, hooked up and I don't even think the plane shut off. It probably didn't, probably not. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

No, I was still running and we should have floored it. We're really fast towards them.

Speaker 2:

But I know what to fuck me up. But see, I don't know if the president was on there, because they always have one up in the air constantly right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you know, that could have been the one that they had up in the air, and I mean literally it wasn't even on the ground 30 minutes, all right, yeah, it was done. Put like 6,000 gallons of fuel in. It was gone. That's crazy. Oh yeah, that was probably excited. But I did see a lot of exciting stuff not close to the Warhawks shooting. You know, I sat in a Warhawks before I, everything right.

Speaker 3:

But they are. They get chewed up though, cuz they're a slower aircraft and you you wouldn't think that thing would fly. When you look at it You're like, how's that thing even fly?

Speaker 2:

All right, all right with the two engines on the back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's weird shape and it's got flat square, you know.

Speaker 2:

The coolest plane I ever seen is the um. It's the marine aircraft that can um go up.

Speaker 2:

It goes straight up oh yeah, I've seen that's badass yeah but that's a jet, yeah, and it goes, it goes up and it takes off, yeah, mm-hmm. And at night, when you have a f16 or f15, the flames are just coming out because they're so like, it's so long and we had to end the runway in Japan, right, they had a road that went behind the end of the runway and I see people riding their bikes and the freaking plane would take off and they fall over.

Speaker 3:

Oh, because of the wind, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Knock them over. It was funny as hell to watch.

Speaker 3:

That would be the most exciting.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, how many people fall over today.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm trying to think back in my life. I've done so much that there's so many exciting things. You know, in the last year I don't think I had that anything. Well, I did some exciting things over fun, but the top most, yeah, yeah yeah, you know, you see starting this podcast.

Speaker 4:

Well, that was two years.

Speaker 3:

That was my day. I was three years years ago I.

Speaker 2:

Remember one year, three or four making our first tiktok.

Speaker 4:

Was funny yeah getting ticked off a tiktok was funny. No, it wasn't what first or permanently permanently.

Speaker 2:

You couldn't tell me one's exciting when that video hit six million, eight thousand or something, when we first broke eight thousand, then we first broke ten times, then when we first broke a hundred thousand, yeah, every every we had a million, didn't we six million, six, six point something.

Speaker 3:

Was it six? Yeah, I'm one. Yeah, I'm just one that one went like so fast.

Speaker 2:

All right, I know we gained like 90,000 followers on that day and then they took them all they took them all eggs. They're a different country.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've been there, bastards, bastards bastards.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, let's rank this one, and then we can get the other one now. This is the apple crumb, because I am done. I.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna rank it as very good cuz they're all gone, it's very, very good. I do it again, like that's a ten, it's a nine five.

Speaker 3:

I give it a nine five.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna give it a nine five just cuz I like the other one better. Yep.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna give it a ten, cuz I like this one better. Okay, yeah, I mean it's, they're so.

Speaker 4:

They're so even kill. Just a different taste.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, it's what you like, but I would do, princess, oh yeah oh yeah cuz this one's very sweeter than the other way, it's just yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's just a little sweeter.

Speaker 3:

I did prefer the other one better. So I'm at a nine five with yeah, I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

I keep this out of ten. Yeah, very delicious.

Speaker 3:

I'll go get the other one. I mean girl, no, I get it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll be right back, but yeah, there's a lot of exciting things that happen. You know that you just you, that you just put it back in your mind and when I'm sitting here trying to think about them. I'm like right. So when you're listening at home, think about the most exciting thing that you've done, you know? I mean there's concerts, there's events that way.

Speaker 4:

There's so many different things. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like that you just every day, I always find something exciting, right, you know, right, I Try to jerk it off in the bathroom. Yeah with a different hand.

Speaker 3:

Forgetting. One of the most exciting things people find out there is when they get to me. All three of us, all three of us.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's the most exciting thing in their life.

Speaker 4:

They never forget. We are very sorry for you.

Speaker 2:

I remember it was pretty exciting just in the last year. That was actually very, very exciting was last January 20th when we visit Jason, and that smile on his face when we walked in.

Speaker 4:

No, it was yeah he almost cried.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did that was a fun time was cool. I. Seen his ass poker up.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna get.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, the banana smell. It smells so good see the smell.

Speaker 3:

When you smell the smell and then you start to do the drink, it's like different.

Speaker 4:

See, I don't smell the banana.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you don't. Okay, there's a. There's a little bit left.

Speaker 3:

I don't oh.

Speaker 2:

I don't know get a faint smell of it here. Right, there's a little bit more oh.

Speaker 4:

That's a little different.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I gotta give it a minute.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, especially coming off the other the thing about this one.

Speaker 3:

You know what we're at a caramel flavor.

Speaker 4:

Remember, I do, I do taste the car it almost tastes like a coffee. Yeah, that's yeah, that's what I'm kind of thinking.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but you're gonna have to give it a minute, cuz this is should be a caramel flavor.

Speaker 2:

It should be like a banana caramel.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but the thing about it, we came off that sweet one. This one is not a sweet, no, it's not. As you probably said, did this one after, though need with banana and natural flavors.

Speaker 4:

Billy, that was bad.

Speaker 2:

I burped that smell like beef jerky.

Speaker 4:

That was so fucking bad smell like coffee, fucking blew it at me.

Speaker 3:

Smell like Look, I put Bobby's dick in his coat, keep it warm, and that's nasty little coat my little. I'm not gonna say I don't like this, though.

Speaker 4:

It's gonna have to grow on me, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Clear a little bit, because I took a couple sips and it's starting to get there still taste the coffee.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I taste a coffee, dude. I think it's gonna go away. Though, let's finish this. Let's talk about our another reason to drink this week.

Speaker 4:

Christmas time yeah, I mean I, I Got to burn up all my vacation time, sick time, so that's all gone but you're working your ass off this way.

Speaker 3:

I'm working my ass off this week.

Speaker 4:

I didn't take Tuesday off, though, to burn my last day, yeah, and so he looked pretty relaxed that day when I just fucking chilled out watch this past Tuesday. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's weird. He was off and he's drinking. Have a day on, don't drink.

Speaker 4:

Kind of weird. Just sat there and fucking watch Ted Laszlo or.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Lasca last go.

Speaker 2:

Laugh the all. How long are you on this? See how much more you got.

Speaker 4:

I just went to the third season. Oh, that shows the bomb. It's good show, it is, I do, I enjoy. I like that dude though.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I forget his name, but I do like that guy. Yeah, ted Laska on Apple TV, yeah, so.

Speaker 4:

I've been watching that and but I mean, yeah, I'm working my ass off and I have a feeling we're going to be working, we're supposed to have off all next week. So I'm like, yeah, hell, yeah, week off. Yeah, but I have a feeling I'll be there Wednesday. Oh yeah, last day.

Speaker 2:

That stuff.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, just the last couple of trucks, whatever, and yeah, but not that I care, because I'm getting paid my vacation.

Speaker 2:

And what are you really doing? Just sitting at home chilling. Yeah, I'm not doing shit, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, pretty much. I was going to go up and I'm going up to help Mark move.

Speaker 2:

But where's he moving to?

Speaker 4:

Just, he's got to move that upstairs. Oh Don, I guess they're going to redo his ceilings, oh OK, so he's just got to move one shit down, oh well that'll take you a minute. Yeah, so I figure I was like Wednesday to be a great day because I'm going to work for a couple of hours and then swing over there and just go straight over there because it's right by my work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, save on gas on the way home.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, so then spending night there.

Speaker 2:

What's your another reason to drink this way, billy Um?

Speaker 3:

I do have to work the whole time. Got no vacay, so um you guys are working all next week. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you just got what I got. You got Monday off.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Monday, Tuesday, but we have to work Saturday for Tuesday. I rather just work Tuesday, but the only thing is is people that work night shift would have to come in on Christmas Day. Oh yeah, they offset that.

Speaker 4:

And it sucks because you got to try to sleep, yeah, and everything else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, but I'm cool with it, and then you have the next Sunday and Monday off.

Speaker 3:

I have no, I got work. I have Sunday, monday off and I think they're giving us Tuesday off.

Speaker 2:

And then you got work another Saturday.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, See on New Year's? I think no, fuck off.

Speaker 3:

Well, because it'd be the night, it don't matter. New Year's Day, new.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Eve yeah.

Speaker 2:

New Year's sleep all day. You're not going to party a double night.

Speaker 4:

Right, yeah, I'd be like no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I give up a Saturday.

Speaker 4:

You guys are going to party all night fucking New Year's Eve, yeah, and then you're going to be able to get a nap, yeah. Fuck on New Year's Day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're going to be able to sleep.

Speaker 4:

I get Christmas because a lot of people go to a bunch of different families.

Speaker 2:

All day, all day, you're eating food, and then you got to go home and go to work.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I get that, but New Year's Day, no, yeah, no, not the Waston Saturday. You have a Saturday. I think you have a.

Speaker 3:

Saturday, and this thing is, it pushes us off, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then you get Sunday off and then back to work on Monday.

Speaker 3:

Right, if anything, just have them work Saturday, yeah Right, and have you come in? Yeah, yeah, anyways, or that would be their Friday night, right, yeah, right. But another reason to drink is that it's Christmas time in the city. One thing I haven't listened to much Christmas music this year at all, but I feel like we're just working up to the moment Boom Christmas.

Speaker 2:

That's all right.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Back? Yeah, because right now you don't really get days away and that's nice about my job. I get to kind of like wind down and enjoy the holidays I'm going to be dumped right in, with three days left, right yeah, not even three days. Two days, right yeah. And then it's going to suck. Yeah, you know, because I'll have that Saturday. We got to do something Sunday. We got to do something Monday.

Speaker 2:

Monday is Christmas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yep. My another reason to drink is actually, I'm very excited. I go get to see Jason Creeper, the keeper. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, next week. So I'll be excited. We probably are you guys going to do a show, why you won't be around? I'll be around, I'll be around, I won't be here. Yeah, yeah, we like it, we like it.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's a new year show.

Speaker 2:

I listen to your guys' show when I ain't there, we like it, I like it.

Speaker 4:

Oh, we fucked up the buttons. We like it when you're not here. Yeah, someone's got opera.

Speaker 3:

I do not like your mic, though I ain't got a lot. I don't like that. I'm happy when you're back. Why?

Speaker 2:

You like making love to your mic.

Speaker 3:

It sounds different to mine. I don't like my voice out of your mic for a reason I don't know I can tell I ain't used to it, we're going to have Rick run the switchboard next week.

Speaker 4:

You thought it was fun. Oh yeah, yeah, rick can do all the little things.

Speaker 1:

Fuck everything up.

Speaker 2:

Not record half a minute. Not record half a minute.

Speaker 3:

You just got to remember not to hit this red button Right. The funny thing is they shouldn't make that red button Next to this red button.

Speaker 2:

They should put the red button down here. Yeah, I saw it. Yeah, two red, big red buttons right next to each other.

Speaker 4:

Side by side, you can't change it up.

Speaker 2:

Not the colors. Not the colors, not the colors, mm-mm, you might be able to. I just never have. You know what I mean. Yeah, this is a nice board. It was a good investment. It was a good investment. If you ever do a started podcast, get a road board.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just freaking awesome the connection you can do Wi-Fi.

Speaker 2:

We can hook our phones up to it. We never had. We only did the phone once, didn't we? A couple times, couple times.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so, oh, I wanted to tell you guys. I got an email. There is a company that is in Florida and they sell non-alcohol beer, non-alcoholic beer, mm-hmm Kids 18 to 21. Okay, so they and it's set up like the whole, the whole thing is set up like a brewery, okay, and they want to do a, a podcast with us To promote their thing they would send us some material stuff, so I was going to reach back to them.

Speaker 3:

They hit us actually up in August. I don't know why I missed the email. Oh, that would be kind of cool.

Speaker 4:

I mean I try it. Yeah, I would do an NA show Do an NA show.

Speaker 3:

Do an NA show. Yeah, the thing about it was is like I didn't realize there was a. They did an upgrade to. You know how they always change in the long.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so there was something I had to do with some TXT something, something, because I wasn't getting emails. I was like, why am I not getting emails? I haven't got emails in a long time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And then, all of a sudden, I figured it out. It was like I was supposed to go in there. I don't even know if I fixed it. That shit's getting so complex. Oh the website. Oh, it's getting so complex.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, but that's exciting news to get through.

Speaker 4:

That would be a pretty good yeah, we'll reach out, make sure they send us a sticker so we can put on our board. It wouldn't be as fun, but I mean yeah, we do it.

Speaker 3:

Or just do a preview.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, in between we're doing this and you're like, yeah, that's really good.

Speaker 3:

It's got full flavor. I give that one a 10.

Speaker 4:

I give that one a 10, right next to my Bud Light.

Speaker 2:

If the stuff really tastes like beer, you know, and the flavor is good, you know you got to go with that.

Speaker 4:

No absolutely.

Speaker 3:

It was cool, so I'll reach back to them.

Speaker 2:

And then we'll find out that would be exciting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that would be cool, yeah, you guys did that.

Speaker 2:

next week I'm going.

Speaker 4:

It'd be the best show ever. It'd be the best show ever. First time would be instead of Lucky 13. It'd be the NA game.

Speaker 2:

Wait, is this our real beer or our?

Speaker 4:

non-beer, because next Thursday is the game. Dude, how are we going to play that one?

Speaker 3:

Oh, we do early show.

Speaker 4:

We do really early show.

Speaker 3:

I can be here. You're off, I'm off. Yeah, yeah, I run over here. Boom, we have it done. Yeah, we have them. Thank you, man.

Speaker 2:

Boom, boom. You know, we could set it up where we could take their beers and put it in the box like they did.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and then take sips of it. Well, they want to be. I think they want to call in.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they want to call in. Well, that's fine, they can call in.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because they're going to want to promote. Yeah, yeah, which is great and we can drink it with them. You guys think of this, right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'll establish it.

Speaker 2:

It'll probably be.

Speaker 3:

January, february, before we get something, all right.

Speaker 2:

But see, that's the one thing I want to talk about this board. If you ever get one, it has you can hook up direct line to it, like your phone directly up to it, or you can hook your phone to it and then it also has Bluetooth Right. So it has three options, but we use the phone and it comes crystal clear through that one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, because we've had the horny nomen a couple of times. Stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

It's been good and someone else, but sometimes when people call, then we held it and it didn't work as good. Right, yes, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Remember we used to tape the phone on a pole to get a live feed. Remember one time we tape it.

Speaker 4:

We had tape it. I know like held it Like yeah, no, it was on a stick or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when we were trying to make like a live feed or something yeah, and it would come by in the tape we give it, and it's just fine.

Speaker 1:

It's fine, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Out of the three, I would say no.

Speaker 2:

I am with you on that. To you too, I'm not for one.

Speaker 4:

I don't taste banana. No Coffee. It's coffee. It comes through his coffee. Yes, If it's. If you're going for a coffee mead, then it's fucking delicious.

Speaker 2:

They could have coffee. You know what I mean Banana coffee in, it would have probably hit.

Speaker 4:

I don't get no banana.

Speaker 3:

I get no banana.

Speaker 4:

I get no banana at all. Yeah, I don't get it in smell, I don't get it in anything.

Speaker 2:

No, it does.

Speaker 4:

It's really a strong coffee, it's just a real coffee.

Speaker 3:

Maybe a little caramel flavor.

Speaker 4:

And I'm thinking that's what they over caramelized and the banana just doesn't come through and you taste and that caramel's.

Speaker 2:

given that coffee flavor, it almost tastes like a burnt caramel.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, and I mean then that's, I think that's why we're getting that coffee flavor. Yeah, I do really think that. Yeah, like they almost burnt the caramel too much or something. However, they make it whatever, but I'm not getting any banana. No, it's smell anything. It's coffee, it's coffee beer, it's a coffee mead which, if you're going for a coffee mead, it's delicious, get the banana one. Yeah, it's delicious. But for me, thinking that I was gonna get banana, I mean, I'm still gonna give it a eight, probably.

Speaker 2:

I would say an eight. That's why I was going. I was thinking eight, eight, five, because the flavor is good, the flavor is delicious.

Speaker 4:

It's just not what I was expecting. It's just not what I was expecting, and compared to the last two, that's why I? Have to drop it down to an eight.

Speaker 3:

I'll stick with you guys like eight and a half yeah. Yeah, would I keep it on with you, and I wouldn't even say Princess Proof, because it's a little bit harsh on the and it throws you off. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if you actually went in and go. Oh, they got banana.

Speaker 2:

I love banana Fuck yeah, I love banana.

Speaker 4:

And then you get this and you be like wait a minute, something here. Right, Where's the banana? Yeah, Coffee.

Speaker 2:

B-A-N-A-N-A-N-A-S Bananas. All right, anyways, it's been a great show. Thank you for the wonderful meets.

Speaker 3:

We didn't have any cards. Oh, we gotta do a card. Oh, we can do a card. We can do a card. Yeah, these are fun. Yeah, we gotta do these. Rick did pretty good last weekend.

Speaker 2:

Did you?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

By yourself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what is the most common M&M color? Oh, that's fun. Red Green, yeah, I picked up two. It says 30. Blue, really, the most common M&M color Is blue.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I wouldn't have thought of that, but me either. I don't even think of blue M&Ms. I always think of like yellow, red, brown.

Speaker 3:

So I'm just gonna say this guy's name, ziyad Yo-Fist. Something holds the world record for being able to speak the greatest number of languages. How many can he speak? 13. No, this gotta be way a lot 27. 59.

Speaker 4:

Holy shit, yeah, didn't even know there was that many languages.

Speaker 3:

How many bottles of wine were sold in the world in 2006? Bottles of wine.

Speaker 4:

Bottles of wine all over the world In 2006. Yeah, 5 million.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, I'm gonna say Five billion, five billion.

Speaker 3:

What's your answer? I'm gonna go with the three million. Three million, sure? 37 billion.

Speaker 1:

You should know a penny.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what to the 13 stripes on the US flag represent 13 original colonies.

Speaker 2:

Now, that was.

Speaker 3:

Like we should miss that one right. How long does this is Bobby's to get this one right, right? How long does it take before Viagra takes effect? 30 minutes. How many pills come in a prescription?

Speaker 2:

You got two extra pills.

Speaker 3:

What are? What are restaurants off? Why are restaurants? Restaurants often Decorated with the colors yellow and red?

Speaker 2:

Oh, because, it, um, it causes you To not spend that much time in there, anxiety or something like that, and want you to leave. Okay, what do you say? It helps people eat and leave, and in yellow Cuz they're not they're not calming colors.

Speaker 4:

They just noticed it, but I don't um Because it makes you hungry the colors yellow and red stimulate the appetite.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It is very common or very rare for men and women who are not related but who live together at a three to six years of age to develop a romantic relationship and adulthood.

Speaker 2:

What so if they live together from three to six?

Speaker 4:

so if it's a step.

Speaker 2:

And I say any step a brother step.

Speaker 4:

You know. Different mom, different dad. Okay, here's the case. I got married Again and brought a daughter and a boy in and they live together in their preteen.

Speaker 3:

Years. It doesn't say that. It says is it very common or very rare for men and women who are not Related oh yeah, so not related, not related but who live together at three to six? So yes, yeah, yeah three-year-old to six-year-old. We just sit no together at three to six years of. Oh yeah, yeah, three to six years. So they're young to develop a romantic relationship as adulthood.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I say it's common, I say it's common.

Speaker 3:

Extremely, extremely rare. They tend to develop a sibling like relationship.

Speaker 2:

Oh, but no, she always gets stuck in the washer now in the dryer or in the couch or under the bed.

Speaker 3:

So the reason why is because it's the age point Three to six. Now, if you would have said 13, 13 to 18, or whatever.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we're both going through hormones.

Speaker 3:

Yeah cuz these, these guys, they're gonna be on kids, they don't yeah, they don't have they're yeah, they got cooties.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I Don't want your cooties starting. At what age do you become shorter and shorter each year? 45, oh, I didn't know this, but I feel shorter and shorter each year. I say 50, 30, really, yeah, so you grow your peak at 30 and you go downhill.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

One more even girls to it didn't say, just you know what I mean because girls, they grow longer At later age later age how deep is Rick's coffin bearing Six feet. Six feet. Five to six feet. Yeah, what is the most popular color in the world? Oh, let's just say Eminem has it in blue. That makes sense, though. I guess, in the book. Oh wait, a minute, skip it. I'm skipping that one. Is it possible to determine the quality of a wine by smelling the cork?

Speaker 4:

No, the quality of the wine, quality of the one?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think so, because don't they um the quality is? They sway it and they see how many stripes it has?

Speaker 4:

or how long it fucking takes to go down, but I'm gonna I don't know if yes, no, yes, the answer is no.

Speaker 3:

It is particularly impossible to learn anything about the quality of wine by smelling.

Speaker 2:

Now why people smell the cork.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, just smell the wine.

Speaker 4:

That's the smell, yeah why you smell your finger.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Especially when, after you're done, wiping.

Speaker 3:

You're, you constantly do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you like, I just want to make sure it's fresh.

Speaker 3:

Someone, someone said once oh, I can't remember now, like I Can't remember something like you know, smell, not smelling your wine, and before you drink it isn't, is the same thing, is like not eating the pussy before you hit it, you know? I mean, it was like I don't know they were making a comparison.

Speaker 1:

I can.

Speaker 4:

I get it.

Speaker 3:

We smell our beers, I know, but would you eat the pussy first? Before I smell or yeah, I would eat it first before you hit it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

After you, I eat now. I don't know where my digs back.

Speaker 3:

So are you eating after? Yeah, it's before you get it.

Speaker 2:

Why are you gonna get me sick just for the show?

Speaker 4:

a whole new meaning of cream pie Glazed. Oh yeah, happy holidays.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, everybody have a wonderful holiday. These two guys will be on here for your new year show and I'll be back after I go visit Jason the creeper keeper, and I'll have many stories to fill in after I get back.

Speaker 4:

You get skip bad episode you go into a bunch of strip clubs, yeah you always go to the strip.

Speaker 2:

I know, but, he doesn't want to know, he's.

Speaker 4:

He's being weird. I mean, at least take him, at least when you're male ones.

Speaker 2:

He said he wanted to go, his favorite male one, but I wouldn't take Because I don't want to go. Anyways, you guys got any last thoughts? Don't drink a drive.

Speaker 4:

Merry Christmas.

Speaker 3:

God bless you and Merry Christmas. See you guys next year, or here you next year? No, oh, we got one more yeah but, they'll listen to that to the next year. Oh yeah, that's you. Happy new year's.

Speaker 4:

No, but we'll be one more.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, we'll be happy new year show and it probably come out after Bobby's back All right, yeah, yeah, monday.

Speaker 2:

Well, happy new year, merry Christmas 2023 oh yeah, I hope you get everything you wanted.

Speaker 1:


Holiday Special Mead Tasting
DIY Heating and Meat Buying Troubles
Discussion on Prime Rib Options
Drinking and Reviewing Different Flavored Drinks
Casual Conversation About Various Topics
Exciting Experiences and Memories
Christmas Plans and Work Schedules Discussion
Coffee Mead Without Banana Flavor
New Year Show and Strip Club