Another Reason to Drink

Ginger came over!

January 16, 2024 Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 5 Episode 2
Ginger came over!
Another Reason to Drink
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Another Reason to Drink
Ginger came over!
Jan 16, 2024 Season 5 Episode 2
Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR)

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S5-E2, Who knew that an evening with Crabbie's ginger beers could spiral into a whirlwind of taste tests, jocular tales, and sports predictions? My co-hosts, Princess and the Bud Buds, and I didn't just sip on the original and strawberry lime variants; we launched a full-on expedition into the zesty world of ginger-infused alcohol. Treading the fine line between sweetness and spice, we discovered the ideal ways to enjoy these bubbly brews – with plenty of ice and candid banter about the day's quirks, from a hearty Chinese meal to a heater on the fritz.

As we navigated the ginger beer landscape, we couldn't help but dive into the versatility of these unique beverages as cocktail mixers. We tossed around ideas for the perfect summer drinks, mixing mirth with mixology, and even ventured into the world of celebrity spirits like Conor McGregor's whiskey. But it wasn't just about the drinks; we laughed over pet antics, shared relatable kitchen disasters, and discussed the latest TikTok trends that are taking our feeds by storm.

The conversation took us far beyond the clinking glasses. We pondered moving to dream destinations, compared cultural idiosyncrasies, and tackled topics as diverse as common last names and the astonishing velocity of sneezes. And just when you think we've covered it all, we rounded things out with our sports segment, where we passionately dissected the Cleveland Browns' strategies and made our bold playoff predictions. So pull up a chair and join us for an episode brimming with laughter, storytelling, and a few too many ginger beers.

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S5-E2, Who knew that an evening with Crabbie's ginger beers could spiral into a whirlwind of taste tests, jocular tales, and sports predictions? My co-hosts, Princess and the Bud Buds, and I didn't just sip on the original and strawberry lime variants; we launched a full-on expedition into the zesty world of ginger-infused alcohol. Treading the fine line between sweetness and spice, we discovered the ideal ways to enjoy these bubbly brews – with plenty of ice and candid banter about the day's quirks, from a hearty Chinese meal to a heater on the fritz.

As we navigated the ginger beer landscape, we couldn't help but dive into the versatility of these unique beverages as cocktail mixers. We tossed around ideas for the perfect summer drinks, mixing mirth with mixology, and even ventured into the world of celebrity spirits like Conor McGregor's whiskey. But it wasn't just about the drinks; we laughed over pet antics, shared relatable kitchen disasters, and discussed the latest TikTok trends that are taking our feeds by storm.

The conversation took us far beyond the clinking glasses. We pondered moving to dream destinations, compared cultural idiosyncrasies, and tackled topics as diverse as common last names and the astonishing velocity of sneezes. And just when you think we've covered it all, we rounded things out with our sports segment, where we passionately dissected the Cleveland Browns' strategies and made our bold playoff predictions. So pull up a chair and join us for an episode brimming with laughter, storytelling, and a few too many ginger beers.

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Speaker 1:

This is original track chỉ. This is original track provoc restaurants ts. So so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so so Welcome back to another reason. I'm your host, bobby, and his commercial time. Welcome to.

Speaker 1:

Bud Light is our sponsor this week and we want to be. I can't even find it. Anyways, I want to welcome my two co-hosts, princess and the Bud Buds are. If you want to sponsor us, will gladly appreciate it, but today we're doing, or any other, anybody, anybody, buddy, we're just talking about that today.

Speaker 1:

Jiffy, we're pretty good on peanut butter. We've been advertising you for years. You just haven't noticed. If you love your dog and you love peanut butter, if your dog loves you, jiffy Is the one for you. You both be happy.

Speaker 1:

Today we're going to do two beers Billy actually picked up and now it's kind of weird because they're called crabbies. Now I'm going to say they're ginger beers but they have alcohol in them. Now a ginger bear with alcohol but crabbies makes original Alk-a-ginger beer with alcohol and the first one is 4.8%. That's the original. Then he picked up crabbies. They also have another one which has alcohol in it's 4.8 and it's strawberry lime flavored. So, and they're out of Edinburgh, united Kingdom. So if you can get these ginger beers out of United Kingdom, but they look great, but I never had a ginger beer with beer or with alcohol. With alcohol I finally got the thing to work. So I got to say that that has to be only for like beers that are not Like, not imports, yeah, or not just Super hard. No, like Bud Light bottles or you know what I mean. Like just something regular that you don't need to.

Speaker 1:

I might get ice. Do you have ice? I don't know if I'm gonna like this. Yes, I just bought ice cubes. I might get ice, because it says best served on ice. Ooh, it's sweet, bro, it's sweet. I'll be right back. Do you want ice? Do you want ice? Yeah, maybe I'm a little can't. Little glasses, it's different. Do you need help? All right. So you hang out with Bobby for a little bit, all right.

Speaker 1:

So what we did is we opened the first Crabby's ginger beer. We all took a sip, very sweet, and it says recommend pouring over ice. So we're going to do that to try to get the taste a little bit different, because it's different, it's sweet, it's got real gingery flavor, it's just a little bit different. So I could talk about these guys when they're gone and they wouldn't even know it. So what do I talk about? Let me see. So we got here, we had Chinese tonight which was very delicious, by the way and then we talked and bullshitted. We talked about heat. We've been on heat, heat, heat, because the whole weather is getting really cold, and then we finally turned the heater on back here and it broke. So that's why we've been on heat, talking about multiple sources of different types of heat.

Speaker 1:

Yes, oh, glasses with ice. Yes, thank you sir. It says to drink with ice it's a really foamy, foamy action. It's got to be like a ginger beer, like if you did a mule. So that's what I'm thinking over.

Speaker 1:

Ice might be better. It tastes like a ginger soda, but a mule. They don't put over ice, oh yeah, no, they don't, but it's normally cold. It's cold. This is cold, yeah, but just maybe just like one ice cube. I don't know. It's kind of just odd to me. This is an odd show, but I figured it's another reason to drink. So, yeah, there is another reason to try something. Yeah, something new, something new. I never heard of crappies. Does it taste like you're drinking like a ginger pop? It's a ginger Ginger yeah, that's what it tastes like. It's just a little more stronger ginger. Yeah, but you can't taste the alcohol. No, but the ginger is super strong. Yeah, which I got a buddy at work that just loves ginger.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he'll probably kill over this Dude. He gives me ginger candy that I can't even fucking eat. He's like here, you want one of these and I'll take it. I'm like holy, like it's hot, dude. Yeah, it's so hot, I like them. They're chewy. Yeah, he got the chewy. No, he's got some new ones. Now, what the fuck? He used to have a bag of the chewy ones. He'd give me a handful. I ate them all day. They were delicious, they're good, but no, he's got these sugar coated ones. It's full on ginger. Dude, it just ripping it from the tree or something like, and it's, it's actually hot, hot, like like the ginger. Yeah, this is sweet and it's sweet. It feels like I'm drinking a pot.

Speaker 1:

So you would not be able to make a. You wouldn't double full beer for a meal. No, there's no way. No, you would so much. And then you have vodka. Yeah, whatever kind of meal you're making. Yeah, because, like, I've had all kinds of different meals, like we were on a big meal. Okay, I even got the copper cups and everything. Yeah, yeah, would you put this in it? Oh, absolutely yeah, I would. I like you do a Caribbean meal? Yeah, that is like wrong. And which this might be a little sweet for, too sweet for that, because that's too the sweet. Yes, yeah, normally I use the ginger beer to cut it A Mexican with tequila, oh, yeah, a little bit of lime, yeah, and mint with this.

Speaker 1:

Now let me ask you did you ever try ginger beer by itself before? Yes, yeah, and it's not. I never have. Is it sweet or it's sweet? It's sweet. It's not as sweet as this. No, this is definitely. This is definitely a lot sweeter. Yeah, and you probably think it's the alcohol making it sweeter. No, no, I, they just made it sweeter for the alcohol. Yeah, basically, and mask it. It is really like drinking ginger beer. I mean ginger A ginger. Yeah, I feel like Ginger is soda, but not ginger ale. It's bubbly and, yeah, it's definitely better on ice though. Yes, it is, yeah, ten times better. Yeah, but it's sweet. Yeah, it is really sweet.

Speaker 1:

What'd you guys say Is Jason Cooper keeper? I would keep it just for the reason to make mixed drinks. To make mixed drinks yeah, that's what I was saying but not drink it regularly. No, I couldn't see me coming home from work and going out. You know what. I'm going to go ahead and break me open ginger sugar, but if there A sugar ginger, a sugar ginger, well I don't know, I'll see you right there. I need some ginger.

Speaker 1:

But the thing about it, though, is there are people that like they really like ginger beer, yeah, or anything ginger, yeah, anything like ginger. If you love ginger, like ginger ale or anything, yeah, and you want a little buzz, this is it. Yeah, it is just a little bit sweet, yeah, that's all I got to say, but I would keep it. I would keep it Beyond that. It's good, yeah, yeah, it's just like when you think about drinking a beer or something, and then you grab this, you're like See, this one said even to serve it over ice and throw a lime in it.

Speaker 1:

I can see it, see, I could see that. I can see that for sure. Now, I could see even taking this and poor and a singer seven. A little bit of mint, dude, a little bit of mint. Then we got a Moscow, moscow, no, a mint and singram seven. It would be like a seven and seven pretty much, but just a little bit, oh yeah, or even Jameson, or something like that. Do I want to try orange? No, I want to try Connor McGregor's new fucking Jameson.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he has one. Yeah, it's called Scott something. He's the fighter, right? Yeah, yeah, he's got a. Can it works? Been telling me about it. He said it's so much better than or. He didn't say it was so much better, but he said it's really good over Jameson, over Jameson and what's it called? It's an Irish whiskey, though it's an Irish whiskey. It's a I I want to say it's got something, but it's that's not it. No, it's like last. I have that one. I can't think of it Something with the D with something with the D, but it's kind of like Jameson, but it's a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I would say it's a little bit smoother and maybe not as harsh. See, that's what he was saying about this. Yeah, jamersons got that bite. I don't mind Jameson. I don't mind Jameson. I'm not, I don't mind. I don't mind Jameson one bit.

Speaker 1:

But he said this is really good. It's like 32, 32 bucks for a fifth. Oh, that ain't bad. All of the ass about the name. I forget the name, dammit. But or just Google, google, conor McGregans. Yeah, yeah, whiskey, whiskey I mean, but this, this isn't bad, though, and as I drink a little bit more and the ice melts a little bit on it, it takes the sweetness out of it. Yes, it does, yeah, but, like I said, I feel like I'm drinking a pop. That's good. It'll be good If you took this and work and you said here, taste this buddy, this is a gender.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, they wouldn't even know. Nope, are we going to do the? What's our reason? What is your like, dislike and learn. See, I got to keep you on track. Oh, um, what the hell happened this week? A lot, no, I don't really think anything. Really anything happened. Let's see what you do. Friday, saturday, sunday Shit, you watch Cleo Brown. That was a preseason game, oh, but hey, that's my life Playoff. Browns made it to the playoffs. I don't. My dislike is Steelers did. Boy, they squeezed in some at the time.

Speaker 1:

Now that you think about this, if you actually break it down and if Both of us would win, we would host an AFC game, cuz we got a top C Over them. Oh yeah, that's right. The Browns, wow at the Brown Stadium. Wow If it, if it would play out that the Browns win everything and the Steelers win everything on our side, we would host. Cleveland would literally burn down, figuratively. I bet you everybody's hoping that we do do that, because that would be. It's not gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

Did you like that little meme? I said you guys, I did Fat people's in on the couch. Yeah, yeah, it might be our neighbors, but I mean, come on, we got to be happy that, yeah, and I am and I could see us making it through the first round Little worried about Baltimore. Yes, I am a little worried about Baltimore. They're looking good, yeah, yeah, I mean. But did you hear what they said about Cleveland Browns?

Speaker 1:

Our two safeties are back, full, healthy. We haven't had them all year. Yep, all our quarter defense of corners are healthy, but you know what? Our whole defense is healthy, but you know what's back. You know what scares me? They haven't been jelling together exactly. Yeah, that would not care what led us up to where. What scares me is that Our defense doesn't like to get on the bus when they go away. No, they do not. They don't play as good. The guys get on the bus, yeah, but the defense just stays back in Cleveland waits for us to come home and we go ahead and play. Yeah, they love that hometown, that's the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

Like now, if they all show up, yeah, and like what I say Alfie, oh, dolph, miami, texas, no, no, no, um, delphi, or whatever, oh the play, or deeply, oh, I can't think. I don't know where you're talking, where you going. He's a defensive player. He's a bad. Yeah, he's back now Deployed to please. Yes, something like that. Super fly, super fly, apply. He was actually like going for the most tackles. Yeah, because he gets in there really good, because they're all fucking on Miles Garrett and so he's the one getting in there and getting him. Oh, yeah, he was on his own. Miles Garrett's back right, miles, yeah, yeah, everybody, the whole defense is Most of the yeah and our offense.

Speaker 1:

We got Falco. So what are you gonna do? Have you seen the shirts? Yeah, falco around and see what around. Find out, like Russell's barbecue was on channel 19 for their sauce Falco round. No, yeah, yeah, they did our interview with the York's on Channel 19 and Cleveland with that, and they showed the bottle, the sauce Falco around, see what happens and that they were talking about and everything you guys didn't know they were on TV. Yeah, that sauce, they Blow it, sell it. You know what I mean? What, oh, yeah, um, so there was a. I Want to say it's a company out of Columbus, it's only two guys, but they ended up getting the signed rights for Falco t-shirts and everything like they got Fan of Falco since 23, you know, like Falco, or yeah, yeah, you get one. By that. We're fucking. They were cool shirts, they were yeah and oh.

Speaker 1:

And I want to have to say that sideline jacket, that the game day jacket, yeah, oh, that jacket was badass. Did you see it? I didn't see it. I did find it clean. Brown's is the only team sold out, sold out. It's called up. It was 160 bucks a jacket, but it was the um, I told you, game day bomber jacket. Coaches bomber Jack. It's made by, I think coach or something makes it, and it's just, it was gone.

Speaker 1:

Proper 12 is proper to proper 12, proper 12. Okay, yeah. So what's your like, dislike and learn this week, billy, it's someone, give me a bottle that, yeah, so I can take to the party. This would be fucking happy.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I'm gonna talk about a little story about my pup. Pups, right up, ups, so pop ups. Ricky boy, they're all three watch me. I have three dogs, they're all watch me, right. So we get home from Sam's Club and we got them wisdom begging, begging bits. Yeah, baby.

Speaker 1:

So I'm open to the jar. We put him in right and he's the closest one with me. I. I reach in the bag and pull big old handful out and I go straight to the jar and he gives me that. He gets all excited when it comes out and then he looks at me and when I put it in the jar he gives me that look like what the fuck? And then he quicks it, quickly, whips his head over to me and looks again. And I'm just doing it over and over again and he's looking at me like dude. Every time I'm right here doing you know, and he's just like he like I go in there getting it, he gets all excited, drop it in there, and then he's like he turns his head so quick to look at me Like he's watching me put it over to the right, and then all of a sudden he whips back at me. Like when I drop it, he's like what are you doing? Like where the fuck is mine? Yeah, so I get all the way and I put them all in there, right, and I crushed the bag and you should have seen the look on his face. Like that's, all I've been watching on Tik Tok lately is cat and dog fucking faces. Yeah, you know people fuck. Yeah, oh, it is.

Speaker 1:

It was so cute because I ain't seen that face and like what he was looking like. I mean, his ears were perked up, he was. He had a smile on his face. Every time I grabbed. You see that smile. When they would go in there, he'd be like Like, he was so confused, like where'd it go? Yeah, so I ended up reaching and getting one and then he was like all happy, but then, yet, it was just funny. So I was my like that, that the the entertainment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so is that the dislike? Though? When he got your finger? Yeah, so the dislike is when I was giving him a treat and he thought my finger was part of it and he got it. I think he got it break the skin. It's just like he caught it between the nail and the Decide there. Yeah, yeah, it made it look like. But anyways, I'm like that's, that's a little accident. He gets a little excited.

Speaker 1:

I actually got onto him about it like hey, you know right, but yeah, but they all kind of do, all three of them. I always, every dog. I'm always like watch my fingers yeah, he's a my fingers, and then I take it real soon. You know, they say you eat it out of palm, right, like you put in the bottom. I would get worried about that too, though I don't but the I turn my hand sideways, they, they slobber so much. I know I turn my hand sideways, but that's good for later. It's got a peanut butter smell, but that's jiffy. If you like jiffy and your dog likes jiffy, you become best friends. Happy, happy, happy, happy, jiffy that. But that it's like, dislike. And you know, learn, learn to probably feed it a different way.

Speaker 1:

But real quick I wanted to say did you guys like after New Year's I got, like I went on tiktok, I got nothing but music. I, it was like I got a little bit more music. I got I'm getting a lot more dancing. Oh, really, you get a lot of cooking stuff. But I get, yeah, I get a lot of cooking every. I it was like cook, cook, cook, cook. And then he gets a normal video. Yeah, like a titty. You were looking at my safe. Oh, that's all, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, titty, it's all cooking, or a joke, yeah, but I got a lot of. That was kind of I was between the two, between the dog. The dog was cute.

Speaker 1:

But when I, right after New Year's, I kept getting, um, you people singing, singing, singing, I was like I'm getting like, where did I get a lot of singer? I'm getting dancing and I'm getting, uh, the couples dancing. Where the couple dancing? I'm getting a same guy, that big guy, yeah, yeah, you see some of them girls, but, uh, straighten black, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I, I'm getting a lot of that. I'm getting a lot of that and I'm getting a lot of, um, oh, uh, cat and dog videos. What you guys? Just, you know people fucking with their cats and that is funny, ain't it? Yeah, it's, yeah, no, yeah, they're, I watch them till the end, yeah, and that's why you're good, you're just gonna be meowing. And then dog, yeah, what about yours? Uh, mine is, uh, uh, I don't mind kind of a larn and dislike. So I'm gonna tell you a story.

Speaker 1:

So we get home and it's monday, right, and we lost power during the day. Okay, so that sucks, yeah, it sucks. So we bought a, a chicken, and I put the chicken Put in the oven. But our ovens has two ovens, upper and lower but when we lose power it defaults to the upper. So she turns on the oven 350, it start, and we wait an hour and I look at the chicken it's not cooking because she has it on the upper oven. Oh, so we stopped it after an hour. I would move it up, no, because it's too small, it's just real small.

Speaker 1:

And then we put it on the bottom one, 350, and it's starting to cook, all right. Then we lose power again, but we lost power. But it came back on like it went out and then, like 30 seconds, came back on. Oh, okay, but shut the oven off. He just kept opening the oven like chicken's not cooking, chicken's not cooking. And I'm like what the fuck? Why is it not cooking? The oven ain't on. So she turned the oven back on. Oh man, yeah, but it's not. It gets worse. So an hour later I go to check on the chicken because I'm getting hungry. Oh, it's the top again. It's the top again. Yeah, well, I think that chicken got done when we woke up in the morning. But here's the worst part belly. So we put it back on the lower and then we lost power from nine o'clock on. We went to bed. I don't even know if I think he came on like 220 and your chicken's still in there. No, he is out now. It's still in there. It's still in there, but it's three days, needless to say, and it ain't done yet.

Speaker 1:

Someone asked me what you eat. I said I need shit because he's still in the oven. I came to rickshaw track beer. Yeah, I did. I can't read. I said I'll just get full on beer. No, they have power. No, we had power. But yeah, but I didn't eat that night either. Dammit, but Billy the power chicken, the power went out nine I think. It came back on at 220. You know, I woke up at 220 and the power was on.

Speaker 1:

I think what woke me up was everything coming on. You know, because I just woke up I was like what the fuck was that? You know, it's like holy shit. You know, but I had to actually sleep in the other room because my wife was snoring so loud and you know, when you don't have no noise, that you're just like. It's like Really super quiet.

Speaker 1:

It's usually the other way around, but she falls asleep, it is the other way around. Yeah, but she falls asleep so fast that I can't fall asleep that fast. Yeah, so it's, she don't snore. She just breathed heavy and I'm like oh Jesus. And I'm just sitting there listening to it and I was like, okay, I can't do this. That's why you just wait until she sucks in. You just stick it in Little pop-eye chicken Almost feels like something stuck in my teeth. She would bite down, Needless to say.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, my, it was a dislike and I dislike. We are the only part. I look out in my neighbors They'll have lifetime. Damn that sucks. But on one side and other side, like rake, don't lose it, but my section, for some reason, it's right down the middle of the lot. It's right down the middle of the lot, mate, it loses it all the time. Well, we are not in the same lot, mate, Right. But the other side gets it Like let's have my lot, mate, it's fine. Well, you guys are square, that square right in the middle. That's the poor side. The poor side. We don't care about you guys, they don't pay the bill so much. No, we don't care about you guys, we just lose it. They're like they averagely pay late. So, fucking peasants. I swear I pay the most and you know how I always you guys always say you're like we were talking a year and said your elective bill is like 80 bucks, this is like a hundred, mine's like 250. And I'm thinking, hmm, maybe I'm paying for the whole neighbors.

Speaker 1:

It's Tracy's library. It's just kicking in. She's running too much power. She's using it in the neighbor all the time. She always forgets to shut it off. Shut it off. It's 220. Anyways, leaves it in case you guys are running a ride.

Speaker 1:

You want to rate this real quick? Yeah, let's rate this one. I do do it. It's original Smoother, though the little ice helps. So 4.8% alcohol First.

Speaker 1:

Ginger beer, yes, yeah, but ginger beer with alcohol. Ginger beer with alcohol, yeah, it's good. Yeah, I'm not going to say it's not good. Yeah, it's a little sweet for me. Yeah, it's a little sweet for me. So a good mixer. I can see it being a good mixer. I think it'd be the top mixer out of ginger beers.

Speaker 1:

Yes, depending on what you're mixing it with. As long as you're not mixing it with anything sweet, I can see it real. Yeah, I wouldn't do a rum or add, like when you make a mule, sometimes you add simple sugar in it, simple, yeah. Yeah, I would eat it with this. No, no, you wouldn't need it. I would say I'm going to go and eat. I'm with you as a mixer. Though what would you go with as a mixer? Probably 8.5, maybe. I'm thinking yeah, maybe jumping up to 8.5. 8.9. Yeah, maybe 9. I'm with Rick on that 8 to 9. Yeah, dependent, 8 by itself, 9 and 1 half, I mean 9.

Speaker 1:

Because I can drink it, I can get it down easily. Yeah, like you said, a hot summer day I could drink this easy. I don't even know I could, I could, I could, it would be. It's sweet Sitting by the pool, billy, it's fucking sweet. Yeah, it's fucking sweet. No, I like it. I think with the cubes it's good. Yeah, it turned out really good.

Speaker 1:

I could see me enjoying this. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not a big sweet guy, though they're the same as a hot. You're not sweet. I know that. I mean they are sweet, but they're the same as a Balite, right? 4.8?, I mean alcohol-wise, yeah, so, but just the sweetness to me would kill me.

Speaker 1:

Like I would be able to do one. I could do more than one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like that's it, I can drink that four pack, just, yeah, I would make Moscow mules. I would pour this Now that I put vodka and then throw some lime in there. Yes, with ice, I'd be sad.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'd actually probably do what you guys talked about with this, with the seagrams, the seagrams, the 7 and 7. 7 or 2 or 7? No, I would do a 7 and 7. I like 7 and 7s, I love 7 and 7s, and you made this with us. Yeah, billy, I think that's with the 7 and 7. Yeah, I'm going to tell you the next one. Yeah, yeah, I wish we had an extra one. I know, I don't know what happened to that one. Get that proper toilet. Anyways, I'm going to get an 8 and 1.5, 2.

Speaker 1:

Jameson ginger Do you like that? I can see a Jameson ginger. So I'm curious on the next one. The reason why I say that? Because Jameson comes out with a orange. Jameson orange With a strawberry lime. Yeah, and you think about strawberry lime and orange. Maybe it might taste good.

Speaker 1:

See, I'm not a huge sweet fake strawberry. Oh, let's see what it tastes like. So I'm kind of wondering what it's going to taste like, because we tried some, remember, yeah, and I'm not a huge strawberry fan, like, even just like Snapple. I do not like anything fake strawberry, yeah, but just peach, you don't mind so much. Oh, he loves fake peach. I love fake peach. You get fake implants. He's loving them and then all of a sudden dick pops out. What, what? That's a fake peach. That's so good. It was a fake peach, it tasted good.

Speaker 1:

All right, we'll go grab another Ice Cold Beer. We'll be right back and enjoy, depending on who will win you the duel round. Welcome back. I hope you got your ice cold beers like we sure do smell it. Smell the strawberry. I can smell it with the ice. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we popped these ones Crabby's strawberry line, alcohol, ginger beer and we're doing over iced.

Speaker 1:

From the start, we learned from the bottle cap, do them? Bottle caps are cool, oh, and it's imported. Yeah, st Clairs or St something. United Kingdom, united, uk in here. What does it have on it? An elephant, oh, yeah, oh yeah, their logo is elephant. It's got a nice red tint. This smell is unbelievable. It smells good. It smells like your freshers in here.

Speaker 1:

What do you say? That's different, but I like it. I like it more than the one Smells like champagne, strawberry, champagne, strawberry, champagne. Bob, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

First, sip, I liked it. I could drink this, yeah, by the pool on a hot summer day. Dude, what is that, though? Like mm, there's something else out there. I don't taste the line. I know what you're saying Like, there is something close to this. Didn't leapfrog make a beer that was close to this? Oh, leapfrog. No, there's strawberry cheesecake or something like that. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's good though I like it, it tastes like a red pop soda, maybe that's what I'm thinking. It does Like a cherry soda, yeah, like a red pop, because it's got a kind of crunch. I'm like licking my lips and everything. What is that? That's, if you took it to work. This tastes like a red pop soda. Yeah, it tastes like a strawberry red pop soda. What do you that one? You like Big red? No, the cherry. Oh, um, cherry wine, cherry seven. Cherry wine, Cherry seven up, cherry, seven up.

Speaker 1:

Think about it, taste it, and you'll be like yep, no, I don't. Yeah, I guess it would with the wine, yeah, yeah, yep. Now, this would make awesome meal with, like a strawberry meal or something like that, or vodka, just a, yeah, just a. You wouldn't have to make a strawberry meal, just like a little bit of this with a little bit of that. Could you put rum with this? You think? No, no, coconut, no, because it would throw the. No, yeah, I know I don't see the Caribbean meals with this with either one. Yeah, it would be either a Mexican meal or just the regular meal meal. I could see.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you pour this, put some vodka right, do a fresh cut strawberry in there, oh, blow, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I even think like a like a vanilla vodka, because it would give that like cream soda flavor even more sweetness. Yeah, sweet, yeah, jesus, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, leg, leg, toe, toe, foot, gone, there goes my other foot. Fuck, it's delicious, it is pretty good. I'm enjoying this one. Is that? Jason Creeper keeper, I'd keep it. I'd keep it.

Speaker 1:

I like this is literally a pot. It's a soda pot. We're drinking pot night, or a drink of soda. I forgot to say both would be Princess approved, especially this one. Yes, yeah, I can see that For sure. Yeah, because they're easy to get. Yeah, they are.

Speaker 1:

And what's this percentage? 4.8, still same. So they're light. Yeah, well, you give me it's not bad. No, it's not like 8% or anything. Right, I like that. I know I'm thinking man, I'm gonna have to stop by. I could see myself sit down.

Speaker 1:

How much was it for four pack? I don't know because I bought so many other things. Oh yeah, his pill just comes out 180. That'll be 147 cents. I'm saying they're probably 13, 13, at least. Probably say around the 10, 10, yeah, 10, yeah, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, because it's ginger, right, yeah, and it has alcohol in it. So.

Speaker 1:

But I could see where he said that you, you could drink this by itself. Mike's drive through to the top. Yes, this one for sure. Yeah, the other one. I was like that's a good mixer. I'd like to mix it with something, but this guy actually would actually, yeah, drink it. Yeah, just like it is. Yeah, because if you just add vodka to it, you're just making the alcohol go up. Yeah, well, of course, delicious. I got a neighbor that does that every once in a while. Definitely, would add about.

Speaker 1:

You guys want to story time? Who's on the stage tonight? Rick is on the stage tonight. He's whipping it all out for all these ladies out here tonight. He's got his crabby drink. I'm gonna smack you in the head with it. Closer, real closer. Don't stick your fingers out there. It's a personal fan, let's get into this, all right. So fingernails Cut me blood everywhere. Why are you go there? Yeah, I said fingernails. Like they're nasty, you know they're. They're painted on fingernails. He's taking a cup when they go. No, he's spinning around. Stop it. They stick their finger in it. Anyways, it's that strong.

Speaker 1:

If you were kicked out of the United States, you could not live in the United States anymore. What country would you move to? Um, oh fuck, is it New Zealand? He's thinking hard. Why New Zealand? No, no, because there's one that kicked everybody to Australia. Yeah, it was it.

Speaker 1:

New Zealand. New Zealand, new Zealand, I believe that's that's the island. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, off of Africa. No, no, new Zealand's up north, it's all the way up. Oh, it's a warmer Caribbean. Yeah, no, I want to say New Zealand. Okay, I'm good, that's that's where.

Speaker 1:

I think I was a New Zealand, up on Denmark and all that Norway. I don't think so. I like I they. So they sent all their criminals to Australia. Yeah, cuz it's all. Yeah, so it's south of Australia. So New Zealand is down here. Okay, so it's an island and I was like a Madagascar. It's supposed to be the safest country ever. Really, you a move there? Yeah, why not? Cuz say they got big snakes. You know they're out in the middle of a fucking up ocean. Yeah, it's probably warm out there.

Speaker 1:

I Got mine. I mean, honestly, I don't know, I would probably Become Mormon, have my wife's. No, no, I don't know. Like Ireland, I don't know. Like I've never been out of the United States yeah, that's what I'm saying like I've never been on a night. I'm up there like I'm gonna. Maybe Ireland, like I don't know, I've never been out of the United States. So it's hard for me to say Like so. And you said country, yes, so now is country? Is Our country under war? And no, you just got, you're so bad, I just got so bad, I'm just so bad. Like well, that's why I was thinking like okay, well, I mean there's. But then they got polar bears and all kinds of shit they're, and so I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I would say New Zealand, all right. What'd you say, bill? I say Iceland, iceland, yes, the reason why is because a, they'll pay you to go there as a male, so we'll lose the island and be the women. The male ratio is like 30 to 1. Yeah, you seen them.

Speaker 1:

Iceland, woman, I want to move there? Yeah, you go there. Y'all snuggle like a bug. I know it's cold, but I said I get cold. Yeah, but like, are they? Like? No, they're blonde, blue eye. Oh, so they're not like sweetest looking snow pigs. They like they'll have skin just to cover you up. Little chubby nests. They have that. New Zealand no, but yeah they.

Speaker 1:

I see the advertisements. They look they promote to have males move there because them the the population. And then I was like I wonder about that. Then they click on there, of course, this advertisement, right, right, and every one of the pitchers they show beautiful women. I'm thinking they're all 13. They just get you up there. You gotta have this one. And here's your check. Don't cast it. I got paid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would go to Japan. Yeah, I love Japan. You live there for so long, but it was awesome. I pick up the culture real easy, it was nice. It's just crowded, yeah, but what about in a time of war? And a time of war, would you want to live in Japan? Um, well, cuz Japan's kind of neutral now, so it wouldn't be too bad. Just ask like, would you want to be there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But really, I like, honestly, really shot a picture.

Speaker 1:

Iceland, yeah, I'm moving nicely. My Billy, okay, I'm gonna show you pictures of a hand over here. No, they'll be the same. I'm gonna put in Ohio. Women, they don't got no teeth, but that's not all.

Speaker 1:

I Iceland, but actually Japan. I would probably move there than anywhere in Europe because the war would just take over Europe. Like, yeah, yeah, no, yeah, that's why I said in I like I, new Zealand, I'd be out on island and no one's gonna fuck with you, yeah, or Italy, I don't know, italy doesn't, I don't know. I watched, um, oh, the whole equalizer three. Yeah, and that looked pretty cool. I love that place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, just I, I would Blend so fast in Japan. You could drop me off there and I could. You're short and you could just kind of mellow in. Yeah, yeah, you get free booze everywhere. Yeah, squint your eyes a little bit. You just like them. I've been just like, yeah, can you see why? And every like he's a local Just has hair, full hair, not blotchy Spot.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you know, they say America has the most women to male ratio. I really will. Yeah, yeah, I could see that. But there in Iceland it's a 100.91 to 100, so it's like a slight percentage of more male than or females? Yeah, but the thing is, is that here you have more, you know. But then you start looking around here is like, well, yeah, it doesn't matter. And I'm sure, dude, come on, think about every country, it's every country is gonna have their little, little slice of pie, little hey. And then a little, yeah, you know what I mean, but now you're a foreigner, mm-hmm. So they're gonna be like, oh, you speak different.

Speaker 1:

If you go to Singapore, they have 50 to 1. I Bend the Singapore, yeah, and they said it's actually in reality it's because, you know, almost 99.9 of the men are actually Female, female. Yes, right, so you're getting a lot of what they call that boy, boy, girl, tommy boys, tommy boys, tommy. So the average Tommy boy, the male. So, bob, you're good, you could go there.

Speaker 1:

I ain't gonna say why I've been there. Oh, you fit right in. I'm gonna go in Japan. You don't know what you're getting. I'm too big, I ain't fit in anything. Just make sure you jerk off whatever so they can't come next. Yeah, that's disgusting. I mean you get afraid to go over there because some of the Tommy boys I'm like, they're like okay, do you think that's the Tommy boy? There's guys that go over there and go, like you know, I mean there's it's too late. Oh yeah, I mean there's guys that go over there to do that, like it, that's their whole trip. Like, yeah, I've heard that. Yeah, you never been there. I'm in there. All right, did they surprise you with it?

Speaker 1:

After I'll tell you a story about a fellow. They wait if you want to wake up in the morning and be like here's the story. So I went over to Singapore and I was visiting a bunch of buddies and there's, there was a little bench branch of military over there. But oh, so this one guy, he goes out one night. He gets his beautiful girl, beautiful girl, what's the girl? I'm gonna tell you story, all right. So he's getting this girl and he takes her home, you know, and he's fucking her. And he said he didn't know he's fucking her, fucking her. And I was like, okay, she was hot. Yeah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

Then the morning she was standing up peeing, oh my, and he saw her penis. He was like what the fuck? And then he kicked her out and everything. I said how'd you not know what? When you stuck it in, he goes Well, what they do is they lay you down and then they grab your penis and then they direct it in their asshole. So you don't even know. And they get on top of you so you don't even know. Still, it seemed like the distance no, wait, wait. But they wait, they tape it up. So you don't even know, even the balls, the balls and everything. I don't believe it and you're kind of little.

Speaker 1:

I think he, he knew, but it was already too late. I'm just telling the story that he told me he got. I would say the same thing. I didn't realize, can't believe. He told me story, but he did. He said they trick you so fucking hard because they don't let you ever touch them or anything down there. They don't, they don't. And the thing is, is they? And then what they do is they guide you. So you get, yeah, and which I understand, but Even still, at the other day, like, and they're on top, you don't even know boom, boom, boom. He didn't know when it was squirting on his face. You can't tell me that the dude, ish girl, girlish, guy, whatever, top didn't get hard or like I guess maybe they're used to it, I don't know Details think, yeah, you know. I mean like, oh, my god, I got dick in my face now, hey, like, but I'll tell you a story. Me and Buddy. I don't hear this. No, you can keep the dick tape story gears. I'm gonna tell three stories me and a body and Together went on it. No, god, let me tell the story. It's funny.

Speaker 1:

Me and my body and my wife, we went up to a club and we went up in the club and my I said, hey, I gotta go to the bathroom. So she went off to the bathroom. Me and my buddy went and sat down at this table. It was a size of table like this boom, all these women, I Fucking women everywhere. There was probably 20 women around us. Wow, it's a second. You don't even know if they were all women. I don't know. They were just like right, 20. You just say 20 people. Well, they were women. They look like women. 20 ish, 20 ish. They're a dick. You don't know what they were all around us, cuz we were Americans in the bar. They didn't, you know, never, yep. So they were all up there.

Speaker 1:

My wife come back from the restroom. She had actually fight her way back to the table to sit down. As Soon as she sat down, they all left? Yeah, cuz I knew you were married. Yeah, well, one of us, one of what? Yeah, so my buddy, he's picking up a check. He's picking up, it's a one-to-get-to-ding. No, this is not so, he's, he's getting a woman and then we go back, we go back we were staying at my buddy's place and we go back to the place, right, yeah, he brings this check, right, and he brings his jacket and we walk in the door, just looks down and there's these nice heels there at the door.

Speaker 1:

I was like huh, I looked at her and then Thomas comes in. Oh, I should say his name, but he came in and he goes, or lose your serious Tracy. We were like Tracy got no. And then we went in the living room. There was the girl from the night before he brought home Sitting on the couch. Oh, she just came in, mm-hmm. And he brought another girl. Me and my wife just had a good night and we left. They were arguing Like I can hear them screaming and yelling out there for like two and a half hours.

Speaker 1:

Didn't he like marry one of them? Yes, it, though not that one though. No, no, no, no, no, none of them. I heard the story Like I think he married one. He married one. Yeah, he was engaged that time. No, he wasn't. No, he was so much. No, his son lives in the show, but he'd get a kick out of it. Well, he was, his son was little, he was only like eight, but he was trying to. He was confused which one to call mommy, what was mommy, mama, mama, mama. So it was a. It was a funny story.

Speaker 1:

And then me and Tracy just sitting there listening to him, me and hurdle never laughed that hard cause we couldn't understand that what they were saying. Oh, you know, and Thomas, you just Rob, is that a laugh? They were about to fight and everything. He's my man, he's, no, my man. Which one did he like better? I don't know. And so in the next day when I woke up and said, did you get laid? And he goes, no, they both left, but I married the one. But all right.

Speaker 1:

So you guys getting your jokes tonight? Oh, I have some, I have. I have a dad joke. Um, why did Piglet put his head in the toilet? I know the honey. He was looking for poo. That was funny, that's a good one. That was a dad joke.

Speaker 1:

Why does Peter Pan never land Too much, jeffy Cause you wouldn't land either if you got hit in the Peter with a pan, cause he never, never lands, never, never lands, damn it. I used to have a couple I had. My wife said I should start doing lunges and stay in shape. That would be a big step forward. Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing? Just in case they get what? Just in case they get a hole in one? No, no, that was good. No, you made it laugh. Anyways, that's all I got this evening hour with dad jokes. Oh no, I had another one, but no, okay, no, no, no, you're a dad joke. Oh no, I had another one, but no, okay, never. All right, things that don't teach you in school that you should know, you should know. But we don't have, we don't. No, we never do, we never do.

Speaker 1:

What is the world's most common last name? Smith. No, I think it's funny to me If it's not Smith. I thought Smith wasn't the most common. This would be. No, that's just around here. Bullard Wang oh yeah, wang Wang, oh Wang, damn it, oh.

Speaker 1:

What is human Z? What is human Z? I have no clue, I know, I wouldn't even know what this is. It's a term for the cross between a human and champ. Champ PINZ, chimpanzee, chimp PINZ, chimp PINZ, chimp PINZ. Joel's war Chimp PINZ, chimp PINZ, chimp PINZ. Yeah, yes, okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

How fast do a small drop of mucus and saliva fly out of your nose and mouth when you sneeze? 3,200 miles per hour? 72. 72? 100. No, it's between 70 and 100. 72 would have been a good answer. That's what he said. He said 72, 100. Oh, yeah, it started around there. Yeah, what you did. Say 72 to 100. I said 72.

Speaker 1:

Would it be possible for a human to count to a billion in a lifetime? Yeah, no, no, it would take about 125 years assuming they could count nonstop, day and night. Really, no, that's why I want a billion dollars so you can count them all. That seems crazy, though, don't it? That does seem crazy, but nonstop for 125 years, like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Well, you know what I mean, but I guess, when you get there, when then you get one million, one million, then you gotta go 10 million, I guess, whatever. I don't see why it would take that long, 125 years.

Speaker 1:

Is it true that if you swallow gum, it will take up to seven years for your body to digest it. False Dude. I just pooped out a piece. I think I drank, I ate and like 89. No, the answer is no, it will leave your body in a day or two. Yeah, everything does. Yeah, I don't know where they came up with that myth.

Speaker 1:

What do most people answer when they ask what word would they like best? Wait, hold on. Oh, what do most people answer when they ask, when they ask what word they like best? So what's the word you like best when they're asked? What do most people answer when asked what word they like best? Good, great, yes, that's what I thought. Their own name Mm, mm.

Speaker 1:

What is the difference between Chinese chopsticks and Japanese chopsticks? This goes right into our. Oh, it's the, the wood, one's round, one's squarish. So Japanese chopsticks are shorter and the end is a point. Yep, chinese chopsticks are long and have a flat tip. Yeah, that one's like squarish and one's round like sharp and pointy. I didn't know the difference on the length. You should know this one.

Speaker 1:

At what age is a man generally in his peak physical condition? 50. No, 23. Rick got it 23. Yeah, wow, it's not 50, dude, I feel like it. Do you feel like you're fit? I don't think. No, no, 23. You guys want any more. You good, you good, good, good, yeah, we're good, you did good. You answered on a stroke. You got one on strong end, and the snot coming out of your nose is 72., 72., 100 miles per hour.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you, dude, do not use his mic. Yeah, do not lick it, it has mold on it. Anyways, what are we always going to next? We didn't rank. Yeah, we didn't rank Cause I'm out, all right. So we're gonna go crabby, strawberry and lime.

Speaker 1:

Dude, it's very good, it is. It's a soda. It's a soda pop. It's a soda pop. It's good. It's refreshing. Yes, it is. Do you feel bloated A little bit? No, I don't. I don't. No, just the burpees I'm at. No, I don't even got that. But, dude, I'm a nine. Yeah, I'm with you. A solid nine, solid nine, and I'm a nine too. It's just so delicious, dude. I can see the flavor. I can see so many mixtures. Yeah, even with this Again, yeah, I would definitely keep this in my fridge because, if you know, you're in the mood for this.

Speaker 1:

I could see Just sitting there watching TV. You don't feel like a beer. Both of them, both of them. I could Both of them this over the other one? Yeah, but like the other one would definitely be a mixer. But I could see mixing this, even like a half and half. Yeah, if you were at the football game and I had these and you didn't feel like a beer, you just had one of these.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just like a pop, it's just like you're getting hydrated off of it, kinda, and you do. You feel like you're drinking a soda pop. That's because of the fucking ice cubes. Dude, you hear them in the show, ice cube. Somebody's gotta cut them all out. I can't cut that out. I figured out that fucking it's the ice cubes that get me hangover, really, really. Yeah, because of the water. Both of you guys looked at me like really, he was serious, though he had that serious look, denny, like don't fuck with me. No, because the reason why is because every time I have a drink, I have ice in it, right, or something. There's a joke about it. Yeah, yeah, it's the ice cubes. That Awesome sauce.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's talk about another reason to drink this week. Oh, that was a rough week. I'll start. It was a rough week for you, so that's why you're drinking. No, no, I'm gonna start.

Speaker 1:

My other reason to drink is do not take melaton at 1144 at night, because it's hard to wake up at 530. Yeah, I wouldn't know, aaron. Yeah, I couldn't fall asleep and I didn't wanna lay there for another two hours, so I said I'll just take one. Oh, it made me so fucking drogy all fucking day. Well, melatonin is supposed to do that, so you must have like a special.

Speaker 1:

No, it is, but I think all atone and makes you sleep. Yes, supposed to, but it's not supposed to make you groggy. But you guys sleep it off. Yeah, but I didn't sleep it off. I think it probably kicked in like a 1230. Yeah, and then I got up four hours later. Yeah, how do you guys like, if you take Melatonin, you're supposed to like sleep eight hours, eight hours, yeah, I mean I slept good those four hours I slept, but boy, it fucked me up, made me kind of just not groggy, it just made me like tired, like all day. I was tired and just, I just, but I didn't want to lay there. I was like I really went to bed at nine and it was already 1044. I was like, well, fuck it, I should have took it at nine, but I didn't, and it was 1044. I decided to take it because I said, well, I'll sleep it off. No, I didn't sleep that shit off, not enough. Yeah, right, so I learned. That's the lesson. Well, that's I learned, that I it's not learned.

Speaker 1:

But don't another reason drink. Don't take a blue chew when there's nobody else. Don't take a blue chew and no one around. I thought you were gonna get laid, but yeah, fucker, that sucks, that does, and you know. But I mean it's a good thing because it's not like a Viagra, so like if you don't watch porn, you don't stay as long as hard or hard as long or whatever. But then you just wake up all morning like every time he turned over You're hitting something like a kickstand. Either way, you couldn't get on your belly, yeah. Then you rolled again and it brushed you like just the right way. You're like no man, whatever, like you just got one off, yeah, but then I was afraid to do that too. Might be here for a minute, take a minute, he's 20 minutes later, I. Anyways, another reason to drink was Browns. There you go that. Alright, yeah, we'll tell you.

Speaker 1:

It was sad. It was sad that they lost. It was like they said it was a hard pill to take that they lost. This is sit back. It was so boring. Yeah, it sucked that. All right, they got to figure something out. Yeah, they really do, because the Browns actually should have put their starters their starters in for at least the first half. Yeah, people pay money for those tickets.

Speaker 1:

We had a friend kept saying, like giving them incentives, whatever, to make them play. Yeah, we get it. Why they were fucking resting them. We get that. Yeah, but at the end of the day, I didn't want to see the bronze get blown out and then you go into a fucking game game losing that badly. Yeah, you know their mindset.

Speaker 1:

But now we did come back and we won what? 14 point every foot for, yeah, we, at least we got something. Yeah, it was a blowout. It wasn't a blowout. Yeah, you know cuz. Like we looked horrible, holy fuck. Like how are we even in Steelers right now? Holy shit, steelers could almost be. They'd struggle, they struggle, but yeah, but at the end of the day, like but, I get it, we had nobody out there. Yeah, you know what I mean. But don't, why would you do that? Yeah, but I get it. Like you don't want to see somebody else, like every song, like Miles Garrett, get fucking hurt or Falco, you know you're back. Good, mess up, I could fucking yeah, now I love Falcos stepped up and told these guys hey, one game at a time, yeah, it's fundamentals, yep, it's fundamentals.

Speaker 1:

Football from here on out, yeah, one fucking. Don't think of the end, don't know, because you ain't gonna make that out. Do you know who has the most postseason wins ever? You're a Falco Falco, really. Seven, I think. 11 and four. Oh, 11, wow, 11 and four. As mindset. He has the most dude Mm-hmm, we could win this.

Speaker 1:

I know we'll be talking about it. You know what I was thinking. It's like my, okay, hey, your projection. I think Cleveland and Detroit, it's Super Bowl. Yeah, I, I don't watch too much on the other side I was thinking maybe like 49ers, maybe okay, but I, I say probably Dallas is pretty good as Dallas and it's still yeah, yeah, yeah. So this is pretty good, we need goals and Dallas is pretty good, right, so it's hard to say, but I don't follow the NFC as much, I know I can't even really tell, but Okay, let's just say AFC championship, cleveland. What do you guys think it's? It's gonna be Cleveland and Baltimore. They can't. They got, yeah, they got AFC championship. Yeah, they can. No, they can't why? Because your guys's thing was wrong.

Speaker 1:

We play. If we win Texans, we go to Baltimore. Yeah, if we beat Baltimore at Baltimore's out, yeah, no, I I looked it up. No, no, no, no, no, I, no, no, I know it's confusing. No, I'm telling you right now, I googled it and today and they said that play that. Actually, yeah, we play Baltimore. No, and they have see championship. No, there's no way they predict the Steelers play.

Speaker 1:

If we win over Baltimore, we, they cannot play us again, we're out. We'll look at it. There's so many prediction charts out there, see, I mean, yeah, well, so we are either gonna play if we beat Baltimore, you gotta go under a prediction. Baltimore is out. So, yeah, because clean, yes, no, no, no, no, yes, he's right. Yes, because the winner of no, no, no, billy, you're looking at that bracket wrong, I was doing the sex same thing. No, I know what we'll get on, I'll bring it up. I'm telling you no, I'm gonna put it on people's predictions. I don't matter, they're there, but no. But what he's saying is if you're saying and the AFC, afc championship, both of us can't be there, right, they can't. No, they can't. No, they can't. Well, we'll talk to. If we beat Texans, we go to Baltimore. Yes, we do. No, we play the chiefs or Miami. Fox news then is completely wrong. They're wrong. Telling Cleveland wrong everything. Yeah, it's all wrong. Okay, I'm telling you it's so. It's so hard to tell, yeah, I know, I'm telling you I'll. I'll say I got some stuff. It's gonna be Cleveland and Kansas City and AFC. I'm gonna predict that right now. Yeah, it's gonna be Baltimore. Okay, I'm gonna say, okay, I probably go with Rick, you know, probably it's gonna be Kansas City and AFC and Cleveland, all right. End of the day.

Speaker 1:

I, these freaking ginger beers are kind of amazing. I would have to say they're crabbies, ginger beers. They're great mixers, but the strawberry lime is just a good drink. It is a good drink. I gotta say they're eight for the just regular, like we gave it 8.5, let's say for the regular yeah, just the regular. And and a mixer, yeah, which is a. It would be a great mixer, just sweet. You have to cut it back a little bit. And the strawberry I thought it was sweeter than the strawberry, though it was. It really was. Yeah, yeah. So you'd have to watch. Yeah, like I would do. Like maybe a quarter for a mixer. Yeah, you know what I mean. Like three glasses for one bottle. You know what I mean for a mixing. Yeah, I could see that strawberry lime had nines. It was delicious. Yeah, it's great. All right, any last thoughts? Guys Go brownies. God bless you, be safe, oh, be safe, oh brownies. Go Browns. Two more days you.

Crabbies Ginger Beers Review
Ginger Beer Tasting and Football Playoffs
Funny and Frustrating Stories
Reviewing Strawberry Ginger Beer and Mixers
Ideal Countries to Move to Discussion
Common Last Names, Human-Z, Sneezing Speeds
Melatonin, Browns, and AFC Predictions