Another Reason to Drink

Raising a Glass to Humor and Hops

May 08, 2024 Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 5 Episode 18
Raising a Glass to Humor and Hops
Another Reason to Drink
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Another Reason to Drink
Raising a Glass to Humor and Hops
May 08, 2024 Season 5 Episode 18
Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR)

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S5-E18, Picture this: you're kicking back with a silky-smooth Fiddle Girl milkshake IPA in hand, surrounded by friends who can turn any topic from craft beer intricacies to the placement of toothbrushes into a barrel of laughs. That's just a taste of what you'll get when you join me, Bobby, and my crew—Bill, Princess, and Rick—as we weave through an episode jam-packed with humor, surprising insights, and craft beer reviews that will make you feel like you're part of our motley group.

We're not holding back any punches when it comes to discussing life's oddities and sharing stories that range from personal medical procedures (I promise, it's funnier than it sounds) to the unpredictable joy of road trip audiobooks. Our banter ricochets from the thrills of dodging aggressive drivers on snowy roads to musings about historical figures and biblical reading times—with a healthy serving of viral Crack Burgers thrown in for good measure. Whether you're a beer connoisseur or just here for the camaraderie, you'll feel right at home.

Keep your pint glass close as we rate and debate everything from the hoppy notes of IPAs to the sweet allure of ales. We'll cover a spectrum of beers as vast as the topics of our conversation—from the complexities of a sour ale's berry infusion to debating the merits of adding jalapenos to already-flavorful burgers. It's not just about the beer; it's about the shared laughter and those "you had to be there" moments that you won't want to miss. Tune in, and let's raise a glass to the unexpected pleasure of good company and even better stories.

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S5-E18, Picture this: you're kicking back with a silky-smooth Fiddle Girl milkshake IPA in hand, surrounded by friends who can turn any topic from craft beer intricacies to the placement of toothbrushes into a barrel of laughs. That's just a taste of what you'll get when you join me, Bobby, and my crew—Bill, Princess, and Rick—as we weave through an episode jam-packed with humor, surprising insights, and craft beer reviews that will make you feel like you're part of our motley group.

We're not holding back any punches when it comes to discussing life's oddities and sharing stories that range from personal medical procedures (I promise, it's funnier than it sounds) to the unpredictable joy of road trip audiobooks. Our banter ricochets from the thrills of dodging aggressive drivers on snowy roads to musings about historical figures and biblical reading times—with a healthy serving of viral Crack Burgers thrown in for good measure. Whether you're a beer connoisseur or just here for the camaraderie, you'll feel right at home.

Keep your pint glass close as we rate and debate everything from the hoppy notes of IPAs to the sweet allure of ales. We'll cover a spectrum of beers as vast as the topics of our conversation—from the complexities of a sour ale's berry infusion to debating the merits of adding jalapenos to already-flavorful burgers. It's not just about the beer; it's about the shared laughter and those "you had to be there" moments that you won't want to miss. Tune in, and let's raise a glass to the unexpected pleasure of good company and even better stories.

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Speaker 2:

welcome back to another reason drink.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, bobby, it's bill princess, who is this stranger danger, stranger danger I had to pay them to come back though I don't think that's fair. You bid us in beer. That works every time that princess is back About time.

Speaker 2:

Rick's in the house. Rick's always in the house.

Speaker 1:

Always in my fucking house I just cook, clean, wash things for these bitches. That's all I do for these bitches. We called him chef the whole night.

Speaker 2:

He made us crack cheeseburgers. They were delish. You have to look it up. What we are going to do tonight we're going to do fiddle girl is by the free folk brewery company out of Fayetteville, west Virginia. Now this is 7.8%. It doesn't have a description on it what it is. It says it's a milkshake.

Speaker 1:

Oh that's right, I got to milkshake IPA. Oh, that's right, I got the milkshake IPA smooth, silky, sweet and dry, hoppy and delicious. I thought it was really good.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you drank the other one.

Speaker 1:

No, I got it at the brewery. I went to this brewery. Matter of fact, I got it.

Speaker 2:

Should we have it on glass? I got the sticker.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know what? I got a sticker for you too, I forgot.

Speaker 2:

I got that sticker, and I got that sticker. And that Miller looking light one looks new too. That center right next to the yeah, that one.

Speaker 1:

Bobby got me that from down in Carolina Carolina somewhere.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty cool I got you one too, by the way I forgot. And then the next one we're going to do is a brewing project. It's called Chomp Chomp. It's a mixed berry cheesecake and this bad boy is 6.9%, but it's an imperial style ale. Ooh, it's a sour ale. Brewed with blackberry raspberry, strawberry, blueberry cream cheese powder, graham cracker and vanilla.

Speaker 1:

So now they had a raspberry sour at this Free Folk brewery that we were at. It was fucking. You guys would have loved it.

Speaker 2:

Both of you guys would have loved it, but you said this was better.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't better, it's just they didn't have that canned, they didn't can any of it, or they just sold their last can. And then she was like well, try this. And so I tried it and I'm like all right, that's pretty good for an IPA.

Speaker 2:

It smells earthy. Yeah, I thought it was good. It tastes like maybe it has strawberries or something in it. Let me put chomp chomp in the freezer for you. All right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't it taste like it has you guys?

Speaker 2:

need a glass? Yeah, give me a glass.

Speaker 1:

Do you want a glass? No, no, I'm good, but it's not a strong IPA. It is kind of fruity. It is fruity. Yeah, it is kind of fruity. I don't know if it's the milkshake part of it Like a strawberry, vanilla type thing. Yeah, they don't say strawberry or anything.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just trying to. Yeah, they just call it a milkshake Silky, sweet and hoppy.

Speaker 1:

So it was just a sweet, but I don't, I didn't get that. When I tried it I was like all right, you know what?

Speaker 2:

They had it in four packs. It almost tastes like Neapolitan. It kind of does. Oh, I can't wait to taste that. Yeah, the Neapolitan. No, you get a Neapolitan type flavor. I get that. I get that a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

It's not bad alcohol content.

Speaker 1:

It's almost hazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you notice this one and this one look the same almost they do they? Absolutely do. I was drinking. I was trying to catch up on my show, so I've been drinking all the past beers and I'm going to be in trouble tomorrow. You are bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah or tonight. You're starting out real good, you could be DR tonight.

Speaker 2:

DR. I probably will be DR. He will be the doctor DB. He's going to be running up. That is a really good beer.

Speaker 1:

That's what I thought. I thought you guys would enjoy it. I really did want to get you guys to sour, but I couldn't.

Speaker 2:

So I was like all right, no, no, this is an IPA, it's a milkshake. Ipa. Now the chomp chomp's sour yeah, Correct yeah, Sour ale, but it has every flavor Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry blackberry.

Speaker 1:

Well, we haven't tried it yet, we don't know, I know.

Speaker 2:

Side but you know when it hits our lips. You also say you have six inches and we all know that's not true.

Speaker 1:

I know it's 10, I just only put six. He's got a tuna can up his ass.

Speaker 2:

I put six yes, it's going to be a fun time because we've been separated and a lot's happening. You know I I took vacation and went to jamaica and the people at work said, damn, how'd you go to Jamaica and come back whiter than you left?

Speaker 1:

You do look whiter. You do look whiter.

Speaker 2:

Actually, I did, I put a lot of sunscreen and I slept a lot under umbrellas and shit. But, he's the same color, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm eye darker up here up north. Yeah, there's no tan. No, Like dude I actually had.

Speaker 2:

You got more tan than me. You got a golfer's tan there, right.

Speaker 1:

I got yeah From driving down to West Virginia.

Speaker 2:

One day you were gone for eight days. Just in sun In Jamaica. I was so protected. It was reflecting off of me Burning your wife yes, she didn't mind it. She came back Coco.

Speaker 1:

Brown Cat was just laying on top of you the whole time. Protect me.

Speaker 2:

She is a black.

Speaker 1:

She wouldn't even cover me.

Speaker 2:

No, she would never go near him with all that sunscreen on you.

Speaker 1:

She kept slipping off Falling down. You get a little water on me.

Speaker 2:

She's off.

Speaker 1:

Like Rain-X, just beaten up.

Speaker 2:

Then he reapplied. I'm like Shade, you took some off.

Speaker 1:

Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

Speaker 2:

Don't touch that zone, good beer.

Speaker 1:

It is good beer. I thought it was. I figured you guys would like it. It was a cool place. I thought it was. I figured you guys would like it and it was a cool place.

Speaker 2:

It really was. What's the alcohol on this?

Speaker 1:

one 7.9.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's low. Yeah, but you stack up the 9 one I did 7.8.

Speaker 1:

It's 7.8. That was close.

Speaker 2:

But it's fruity Damn. We'll be all naked here. You'll be naked.

Speaker 1:

Bob will be the first one. Why are you guys picking on Bob? So we gotta get into story time. They've been waiting for story time. Let's go ahead and get into story time.

Speaker 2:

No, not story time Likes, dislikes and learns. You gotta go.

Speaker 1:

But don't talk about my learn, yeah, but I wanted to talk about your life.

Speaker 2:

So I have to go first. So everybody's excited, you know we just want to fuck with me, so my like dislike learn is learn that you do and I said this Actually I liked it, but not like you guys think I liked it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

so, um, I went this week and I had a, you know, the normal checkup of the colon. So colonoscopy, yep, and I had an endo, but actually when I went in there, they had a bracelet on me and said that they were going to go down my throat first no, they asked first, then, first, then the throat.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

They had a thing on me and I was like and the doctor goes, well, why did you drink the juice if we're doing an upper scope? And I was like, well, I'm getting the end scope.

Speaker 1:

And they were like he's like I came in here, for an end A colon, not a throat.

Speaker 2:

They they said I'm good at deep throat already the doctor was like there was no end.

Speaker 2:

Bobby just switched it last minute. I'm gonna finish my story. So I said no, I'm here for um, a colon. And they were like oh, okay, but we can do both. And I was like he goes, do you have problems? You have something up top? And I was like no, I'm good up top. So they were like okay, we'll just do the endo. I said save your time, just get me in and out. So they took me in there. I drank all that poop juice and all that stuff and and I went in there and they said you're going to feel a little sting in your hand. Boom, boom, boom. I was like I don't feel anything. I woke up and I was like are you guys going to get started? I was mean too. I was like are you guys going to start? Pretty soon they were like you're done, sir.

Speaker 1:

You're kind of a cranky guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was cranky on that. As happy as he is, he is a cranky guy.

Speaker 1:

He's like I didn't feel it up my ass, I didn't feel it and I want to do this again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't want to go to sleep, take the drugs off. So I actually sent a picture. Bobby said take the drugs off. I sent a picture to Billy and Rick of me in my nightgown before I went in with my IVs and everything.

Speaker 1:

With the biggest smile.

Speaker 2:

I said this is my virginity.

Speaker 1:

And we all know it's a lie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We all know that. That's why he was smiling so much.

Speaker 2:

He's like, yeah, he's trying to protect. I mean, he's trying to fool a doctor. I usually pay for this, but I still pay for it.

Speaker 1:

I still pay for it and the doctor's, like you, can't fool me. Thank you, military.

Speaker 2:

But I went in there and everything was good. I had some polyps and stuff and I had he said I was for my first. He had some calluses Calluses For my first time. He said there was a lot of polyps and then towards the exit they said there was a lot of polyps there, they were calluses.

Speaker 1:

Calluses. They were calluses. It's from the tip coming in. Whatever Fucking rubbing.

Speaker 2:

I'm all cleaned out. No cancer. I'm clean, yeah, and I don't have calluses in my asshole yeah, even though you guys made jokes like oh, he's just going to put a GoPro on his penis is sticking in you. Why are you?

Speaker 1:

taking away mine, dude. I got the video. I talked to the doctor, dude.

Speaker 2:

He was like, yeah, we put him under to play with him, Don't worry, don't worry, this guy's not a virgin.

Speaker 1:

And my learn was that Bob likes it in the ass.

Speaker 2:

He made another visit. I'm clean. I like the idea that I'm clean, but you know, but the best thing about it is is oh, and we were fucking around earlier. We were talking about I should have brought candles in play like music.

Speaker 1:

That would be fucking funny. Oh, the doctor would have fucking tripped yeah.

Speaker 2:

And the thing about it, too, is we were golfing and we bought I bought these, uh, white hydro flask, yes. And then rick, yeah, flask for us, yeah for us, yeah. And uh, rick was holding his. I'm like what the hell? You got all over your hand. He said. I just went up and tapped bobby on the head bobby on the ass.

Speaker 1:

We kept dropping everything just to make bobby over.

Speaker 2:

I hated it Because I had to squeeze my cheeks. I didn't know it was coming out.

Speaker 1:

Here's your ball Bob. And we'd accidentally drop it at his feet.

Speaker 2:

But did you see I was hitting it over to Brian and pick it up.

Speaker 1:

I was like I can't pick up shit.

Speaker 2:

I was like that's why we didn't win it at all. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of which, who beat us at? All right. What's your like, dislike and learn? All right. So I'm going to just get off of you All right. For right now. Maybe later on tonight I'll get back to you and get on my pooping. Hey, he's fitting up my ass. We Dude it was smaller. That's not small.

Speaker 2:

Smaller that's smaller than what you had. He brings out a black dildo and he's shaking it at me.

Speaker 1:

That's smaller than what you had. The doctor sent me the video.

Speaker 2:

He said it was the size of this cord? No, hell, no, a little camera go up in the air. It's the size of a GoPro. Up that ass. It's like the can. It's the size of our coaster A coaster, a beer coaster, really A coaster, a beer coaster, really Went up my ass.

Speaker 1:

You didn't feel it. That's what we're trying to say. You got a problem, bob. We're trying to tell you Lay off, lay off. Pringle cans aren't fun, dude, what.

Speaker 2:

They're meant for storing the chips.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, once you stop, once you pop, you can't stop I know, so it's been a long time ago. All right, so my like this week is we whipped me and Billy with Bobby and Brian's ass and golf.

Speaker 2:

Yes, by one.

Speaker 1:

They were number two last year, I know it was only one stroke, but for us, doing it like I yeah, I was the.

Speaker 2:

Pringles can up my ass that day. I know I'm going to buy one show.

Speaker 1:

Every Monday, every Tuesday morning, you're going to shove a can up my ass. They're not playing us. Yeah, they're not playing us.

Speaker 2:

You know you're going to. At the end of the season you'll be playing number one against number two. Oh bullshit, you guys will drop to like number 30.

Speaker 1:

We just we had a very good game.

Speaker 2:

They did shoot good golf, I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 1:

I think it was probably one of our better games, not our lowest score no, but just because the holes we won. On the par threes.

Speaker 2:

They were on greens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had some good shots. I was happy. I was happy last night, I was fucking or Tuesday night, I was like. I'm going PGA, I'm going on PGA tour. Bitches, here I come, You're like baby.

Speaker 2:

I got it up now.

Speaker 1:

I'm quitting my job tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Until you woke up, I'm like all right, back to reality.

Speaker 1:

I ain't getting no prostitutes. Damn it, damn it, damn it, fucking Tiger Woods ruined everything for me. That's funny.

Speaker 2:

What's your like, dislike and learn? This week, billy, mine was a like, I mean a learn Like, a learn Like, learn. There we go. So you know we're traveling down to the Carolinas because we're going to have a military reunion right, so we're traveling down there. Bobby calls us at 7.30 or something.

Speaker 1:

On my way to work.

Speaker 2:

He already could tell me, and Cat are like they were already going out. We're only a couple hours in. Shut the fuck up, it's an 11-hour drive and they were only an hour and a half in.

Speaker 1:

Was that Friday?

Speaker 2:

morning Thursday. Thursday morning. Yeah, so we're cruising and the body's like, oh, I suggest listening to an audio book and I was like, I was like I got a good idea. So I throw one on there right and it's playing. I'm like I don't know about this one Cat's like like give it a chance right. Four or five hours later we're like staring, listening, you know trying to, you know, and it got us through a ride.

Speaker 1:

It's cool, cool, so no arguing, no, arguing.

Speaker 2:

There's a bee coming after you. Oh, there is a big bee in here, but anyway, so we start. That's a nasty one too, yeah you better get it that's a wasp. Oh, he got it. So we just killed something. He killed something on the show, yeah, tour, yeah, so, uh. So we're, we're traveling back right and we're cruising back, we're listening to the book, everything's going good, you know what I mean. And then we decided to stop at a crackle barrel, get something to eat, so we get something to eat.

Speaker 2:

We come out right. Damn phone wouldn't link to the car right and it wouldn't play the audio book.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit, it got real then I'm getting angry because she's like let me try it.

Speaker 2:

You know like what you doing, dude. You know, get the book up. She's like you, asshole. You I'm like you, fucking cunt. You know she, why did you call me that? You're calling me an asshole. So we're getting ready.

Speaker 2:

And then the book plays no the tension. So I pull over. I'm like I'm getting fucking gassed, I'll figure out the book. So then I reset everything and they came out. We were like this is a good book, everything's nice. She's like what do you think of this? So far, I love you, you know, I'm like and I'm like over there, baby, I love you too, and baby, I love you too.

Speaker 1:

We just forgot about the last five minutes of us killing each other, trying to want to kill each other, yeah, but I'm telling you, man, I was like a book does it perfect because it takes your mind off of it yeah, and you don't have to entertain each other or anything. Rick's thinking he's like maybe I'll get a book, where'd you get that from? No, because it was funny, because we went on, we left.

Speaker 2:

Friday morning, everybody was on a trip, while I was here by myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we left Friday morning and she actually asked me. She was just sitting there on her phone she's on this paint game, whatever, just painting pictures and I was driving and she was like well, do you want to listen to something like because I lost a radio channel, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

I don't have x and I don't pay for it, whatever and I was like no, I'm good, like I like the peace and quiet, oh, the book's a game changer. And she, just she sat there and played on her fucking phone and I just sat there and watched the road and looked around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no it was nice. It was nice dude. I know what you mean.

Speaker 1:

It was nice and peaceful. Dude, there's a lot of times I drive to work with nothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do the same thing. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Because it's my meditation time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just think, you know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean Not meditation, just, I'm not thinking about anything.

Speaker 2:

About a half an hour versus eight hours, ten hours, eleven and a half.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did five. And it was nice.

Speaker 2:

It was nice and quiet, no it helped to kill that eleven and a half. Yeah, Because at first we were making small talk. We were like la, la, la la.

Speaker 1:

You know, living together, yeah, but then she starts going down the chore list I have to do and I'm like, yeah, no, yeah, no, like no. You know, when we get back, I'm like, stop it already. Yeah, that's when you switch, but I that's when you go. You know when we get back, you should really take deep throat lessons. Let's get your throat trained. Yeah, let's get your throat train. What if it's?

Speaker 2:

already done?

Speaker 1:

oh well, then you're fucked, or she is, or she is.

Speaker 2:

There's no answer but uh, audiobook, uh, it helps me every time because we get in the car and we're just going down south or something like that, and we just play it and actually we'll just pull over and listen to a couple of minutes and then we'll stop it and then you know, it just eats the time, but the trip goes fast, it takes your mind off the driver you're not looking at hours, you're looking at like that and you're not sitting there trying to figure out what to say next.

Speaker 2:

That's not going to piss them off you know what's something you can say that can piss anyone off, and they say it's one out of four. What Do you hear yourself?

Speaker 1:

Go and say that to your girl?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's probably it.

Speaker 1:

Do you hear yourself? I might keep that in the back pocket.

Speaker 2:

Do you hear yourself?

Speaker 1:

talking. They say that's the number one thing Do you hear yourself? I don say that's the number one thing. Do you hear yourself? I just fucking hear what you said.

Speaker 2:

But you know, they'll instantly go quiet, and then they'll start thinking about what they're saying. Oh it's just an instant attack. I dare you. Do you hear yourself?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm going to do it tonight.

Speaker 2:

Do you hear yourself talking? She'll be like do you hear yourself you?

Speaker 1:

just got to say it now He'll be back up here, Rick. All right, I'll see you in a couple hours, get my room ready Permanently.

Speaker 2:

Go, look at that new chair.

Speaker 1:

You didn't look at that chair, I forgot about it.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, they had a nice leather chair around the corner, just throwing it out or selling it. Yeah, it was on the side and it had some free Billy, not a scuff on it.

Speaker 1:

It was full leather and everything. We should take a break here and go to the-. He wanted me to put it upstairs, but I don't think I have room up there. It's not that big, it's like this big oh, it's not that big throw it over your head, throw it on top of your car strapping it in.

Speaker 2:

Bobby can ride on top strapper in a strapper.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's talk about this beer, yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

So we got a fiddle girl and I am almost done. It's a milkshake smoothie style ipa sweepy you know I don't get the milkshake I don't either.

Speaker 1:

We've had milkshake beers before, and normally milkshake beers are brown ipa or not more stouts and stuff like that and that's why I tried it when I was there, because she said that she had it in a can. I was like, all right, well, let me try it. And I'm like, okay, I don't get the milkshake, but for an ipa look how hazy that is and it is a delicious like a double it kind of almost does taste like a milky.

Speaker 2:

It's hazy. You think they use the milkshake part to calm it down maybe or it is. It has no bitter it.

Speaker 1:

no, there's no bit, there's no bitter, like there's no for an IPA. Dude, it's a really good IPA and it's got a sweet flavor to it.

Speaker 2:

It does.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't say hazy or anything, no, so. I'm wondering, but you would classify that as a hazy, wouldn't you? Almost you would, unless you classify it as a milkshake or a milkshake hazy. I don't think we've ever done that. No, I mean, I know all my burps. I can taste the IPA.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I tell you the can is cool as fuck. Rick said they had this artwork.

Speaker 1:

They actually have this girl.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait to post this on our Instagram?

Speaker 1:

You know what? Another reason to drink. I thought I took a picture of it.

Speaker 2:

Because this artwork is just unbelievable. It's cool, you know. What's interesting is that I know listeners can't see, but in the um podcast room here we have like a united states with a bunch of caps. Rick's almost got that filled, yeah he's getting there yeah, well, there's definitely less than there is. We could have filled that by 10 times over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh that's a picture of the. You'll have to put that in the newsletter billy if you go to uh patty's got a better picture. Oh, send it to me, send it to me but if you go to her, send me hers, because she got a closer picture of it. I just blew that up. Yeah, but that's yeah, it came like that's where they got the picture from that's gorgeous it was a metal thing that somebody welded together.

Speaker 2:

That's cool, it was really cool. So if you go to wwwanotherreasonanddrinkcom and sign up for anotherreasonanddrinkcom. He skipped over the whole thing. Oh, I'm all fucked up already, wwwi'mnotthatcom wwwI'mnot ass. There's probably a website to that one. I'm sure there is. I'm sure there is.

Speaker 1:

It's all pictures of Bob.

Speaker 2:

Go there, I have a good Well. Actually, Billy, you could put that picture of me and the newsletter Newsletter, but so the newsletter. If you subscribe, we'll get you a newsletter. If you go to wwwanotherreasontodreamcom, you can subscribe and then you'll get part of it. The newsletters are fun because they actually have the pictures and stuff and the stories. A little bit deeper on the stories so you can see what we're actually.

Speaker 1:

Deeper. Why does everything have to do with my ass? Because that is your ass story. Today it's Skidmark Bob, skidmark Bob, yeah, no, no nicknames like that Skidmark Bob, skidmark Safety Bob, we still threw the safety in there for you.

Speaker 2:

I like Safety Bob.

Speaker 1:

SS Bob. It's a new ship going down. Oh whatever SS Bob.

Speaker 2:

I don't like Skid mark safety Bob. We could call you safety skid mark Bob. Yeah, wear a condom, that's what you do it. That's safety. You're the receiver, I'm not the receiver. I was a virgin bitch, Not anymore.

Speaker 1:

That's what you bitch. I didn't even learn. That's what you say.

Speaker 2:

Doctor told us elsewise.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he sent me the video.

Speaker 2:

He saw all my assholes he said, look, it looks like a hot dog going down the hallway.

Speaker 1:

It's like a windmill.

Speaker 2:

No back pressure on that. I was holding my shit so when they put it in, it'd blow on them. That's horrible. This reminds me of that guy that said that if he was covered by vampires, if he was attacked by vampires, he said that he would cover himself with garlic, except for his dick. Yeah, and he said the reason he wouldn't do his dick because if it was a guy he would be like dude, you're sucking my dick, you know. And then he says if it was a girl, how many vampire chicks have you seen that are ugly?

Speaker 1:

he's like yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then the other guy said what would you do? He said I cover myself with all garlic except for my asshole he goes. Why your asshole? He said I'm going to eat Taco Bell for two, three days first. That son of a bitch is going to eat some of that.

Speaker 1:

He's going to suck some shit, and then he's like hmm. That's a better idea, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, we're going to take a quick break. Go grab your ice cold beers.

Speaker 1:

Don't we want to rate these?

Speaker 2:

Oh, we didn't rank them. No, we talked about them. Put your rank on it.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to just go off an IPA.

Speaker 2:

IPA. I'm just going to go off an IPA Nine and a half.

Speaker 1:

I like it. I do like it a lot, Even though it's a little more potent. 7.8.

Speaker 2:

It's 7.8, but normally.

Speaker 1:

IPAs are kind of high. Anyhow, I don't know it's because I catched up.

Speaker 2:

But I would say Princess approved, it's good. Yeah, it's smooth. It's smooth. I'll go nine and a half with you. It is smooth. I'm going to go nine and a half because I think it's delicious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it doesn't have that bitterness. It doesn't have that bitterness I like the sweetness of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just like boom you get that sweet. Do you guys say it's a trust me beer now? No, we do that. Then, of the two, we got to do it. Trust me, we'll let you know. Trust me, just trust me, we'll let you know. Trust me is the last thing. Trust me, try this one. But, actually we had to experiment with experiment.

Speaker 1:

Experiment or no? Wait a minute, experiment, don't we have the sir? No, it was a servant at 40. Whatever, so we had to experiment.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck? No, it was a servant at 43. Whatever, I'll be right then, servant at 43. So we had to experiment, what the fuck? And we gave a buddy that doesn't trust us, trust us beers A trust me beer. Yeah, yeah, no two, two True, and he liked them both. It's been a couple that we've given him. We gave him the gummy one and the blueberry one.

Speaker 1:

No, I know but a couple weeks ago we gave him one.

Speaker 2:

He was like I don't like that.

Speaker 1:

And I was like dude, just try it. We even talked about it on the show.

Speaker 2:

Bobby said have we ever steered you wrong? Not with beers, but then everything else.

Speaker 1:

He was like we've never lied to you. I was like, except for your chicken, your cookie. You look like you lost weight.

Speaker 2:

But trust us, this thing is is. We did it and he drank both of them. He loved them both. So you know, and then he says he ain't coming around here, no more, because we get him fucked up Before he goes home. Yep, anyways, go grab your ice cold beers, we'll be right back. Welcome back to another reason to drink. I'm your host, bobby, and he sounds drunk.

Speaker 1:

But I'm not drunk. You're still the host from the last time. Yeah, I hope you got your ice cold beers, uh, we got just said welcome back or some shit.

Speaker 2:

I'm the one berry cheese over. Yeah, chomp chomp mix. Uh, chomp chomp mix berry. Um, it is a mixed berry chomp chomp. It's imperial salar ale brewed with blackberry this one we probably should Raspberry, strawberry, blueberry cream cheese, crab crap.

Speaker 2:

I might need to get my glass. You want a glass bud? I don't know I can get it for you. The guy said you should shake it up a little bit. Oh, it smells so fucking good it smells. Oh, it smells so fucking good. He says it's a sneaker. It smells, smell it, rick. Smell the graham cracker, holy shit, Wow.

Speaker 1:

So that's sweet as shit, but that is very good oh sweet yeah. That's mine, that's mine. Wow, I don't even know.

Speaker 2:

I reached it down. What the fuck? He just threw all the water on his eyes.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait, I can't wait. I never come to your house, so that'll be great. It looks like tomato syrup.

Speaker 2:

It does look like tomato juice. It is dark color man.

Speaker 1:

And this is 6.8. But it tastes what it looks like 6.9. It does.

Speaker 2:

It almost looks like something you would grind up in.

Speaker 1:

It tastes like a fruit drink.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, it's so fucking good.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's good it tastes like a fruit drink. It tastes like one of them naked drinks.

Speaker 2:

Like a morning naked. You know, like all fruit and holy cow mixed berry cheesecake. It tastes just like it chonk. You smell the graham cracker. Yeah, that's what the guy said he said how they get the graham cracker flavor in there there is no way this shit's good.

Speaker 1:

I would only drink one of them. Yeah, they're sweet there. I, I would only be able to like I could drink 12 of them. Yeah, but one at a time. Fucking kill me. Like, I, like, I would be like so good, but I would wake up feeling oh my god, it is actually delicious. This would be a good wake-up drink look even look at even the top of it, from the porn.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it looks, I'm telling you.

Speaker 1:

It looks like a fruit drink, it looks like something that you just like a you juice like a juicer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you juiced it. I'm keeping this. Yeah, I'm keeping.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm keeping it yeah, dude, I'd do this in the morning. I would do this on the way to work. Yeah, it tastes more like a fruit drink.

Speaker 2:

I bet you're getting all your vitamins, and that's what I'm wondering. I bet you're getting all your vitamins in?

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm wondering, dude, you're getting everything.

Speaker 2:

It looks like tomato juice. No it looks like something that you push a bunch of berries, one of them naked drinks yeah. It does a naked drink.

Speaker 1:

Holy crap Like a berry naked drink.

Speaker 2:

It's so delicious it almost tastes like it. Yeah, ooh, that's good. Oh, that good, it's horrible. It's fucking horrible, don't buy it.

Speaker 1:

Do not buy this Like if you do not want to, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

And the artwork is just so beautiful on these, I just feel.

Speaker 1:

I just have a feeling that you would feel like shit after drinking three of these.

Speaker 2:

Three of them. I mean, they don't tell you how much sugar is, and I'm six, nine dude. They're sweet as shit. They are sweet, I tell you right now.

Speaker 1:

Princess approved oh yeah, oh, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

Any woman would love this yeah, holy see the guy at work it'd be like one of these panties, right you?

Speaker 2:

know he listens to the show, I get him. He said, hey, what you doing. And you know, I said, oh, we're gonna do do this one. I gave it to him because I had it. And he came in the next day and he was like, oh, that had a good gram. And I said oh, no, no, tell me, we didn't do it. He said, oh, I thought you were going to do it tonight. I said no, no, no, I just had it. Says, oh, you have to tell me, but he says the one thing. He says I just gotta say this how do they get that graham cracker taste.

Speaker 1:

It's got to be amazing, ain't it? You would almost it would have to be a oil, it says graham cracker flavor, so it's oil it's an oil or something they put in and vanilla and it's a cheesecake powder. We've had other ones that have that graham cracker yeah, it's got to be like an oil or something they put in it.

Speaker 2:

This is so good. The cheesecake is on point when you smell it it feels like you're eating a berry and a cheesecake, and then you get the graham cracker.

Speaker 1:

Now let me ask you this yeah, after it sets for a minute, let it set for a minute, like on your tongue. Do you get a tart? Yes, like a sourness on the backside, like a sour, I wouldn't say it's like sour.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying more tart, like a tart from the berries kind of a funny flavor from the berries. Yeah, I'm guessing from whatever. Yeah, well, because it it says on the side, it has strawberries. Wait, hold on, let me see brewed with blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and then it has the cheese cream, cheesecake powder and graham cracker.

Speaker 1:

But it's cheese, vanilla. It's almost like they didn't fucking strain it no like they just like pureed it. Oh, it know what parade.

Speaker 2:

He said he said that he uh drank it. And he said he was outside with his daughter, right, and his son was coming down. And then he drank something and he got a little. He said I hope that was a seed, you know. And then, uh, the next thing he drank it again and he said, oh, I hope that was seed. Then he started covering it because he was afraid that it was a bug, right, right, and, uh, he said so, when you drink it, please let me know if you get little seeds or something. Because he said I hope you get seeds because I don't want to be drinking.

Speaker 1:

He said I haven't gotten a seed yet I haven't gotten a seed Either. He was getting bugs. I didn't get no seeds, either daughter was throwing little fucking seeds in there, little dandelion seeds.

Speaker 2:

It's creamy, it is good, it's good, it is very good, it is really good.

Speaker 1:

It's delicious. But, see, look, even when you've poured it, you see how thick it looks. It's so thick it doesn't even foam, I can lick it off the. It's so thick it doesn't even foam.

Speaker 2:

I can lick it off the it's so thick, it doesn't even foam.

Speaker 1:

No, let's get this weird foam on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's barely foaming. Look at that.

Speaker 1:

Dude, it's a naked drink. It's a naked drink with alcohol. It is what it is.

Speaker 2:

It is so good. Yeah, I think you're getting all your vitamins, don't you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like this is my Reminds me of my poop. I'm done with coffee.

Speaker 2:

Does it have caffeine in it?

Speaker 1:

It don't matter.

Speaker 2:

That really is caffeine. Anyways, you guys got any good jokes this week. Oh, that's good though it's so good, you know you're right. Just one real quick, Bob. It is foaming just like it's weird.

Speaker 1:

It's a weird foam. It's just really thick. It's good, it's a really thick thing. I can see girls drinking it and these guys got a little. What do you call them? Sniffer glasses.

Speaker 2:

Oh, these, yeah, yeah. I don't know what you call them. I think they're champagne. What if you made an Icy out of this?

Speaker 1:

Because they're smaller than a champagne. Yeah, they're short fat like little sniffer.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, I think you're right, or something like that.

Speaker 1:

And I could see a girl drinking that. Yes, you know what I mean. It's still going to be. It's very good it's, but it's really sweet and it's really thick and that's sweet.

Speaker 2:

Let me ask you this you know how we talk about pairing this with some kind of lip. What would you put on the lip?

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't put. I wouldn't put anything. I wouldn't either. I would not put anything on this. It's already sweet it's already sweet, you wouldn't be able to put any on it Sugar and salt or nothing. I mean about the only thing you could. Maybe, if you want to fuck around with somebody, what's the problem?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, manny said she was outside At your house.

Speaker 1:

No, she said she was outside of Rick's house. Well then, she doesn't know where I live.

Speaker 2:

I guess she doesn't, because no one's there.

Speaker 1:

I, I guess she doesn't, because no one's there. I mean, she keeps playing that way.

Speaker 2:

But she wanted to introduce you to peanut butter. I want to see peanut butter.

Speaker 1:

I don't see it. We'll bring her in. We'll bring them inside and bring them on the podcast. What were you saying?

Speaker 2:

Bob the jokes. Joke time. You guys got any good jokes.

Speaker 1:

Rick might have something to delete. I got a couple.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you better mark it, Bob I got it. What do you want?

Speaker 1:

48, 22, 48, 28. You want to go pop, pop pop or something like that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you, whatever you.

Speaker 2:

We do.

Speaker 1:

No One, two, three.

Speaker 2:

One, two, three. All right, one two three go Okay.

Speaker 1:

So what do you do if a blonde throws a pin at you? Jump Huh.

Speaker 2:

What. You better run, she probably has a grenade in her mouth.

Speaker 1:

That's funny. That is funny. What else you got? I think that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's it. I don't have any jokes.

Speaker 1:

I don't have any either, I say, I'll tell you what this is good, it's, it's too good yeah the guy. You see how fast he said it.

Speaker 2:

He says be careful, this is sneaky. What? And even the other guy says.

Speaker 1:

He says it's a penny robber. It's a shitter. This is a shitter.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to tell you right now, I guarantee you Trust me.

Speaker 1:

right, we are all on our little fucking text tomorrow we're going to be like yeah, well, that fucking thing went right through me.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's giving you all your vitamins by eight o'clock in the morning. Everybody's going to be like, yeah, I'm just getting my brains out. I don't know why. What did?

Speaker 1:

we do last night and Bobby's going to be like no, it just fell out of me, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It does come down, I don't even have to shit. I just sit down and just go plop. You're getting. What did they say? One serving of fruit in this. You are definitely.

Speaker 1:

You were definitely yeah, my this. You are definitely. You were definitely yeah, nope my what you doing over there?

Speaker 2:

I'm getting ready. Are they coming? Oh, I said they were, but I said just bring the puppy in. Uh, we'll pause it. What was? I was gonna say something. We should rate this. You think we can rate this?

Speaker 1:

dude, I don't even know how to rate this, but I'm going to give it a 10. So what do you do All?

Speaker 2:

right, you guys, you know it's an Imperius Sour Ale. It's the most fruitiest, sour best tasting. It's delicious.

Speaker 1:

It's just a mouthful of joyness, but you know it's a straight three, it's a 10. It's a 10. It's just a mouthful of joyness, but you know it's a straight three.

Speaker 2:

It's a 10. It's a 10.

Speaker 1:

It's a 10. Yeah, I've never had anything like it.

Speaker 2:

I really haven't, I've never had anything like this.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what to compare it to. The flavor is unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had it in that naked drink before. I think it's even sweeter than the naked.

Speaker 1:

It is sweeter than the naked. It is sweeter than the naked, yeah, because I've been buying them the last couple weeks like trying to get healthy.

Speaker 2:

I'm just trying I know, I know, I know I have been like. I've been buying like one maybe once a week.

Speaker 1:

They're good, the green one yeah, yeah, the mango, mango, whatever the purple machine, you'll have to try to get the blueberry one, the purple machine.

Speaker 2:

This is very close to it.

Speaker 1:

No alcohol in it, though. Well, until I get it out to my truck, you got the vodka.

Speaker 2:

Hey, Rick, are you going to switch up the chop chop? I bet you could give this to your girl that you wouldn't even know.

Speaker 1:

And just say here's a naked drink. I'll just Be like sweetie, just Wait outside, and I'll just come inside and be like no, you're A little grinder, I'm grinding up things, throw some little strawberries. And blackberries down, hey guys.

Speaker 2:

Well, you can top this With the strawberry on the side.

Speaker 1:

A strawberry, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Or a strawberry puree. The side A strawberry, yeah, yeah, or a strawberry puree.

Speaker 1:

My balls, strawberry balls.

Speaker 2:

I can see outside if I saw all that you know, but I lose train of thought. I tell you what a strawberry on this, but I hate to tell you, did you guys get any seeds? I did not, I did not, I did not get one.

Speaker 1:

The poor guy he got bugs, yeah, but he even got more protein than us. That's not bad he's doing good dude.

Speaker 2:

He said I hope you guys get seeds. I didn't get shit.

Speaker 1:

There was no seed, there was nothing to chew in Smooth, he got bugs. Yeah, yeah, he started covering it. I would too. Because, gnats would go in here. Oh, they would smell it in a heartbeat. Dude, he got a lot of gnats.

Speaker 2:

He got three gnats, I'd be dying. He got three gnats, I'd be dying, I'd be done. He was like if a gnat flies in there, I'm done. He said one of them crunched.

Speaker 1:

Oh crunched. Oh, billy, stop.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, you know it did yeah I want to finish my drink, could you? Imagine it sliding back on the back of your tongue, like but you know, you know a thing that we're all doing. We're doing this smacking because it does so tart it, dries you out a little bit, but it does it does dry your tongue out. You're like I hear it.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't taste tart though. No, but it's the after, it's the after it just kind of dries everything out.

Speaker 2:

So when you get down then you're like all right, but when you put that many berries, that's a shit ton. I ain't going to lie, I want to buy another four-pack.

Speaker 1:

I would have it in my fridge probably every day. It would be an everyday key in the morning.

Speaker 2:

I ain't gonna lie, I hate to say I'm not pushing alcohol in the morning, but the thing is is I could see on a saturday morning pouring one of these as like a, a fruit drink?

Speaker 1:

yeah, in the morning, honestly, could you imagine like almost doing a uh mimosa with it.

Speaker 2:

No, because Put a little bit more bubbly in it. Yeah, they're here.

Speaker 1:

Just thin it out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's not as thin, just thin it out with a little bit of champagne.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That might be good, I might have to try Some bubbly sweet stuff.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We'll be right back. We'll take a quick break because we have some guests coming real quick. Alright we're back, so Billy's just worried about his TikTok.

Speaker 1:

Those are nice titties, billy. I was looking at Dick Actually.

Speaker 2:

I went outside and I took my drink and I wanted my daughter to try it and she said it was actually very well, your daughter. I wanted my daughter to try it and she said it was actually very good, your daughter Tracy. My daughter tried it.

Speaker 1:

The funny thing is I took mine out and Nat tried to get in mine.

Speaker 2:

He picked up two and he took that outside.

Speaker 1:

Because they're both sweet.

Speaker 2:

I should save it for my friend at work and give it to him. Pour it back in a bottle. Pull it back in a bottle.

Speaker 1:

We'll cap it off. Try this Bud Light. It's really good. It's IPA, it's chomp, chomp, motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

Alright, let's get into story time. Where's my button? Welcome back Crystal. She's been a long time favorite. She's on the stage number one. Yes, crystal billy. And crystal has no teeth, but she'll remind you of your grandma and your cousin. Welcome back crystal meth, she's here lightbulb on stage 3. Crystal gum, gum, gum up to your heart. Remind you of your grandma or your cousin, oh my.

Speaker 1:

Wow, alright, okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh my.

Speaker 1:

I got a story time. No, I got a story time.

Speaker 2:

Alright. The question is this week how many? People get their ass on. Have you ever had road rage and what is the worst road rage you ever had Like boom. There's no one time you had road rage. I had road rage.

Speaker 1:

Everybody had probably road rage, no yeah, yeah, probably my worst one, I can't. Well, no, my worst one just a quick little one, but I can tell you one that I had not too long ago, okay. So I got a real quick little one when I was younger, okay, and I was young, I was still married, my son was probably a year old and I was cutting across the causeway. Okay, you're going straight. I was going straight across the causeway, all right. Okay, you're going straight. I was going straight across the causeway, all right. And I actually seen it was nighttime and I seen the guy coming up to the intersection there.

Speaker 2:

The stoplight yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I didn't see no brake lights.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like I could see that he was not hitting his brakes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so he wasn't fucking stopping.

Speaker 1:

And so I slammed on my brakes.

Speaker 2:

Did you have green light?

Speaker 1:

There was no light.

Speaker 2:

Oh, fucking stop. And so I slammed on my brakes. Did you have green light?

Speaker 1:

There was no light. Oh, back then. It's a four-way stop. It's still even today. Oh, I'm in PA side.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, okay, Gotcha, yeah, I'm on.

Speaker 1:

PA side, I kept seeing that there was. No, he wasn't attempting to hit his brakes at all.

Speaker 2:

He was just going.

Speaker 1:

He was just going, and so I slammed on my brakes and he had cut In half on my wife's and kid's side. Oh shit, in a big-ass Cadillac. Oh, and I fucking floored it, dude, because he just kept going. Oh, he did he went straight across Boom, boom, going, going and I followed him down. Here there was some little old man, really yeah, and I was like 21 years old dude, like 22. Did you want to beat?

Speaker 2:

his ass. Oh, I wanted to fucking kill him, dude.

Speaker 1:

I was like dude, you have no clue, if I wasn't paying attention, you would have killed my wife. Kid me, whatever, right. And he was like oh, I just lost my wife a couple years ago.

Speaker 2:

I was like dude, I'm about ready to fucking destroy you, but a couple years ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. I know he was like oh, I was like at my buddy's house he was already fucked up didn't realize where it was. I mean, he was an old man, like I want to say.

Speaker 2:

He was probably in his like early 70s, oh, and you're and he wasn't paying attention yeah, that's what he said.

Speaker 1:

He was like I didn't realize I was at that intersection. I thought it was a different intersection, yeah, whatever, but the other one wasn't too long ago. I was down in Tennessee, dude, and we were. It was almost like a one lane road, but not.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But a shit ton of people from new york were. We were all trying to go down it right like I was going up it, they were coming down it okay and they just thought they had the fucking right away.

Speaker 2:

It didn't matter, dude, like they would make you fucking sit they didn't care they did not care they're used to new driving, they're used to New York driving I'm pushing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I said fuck you, dude. After about the seventh car went through, dude, I fucking went through and this guy fucking, he was literally like in my lane. It's a one lane, almost a one lane road.

Speaker 2:

You're like fuck him.

Speaker 1:

And he was coming at me dude, I fucking cut my wheel. And me, dude, I fucking cut my wheel and he fucking, he cut the other way I said, yeah, get the fuck over dude, it's a two-lane road honestly like he's violent, but he picked the wrong side he's about to destroy that he's about swinging over here patty got fucking like she grabbed a hold of the fucking uh truck door and everything. I was like get the fuck over, dude. Yeah, fuck you guys.

Speaker 2:

Like I, I get it but I guess roe vades was wrong.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I got mad he got him on roe. So one time I was going I was, it was after a podcast and I spent the night at your house and I'm driving to work, it was a snow day, right, and I'm going around, I go to get my coffee and I'm coming out of this um shell station and this asshole truck truck came behind me. It was fucking right in my ass and I was like you know, I had the bald ass tires, I couldn't go anywhere. I'm trying to drive and then the motherfucker passed me and he flipped me off like motherfucker and I was like trying to catch up to him but he had four by four.

Speaker 1:

Oh did he yeah, and then I called him and said I'm going around you, motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

He did, it was right, I was like motherfucker get off.

Speaker 1:

I can't follow this guy, no more. I'm all around him.

Speaker 2:

I'm all around him, that's why I called him I was like I can't follow you no more.

Speaker 1:

I can't follow you no more.

Speaker 2:

It was too.

Speaker 1:

It was his past winter.

Speaker 2:

No, but we all had road rage and most of the cases it's like rick you let someone in, but it's the motherfucker that comes in and feels like they have a privilege to fly up, keep going.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're like, I don't like.

Speaker 2:

You see the clicking thing, the arrow and then you're right there and they're like and then they cut you off and you're like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

Well, I got to tell you mine, they push you out, you know.

Speaker 2:

So it was my worst case ever. I was going to whoop some ass. So I was in Nebraska. I was going straight when someone was coming down and it was green light for me. I'm going straight. They decided that they're going to make a left-hand turn in front of me and I slammed on brakes, my truck's like, and then all of a sudden they flipped me the fuck off.

Speaker 1:

Right, like I'm an asshole, like you're the asshole. But I had to right away.

Speaker 2:

I was going straight, it was green light, I was going and they were like fuck you, motherfucker. And I was like oh, and I was at a complete stop. So I fucking turned right. I followed their fucking asses and I was driving down and I had my windows down and they had their windows. It was a hot day. They were like you got road rage. I was like I'm going to fucking kick your ass, pull over right fucking now. And they were like why? And I said because you flipped me off and you're in the wrong. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

We weren't wrong returning and I was like, and I'm arguing, yeah, but it's what's like, I've played with roadway people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, before you know what I mean. Like I was pulling out of bp and somebody was coming off a seven, oh yeah a blue car, but you beat them yeah and like I was, like I seen him coming, I'm like well, well, I'll just get out.

Speaker 2:

I'll just get out in front of you.

Speaker 1:

Get out in front of you, Dude this bitch laid on her horn Like I just literally about killed her fucking kids, or something. I'm like, what the Like? I just I do a big wave. Hi, how you doing, hey, hey, hey, how you doing big smile like we both turned down going to their pa people because po people don't know how to drive, whatever.

Speaker 2:

But this is actually start that war but the people like turned and I'm slamming on my brakes, coming into a skid through a green light, and they're like fuck you. The passenger drives like fuck you as hand out the window, like I did something wrong. I'm like it's a fucking green light, I'm going straight. You know when your old lady's in the car oh, you get hell for that oh, you get hell for anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you really do like it. So now let me ask you this so will she? Are they both, one of them? Ones that like jerk or like and scare you? Oh, even though it's 10 miles around the road, far away, like just yesterday.

Speaker 2:

What'd they say when you didn't know that? You didn't know how to drive until you get married. And now you got a GPS, a warning system and all this shit. It's fucking crazy.

Speaker 1:

You just scared me because of that shit. Knock it the fuck off. I have never wrecked with you yet, and don't make me make it sure that today's going to be the first day you want a fun drive.

Speaker 2:

We will fucking hit a tree. Drive my mother off.

Speaker 1:

No, absolutely not when you asked me to go down to North Carolina with you. Absolutely not, Showdown there, speed Racer, I'm getting on the fucking highway, I would have drove my truck the whole way behind you. Behind you, I said I'd pay you to ride you.

Speaker 2:

You'd be the guy in front. I'm like holy shit, nope. Tracy said she drugged her and gave her wine all the way home. I would have.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I didn't get that option I'd have been shooting that bitch with heroin. You need your insulin.

Speaker 2:

Shot, honey out why am I so tired? Yeah? 99 alright we better rank this beer chop, chop we already did.

Speaker 1:

I thought we did tons yeah, we did.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, I got all mixed up. Yeah, we did tons yeah we had a little break.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, alright, thank you. Oh, thanks, shit, I got all mixed up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we did today we had a little break all right, they didn't do oh, thanks, I'll teach you. Thanks, they didn't teach you. Oh, yeah, let me get. Oh, what happened my glasses? Oh, they're over here, right with you, and you were gone, billy you were gone for two weeks too long, right, and it seems like a long show, but we only been on for an hour and 20 minutes.

Speaker 2:

If that because we were gone for two weeks. We took a lot of breaks. Yes, how far from a toilet should you keep your toothbrush so that the airborne particles do not contaminate it?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but I don't think mine's far enough Ten feet.

Speaker 2:

How far are you from? No, actually, I think it's like five feet, I don't think mine's far enough. What do you think I?

Speaker 1:

don't like it. I just started putting it in that fucking thing and I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

I think it's five feet. What do you think? How many feet You've been putting it in that holder? Three foot, yours ain't no.

Speaker 1:

You've been brushing your teeth.

Speaker 2:

Why would you put that on that side of the toilet? I don't know. I don't understand that either. Why wouldn't they put it on the other side?

Speaker 1:

And I just started using it because I hated fucking. I get sick of fucking scrubbing my shit all the time. So I'm going to have to move it Six foot, whatever Damn.

Speaker 2:

How many languages are there in the world? Oh, in the world. Oh, that's a good one. Uh, 32, no wait, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, I know this, I know this question, you don't. 36. Okay, 36, what do you think? I said 35, 6800, what? No, because didn't they? Have 68, because they're probably thinking dialects, dialects and all right no no, no, let me explain this thing.

Speaker 2:

When they had that, that Babalock? No, not Babalock, but what's that? One thing that you can learn languages and they talk about, and then it's the stone. They call it the stone Rosetta. Rosetta stone only has so many languages on it.

Speaker 1:

It has all the languages on it. No, but they can't have 6800 on there no, but they have all the like.

Speaker 2:

It was done a long time ago, yeah you're gonna teach you that? No, that's a dialect can wolves bark wolves wolves? Can wolves bark? No, the correct answer is yes, but they really do it's a yipe.

Speaker 1:

It's more of a yipe than a bark than a barn. It's like a coyote in what city did quintus tenerito?

Speaker 2:

quentin tarantino? Yeah, quit it right, the secret cease. A screenplay for the hit film Pulp Fiction.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh, no Wait, Think of a drug place.

Speaker 1:

No, wait it was LA.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was. Miami, amsterdam. Oh really, he wrote it there, but didn't it take place in LA or something? Yeah, but I was thinking filming I was saying film, it was where, yeah, where, you're right, yeah okay, I guess what is the traditional meaning of a anchor tattoo on a sailor's body? Oh, a sailor no no, there's a lot me.

Speaker 1:

I did not know this no, I did know this at one time. Actually, my son Actually my son has one on.

Speaker 2:

So what is the?

Speaker 1:

traditional meaning of an anchor tattoo.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember that you take semen no.

Speaker 1:

So you're Bob. I don't have an anchor. Your son has an anchor tattoo. You should get a Bob tattoo. Oh, Ryan has an anchor tattoo.

Speaker 2:

He takes semen? No, no, the sailor has sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, I didn't know that. See, he has a.

Speaker 2:

He has a different.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not on his armor.

Speaker 2:

On average. How much do a teenager grow during each year of their puberty? Three inches.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would go with that.

Speaker 2:

You guys are got it. Ding, ding, ding, ding Around three to four inches. Yeah, we're smart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I go three inches every time.

Speaker 2:

I look at a teen Especially boys.

Speaker 1:

No, that's just that's wrong, that wrong wrong in so many ways?

Speaker 2:

how long does it take to read the entire bible if you read at normal speed? What's normal speed? Just like if you're reading like hello, this is Matt is fast. So I would say probably about a week.

Speaker 1:

I would say hours, put in an hour. Oh, hours 40 hours 48. 56.

Speaker 2:

50. That's pretty close.

Speaker 1:

I said 48. I said 48. I win. Yeah, you win.

Speaker 2:

What city? Oh, we're playing Bob Baker, our Bob? Oh, we're playing Bob Baker, or Bob we're playing.

Speaker 1:

No, price is right. Price is right. Yeah, if you're under, you win, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What city has the world's most visited cemeteries? Oh, this one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Massachusetts, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

No, actually no way. Salem Salem Wait, wait.

Speaker 2:

No, because it says U Salem Wait, wait US no this is what world, what world World, well, that's like where Jesus was born.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

city has the world's most visited city Jerusalem. I'm really surprised at the answer.

Speaker 1:

Hold on. Hold on Arlington Washington. Nope Paris because of all the like they got all these, oh, world War II, iii, world War 2, and they got all these celebrities and you guys want me to yeah, you want me to nah, we're good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're good. You guys were doing pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we were but yeah, I wouldn't have thought Paris, no, I would actually. But then again, I mean, if you think about that, though, like they have all the wars, yeah, and like they have all the wars, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then they have all these famous people. Yeah yeah, they did films before. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it, but I don't know. You would think Arlington would be way close to that. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, because Arlington is, yeah, all the World War II and then all the military. How many people come visit Jerusalem every year for Jesus?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well he's not technically buried. Where is Jesus buried, buddy? I don't know what's that wall that you go to. He's buried in Jerusalem. Where's the grave of Jesus? He's so funny.

Speaker 2:

Jerusalem. He rose no Jesus, I don't know what the fuck they visit. No Jesus, no Jesus. I don't know what the fuck they've been saying. No, I see them praying on the wall.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, don't forget about Easter. He resurrected himself.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I don't think he has a burial. No, I don't know Jerusalem. Okay, that's it.

Speaker 1:

You're thinking of the what's that wall? They hung up the wall of Jerusalem. It is in Jerusalem, but and then a lot of people put paper in it. Oh shit.

Speaker 2:

But that's not a cemetery. It's a cemetery for them people. No, it's not. What kind of?

Speaker 1:

wall are you talking about? It's the old wall, the wall of Jerusalem?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I see it Pink Floyd's the wall. What are you talking about? No, people fight over it all the time.

Speaker 1:

They People fight over it all the time. Oh, touch the wall, touch the wall, that's what Never mind.

Speaker 2:

All right, just lost it. Yeah, but it's not a centerman. I'm saying centerman, it's not a cemetery.

Speaker 1:

I still want to see Jesus's.

Speaker 2:

Jesus's Cemetery Apparently. Bob knows where it's at.

Speaker 1:

I want to see that it's in Jerusalem, I'll show you. If I want to see that it's a Jerusalem, I'll show you. If you want to go, I bet you I see videos on it.

Speaker 2:

It's got one apple tree and a snake and a virgin and a virgin. It's so wrong and Noah Arndt's right behind that. You guys are going to hell for sure now One dollar ticket. You can see them both.

Speaker 1:

Dear Lord, I did not say that Father Son and Holy Ghost. Father, son and Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:

He don't listen to the podcast. All right, anyways, it'd be famous then. Yeah, it would be.

Speaker 1:

It would be kind of famous. Yeah, what is your Didn't?

Speaker 2:

they actually find. They did find the tomb, the tomb of something, and yeah, it's supposedly found the tomb where he was originally buried, where he came back right where he resurrected because they were doing a um excavating right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh really yeah, they have a couple, there's a couple. No, no, there's, no, there's a couple.

Speaker 2:

That was the agent? No, no, there's a couple. Didn't the Romans kill him in the agent? No, no. So there was a couple spots.

Speaker 1:

You're going to go straight to hell, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've got my stories mixed up.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'll go to hell and talk to God. Billy is already throwing water at you. I mean beer at you. Tell me the story. It's holy water, it's holy beer.

Speaker 2:

I don't know the story. I don't know the story, anyways. So, just so you know that Rick's right, they were doing excavating, so there is the potential that they believe that he was here. But then they found it here because of the stones and it was the brothers' and sisters' names. So they think, oh, they would have put it in the same. But there's a story that a rich guy offered up his tomb for him. Yeah, I don't know. So there's a couple ways to go. He's in Jerusalem, anyways. Well, I would believe, jerusalem over Egypt. Well, didn't the Romans kill him down there? But not in Egypt, it was in Egypt. He was down there collecting corn and fish and turning wine. Oh, you're so much going you know no you're.

Speaker 1:

You're getting a story mixed up when he turned moses when he turned the nile into the wine he crossed in egypt. Romans let him go because they liked the wine.

Speaker 2:

He said here's some bread Bread with your wine.

Speaker 1:

And then he had to go back down to Russia and make bread.

Speaker 2:

No, you both quit.

Speaker 1:

Why are you?

Speaker 2:

going Milly.

Speaker 1:

Stop, we were just playing, I was just curious.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, it's not a Holy Roller show. Go ahead, I don't know, it might be better.

Speaker 1:

We might go to heaven. You think we'll make it. I'm not making it.

Speaker 2:

You guys are good people, though we are Good at heart. We're good people You're knocking yourself. The thing about it is is that I know it's not always so, but you don't need to evil right, no, no, no, we bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I might bang a married chick every once in a while, but that's not bad, it's just well. No, I guess I didn't. Who made that?

Speaker 2:

who made that? Who made the 10 commandments? Yeah, do you really really think? Said don't fuck your neighbor.

Speaker 1:

He might have Supposedly he did.

Speaker 2:

He put that on his phone. Don't fuck your neighbor.

Speaker 1:

But the thing about it is it's a good thing you live three doors down from me, because I'm not your neighbor. You're not my neighbor, but my asshole goes on that and you like your ass but.

Speaker 2:

Rick didn't create it, it was the girl that did. He's just being nice. No, I'm not fucking anybody so quit, it, just stop it right now no That'd be a joke.

Speaker 1:

Let's just stop this game right now.

Speaker 2:

Rick can be funny all he wants until something like that comes up.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's our joke for the night. Stop hugging your neighbor.

Speaker 2:

She's like 80 years old.

Speaker 1:

That's our joke for the night.

Speaker 2:

What Joke? It's just our joke. It's just our joke for the night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyways. So hey, debbie, that's my neighbor.

Speaker 2:

That's why she was so excited to come home.

Speaker 1:

Ew, that's my neighbor, that's why she was so excited to come home. Ew, that's gross. Anyway, let me stick this up, you alright, so at the end of the day end of the day. Alright, we did a chop chop fiddler girl from free folk brewery, which is amazing. I we picked it up out of West Virginia. It was a fair, fair vet, or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Fair Fayetteville, fayetteville there's a Fayetteville, north Carolina, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this was really good.

Speaker 1:

It was really good. It was really sweet. It was kind of sweet. It was really good, it was really sweet, it was kind of sweet. But it was a milkshake IPA. Yes, it was delicious and for an IPA, people would be kind of different about it.

Speaker 2:

And we gave it 9.5 each.

Speaker 1:

Now Chop, chop this little chop, chop this little naked fruit thing is amazing. I would probably only be able to do one a night.

Speaker 2:

I'm having a hard time getting the rest of it.

Speaker 1:

You gotta drink it quick. It's gotta be cold. You gotta drink it quick. We gave it 10s and I believe that it is a 10. What was it? 6.9?

Speaker 2:

Very good, it is a 10. And what was it? A nine, no 6.8. 6.9?

Speaker 1:

6.9, yeah, all right, very good, it is a very good, but it's a very thick. It almost seems like a healthy beer. So if you're trying to be healthy, Drink it.

Speaker 2:

This is a healthy beer. Now could you do that Honestly? Wake up Saturday or Sunday morning. Yes, I could, and then you're about to ready to play video games you pour one of those.

Speaker 1:

I'm really wondering honestly if you think, but I only could do one.

Speaker 2:

And it has to be ice cold. But it would be like a naked thing.

Speaker 1:

If you did a half a glass of this and then a little bit of champagne dude. I wonder if it would thin it out enough to be like oh, this is just I see what you're saying this is just a weekend drink.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but take the sweetness out of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kind of tame it down a little bit Like a mimosa.

Speaker 2:

You take the orange juice and it would actually take a berry it would take like a berry of mimosas. I'll try it this weekend.

Speaker 1:

I would dude.

Speaker 2:

If you got more of them I would try. I'll stop buying it more. Do a half, like it's placed. The orange juice yeah, it would be like a berry. We'll see a lot of me cat called mimosas, but we actually just drink straight champagne, right, but if you mix that with your champagne it would give it a I could see this in the morning.

Speaker 1:

It wouldn't be so thick, it wouldn't call it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah well tell us yeah, but both of them are great beers all that great water, good, good, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And now which?

Speaker 2:

is trust me, try it or neither chomp both, both, yeah, both, but honestly, but chomp chomps around here, yeah so if you were to tell someone try one of these beers chomp chomp, yeah, chomp chomp's around here, yeah. So if you were to tell someone try one of these beers Chomp Chomp, yeah, chomp.

Speaker 1:

Chomp. Yeah, me too, if you can find this absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

I said try it, it's good. Trust me it's a good beer. That's why we got the Trust Me beer.

Speaker 1:

You could add anything to this, I think.

Speaker 2:

I think if I poured this and then put a strawberry on the side and then had it ready for my wife when she came down, right, she'd be like oh, you made me a, yeah, I made you a smoothie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she wouldn't even know.

Speaker 2:

No clue that you put alcohol in it no clue.

Speaker 1:

It's like those brownies that you put pot in and no one knows She'd be like Connie. Why am I falling over on the bed with my face on my pillow?

Speaker 2:

That's right, baby, it's the chomp chomp baby.

Speaker 1:

Happy Saturday, Chomp chomp.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, She'd be like doing any hole.

Speaker 1:

Any hole. Call me, bobby what my throat's a virgin still, I mean SSB, ssb, whatever motherfuckers.

Speaker 2:

So what is your another reason to drink this way, rick?

Speaker 1:

Drink. Hopefully we play golf. We play better golf all year long.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my another reason to drink is we're all three back together.

Speaker 1:

Boom, boom, boom. We got good beers tonight, good hamburgers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we actually did have great hamburgers, and if you want to find the recipe, look up Crack Burgers on TikTok.

Speaker 1:

Just real quick. I've never had it, I've never tried it, but sour cream while you're mixing up your burger, it's delicious. It's actually a good binder.

Speaker 2:

It does.

Speaker 1:

And we tried it out on a Blackstone Some sour cream, some cheddar cheese and bacon.

Speaker 2:

It was good, and half a pack of ranch dressing. I agree with Rick. Put some jalapenos in there, just pop it up, yeah. Fresh cut jalapenos.

Speaker 1:

Basically, by the time I got done it would be like a fucking. It's a whole new burger, it's a meatloaf patty. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's an orgasm burger. We got it for lunch tomorrow, Billy. Yeah, you guys do. My other reason to drink is it's been a great week. It's been going fast, especially when you have a Tuesday. Yeah, right, but you got laid Tuesday I did First time right.

Speaker 1:

I was so happy. Usually it's a Sunday, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Let me see when she does. No, never I was a virgin. My throat's still a virgin, so I'm happy about that, anyways.

Speaker 1:

Now he knows him.

Speaker 2:

Any last thoughts, guys? God bless you.

Speaker 1:

Don't drink and drive.

Speaker 2:

And God was crucified in Jerusalem. Be safe.

Speaker 1:

I told you no, he was found there. Jerusalem, jerusalem. No, he was found there.

Speaker 2:

He was dead there.

Speaker 1:

He's still found there.

Speaker 2:


Beer Tasting and Friendly Banter
Medical Procedures and Playful Banter
Road Trip Audiobook Experience
Milkshake Style IPA Tasting and Ratings
Tasting and Reviewing a Sweet Ale
Road Rage Stories
Random and Rambling Conversation
Reading Bible and World Cemeteries
Burgers, Beers, and Banter