Teachin' Books

2.8 Interview with Namrata Mitra / Teaching Postcolonial Literatures

Season 2 Episode 8

On today's episode, I'm chattin' with the fabulous Namrata Mitra, who is an Associate Professor at Iona College in the Department of English. Her research areas are feminist philosophy, queer theory, and postcolonial studies. 

We talk about Namrata's Postcolonial Literatures courses, and we discuss a wide range of teaching-related topics, such as: how students' material conditions shape their learning, and in turn should shape our teaching; uncertainty as pedagogical method and practice, plus its possibilities and limitations; learning outcomes/objectives and the questions they raise; the matter of WHAT vs HOW we read in a postcolonial lit context; and more!

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The podcast music is by Dyalla Swain and the graphics are by @muskrathands.

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 **The transcript for this episode, once available , will be here.**

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