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Introducing Comments Section! Share Your Thoughts, Feedback or Shoutout

Crimson Education

Hey there!

Have you ever thought that podcasts are great and all but where's the comments section?!

Well, we're doing an audio version!

Send your comment for me to read out or you can send an audio clip to me at my email address or on Twitter. This could be your thoughts on previous episodes, shoutouts to the guests you loved hearing from, questions you have or even a suggestion for future episodes.

Quick guidelines:

  • One comment per person (for now at least) 
  • Please keep your audio clips under a minute and text under 50 words
  •  If you have a comment about a particular episode, please include the episode title or number
  •  Include a quick introduction of yourself (optional)
  • I will filter out any messages that are potentially offensive or if the audio quality is terrible

If we get enough comments, the very first Comments Section episode will be out soon!