A Cuppa with The Con Versationalist

A Cuppa with Dr Lurve, Australia's Leading Love and Relationship Expert

May 21, 2021 Con Koutsikas Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode of 'A Cuppa with The Con Versationalist', I get under the covers  (metaphorically speaking of course!)   with Australia's Leading Love and Relationship Expert, Dr Lurve. 

In this fun filled, jam packed  episode Dr Lurve  gave a really interesting approach on how to re-invigorate a stagnant relationship and get the action back in the bedroom.  Definitely not something I saw coming!

Social media and technology are here to stay.  Dr Lurve gave us her thoughts regards its use  in the current dating scene and also the impact on your existing relationship.  Some very interesting revelations.

Are you single again?  Divorce, death of your partner or just calling it quits from a long term relationship.  When IS the right time to get back in the dating game?

For these and more, listen in and subscribe to make sure you don't miss any episodes.

For regular Love and Relationship advice, follow Dr Lurve on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LurveDr

and for more about my Speaking and Communication Training and Workshops, including loads of free resources to help you become a better speaker and communicator,  follow me at  https://www.facebook.com/theconkoutsikas or visit my website at conkoutsikas.com