The 21st Century Change Agent

E2: Molly Watt - Accessibility For All

Baiba Ziga Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome to this episode everyone and thank you for tuning in! The topic of today's episode is disability and accessibility. 

I wanted to have a conversation on this topic early on on my podcast, for two reasons. First of all, it is a very personal subject to me, which you will hear more about as you continue to listen; and, secondly, having been in the business world, I know that this is one of those taboo subjects that has a lot of stigma associated with it, and many leaders including HR leaders still find this a very uncomfortable topic to cover. I have witnesses all sorts of awkward conversations, moments of silence, ignorance and also some truly inspirational moments. However they are too far and few. 

On today's episode I am having a bold and open conversation with Molly Watt who has experienced every barrier that comes with the Usher syndrome that she was diagnosed with as a child that left her both deaf and blind. 

Molly is a usability and accessibility consultant in Sigma’s experience design team. A keynote speaker, Molly divides her time between inspiring people to consider inclusion in their everyday jobs and working as a consultant, for her own company, for Sigma and for the Molly Watt Trust, her charity. Molly has a condition called Usher Syndrome, which causes deafblindness and has no cure.

Molly is a motivational speaker, author and illustrator of 2 children's books and avid blogger. She is an advocate and ambassador of both GN Resound and Sense, a national deafblind charity in the UK. Using her negative experiences to make a positive difference to others, Molly is proud to have spoken at the Houses of Parliament, Harvard Medical School, Apple Campus, Camp Digital, the BBC, the NHS and for private audiologists around the UK. Her passion is accessibility and the use of assistive technology to enable and enhance the lives of people living with life-changing conditions.

Please share this conversation and let me know your thoughts and feelings by rating this podcast or using #changeagentpodcast on Twitter.

Thank you for listening!

You can follow and reach out to Molly via:
Twitter: @MollyWattTalks and @mollywatttrust
Charity website:

Get in touch with me via:
Twitter: @BaibaZiga and @Consulting_LHC
LinkedIn: Baiba Ziga