The 21st Century Change Agent

E4: Michael Levitt - Schedule Your Wellbeing!

Baiba Ziga Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome to this podcast episode on burnout!

Mental health in the UK in more prevalent today than ever before. Heavy workloads and deadline pressures are a fact of working life. We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed or stretched. However when relentless stress pushes you into a debilitating state. That most often leads to burnout. And that is not something that affects just someone's performance and wellbeing but also the one of their teams' and organisation's. 

According to statistics, in 2020 of British Adults in Employment, a staggering 79% commonly experience work related stress which is 20% higher that reported in 2018. 

Over 50% of working days lost are reported due to stress, depression or anxiety. 

One of the biggest developments in the business world has been the World Health Organisation recognising burnout as an occupational phenomenon. They define burnout as "a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive or prolonged stress that can leave people feeling exhausted and unable to cope with the demands of life."

What is the responsibility of an organisation and what is our individual responsibility to manage and prevent burnout? I shall explore that with my today's guest Michael Levitt. 

Michael is the Founder and Chief Burnout Officer at Breakfast Leadership Network in Toronto Canada, where he consults organisations on creating a burnout free working environment.  

Please share this conversation and let me know your thoughts and feelings by rating this podcast or using #changeagentpodcast on Twitter.

Thank you for listening!

You can follow and reach out to Michael via:
Twitter: @levittmike and @bfastleadership

Get in touch with me via:
Twitter: @BaibaZiga and @Consulting_LHC
LinkedIn: Baiba Ziga

Resources mentioned in the podcast: 
1) How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Petersen:

2) Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People: 

3) by Prof. Agnis Stibe: