The 21st Century Change Agent

E16: Celia Daniels - From Bathroom To Boardroom Pt2

Baiba Ziga Season 1 Episode 16

Thank you so much for tuning in for the second half of my conversation with Celia Daniels, a trans gender woman, an entrepreneur, speaker and a global human and trans rights activist. This is a special episode as part of the LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK and the upcoming International Women's Day.

**WARNING: some of the content covered some people might find upsetting and trigger trauma, as we will touch on such elements as sexual harassment and self harm. If you do experience any of these, please seek help in one of the following organisations:

For the UK listeners: | 0300 330 0630 | Tel: 116 123 | 0300 304 7000

For the US listeners: | 1-800-985-5990 | 1-800-273-8255

The word “transgender” – or trans – is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity is different from the sex assigned to them at birth. Although the word “transgender” and our modern definition of it only came into use in the late 20th century, people who would fit under this definition have existed in every culture throughout recorded history.

The trans community is incredibly diverse. Some trans people identify as trans men or trans women, while others may describe themselves as non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, agender, bigender or other identities that reflect their unique personal experience. Some take hormones or have surgery and transition medically, while others may change pronouns and appearance and transition socially.

While trans people are increasingly visible in both popular culture and in daily life, they still face severe discrimination, stigma and systemic inequality. Some of the specific issues facing the trans community are: lack of legal protection, poverty, stigma and discrimination, violence, lack of healthcare coverage and others. 

This is an important story to be told and heard as part of the LGBTQ+ History Month, the upcoming International Women's Day and as part of every day conversations, as these conversations need to be normalised. 

On this episode you will hear:

1) Third Gender recognition - is that the ultimate goal?
2) Do LGBTQ+ Youth need to be protected from themselves?
3) The societal gender norms and language we use
4) Corporate D&I: Are you doing it for PR or social justice?
5) Being a trans ally

Liked the conversation? Let me know by rating & reviewing this podcast and engage in the conversation on Twitter by using #changeagentpodcast.

You can follow and reach out to Celia via:
LinkedIn/Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: celiasandaniels

Get in touch with Baiba via:
Twitter: @BaibaZiga and @Consulting_LHC
LinkedIn & Instagram: Baiba Ziga
Website: (subscribe to a weekly newsletter with handpicked articles, podcasts, videos and books)

Baiba is a People and Culture Transformation Consultant, with a mission to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces through building cultural intelligence and better equipping organisations and their leaders. Get in touch with Baiba to talk about how she can help your organisation with cultural intelligence and leadership development on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion topics.