The Closer To Venus Podcast

#150 Reiki and Energy Healing with Rev Dr. Tracy Cox

December 02, 2023 Johnny Burke/ Dr Tracy Cox Episode 150
#150 Reiki and Energy Healing with Rev Dr. Tracy Cox
The Closer To Venus Podcast
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The Closer To Venus Podcast
#150 Reiki and Energy Healing with Rev Dr. Tracy Cox
Dec 02, 2023 Episode 150
Johnny Burke/ Dr Tracy Cox

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In episode #150, our guest is Reverend Dr. Tracy Cox,  she is a Doctor of Divinity,Licensed Clergy, Spiritual Coach and Reiki Master Teacher.  She is also a near death experiencer. In her first episode, we talked about this experience and the impact that it had on her life. Today we will be talking about using Reiki and energy healing to heal the world” What we observed:

  • Spiritualist/metaphysical churches are open to all faiths
  • She saw family members who had passed during her NDE
  • Many of the pioneers of the spiritualist church were women
  • The difference between level one and level two Reiki
  • The objective of reiki is to flood the area with the energy for the highest good of all concerned
  • It’s possible to have spontaneous, psychic openings just from getting their reiki training and attunements 

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Black Box Traders

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In episode #150, our guest is Reverend Dr. Tracy Cox,  she is a Doctor of Divinity,Licensed Clergy, Spiritual Coach and Reiki Master Teacher.  She is also a near death experiencer. In her first episode, we talked about this experience and the impact that it had on her life. Today we will be talking about using Reiki and energy healing to heal the world” What we observed:

  • Spiritualist/metaphysical churches are open to all faiths
  • She saw family members who had passed during her NDE
  • Many of the pioneers of the spiritualist church were women
  • The difference between level one and level two Reiki
  • The objective of reiki is to flood the area with the energy for the highest good of all concerned
  • It’s possible to have spontaneous, psychic openings just from getting their reiki training and attunements 

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Music by
Black Box Traders


Johnny Burke: Welcome to Closer to Venus. I'm Johnny Burke, and today's guest is Reverend Dr. Tracy Cox. She is a Doctor of Divinity, licensed clergy spiritual coach and Reiki master teacher. She's also a near death experience survivor. And her first episode here on Closer to Venus we talked about this experience and the impact it had on our life, and today we'll be talking about using reiki and energy healing to heal the world. Tracy, welcome back to the program. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Thank you. Thank you for having me, Johnny. 

Johnny Burke: So, reiki, energy healing, these are things that are not typically associated with members of the clergy. tell us how did that happen? 

 Dr. Tracy Cox: Sure. Well, basically the way that I came at it is, from an angle. You know, sometimes divinity comes straight down at you. Sometimes it comes in on an angle you just got to watch for, for the way that it, enters your life. For me, I was always a very spiritual child, but the kind of spirituality that I followed was more, the denomination of spiritualism and the denomination that I represent here in Canada is the metaphysical denomination. 

 In some countries it's called spiritualism, sometimes metaphysical, but we are all open to all faiths. So we believe that spirituality comes through as individual as a fingerprint. The way it comes through to you is going to be completely different than the way it comes through to me. reiki, it means universal life force. I. Once again, that goes around to a yogic training, which is, they call it prana, and Qigong, they call it Chi. it's just the electricity that runs your body essentially and goes out into the universe and can be measured 

We were talking about some of the science behind it, and I brought this really great book for any spiritual seeker. It's called Why Woo Woo Works. Have you read that? This one?  

 Johnny Burke: No 

Dr. Tracy Cox: great, and it's by Dr. David Hamilton, PhD. So he's a scientist and he came into spirituality from the science end of it, and he's got all the scientific reports showing that these things all do work to change people's energy to the positive as opposed to the negative. 

There's rules like everything else. The way that you do these things has to be done in a, an educated way, but it can change people's lives. You know, even things like practical prayer that we do in metaphysics or in the spiritualist movement, have been scientifically studied and shown that they do work. 

 You know, it seems to be a hard sell for some people. 

Johnny Burke: It is. I think we're seeing more of that evidence. So you, you are a metaphysical minister in the church you practice in is, it's not like the typical, say, Catholic church,  

Dr. Tracy Cox: not at all. Even though I went to Catholic Girls school, and I learned lots of practical prayer and, different things from the, the nuns. And, the way that Catholicism works, there is a lot of the mysticism it. 

once again, spiritualists metaphysical, we take the mysticism part of, all religions really we're open to, we are inclusive of all faiths, because it all comes down to one truth, and that's that God is one. We are one. Everything is oneness. We're all running off that universal life force, that cosmic energy, the electricity that runs your body, you know, whatever you want to call it. We all know that n alive body is animated by this electricity and when someone's passed away, that is not in there any longer. 

So. Where does that go? A lot of people will ask, well, what happens? And for me, I like to explain it as, I feel that it's like the body is the car and the [00:04:00] spirit is the driver. And eventually that car is going to be junked. It's just going to be too old, right? It's not going to be able to run on the road any longer. And you know, as humans, we hope it's. Close to a hundred years old. Yeah. 

And, but we don't know what happens after that. We do know that we go on and as we were talking about before, being somebody that experienced a near death experience where I was out of my body spiritually, but still knew who I was. It wasn't like I came out and all of a sudden, I was a gaseous ball of light. I was still me and very aware of what was going on. And I do believe that that's what happens as we cross over to the other side. And I believe eventually you're going to see that your loved ones that are waiting for you, you know, because I have seen, people in my family that have passed over, I believe we're in heaven right now, and there's something about our body that causes us to not be able to see, you know, the other spirits that are here, whatever is around us. Because I think that it would be very confusing and part of our earth journey is to not know too much about that stuff, right?  

Johnny Burke: Right  

 ]Dr. Tracy Cox: kind of the remembering process of getting back to being spiritual is part of the earth journey,  

Johnny Burke: You had mentioned a couple things. let's start with the mysticism first. which I think is interesting because you are a metaphysical minister. You're not the typical, member of the Catholic church. And I'm not trying to beat  

anyone up here, but whenever we talk about anything that deals with energy, energy healing, reiki and that type of thing, shamanism will eventually come up because I think shamanism is the root of all that. What I've come to discover is that based on the testimony of various speakers that have been on the show, they seem to think that the mysticism and the shamanistic past of our culture has been suppressed by the Catholic Church for not centuries, millennia. You agree? 

Dr. Tracy Cox: I don't think it's just the Catholic church and I don't think it's all of the Catholic church. I think what happens is that you get certain power-hungry individuals in any religion, in any corporation, in any government, in anything that people can get hooks into, they will. 

So I won't call out the Catholic church because there's a lot of good people too. What I do feel is that there's a lot of people in religion that are trying to be middleman and they are trying to extract a fee for you to talk to God. And for me as a clergy in the metaphysical denomination I want to work with you one-on-one so that you can talk to God, so that you can talk to your angels and you never need me again because it's supposed to be a personal relationship with God or if it's Reiki, universal life force, you don't need a gate keeper. And I think people that set themselves up as gatekeepers to extract a fee and to,control people are wicked. And I think that's what you're talking about. So I think those people are in any religions and any government.

Johnny Burke: Right, I was using the church as a simple example that most  
people can relateto. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah. But I'll throw some more in the mix there and say there's a lot of people like that period. And I think we're suffering a lot of countries, we're suffering under people like that, that are, trying to get extract a fee, however they do it. And we don't need to get into who or what, but people know what I'm talking about. And I think it's something that needs to be changed, and I think we can change that with everybody pulling together, letting people have their differences, but realizing that we are all children of God, we're all beautiful and we all have different ways of accessing that divinity and yours is going to be different than mine. That doesn't mean you're wrong and I'm right. And there's a lot of the fundamentalist religions too that's like, has to be this way. If not, you know, you're going to hell. And it's like, that's absolutely not true. Once again, it's trying to be a middleman and extract a fee. Because what they're trying to do is get more people into their denomination. right? 

Johnny Burke: Before we start talking about reiki and energy healing, a little bit more in depth, what exactly was it about the metaphysical church or spiritualism or the spiritualist church that made you want to take that path as opposed to the typical,  

 Dr. Tracy Cox: well, obviously within the Catholic faith I couldn't even be a minister, so how is that going to help me? Right. So. So right there, yeah. You have to find a denomination that's going to accept you as a woman. What a concept. Right. the spiritualist church and the metaphysical church, a lot of the pioneers were women. 

Even if you look at, Christian Science, which is basically a mystical Christianity, it was a woman, Mary Baker, Eddie, right? Like there's a lot of women in the back, ground and in the foundation of the spiritualist church, the metaphysical church. So I was more drawn to that way. The other thing is we were talking before. 

I've always had kind of a connection to God, but also the spirit world too. So I could feel spirits, I could see things, even as a young child. And then when I was 18, I had that near death experience. And of course that opened that wide open, blasted it right open. That’s kind of always been my background. The whole way that I've operated, I've known there's much more than just what we see here, 

Johnny Burke: I agree, and I think that the near-death experience was, a pretty impactful experience, to say the least. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah.  

Johnny Burke: Yeah. 

And it's very hard for us that have never had that experience to try and get our heads around it because I don't know how many times I've heard of these accounts that I'm trying to figure out what is it like to see colors that don't exist here on earth.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah, that's what I want to say. That's the thing that really stuck with me is because I wear glasses and I really do need them. I'm pretty, it's pretty blurry otherwise. And the first thing I noticed was that I didn't need my glasses. I didn't have my glasses on and everything was perfect and so sharp, and then the colors were super saturated and not the way you see them normally. There was a depth and there was also like almost a, vibration to it, you know what I mean? Like when they talk about colors and fractals and things like that. It was kind of along those lines, very alive and then almost like you could start to move towards or see through things. It's hard to describe. It's like you could move towards time and space by thinking about it. It's really hard to describe because it was a brief period too, but it was just so huge and, but what really stuck with me is that super saturation of the colors. Just nothing like here. Some kind of supernal. 

Johnny Burke: That's, that's what I've been told. And I would imagine this brought you a little bit closer to really understanding the energy and that whole world of reiki and maybe even seeing it. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: For sure. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Because there is a certain, like if you tune in and can see auras and everybody can, I could teach you, I could teach anybody to see auras if I had enough time. 

Johnny Burke: Okay.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: There's certain energy fountains in the body. And you know how they talk about chakras. So these different energy centers of the body, but they're energy fountains of the body that that turn this energy and your body, if you see in some of these bioelectric, scans that in this book, like these guys would be looking at, is there's a movement to the energy around your body too. It's like a fountain almost. 

if you've ever heard of a painter called Alex Gray. It’s called the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, and it's up in Wappinger Falls and New York State. And he has been a painter that's painted this kind of stuff that he's seen. And one of the ways that he started off as a painter was, he was painting anatomy for, I believe it was Harvard University for like medical. But seeing these things and these tests and the, and the energy himself starting to come to the forefront, he does paintings now with these energy fountains and the way that move. 

So we're becoming much more aware of the reality of this. So with reiki, it's been around since the 18 hundreds, but hands-on healing has been around since the dawn of time, like even the most staid Anglican church has a hands-on healing portion where the minister will come and put their hands on your shoulders. You know what I'm saying? It's all one, it is all the same thing. It's all the same energy. That's that universal life force, which is what Reiki in Japanese. It’s the same as the Holy Spirit. It's the same as some might call it source energy. 

The indigenous people here in Canada, they talk about the creator a lot. They're quite devout. Like they talk about God a lot. I did a sweat lodge up at one of the reserves and that was a trip. the shamanism there is so powerful. It'll just knock your socks right off. Like [00:13:00] in the sweat lodge there were manifestations of like birds. there were manifestations of a toad came up out of the fire that everybody saw it was just yes, everybody saw this, Yeah. It was freaky. Beautiful. So powerful. so this energy is all around. We work with it every day. This is the energy that makes you stand up and walk into the kitchen and go get a coffee. Right. It's all the same energy. It is bioelectric what we're working with.  

Johnny Burke: And you believe, these energies can help us develop psychic abilities, which. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: For sure.



Johnny Burke: Just about every speaker tells me we all have them. It's just that some people had them a little bit closer to the surface than others. how exactly does that work? 

Dr. Tracy Cox: what I feel is that we are all psychic. I feel that gut instincts and intuition, we've all got that. I have an example of that. A lot of the time what'll happen is they, you go to the grocery  store and you go, oh, I should get some cream. And then you're like, oh no, no, we got some at home. And you get home and find out that somebody drank it all and that you needed to get it. It's always correct, but you'll second guess it with your conscious, rational mind. So the thing is, is to almost, begin to honor it more. The second that you get that gut instinct go, I really should do that. Just do it. 

And what I do with my clients, in spiritual coaching, one of the things that I do, and I talk about it in that new course that I've got coming out, about practical prayer and, it’s to write down every time you have that gut instinct or intuition and write down what you did about it. Did you go against it or did you do it? And you'll find after you keep track of that for a while, that every time you said, okay, I'm going to do it. You were correct every time you went. Oh. You know, I'm not going to do that. It's like, oh, you're kicking yourself. And it just becomes so apparent that you are actually very psychic and intuitive. You just push it down every day. Right, because it's not logical.  

Johnny Burke: But it's not at the level where anyone could just read someone's energy. You know, I've had loads of people come on and they can basically tell if they have motives that are not of her best interest. I don't like to use the word evil, but if they're bad people. For instance, I had a girl, I think 26 or 27. And when she was about 12, there was a contractor that came to their house talking to her mom about doing some work. And she immediately thought, this is not a good guy. And she told her mom about this, and she was scolded. Long story made short, her instincts were completely on point; He was trying to scam them or something like that. But, I don't think everyone has that ability, do they? 

Dr. Tracy Cox: No. I don't think everybody feels it. Just like they were saying scientifically last week, they made a discovery that not everybody has an internal dialogue. They said half the people in the world don't have an internal dialogue going on as they walk around. I'm like, how can you not have an internal dialogue? How do you not? And that's the next thing, right? You're not turning things over in your head, but maybe it's connected to something like that. I don't know. for me it's always been turned onto 11. I've always been on high alert. Like I said, we talked about that conversation about my principal winding up in jail for being evil and I knew as a kid there was something wrong with him. Yeah.  

Johnny Burke: That's exactly what I was talking about. I should have brought up your experience because you were right on the money with that. But again, no one believed you at first. They thought you were just some crazy kid.

Dr. Tracy Cox:   No, and I got tortured for it. No. He called me in and he called my mom in and said, "okay, so why is your daughter always playing with the boys?" I. I was seven years old, why wouldn't I play with the boys? We'd play snowballs or whatever, do you know what I mean? But he just was at me from the time that I was going, why do you always want the boys down there? Like, little did I know, the whole thing came out. But I was just, the panic button was going on in my gut, I couldn't sit on it. I had to say something.  

I've got a friend, that's another psychic. And she does a lot of readings, and a lot of her stuff can be heavy, like finding people that have disappeared, things like that. And she calls it psychic tourettes. So it's like as soon as somebody's bad, She just can't hold it back. Right? So people will dislike you if you can't control it. And she can't. She doesn't care either. She'll just go for it. But it's much stronger for some people than others for sure. I think everybody can train it into themselves.  

Johnny Burke: So how did they do that then?  

Dr. Tracy Cox: for me, I would teach them reiki because the thing with reiki is that it opens up all those chakras. It balances everything so that you begin to feel the energy. I've had a lot of my students get like spontaneous, psychic openings just from getting their] reiki training and attunements because it just clears everything out and they can see clearly with it. 

Johnny Burke: Okay.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: That's the easiest way I find, and then there's many exercises you can do too. The thing about reiki is that it's going to protect you as well because of the fact that you're always doing yourself healing every day. You're balancing all your chakras, or you should be, anybody that does reiki should be doing it every day. It just keeps you so that you're very finely tuned so that you can pick up anything that's weird or good too. It's not always bad stuff that we pick up on. It's, it's when things are going well and the direction they should go in,  

Johnny Burke: And you had listed some practical uses for Reiki, some of them were a little surprising- buying or selling real estate and job searches.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah. It's powerful for that. one of the things about reiki is that it is very practical like level one is just so that you can work on yourself and your family. You're not going to be working on clients, and you're not going to be sending Reiki by distance through time and space. That's for level two, so that's the difference between one and two. When you learn level two, you can send reiki through distance, time, and space. So what I'm all about is always practical use of spiritual gifts. So that's why I wrote this last course about practical prayer. 

That's why I'm a Reiki master teacher, and this is why I write, articles for Reiki Rays and Universal Life Magazine, is because I can teach people how to use it for your day to day. So let's say you were talking about real estate. 

Johnny Burke: Or looking for a job.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah, so for real estate, there's so many issues come up along the way. You're dealing with many people, and they have different motivations. You have different motivations for getting rid of the real estate a lot of the time. A lot of the time it's something sad, like you've lost your job or it's too much money or somebody's died. so when you send reiki to it, you kind of clear up all of that energy so that it's not so hard to describe, muddy. It's like you're dragging through it. It's not Nobody’s coming. So when I work on somebody's, real estate, like a client will ask me, can you help me with this situation? So what I do is I send the reiki to the entire situation. So I send the reiki to the client, to the piece of real estate and to, the agents and everything that's surrounding it so that it can just blast through there and be a force for good, a force for positivity. Get rid of all the negative energy that's attached to it, essentially.And you can do that with reiki. 

 Johnny Burke: In that case, does that foster a most beneficial outcome for all involved ? 

 Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah. So the way that you end reiki is always for the highest good of all concerned. Always, and that's the thing to remember with energy healing, is that to work, it's a thy will be done kind of thing. It's essentially leaving it to the reiki to flood the area with the energy for the highest good of all concerned. We don't know what that's going to look like.  We don't know who the person is that's going to come and buy that real estate. We don’t know what the price is. We just know that it's for the highest good of all concerned. That way you send the energy out so that it's clean. Do you know what I mean? If you're trying to do something through force of will, maybe you're trying to get too much money out of somebody. What we're trying to do with the Reiki is make it perfect and fair for everybody, right? And smooth. Smooth is the way peace and and happiness is the way, right?  

Johnny Burke: Hopefully ,yes.  

 Dr. Tracy Cox: There's a few weirdos around, but,  

Johnny Burke: More than a few-  

Dr. Tracy Cox: we don't need to worry about them.

Johnny Burke: Right. So in, in other words, there are practical uses for reiki and energy healing. You can use it for just about anything that you're trying to accomplish. But as you mentioned, it helps if you're thinking about what's the greatest good for all involved.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: You think that with everything, like even with doing healing on your body, you think for the highest good of all concerned so that you're not messing with anybody's karma, you're not. It's always clean. The energy is always clean. That's the whole point about reiki, is that you're kept protected and you're protecting everybody else too.  

Johnny Burke: Okay. So if we all, if we all do that, we can actually create a lot of good for everyone, 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. So one of the things that I do with my Reiki students, and I've written a lot of articles about this too, is the fact that if we just send good energy, and I mean, if you know Reiki, you could send reiki. If you pray, you can send prayers. There’s a million different energy healing techniques, a million different ways of sending positive energy. They all work, and that's to just send it to every single human being on earth. I'm talking to everybody. 100% of everybody.  

The problem with the world today is that everybody's sorted out one way or another way. You're this or you're that, we just want to get along now, people that are in reiki, we're sick of all this fighting. We just want peace. I don't understand how people that have so much on the ball in the world are so stupid in other ways. They're just wasting time and they're ruining people's lives by being negative, by fighting, by dividing. At this point in humanity's, evolution, it shouldn't even be allowed for there to be war. It's funny because we watch Star Trek a lot, my family and I ,like we're Trekkies, right? They’re always talking about that, how they're trying to make it so there's peace with everybody and it's just so hard. Like eventually they got it on Earth and Star Trek, but now they have to worry about the galaxy, right.? And there's a whole bunch of negative people out there. 

Johnny Burke: Out, in the galaxy? you're talking about star beings, things like that. That’s probably a whole other discussion, since you brought it up, have you had any contact with, let's say, non-human beings?  

[Dr. Tracy Cox: My son and I have seen a UFO once and it actually was recorded as a well-known UFO sighting here in our area, and we're in King Ontario, which is  kind of just north of Toronto. We're kind of in the country just a little bit outside of town it might have been about 12 years ago or 13 years ago, and he called me to look out his bedroom window and we looked and saw down the valley and there was these five amber lights in the sky and they would move in like, It's hard to describe. Never seen anything like that before. Moved in a very strange way and they would do formations, then fall out and then regroup, formations, do something, and then fall out. And everybody was calling the cops like, what's going on? It was well known phenomenon the area. And it went on for a long time too. I believed in aliens before that of course but, seeing that I was like, okay. Now I really believe. And now you know, we see that it's all coming out.  

Johnny Burke: apparently  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Is it though?  

Johnny Burke: I don't know about all of it.

Dr. Tracy Cox: I don't believe anything anyone says 

Johnny Burke: believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear. But in terms of reading energy and being, because you're obviously a bit more sensitive than the average person. Have you ever been able to sense energy that you think might not be of this earth? 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Just in that time. I have seen angels a couple times and, oh, of this earth because when we say that the universal life force is the same thing as the source is the same thing as the Holy Spirit, it's like it is everywhere. It is what runs the show. So if people think that heaven is something out there, no, we're standing in heaven right now. It's just something about this meat bag that we drive around makes it so we can't see. And I think it's, we probably would lose our minds if we looked into the spirit world the whole time. I think we might lose our minds. So this way at least we can keep it together. 

Johnny Burke: okay, that brings up a very good point. All that is right here. Heaven is not up in the sky someplace. we're sitting in it.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Standing in it now. Yes. 

Johnny Burke: Are we on a different frequency where we're not able to see it, whereas mediums, clairvoyants and that lot are able to tune into it?  

Dr. Tracy Cox:  I think everybody can, if you train yourself, it just takes time. It's so close to us. Everybody dreams and I do believe that a lot of the time when dreams come through to you, you are experiencing the spirit world. It's just, you don't know it. Your spirit is in the spirit world. It's still functioning within the spirit world. It's just functioning here too. It's just, it's covered in a meat bag. It's driving a meat bag around. No better way to put it. There's something about this body that stops us from seeing everything,  

Johnny Burke: I'm not going to be able to get that description out of my head for a while; meat bag.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah. Well that's from Futurama.  

Johnny Burke: Okay.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: What Bender calls us.  

Johnny Burke: I think it's also very interesting that you believe that heaven and the spirit world is all around us. It's not in a separate location. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: No. No, it's not.  

Johnny Burke: All right.  


Dr. Tracy Cox: Here right now. We're in it.  

Johnny Burke: Since Reiki and energy healing can be used for practical things, you also believe it can be used to heal the world raise our vibration, which  

Dr. Tracy Cox: absolutely.  

 Johnny Burke: everyone, is talking about. 

 Dr. Tracy Cox: Everyone. With the Reiki energy, if we were all sending Reiki to every single person on Earth, it's the same thing as thinking about if we all lived with love, thy neighbor. And every single person only was loving and helpful to the people around them and never hurt them, never took away from them, never did anything but build them up. If every single person on Earth lived like that, we would change the energy in the world like that. It would immediately be a paradise because you would have subdued the evil inclination. The kabbalists call it the evil inclination. It's something that we're always fighting here on. It’s just part of the struggle. And they believe that us fighting that struggle is what releases the light and where this fountain of energy comes from is that it's that duality.  

Johnny Burke: The duality; I was just about to bring that up. So just to kind of circle back to the religion issue, they're in the religious texts of, you know, different denominations and cultures. There are a lot of really important things like what you just mentioned about them, the kabbalists is really important and that that's grounded in something that's very true. But at the same time, a lot of these works, a lot of these documents have things that are altered, or they've been infected by ulterior motives and agendas and things  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Sure. Water down for consumption, whatever it is. Yeah. Yep, it does. It does. And that's what I was talking about before, how wrong I think it is for people to insert themselves as the middleman.  

Johnny Burke: I agree. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Right. You can only talk to God through me. That's just wrong. anybody can talk to God the second that they decide to talk to God. [00:29:00] It's just what I do is teach people to pra or do reiki. They can do it if they're more secular. Like I said, everybody's, spirituality is as individuals a fingerprint, and we all have different ways of accessing God. for some people, it's listening to the Beatles, right?  

Johnny Burke: Or Duran Duran.  

 Dr. Tracy Cox: Whatever it is. there's no judging and there's nothing wrong with that. My whole point is that I just want people to talk to God. because if we all talk to God and said, God, help us out here, you know, please show me what to do. The biggest thing to remember is that if anything goes wrong. Please God, help me show me what you want me to do. Just ask. You know, and you will see, but you have to ask first.  

Johnny Burke: Speaking of asking, this is a difficult question. What or who is God? Everyone wants to know that. What is it? Who is it? 

Dr. Tracy Cox: I think that God comes through everybody in a different way. I think that we all, access God differently. To me it's a big sky Daddy with long flowing white hair and a beard. That’s mybig daddy, you know, that I talk to all the time. For somebody else, maybe it's a beautiful sunset and that they go every day and they give thanks and it could do, you know what I'm saying? It's always going to be something that's positive. It's always going to be something that's loving. It's always going to be something that's helpful. It's always going to be something that's building you up and not tearing you down. The way that you see evil is that it does the exact opposite, right? Scares people, tears them down, makes them fearful, makes them think they're less than. Those are all evil. Those are all the opponent. Those are all the negativities. So anything that you do that moves towards the positivity, that's going to be an expression of God. So it's different for everybody.  

Johnny Burke: Source.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: universal life force. Yeah.  

Johnny Burke: So might that explain, all the near death experiences where some people see Christ, some people see Buddha, some people see their grandmother or whatever. Whatever their culture has taught them to believe in or to worship. 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah. And I also think it's whatever their spirit really connects with too. Right? Like I think it's an automatic thing. It's not necessarily learned. Maybe they were just going back and remembering in this life, in the Kabbalah, there's a story that, when you're born, your guardian angel talks to you before they send you down. And tells you everything you're going to do and that you signed up for this, he's going to be there to watch over you, but you know it's going to be rough. Get ready, but you signed up for this. And the last thing that they do is strike a blow here. And that's where you have those two lines. That's your guardian angel hits you like that, and you forget everything. And then you go down and you're born. And living as a human is that slow remembrance of all those things. I. But you come into this life forgetting that and I think that's the hard part.

Johnny Burke: But do you think coming into this life, part of the task is remembering who we are, remembering our divinity that we are spiritual beings having a human experience?  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yes, I do. I think that's part of the spiritual journey of a human being. Not everybody gets there, of course.  

Johnny Burke: No, they don't.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Not at all. Unfortunately what I see, and I think it's sad, is that a lot of people won't believe in reiki or they won't believe in prayer or none of this, right? they want to get everybody to their side where everything sucks, works, it's all terrible, right? You know, real rays of sunshine like that, but there's a lot of people like that. It’s really hard because it makes me sad for them that they're not more open. They're acting like a jilted boyfriend or girlfriend. Everything's terrible and everybody sucks and it's just such a low-level vibration. Do you know what I mean? And if they kind of got out of that ego thing, you know, going Well, I didn't get what I want, 

Spirituality is not getting what you want. It's creating your energy field so that you are positive enough to get the life that you want, the life that you deserve. The way that you act is a thing.  Somebody that's going to have the merit of being a person that's loyal and of their word, they're going to do better in this life. 

And it's not from any spiritual, you know, nothing religious because people know they can trust them and do business with them and not get screwed. Right. So it's, it's logical, but people don't quite understand. I think a lot of people get a chip on their shoulder when bad things happen, and I think that bad things happen to everybody. 

Johnny Burke: They do. I wanted to go back to what you mentioned about the Kabbalah, where the story is the guardian angel tells us before we come down to earth what we're supposed to be doing here. Then they touch us and then we forget. Right. what you described sounds very similar to what's known as a life between life space, In between incarnations. 

 Dr. Tracy Cox: Sure. Yes, absolutely. Yeah. Where you just kind of hang around and watch what's going on. You're in the spirit world. But I think that a lot of the time they're watching what’s going on in the material world. They probably have other people in their circle of souls that they hang around. Maybe they can be a guide for somebody else. we don't know. There's layers upon layers of this stuff, and I think until we're in the spirit world, we won't know. I think it's part of this thing, this not knowing that it constructs the pillar of faith and the pillar of faith is part of what you need to manifest in the material world. It's just part of what  
you need.  It's hard. It's one of the hardest things to do, but it's huge. 

Johnny Burke: Speaking of faith, and not to be confused with the faith that many of us are taught to believe in a fearful God and all of that fundamentalist crap ..


Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah. Terrible.  

Johnny Burke: Yeah, it actually really is because as you just mentioned, fear is one of the lowest vibrations. And if we’re talking about raising our vibration, that’s going in the wrong direction, isn't it? 

Dr. Tracy Cox: Absolutely. Yeah. That's why there's been so much fear fed to us in the media and we don't have to talk whatever, right? We all know it. So much fear fed to us that makes us weak. And then they run rough shot over us and then everybody sits around and goes, what happened? And it's like, well, you didn't participate in your community because you were fearful and didn't speak up. You know? And there's a lot of that going on right now. I think that fear causes people to be paralyzed and not live their lives and I think it's sad. 

Johnny Burke: So other than everyone sending rays of love and reiki and energy to all human beings, that's a tall order. I don't want to sound skeptical, but it's a tall order. What else do we need to know on a practical level that even the most skeptical person can say, you know, okay, I'll try this. I can do this once every day for a minute. What is it?  

Dr. Tracy Cox: that's a very good question because all these things take a little bit of determination, a little bit of education. Yes, for sure. I think that the easiest thing is to love thy neighbor. Use the golden rule. Okay, let's go secular, the golden rule: treat people as you would like to be treated. Can you imagine if everybody in the world treated everybody as they'd like to be treated?  

Johnny Burke: I agree with that.  



Dr. Tracy Cox: So if everybody just started with that, that would be a quantum shift, I don't think there's many people that want to be treated badly.  


Dr. Tracy Cox: Unless they’re a total weirdo.  

Johnny Burke: You said it, not me.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: Yeah, we don't need to get into that. I think that it really boils down to the golden rule, which I know sounds ridiculous, but that's a pretty concrete thing to do. You don't have to be part of any religion. You don't have to be learning reiki or energy healing. It's a really important thing to remember that we've spent the last three years with a lot of governments, celebrities, whatever, trying to influence us one way or another. A lot of pressure that puts on us and I don't think a lot of people have been kind of stepping back and thinking and grounding within themselves, what do I believe? What is going on here? because people are confused and there's no real way to turn. A lot of it is just to get yourself centered so that you're operating in a way that's not out of panic. You know, so once again, Reiki is great for that. 

There's also an exercise that I teach my clients, and it's just, the power of three deep breaths. And what that is, is that anytime you feel yourself getting stressed, you take three deep breaths and when you take them in through your nose, you can think about the white light of healing. Think about your entire body filling up with white light and healing. Like think about yourself hollow and that through your nose, that beautiful white light of healing, filling up your body. And then as you exhale through your mouth, thinking about any fears, stress leaving your body like a shadow out. so in white light, exhale, negativity in a shadow three times.  

They've actually studied caregivers that look after people that have got Alzheimer's and dementia, and that is a very demanding job, difficult. Caregivers that do the three deep breaths. After a few days of doing it, even though they've got incredibly stressful days, they're finding that their, blood pressure's normalizing, their stress hormones are normalizing, like all the beautiful things that you want. And then they're able to deal with their clients who are people that have dementia. That can be very difficult and scary too. there's more of a connection. They're seeing them in a more, sympathetic way because of the fact that they've just done these three deep breath exercises. So, to be honest, that's the first thing that I would tell people to do. Just every time you get stressed out, take a beat, do three deep breaths, see how you feel. 

I get people to actually think about what caused you to need to do that three deep breaths, where was the stressor? And if you start doing that, looking at what it was, time of day, what was the situation, you'll start to see a pattern where you need to kind of make some changes, right? And so that's what I'm all about. I'm trying to get people to kind of ground themselves, center themselves to think rationally and without fear about everything because that's what's happened. They've fed us a lot of fear for the last three years. And once you're in that fear spiral, it's very negative and you can't think rationally either, It’s difficult.  

Johnny Burke: Good point.  

Dr. Tracy Cox: And that causes a lot of,bad decisions, shall we say.  

Johnny Burke: Good advice. I like the white light and the three deep breaths and just about everything else. Tracy, thanks so much for joining us today. Very good information, practical advice for our listeners. Speaking of which, how can our listeners find you online?
Dr. Tracy Cox: Okay, so my website is I've got links to my articles,different videos, I've done podcasts like yours. So let's get ourselves grounded, centered, and healed. And that's how we radiate that healing out to everybody.