The Closer To Venus Podcast

#152 Energy Healing with Bhavna Megh

December 16, 2023 Johnny Burke/Bhavna Megh Episode 152
#152 Energy Healing with Bhavna Megh
The Closer To Venus Podcast
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The Closer To Venus Podcast
#152 Energy Healing with Bhavna Megh
Dec 16, 2023 Episode 152
Johnny Burke/Bhavna Megh

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Our guest in episode #152  is Bhavna Megh,a Mindset and Energy Coach, and Founder of Stepping Into You. Her work combines her experience in human behavior ,wellness and energy medicine to help individuals, and businesses release what no longer serves them.Today we will discuss how we can use our mind and body to be in more alignment with who we are and what we desire. What we observed:

  • She explored Reiki as an alternative to medication
  • Energy healing has been in her family for several generations
  • Often people discover energy healing when trying to heal themselves
  • Why quantum entanglement may explain how “everything is connected”
  • Timeline therapy is used to guide someone into the past or the future
  •  Interaction with spirit guides
  • The concept of the merkaba
  • When we love more on the the hurt to release it  we open up the potential of who we are

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Black Box Traders

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Our guest in episode #152  is Bhavna Megh,a Mindset and Energy Coach, and Founder of Stepping Into You. Her work combines her experience in human behavior ,wellness and energy medicine to help individuals, and businesses release what no longer serves them.Today we will discuss how we can use our mind and body to be in more alignment with who we are and what we desire. What we observed:

  • She explored Reiki as an alternative to medication
  • Energy healing has been in her family for several generations
  • Often people discover energy healing when trying to heal themselves
  • Why quantum entanglement may explain how “everything is connected”
  • Timeline therapy is used to guide someone into the past or the future
  •  Interaction with spirit guides
  • The concept of the merkaba
  • When we love more on the the hurt to release it  we open up the potential of who we are

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Music by
Black Box Traders


Johnny Burke: Welcome to Closer to Venus. I'm Johnny Burke, and today's guest is Bhavna Megh, she is a mindset and energy coach and founder of Stepping Into You. Her work combines experience in human behavior, wellness and energy medicine to help individuals and their businesses release what no longer serves them. Today we'll discuss how we can use our mind and body to be more in alignment with who we are and what we desire. Bhavna, welcome to the program. 

Bhavna Megh: Thank you Johnny. Thanks for having me. 

Johnny Burke: So what made you want to become an energy coach? 

Bhavna Megh: , I've grown up with it, energy healing, but it was largely my own health and wellness journey that made me dive much, much more deeply into that. 

Johnny Burke: Okay. 

Bhavna Megh: Yeah, being able to heal my own body, and be well, be happy and healthy. 

Johnny Burke: And I've noticed that from other people that I've interviewed energy healers, shamans, and people that practice energy medicine, which I think is pretty much the same thing as energy healing. Many of them discovered that practice from either trying to heal themselves, or someone close to them. You find the same thing? 

Bhavna Megh: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Even more recently, I've met a few people in my community and same thing, they were wanting to do something different and actually be in wellness at a physical level or a mental level, in themselves, and that led them down that path. 

Johnny Burke: And often those people tried traditional methods, you know, going to the doctor and so on and. They turned to an alternative because the traditional method obviously didn't work. I hear that a lot. Energy medicine, for those of us that are not really familiar with it, what's the difference between that and energy healing? Or is it the same thing? 

Bhavna Megh: It's, for me, it's more or less the same thing in terms of topic. But I find energy medicine is much more expansive in terms of capturing what it is that we're doing, whereas energy healing feels sometimes for me, it's me doing something to somebody else and fixing them where it is actually, you know, opening up and helping and facilitating an individual to really tap into that own knowing capability themselves. So energy Medicine feels more expansive than energy healing. 

Johnny Burke: Now, were there any other influences that kind of inspired you to follow this path? Or did you just decide one day I'm going to try something different? 

 Bhavna Megh: Well, I've grown up with energy healing. My mom's a healer and when we were unwell as kids, myself and my siblings, she would do ritual chores with us to, to shift whatever was going on. We'd often see people coming just walk up at the front door and say, " oh, my child is sick, and can you help? or I'm not feeling well. Can you help? " So I've grown up with it. But when I was unwell as a teenager and was on heavy, heavy medication, it was when I got into my twenties that really, I thought to myself, I don't want to be on medication every single day for the rest of my life. There's got to be something else out there. I started exploring reiki as a modality, as an energy medicine. And then kind of everything avalanche or cascaded from there. 

Johnny Burke: Reiki is also another common denominator with intuitives. So is Reiki a modality of energy healing or is it something different?  

Bhavna Megh: I would call it a modality. So it's got its own structure and form. It's using symbols that have been established. So, when I look at the different modalities that I've worked with, they've got their own, I guess a thought form and an energy field around it in itself. And the frequencies that have been attuned into all of that is what you are able to gift and share with others as well as, , , tapping into source energy as well. So I personally would call it a modality. Other people may think differently. 

Johnny Burke: Since we're talking about frequencies and this practice has been in your family, and by the way, was that just one generation or is that tradition with your family, several generations old? 

Bhavna Megh: It is several generations. So I recently found out that it goes at least back to my great-granddad and great-uncle. My granddad learned from his great-uncle. His dad passed away when he was quite young, so he learned his practices, which are broader than the ones that my mum used to practice when we were little. So I'm really excited to be able to spend some time with him soon to dive into that information. But yeah, very generational. Not to take away from anyone that's learning it new and it, they haven't had it. But I think there's just this, this energy that kind of comes with that, the ancestral energy that's passed down with that as well, which is really beautiful. 

Johnny Burke: Well, the ancestral energy definitely conjures images and thoughts of shamanism. I've been told that energy healing and shamanism are very much related., but I think many of us get confused; is energy healing part of shamanism or shamanism part of energy healing?  

Bhavna Megh: yeah, good question. I would say there's a lot of similarities. My experience with Shamanism has been a lot of that working with nature. So a lot of shamans that I've, come across, work a lot with plant medicines which I love. I use essential oils and herbs and plants and have been part of my own wellness journey for such a long time. So it's being able to tap into that nature aspect, but not to discount the spiritual connection that they actually have.  

Johnny Burke: It's interesting to note that someone who has those kinds of tendencies that can become a shaman and has that potential can easily be, mistaken for someone who's got some kind of mental illness. 

Bhavna Megh: Yeah, absolutely. And I think it’s because we've been brought up with such a, a very, systemized approach to health, in the Western world, that spiritual aspect isn't necessarily part of health and wellbeing. It's not necessarily part of somebody being a whole human. When you go to a doctor, they're not necessarily looking at your body, mind, and spirit as a whole picture to support you in getting well. I see where individuals may be presenting what could be easily labeled as a mental health condition. My perspective on it is that they've experienced and are storing and holding some sort of emotional trauma. They're experiencing and holding some sort of energy that needs to be supported, moved, heard, for it to then be able to pass and for that person to be able to reset to a point of balance and come back into a state of balance and it feels just gentler to be honest. It feels when you, when you consider that the mind, body, and spirit is simply out of balance, when we're presenting different conditions, we are then taking a, a approach to bring it back into balance. We're not saying someone's sick, it's like we're just out of balance. Where are we out  of balance and let's explore what that where is. 

Johnny Burke: It seems like even though this practice is 30, 40,000 years old, if not older, it seems much more advanced than, let's say the, the Western model of medicine. Do you agree?   

Bhavna Megh: Yeah, absolutely. There's so much we don't know. There's so much in all of that. I hate calling it magic because it's not magic, and magic is only something that science hasn't proven yet, but we're also in a really wonderful place in time where technology , has shown so many advances that we are starting to be able to measure things. things likeall of the different quantum sciences, being able to demonstrate how connected everything is  

Johnny Burke: Everything is connected. Everything is energy.  

Bhavna Megh: Yeah. when you've had somebody in the energy medicine world saying, well, we're all connected. Everything's energy, we're all connected. And then 40 years later, quantum entanglement is proving that through tests. How wonderful. Because now the person that you were calling crazy before, it's like, oh, actually they were well beyond their years. They were well beyond time and space to be able to be doing that and being in the truth of that. 

Johnny Burke: You also discovered NLP in your studies, neurolinguistic programming. I'm interested to know how did you become interested in that and what impact has that had on your studies and on your path? 

Bhavna Megh: Yeah, so I, um, came across it when I was doing my master's study in human resource development. I was already working in the space of people development, behavioral development, and was doing my master's, study to be qualified in, to be able to then get other jobs to do what I was doing in that space. And one of the modules that I did was neurolinguistic programming, or actually I think it was a little segment inside a bigger module. And it just tickled me. It really piqued my curiosity. I've done a little bit of psychology in college and some self-study thereafter in between these two points. But NLP had interested me because we dived into a little bit of the use of language and how we can use language and really, really simple tools to be able to create shifts in state of being, create shifts in habits, create shifts in thoughts. 

So after that little introduction in my master’s I looked for and signed up then studied and became an NLP practitioner and did hypnotherapy along with it, to go even deeper into being able to access and communicate with the subconscious mind and create change there. 

Sometimes people wanted me to just hypnotize them when I was out at a therapeutic level to be able to support individuals to drop into things that they wanted to shift, and clear, traumas they were experiencing, stress that they were having and using NLP or both of those tools to support them in creating alignment to what they wanted to create in the future and the goals that they had and helping them to shift into states that were more aligned to that. 

Johnny Burke: Now in the NLP training, I was told that actually very recently that timeline therapy is part of the training. Is that true? 

Bhavna Megh: It is. So when I did my, training, I did it in the UK and timeline therapy for me was all part of the puzzle. I became aware when I moved to Australia timeline therapy was its own, almost like its own little bolt-on into NLP and hypnotherapy. For me, timeline therapy is being able to guide somebody either into the future or into the past.  

Johnny Burke: Into the future.  

Bhavna Megh: yeah. 

Johnny Burke: Into the future. 

Wow. Okay. I've heard a lot about the past lives, but, and actually the person that told me about timeline therapy did mention the future as well. So tell us more about that. 

Bhavna Megh: It is really powerful if you consider that the subconscious mind is only present. It's only present, and everything that you are experiencing, whether it's actually happening in your physical reality right now, or you're watching television, you are watching a show, you're listening to a podcast and you're having an emotional reaction. That's you experiencing something. It's your reality.  

So working with timeline therapy going into the future, we would say, for example, set a goal for in five years’ time or 10 years time, work with the individual or with myself to in 12 months’ time, what does it see, sound, sense, feel like ?And completely embody that state of being. What have I achieved in 12 months’ time? What have I completed? And feel into every aspect of that, noticing what's changed in reality, external reality as a result of the end of that 12 month, and then two years, three years, four years, and so on until the point of the goal. In doing that, you're creating a sensory experience for your subconscious and your subconscious is not distinguishing anything differently from past, present, and future. So it becomes your reality now. So whatever you're trying to create five years in the future, 10 years in the future, your body has already memorized it, putting you into alignment with now your conscious actions. So you've already experienced it to be real. So you could almost say that it's magnetizing it towards you because your body's kind of wondering, well, I already have that, so where is it? Like, let's, let's move faster, let's do some things. And, you know, you're drawing it into you and drawing it into your reality, so it's really powerful.  

Johnny Burke: And that's related to the law of attraction, isn’t it ?  

Bhavna Megh: Yeah.  

Johnny Burke: you'll experience what you expect, right? Experience it as if it's already done  

Bhavna Megh: Yeah, absolutely. The energy that you're putting out, the frequency you're putting out is the one that you're pulling back in.  

Johnny Burke: You've also done some channeling as well, and I believe you've channeled guides and what you described as other beings. Tell us how that began and what some of the experiences were. The ones that really stand out. 

Bhavna Megh: I guess when it's just happened, it's been frequencies, energies, groups that I've been communicating with to create and support balance. and then when I've had, I believe it was one of my spirit guides come in, and then this other energy come in and in my physical body, I felt the shift in change and, I remember it felt like an elder. 

I was doing some communication work with the indigenous elders here and it felt like one of them came in and my whole face felt like it shifted. My neck felt like it shifted. I was sitting cross-legged and I could feel the person within around me. And then at the same time, I feel like I feel there was my own spirit guide. So as that energy left, I feel like my own spirit guide decided to just jump in for a little bit of, a little bit of physical body time. It was an interesting experience. So again, that came with a bit of a shift and almost a change in my voice. 

So when I've done, I call it going into surrogation, it's connecting up with either another person's energy field or a collective's energy field. When I do that, which is much more of a conscious process for me, I feel the sensations of that other person, that being, that group within me. So I've been in Surrogation for example, the police force to try and do some gifting and loving and sharing some love and immediately I felt tightness around my neck and almost as if I was being punched in the gut over and over and over and over and over again. And I was like, oh, that's really interesting. Being choked at the neck. So not being able to speak, not being able to challenge, and certainly being punched in the gut has an essence of that with that particular point in the body with the chakras. Your own identity, your ego, and that more so not being allowed to be. and my experience with that kind of surrogation, I mean, I'm really going into surrogation to, bring in a loving energy. I love myself. I am powerful. I am a creator. It's safe. I'm safe. just to be able to share and infuse that into that collective energy. It's a pretty intense experience sometimes. and often when with particular individuals where, people will say, oh, they're a bad person. Oh, like, oh, just go and give them some love. 

Johnny Burke: It seems like there are parallels between channeling and a lot of the shamanistic rites, traditions or practices, would you agree? 

Bhavna Megh: Oh, definitely. Yeah, absolutely.  

Johnny Burke: When you mention encountering elders, I can't help but think that those elders might actually be in your bloodline. from maybe centuries or a couple generations back, did you ever get that feeling or 

Bhavna Megh: I've had an energy healer, a reiki practitioner, actually feel into when I was having a session with her, and this was quite some years ago, and she's had the vision of me as an elder with a group of women, talking about women's rights of passage. And at the end of it, before she shared it with me, she asked me if I had family in Australia. I said, not that I'm aware of. I've got a few relatives that have moved over, maybe on the west coast. but I've not as ancestrally, but I think ancestrally if you look at it from that quantum world, everything's connected. We're all connected. And I feel and know I'm a very, very old soul. So I think I will keep coming back for a little bit more punishment! 

Johnny Burke: Keep coming back, so that implies past lives. Do you have, any experience of your own or for that matter, past lives from maybe some of your clients? I. 

 Bhavna Megh: I can't say where I completely sit with past lives. I am aware that I've had many, and I feel that my soul is very, very, knowing, experienced, which would then indicate that it's lived many lives. I haven't felt or seen anything of my own. That I have been so certain that it was a different life of mine, except one occasion. And it felt like a future me though. I feel there's always been something with my abilities the parts of me that I already know to be connected. There's a lot with me and the future. And seeing the future. so this one particular life, and it was in a meditation I had and saw my feet. There were shoes and there were men's shoes. I was in trousers and I kind of pull myself out because I often get quite excited when I have a vision and drop back into the meditation. It's like, let's go back. So I went back into the meditation, and I could see myself, then I could feel then the standing up in this other body and moving and walking down this path. So that was a sensation, a very, very real sensation of me in another body, in a future life.    

Johnny Burke: Especially in a different gender as well. 

Bhavna Megh: Yeah. Yeah., and I've done some training where, when you're looking at the Merkaba as a pyramid when they're both up and down, so one's masculine, one's feminine, so each life is either going to be a feminine one or a masculine one. And then in a male body, female body, male, female, male female. 

So there's eight versions of you almost in this training that I did. which I didn't reject. It felt like a truth to me. We have the potential to come back in whatever shape or form we would like. My own religious upbringing taught that when somebody dies, they'll come back in the body of whatever animal, including humans, whatever animal represents the learning that needs to take place in their next lifetime. Part of the death rights, and rituals that we do in Hinduism, we place a plate of rice under the body, and it said that the footprints of the animal, that that person is going to come back as will be in the rice. I had an uncle pass away and his daughter-in-law looked at that plate and told me that there were bird footprints in there. 

I was not in the same spiritual place that I am now. That was, maybe 20 years ago. And I I couldn't quite figure out what would it mean if I looked and there were bird footprints in there? What would that do to my own reality? Is it easier for me to not look and pretend that she's lying, but what reason does she have to lie? 

Culturally we've been brought up with, we reincarnate and human is the opportunity for us to be able to ascend and go back, you know, return to source. Provided we learned all the lessons needed to learn. 

Johnny Burke: A moment ago you brought up the Merkaba which I believe goes back to ancient civilizations. So for those of us who don't know what it is, what is it and how did you discover that? 

 Bhavna Megh: I discovered it through, teachings by Drunvalo Melchizedek. So I did a couple of his programs, one online and one in person with, one of his trainers. and the merkaba is a geometric shape, when you look into the world of geometrics, don't take what I say as gospel, it's just my interpretation and understanding of it. But it is an energetic field that is placed that can be activated, the masculine and feminine pulling earth energy and sky energy, or universe energy to create a field around the body. All around a thing.  

So after I did my training, we learned and went through the process of activating the Merkaba around our own field, our own bodies. And really the most powerful way to do that is simply through intention, being able to drop completely into your heart and asking for it to activate. What it's doing is creating a. I feel a balancing, positive energy around your whole being  

Johnny Burke: Raising our vibration; we hear about this a lot. We know it's important, but why are we hearing so much about it now?  

Bhavna Megh: So I think the increase in the awareness of it, the message around it, the communication of it is a shift that's happening globally. so we are hearing more and more people talk about it. Why is it important? It's important from my perspective to be able to, as part of shifting and clearing what is and what a lot of people will call the shadow aspects of self, but really being able to love all aspects of ourselves. 

So when we are able to love and release the fear that we are carrying, whether that fear is anxiety, worry, hate, that has manifested into sickness of whatever kind, when we're able to love on that, we start to heal it and allow space for that to heal, which in turn does increase our own personal frequency. And as that collective frequency is increasing, people are becoming more and more aware it's one of those things where once it's come by you maybe once or twice it's almost the same principle as if you're going to buy a new car. You decide on a car that you think nobody else has really got, and then you go see it in the showroom, and then for the next few weeks or months, you see it everywhere.  
 We open up our awareness to raising frequency. We might have seen it in an ad on social media. We may have watched something, a communication or an interview. And it just slipped in and then we are more aware of it and it allows that information to come in even more until you are ready to explore it as an individual. Collectively I feel the frequency of everything on planet slowly shifting and changing. You can see old systems,patterns desperately holding onto what is known, simply by the fact that there's more and more of that being pushed out. It's often what happens on an individual level when you're trying to shift into a new state. Your body as it's memorized its way of being, it's habitualized this way of being. It'll put up resistances to creating the shift into the new state because this is memorized. This is easy, this is habit, and the current state is the path of least resistance to existing. 

When you change, it becomes uncomfortable, unknown, and your subconscious mind is wonderfully creative in getting you to stay in the way that you are right now. So we're experiencing that on a global level. We are experiencing the path of least resistance holding on as we are shifting collectively, into, into higher frequencies. There's conversations where people will say, it's not about saving anyone, or we need to save everybody, but I think it's just starting here, loving self, loving more of yourself, and allowing yourself to heal. And that is the raising of frequency.  

Johnny Burke: Does it have anything to do with moving from the three D world to the five D world, or is that a different discussion altogether? 

Bhavna Megh: It's a bigger discussion definitely and certainly, yes. When you're moving from three D, you're simply looking at self. It's you who are this one being in this one place. When you are moving in shifting into five D it's the connection to everything. It's the connection to all beings. I feel that's where your potential for manifestation of things is just exponential because you are connected to it all. There's no separation of you and the thing that you want in your life or desire. There's no separation between you and another person, so it's much, much more malleable done obviously from a place of love. 

Johnny Burke: Isn't it more about moving away from fear, towards love and at the same time it's more of a group consciousness? 

Bhavna Megh: Yes, is a short answer to that. I think there's an aspect of when, love and fear are on a duality. Over the last few years I've felt into rather than being sitting on the duality of one or the other, it's not about sitting in extreme bliss and euphoria. It's about being in oneness as a human being, or consciousness experiencing itself as a human being. It's being able to be in that zero point in oneness to be able to ebb and flow out of that whole experience. So that does certainly require a lot more love to be able to allow what comes up and is triggering to move through rather than becoming attached. And equally for what we experience on a human level as being love, fun and joy again, to be able to move through and not be attached.  

And from the group consciousness perspective, the more we as individuals are allowing ourselves to come to that point of oneness and not sticking in a place with experiences, good, bad, right, wrong. We're generally moving into a very, very big expansive flow state. We are simply in the present moment. 

Johnny Burke: Now you believe that the more we remember who we are, the more we raise consciousness. When you say remember, what exactly does that mean? 

 Bhavna Megh: Remembering our complete potential. We look at and have been shown superhero movies for decades now and there's even language when individuals have this healing potential, this, being able to see into the future, being able to communicate with spirits, they're superhuman. It's like they're remembering, I don't see them at that as a superpower. I see that as a remembering of our true self, of complete or more of the capacity and potential that we have in our nature. Who we are is a programmed human based on all of the things that we've experienced through our childhood, from our parents, from our families, from our environments, school, all of the different various systems. We've become this version of human, but our version of human is just way out here.  

It's remembering that aspect. It's remembering that our physical body knows how to heal itself and its remembering that any one of us can put a hand on somebody else's shoulder and they will feel the healing from that. They'll feel the loving energy from that, and it will go to where it needs to go with the right intentions.  

Johnny Burke: So anyone can become that powerful to heal another person. 

Bhavna Megh: Anyone can remember to become that powerful to heal the person. So it's not becoming it, it's simply dropping back into the nature of who you really are and the truth of who you really are. 

Johnny Burke: What's the easiest way for us to actually drop back into or remember who we are? 

Bhavna Megh: Loving and healing the aspects of yourself that create discomfort, dis-ease. That's on a physical, emotional and mental level and a spiritual level, energetic level. Being able to love and release that, feel it and free it, is one of my favorite ways to describe that process. If you've got hurt, feel it, free it, let it go so that you can return back to a point of zero. It's all of the hurt that holds us and confines us to what we are not able to do. That's what creates that reality. But when we love more on the hurt to release it out, we open up the potential of who we are. Not everybody wants to be a healer. That's okay. But even on a very day to day-to-Day business professional level, you can open up your potential by releasing some of the anxiety, releasing some of the worry to be in more peace, to be in more creation, because that's actually who you are. 

Johnny Burke: I think we need more healers everywhere. That's my thought. So, Bhavna thanks so much for joining us tonight. In the meantime, how can our listeners find you online? 

Bhavna Megh: They can find me at my website, which is steppinginto, or they can follow me on Instagram. My handle is @steppingintoyou.