The Uncovery

Get Clear For Your New Year

December 31, 2020 Mahalia Jane Season 1 Episode 11
The Uncovery
Get Clear For Your New Year
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, I explore how we can reflect on our past year and move into this next year with clarity and intention. I talk about how we can learn from the lessons and free ourselves to break repeated broken resolution patterns. Embrace the rebirth that the new year brings to help you get clear and create new year's resolutions that will actually stick.

Connect with your heart space and stay true to your goals in the process. I cover ways you can start trusting yourself which will lead to feelings of alignment, which will help you move into the next chapter of 2021.

These mini weekly warrior episodes are here to leave you feeling inspired, motivated and empowered to live in a beautiful state. Say goodbye to your pain story and start living your life with clarity and intention.

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Mahalia Jane

Mahalia  00:04

Hi, welcome to the uncovery podcast. I'm your host, Mahalia Jane. Every episode I take you on a journey, talking about live, well being and mental healing. The uncovery connects with different people from different places who share stories, of course, and enlightenment. It's my passion and privilege to be here guiding you with my own truth and experiences. Because it is possible to live in a beautiful state. 

Mahalia  00:41

Hello, beautiful souls and warriors. How are we at this extremely awkward time of year? I say awkward because it is the time between Christmas and New Year where we don't actually know what date is. Is it Sunday is a Monday, is it Tuesday? Does it even matter what day it is. And I know that many of you are reflecting and thinking our day yet is 2020 over year. So whether you're listening to this and wrapping up the year, that was 2020, or you're beginning, a brand new year, a new cycle of what's to come for you in your life and your ambitions and desires in 2021. 

Mahalia  01:19

I hope this episode serves you with some sinking points, to really get you in a headspace of clarity and feeling clear in the vision of how you see 2021 unfolding for you, and how we can honestly look at the year that we've had reflect on that and take the lessons with us into this next year. So rather than planning and setting up your desires, and what it is that you want to achieve in the year ahead from a place of anxiety, or it's the time of the year to set a resolution, so I must do it now use this time and this opportunity to embrace this feeling of rebirth, I feel that New Year's Day does give us a sense of rebirth, it's a time for renewal. And that's why so many of us use this time to set our intentions and to create new year's resolutions. Now let's not forget that New Year's Day and this time of the year is actually a human-made date. And in some cultures, it does have completely different meanings. It's not just based on how we've all voted and completed a year, it dates back to over 2000 years ago to the Roman times when it was declared a public holiday on the first of January. So without going into a history lesson, I just want to highlight that this meaning and how we've set it up and created it, it doesn't have one meaning it means many things, it doesn't have to mean that you are completely shutting off 2020. Or maybe it does, because that's your intention. And it also doesn't mean that there needs to be pressure. That right now is the time that you need to know and be clear about exactly what you want in 2021. 

Mahalia  03:07

So before we get clear on how we can clear ourselves of 2020 before we can use this time of year as a precious opportunity to step into something new, to step in to clear intentions and clear visions and reflecting on the year that was the month that were the times that you've had. So surprisingly, I think now is the time to get out your notebook and start setting goals that potentially unrealistic or you haven't truly connected with yet. It's the time to lean into those lessons that came from 2020. The year that was and to take that with you and process it in a way that frees you from whatever you are carrying this year. So then you can step forward with clarity and complete confidence that you know exactly what it is that you're wanting. 

Mahalia  04:06

Okay, so I've definitely made it abundantly clear that we are clearing first before we set forward. And I don't need to repeat myself again. Or maybe I do they say that you need to hear things six times for it to stick. And we've all heard it the end of this year doesn't wipe the slate clear. But there is a cycle. We have to look at this as the end of something. And we need to lean on the wisdom that has come from the learnings again, really leaning and tuning into the learnings rather than I've learnt lessons, and I'll take them with me. But reflecting on those lessons and how can these learnings become our teacher? How can we move forward with this incredible teacher that was? And I think a very important question to ask is how would you like to respect yourself even deeper for the year ahead? Rather than knowing and being aware, because the awareness is key and crucial to becoming so enlightened with the teacher that was the year 2020. 

Mahalia  05:10

How can you honestly give yourself more respect than you've ever given yourself? How can you love yourself deeper this year? How can we be busy without being stressed? How can we be proactive without being consistently reactive? So how easy is it for us to get caught up in New Year's resolutions goal setting, being super clear on setting our own expectations for the year that come February, we'll be amongst the 50% of people that fail, that has set out a new year's resolution that has completely been a failure.

Mahalia  05:46

So instantly, we're putting pressures on ourselves that we don't need to. So I'm here to give you a little bit of an inside reminder, light switch on whatever you want to call it, of how can we honestly be so true to the lesson that was that we can lean into it to get clear and pray so that the year ahead, we're not repeating behaviours, we're not repeating patterns and were giving back to ourselves in such a respectful way. The most exciting thing right now is being completely aware of what you're about to step into. The unfortunate thing. And the thing that holds a lot of heaviness on us right now is when we reflect back on this time, last year, we hadn't been hit with COVID, we were in a completely different place within ourselves within our lives within the lessons. And we had all of this hope and his joy. And I spoke about it previously, that New Year's gives us a sense of rebirth and a time of renewal where we can truly recreate the person that we desire to be. 

Mahalia  06:54

So reflecting back this time last year, there was that sense of hope, and renewal, and we had the intention to step forward... because limitations were placed on us, and in a way, someone just decided to come along and put a big line through everything that we had put out there to step forward with. And however you've been affected or not affected in some way 2020 has impacted you, he may have gained more than you could have imagined from this year. Or perhaps you're currently in isolation trying to step forward. But the way the world is you're being held back. So you're having to practice gratitude, you're having to go back into self-reflection of how you can get to know yourself on a deeper level where you've probably spent more than enough time with yourself this year that you've had enough time to self reflect. 

Mahalia  07:47

And now you're excited to step into the next thing, the next job, the next relationship, something that you've desired and you've been longing for a really long time. And it's hard because of the limitations that you have currently, whatever they are, even if you have complete freedom of where you live, what you do your social interactions, or whether you're completely isolated. So one of the biggest mistakes that I think many of us experience when we step into something new, and when we are becoming the biggest go-getter or Dream Chaser, or sparking magic in our life that we honestly, truly believe is possible. And whatever that is for you, I want you to hone in on one thing that you may be honestly deeply seeking, it needs to come from a place that is in your heart space and is just incredibly important to you. Because constantly the biggest mistake that we make is we set out to have these really standard goals, whether your top 520 21 goals are to lose weight, exercise more, eat better. See my friends more often hang out with this person, whatever it is, it's quite generalised. But if you have the ability to be able to tap into your heart space, and to truly connect with something that is very much soul-aligned for you, you are giving yourself so much potential to be able to achieve something entirely rather than just getting through a list. And as I said, being someone that fails, come February, connect with your heart and honestly think about visualising what that means to you how you can embody this.

Mahalia  09:33

Reflecting back on my year, I had many conversations where people were asking very deep questions about the work that I was doing. And no matter what the answer was, or where the conversation went, or how the interview was structured. I knew that with every bit of certainty because I was doing something that was coming from a place of my heart space and it was very soul-aligned that no matter what happened or where It was taking me that it was the right thing for me to be doing. Now, you may not be thinking of any drastic changes in your year, you may have many things on your to-do list of this year that are important to you. And it doesn't have to be this life-changing thing, you may not want to change anything, it might be something that you're just wanting to be really empowered by the same principles apply needs to come from something that is aligned with your soul. And you need to be able to trust yourself enough that whatever it is that comes up is true to who you are. And that very much reflects on being completely authentic. And again, aligning yourself with your soul with your true being with who you are the truest to you. It's come up frequently for me when I ask people to step into their future self and to visualise what their future self has, and the things that they are embodying. They don't know what it is that they want. They say I'm not sure I'm confused. I don't know how to answer that. 

Mahalia  11:04

And that doesn't mean that they need to accept where they are and what they have, whatever goals or ambitions they have. This can apply to anyone, as long as you are absolutely reflecting on what you've learned. And you are always raising your levels of self-awareness. So trusting yourself first is very important. Because how can you make big life decisions or set intentions or go forward with feeling extremely clear, if you don't trust yourself if you go into the space of this is what I should be doing, rather than knowing that this is what you need to be doing because it's come from you. And it's what brings you joy. It's how you connect with the rest of the world because you're honouring that place of authenticity. That is you. So first getting clear on what it is that you want and what your desires are. That's only one tiny step of the process. And if you've gotten clear, because it's come from your space and your truth, that's incredible. But it's only one part of it to come up with and to know what it is that you want to move forward with. And I think that's why so many people fail because they set the goal, they set the intention, but they don't back themselves up with the work that is required to achieve. So as I said before, this process doesn't need to be right now, just because there is a human-made date of the first of January does not mean that you need to have clear answers or be super determined in one thing, it does not mean that you need to be truly connecting to this place that I'm speaking about. And it doesn't mean that come March, that's when you start, there is a lot of energy that was from 2020. And this light is not wiped clean, there may be things that you take with you. And these first few weeks of the year are your little way to almost detox. And again, lean into these learnings and to come this badass version of yourself that I know you want to be Be very careful not to set up the assumption of an expectation of what's to come. And I may not in two ways I mean that in a negative and a positive way, negatively speaking setting up an expectation that things won't work out because they have never worked out or because your doubts and your fears have created a story of this isn't going to happen for me. So again, if you're in a really terrible job, and it's been extremely hard to get out of that job, just because that's been your experience of the year that was doesn't mean you need to take that through with you. Learn from the lesson. Let it be a teacher, trust yourself, connect with your heart space rise above, align your soul to your truth and step forward with the intention of what you need to do. 

Mahalia  14:03

You know what you need to do to get that job, you know what it is that you need to do in order to work to achieve the things that you are craving. Again, these things take work, they take repetition, they take practice, they take thought they take a lot of self-trust, and it's within all of that, that then there becomes this really natural flow to get to where you need to be and to where you want to be to where your soul desires to be. So I've spoken a lot about looking at what's happened and learning from that. But one thing I haven't spoken about today, which is super important to this entire process is to look at what has been going your way, tune into the things that have truly worked out for you. And I can guarantee there's something there that has shaped you this year. There's some magic that can be found even If we have to strip back the layers of maybe some unfortunate events, but what is going well for you, what has gone well for you, and what can you take into this exciting new year and a new chapter of your life that is already happening for you, maybe you don't need to completely wipe the slate clear, maybe you don't actually need to set up some big ambitious goal. Maybe it's just about reflecting on what is working, and what does align with you. But again, trust yourself in this process. And don't overcomplicate it don't set a ridiculous timeline that because we've started this year, or because we're finishing up a year, that now is the time you have to do it, use this as a reset as a way to step forward. And to be really free and clear of whatever it is you need to be free and clear from. I know that for me personally 2021 on its own is already full of some extremely juicy of creative amazingness. And for me, there was a period towards the end of the year where I felt quite a lot of pressure to put on myself to make that happen now, and it's the perfectionist in me, it's the person that wants it now and doesn't have the patience to lean into what I need to still be learning and to feel things to then be able to trust that the process moving forward will be even more juicy and delicious and amazing. Because I have given it the space and the time and the energy that it needs. I was sitting around a table the other day, and I was reflecting on the goals that I had set for 2020 last years and I couldn't even remember. And that speaks volumes of hours probably sitting at dinner, last New Year's Eve thinking Ah, okay, it's the end of the year. And I haven't set any huge big ambitious goals myself like I had very clear intentions of my year moving forward. And I had made some massive changes to my life towards the end of last year that the New Year didn't feel like a reset for me because I had already set up quite a lot of milestones for me to create a really brilliant year ahead. And honestly, how much of the time are you already expecting that next year in some way will be better than the last, we reflect on things that didn't work that brought us down, that created a lot of anxiety, stress, and we instantly want the year ahead to be better. We want it to be bigger, we want it to be more magical. I feel so strongly that it's because it comes from that place because we're not reflecting on things that are going really well the lessons that have made us these wise people and not staying true to our soul desires in our heart space. So in order for the end of this year, or next year, not to be a year that you're trying to get away from or better, because you're ambitious, or it was just a shittier this can be a really beautiful place to start. Take away the new year's resolution take away the first of January as this start day

Mahalia  18:15

and use this time to get clear and free and to set an intention moving forward. It doesn't have to be a list of 10 things you don't need your notepad. It just needs to be from your beautiful authentic space. Well, wherever you are right now, I hope that this episode has served you in some way and sparked something in you. And I am really excited about what's happening for me within my business and within my beautiful community of warriors. If you have any intention to shift something within you or to connect with your truest self to spark that fire that's within you to light yourself up to make this year your year then do get in contact with me because I have some very exciting things coming up in the not so distant future and I would love to be your guide to help you get to this place within yourself that I know exists. 

Mahalia  19:13

As I say Happy New Year, I may not May this year bring you so much joy, so much happiness and wherever you need to get happiness from. Let's just start with the inner work first. I'm so excited to connect with you next episode. Please remember to subscribe and if you are listening to this episode on iTunes, leave a beautiful glowing five-star review for me because it does help. Have a wonderful day. I will speak to you soon.