The Uncovery

How to Master Your Life Using Productivity | with Dr Nicolya Williams

January 08, 2021 Mahalia Jane Season 1 Episode 13
The Uncovery
How to Master Your Life Using Productivity | with Dr Nicolya Williams
Show Notes Transcript

Have you considered why you are not more productive? Most of us get so busy, overwhelmed, anxious and burnt out that we lose focus and momentum. The honest truth is you can create an extraordinary life by building momentum and becoming productive in a way that connects with who you are. Productivity is defined as the state or quality of producing something. Increased productivity allows people to get what they need and desire faster. Being productive will allow you to get closer to clarity, your goals and removing the unnecessary busyness.

On today's episode, Dr Nicolya Williams shares her life hacks, tips and best ways for you to overcome feeling busy, stressed and overwhelmed and replace it with being true to what works for you so you can increase your productivity.

Dr Nicolya from is a Master life and success coach and 10x Best Selling Author. She is also certified in NLP, EFT, Human Design and Hypnotherapy. As a busy woman, Nicolya knows exactly how frustrating it can be. You want to be available to those you care about, set and reach goals and still be able to do things that matter to you. You want to overcome negative thinking and be able to work towards your passions with confidence. You want to do all of this effortlessly and without all of the stress, confusion and overwhelm. This is the exact reason why she became a coach. To share her story, experiences and tips to make this a reality for you.

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Mahalia Jane, Dr Nicolya Williams

Mahalia  00:00

Hello, good morning. Good evening. Good afternoon, wherever you are, whatever time it is. Thank you for joining me today on this incredible episode of The uncovering Podcast. I am very excited about this one today I welcome the wonderful Dr. Nicola who is a 10 time best selling author. She is a certified NLP EFT Human Design and hypnotherapy coach. So there's no doubt in my mind that you will gain something from this episode, whether it's just applying some of her techniques and life hacks to your life or looking at ways that you can truly alter your subconscious mind to then live a better life and completely embody a positive, productive mindset. So I hope that today serves you. I hope that this episode really ignites the fire within you. And you are as motivated and inspired as I was at the end of this episode.

Mahalia  00:59

Hi, welcome to the uncovering podcast. I'm your host, Mahalia Jane. Every episode I take you on a journey, talking about life, wellbeing, and mental healing. The uncovering connects with different people from different places who share stories of growth and enlightenment. It's my passion and privilege to be here guiding you with my own truth and experiences. Because it is possible to live in a beautiful state.


You have such amazing energy by the way, just a lighting up my screen you do you really do. So I want to hear all about you and how you got here. 

Dr Nicolya Williams  01:44

And sure, I will try to take a long story and make sure First off, thank you so much for your kind words. I love when people say they like my energy because I worked really hard to get high buy to get my energy at a great place. But a little bit about me, I'm Dr. Nicola. I am a 10 time best selling author, a girl Mom, I am an avid believer, I am a coach, I am super passionate about all things personal development. A little bit about what got me here is back in 2016, I went through a divorce. And at that time, I was balancing all the things I was Mom, I was raising my two kids, you know, full time I was in grad school, getting my doctorate full time, I was working a part time job. I was working a full time job. And I was doing all the things and I joined this small like support group locally for single moms. And I was asked to be a table leader and kind of just facilitate conversations amongst the women. And I started sharing like little small hacks of what I did you know, people say how do you keep your household clean? And how do you get your work done if you're balancing and doing all the things. And I started sharing what I thought were really small hacks. And these women were like Mind blown, they're like, Oh my gosh, this is so amazing. So at the time, I came up with this concept that I would write an E book, to be able to give them the skills and like all in one place, right? They'd be able to use it as a checklist, so to speak. And the further I got into it, the more I'm like how I'm putting my blood sweat and tears figuratively into this ebook that I'm going to hand the five ladies. And I was like, You know what, if they really like this information, other people probably can be really blessed by too. So I decided to expand and turn it into a book. My very first book hit bestseller. And I say the rest is history. From there. One little tiny dream like blew up. So basically, people started reaching out to me left and right asking, How do I how did I write a book? So I started to coach people on writing books. From there, I started to help people that wanted to write like really powerful stories, but we're overcoming trauma. Then I started to help people that were writing stories that were like, I have a really powerful story, but absolutely no time to do it. Like how do I manage time. And I would always joke like I got rid of my my married last name and replace it with the busy, right replace it with the word busy that became my new last name. So I really related and resonated with the women that were overwhelmed and busy, but had those big dreams had those big visions had those big aspirations. And so I just locked arms with them and supported them through the journey. And so now as a coach, I always say I help women bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. Because that's kind of exactly where I need them like women who have big dreams, big visions, big aspirations and hopes and desires for their life. But our lives are selling themselves short, right playing playing really small. I help them to get out of their own way with those mindset, uncovering those mindset blocks and taxing their productivity so that they can create the success that they desire and deserve. So that is a very summed up version of how I got to where I am. 

Mahalia  04:55

That's so inspiring. It is because many of us need this, even men out there need this. You mentioned you replaced your last name with busy, talk me through that what is that about?

Dr Nicolya Williams  05:11

 I literally was so busy like it just it felt like I never had enough time. And so there went, there was a season in my life where I felt like I just had a new baby. And things were although I felt tired, because you're taking care of a new baby, things were slower. And then it seemed like when my divorce happened to seem like everything hit the fan. And I was, and all of a sudden had all these things, all these places, my attention was being pulled into all these hats I now had to wear. And so busy was the thing. But here's the key point with that. So I became busy. But there's a huge difference. And not enough people talk about that there's a difference between productivity and business, right? buisiness is where you're just going, right? You're on this hamster wheel, you're one fast, but you're going nowhere quick. Whereas productivity is like you're doing things but you actually have something to show for it. And so for me, it's funny, I used to be really resentful of that season in my life. Because I was like, why did this happen to me? Like, why didn't I have room to rest, and I felt like I was getting bags under my eyes. And I just felt awful. I didn't feel like me. And even when you mentioned my energy, like I remember my energy beings at all the time, being short tempered and frustrated, and just feeling like there had to be more than life. And when I replaced the concept of busy, I was able to be able to be productive. 

Dr Nicolya Williams  06:30

And here's the thing, society sells us this dream. Just one size fits all dream. That busy is what we're supposed to do. If you've ever just like, run into somebody, you're like, Hey, how are you? Oh, I'm so busy lately, busy. It's like this badge of honour that we wear. But busy is not healthy for us in the long run. That's how women get on burnout. That's why women struggle with anxiety and overwhelm. And so, for me, that was my season of buisyness, until I learned a healthier way to be able to get the things done that I desire. 

Mahalia  07:00

Amazing. So what can we use instead of busy? Let's say I run into you in the street? And you say How are you? Because I will admit I'm owning up? I use the word busy a lot. And I mean, it's not a very good example. Because I have said in previous podcasts I say to clients busy does not equal, successful, busy does not mean that you will end to enter success. And how can you get extremely productive within your business? Yet I use that word I run into friends, how are you so busy? So how can we manage our language to obviously then shift our mindset?

Dr Nicolya Williams  07:39

That's such a good question. So I am super, super fascinated with All Things subconscious mind. I don't think that we utilise it enough. And a really cool fact is whatever your subconscious mind holds is what it's going to move towards. So when you acknowledge or say I'm so busy, you're going to find more scenarios and more circumstances and more situations that attract that business. So what is it that you're trying to accomplish with that business? Are you starting a new business? Are you working on podcast episodes, replacing that so people are like, how are you you can be like, I'm so great. I'm working on this amazing podcast that's going to come out soon. Because now when you've reframed it, you're giving your subconscious mind something to hold that you actually want to move towards, not something that you're trying to move away from.

Mahalia  08:23

So there's  many things I want to discuss today to cover today. And I already feel like we could speak for three hours straight and honest. I mean, how do we push through these internal conflicts and these? I think it's a lot of internal chaos. It's a lot of noise, especially if we're dealing with mental health issues. Something that you said to me that productivity is your jam. Well, mental healing is one of my gems. And I think that combining the two because there are a lot of people that I meet who are wanting to get to that place. They have really strong desires, they have the intention, yet that internal conflict, the mental trauma is limiting them to get there. So how can we start the process?

Dr Nicolya Williams  09:18

starting the process by designing it for yourself? Really interesting. When I did my dissertation research, I studied success in women the way in which women conceptualise or make sense of success. And what I found when I first started the research is that everyone had the same definition of success. The further I dug, I realised nobody has the same definition of success. And guess what? That's okay. It's the same thing for productivity. When society tells us we have to be busy. That means we all we always need to be doing something and when we're sitting on a couch or we're watching Netflix, we feel that weight of guilt and shame. Like we should be doing something when rest is actually a big part of being productive right taking care of yourself.

Dr Nicolya Williams  10:00

So productivity for one person could look totally different for somebody else. So for example, if you're dealing with anxiety or depression may be productive for you is simply saying, I'm going to get in the shower today, right? I'm going to commit to saying hi to a stranger today, even though that makes me a little bit anxious. Just doing one thing that's moving you closer to where you want to be, can be that productivity, it can be something major, it can be something medium, it doesn't, you don't need to use the best, what I can say is we're conditioned to believe that has to look a certain way. And so the best way to take that first step is to decondition those beliefs you have about what productivity should look like, and replace it with what you feel aligned with. Because that's also what you're likely going to show up for. If I tell you all the things you should do to be productive, you're going to carry the state of resentment, or frustration into trying to match what I think productivity should look like for you. If you create what productivity should look like for you, then you go into it with more flow, you go into it with more joy, and you're a ble to actually be able to accomplish it. 

Mahalia  11:02

And it's definitely a common theme that we are... I think you said, you know, society places these expectations on us of what we should look like. And we in the process need to take responsibility that we're placing those expectations on ourselves as well, and are buying into it, we're buying into it. One thing that I encourage people to do, and I completely resonate with what you're saying is maybe doing smaller things is actually a really big thing to you. So it might be making a bed in the morning, having a really beautiful breakfast getting outside within the first hour of the day, to someone that might actually be quite big. And to other people, that might be a really small step that they do every day. And it's about finding what works for you. So in saying that we step back to when you started going through your process, what was something that you needed to do? What was either the small thing or the big thing that you need to change to then set up the foundation?

Dr Nicolya Williams  12:05

The foundation for my productivity? Yes. Is that what you mean? For me, I think it was giving myself grace, I think like we talked about, I bought into what society sold me that product productivity had to look a certain way. And I had to say, you know what, my whole life is kind of unravelling in this moment. And I have always personally, to be very honest, I've always struggled with anxiety to this very moment, it was heightened Very much so. And so I had to give myself grace, saying it's okay, if I don't have everything on my to do list check. It's okay, if I give myself permission to rest rest allows me to be rejuvenated to be able to approach the next day more intentionally or more successfully. So giving myself grace, was that one thing and that is not something that was easy. That was not something that was always convenient, but I will say that it was extremely worth it. Because the more I practice it, the more I was able to embody it, and the more it really became a part of who I am. And that's something I like to teach my clients to, because while society tells us a lot of stuff, at the end of the day, we are our own, we are our harshest critic. And when you can lighten that load a little bit. Yeah, it saves a lot. Let's talk about time. And that's, I think that's when I contacted you, because I saw you were discussing how we are always talking that we don't have enough time. I mean, let's just break that down. Where do we stop? If we say I don't have enough time, so I don't have enough time to bring this into my life, I don't have the time to make change. I don't have the time to be productive. So amas I am such a nice person and love what I do. But when people say that I immediately get into like, I'm kind of what I call like a gentle observer. The truth is, we all have enough time, right? We make time for the things that matter. And actually I just read a study that said, the average American, so we'll just generalise it a waste 2.09 hours a day, right? So we all have time. So below that time excuse there is always something below that. And so when you can get below that, then you're able to confront it. So typically, if someone says I don't have time, I'll say okay, well, what is it that you believe about what it is that you want to accomplish? It's going to require too much time. It's too difficult. It's only for people that are this successful, or whatever. So I try to get to the beliefs below it because what it really is is not that we don't have time, it's either that we don't think we're capable of being able to make it happen. We're not sure that the person we're supposed to be working with can help us make it happen.


We have decided to prioritise something else in front of it. So time is a very surface level excuse but if you think of like the iceberg image where you see the tip of it, but then below there's all this, there's all these other things below the surface. That's exactly what time is.


So once I'm able to start getting my clients like processing or reflecting on that excuse, there's always something below that, and then you're able to really confront that part of it. So another, another easy way to do it, is, when someone says that they don't have time, let's say that you're at home, and you're like, I just, I really would love to kind of start a podcast. And you don't feel like you have enough time, pull out your schedule, and look at your schedule and write out for the next like two days, 24 to 48 hours, write down exactly what you're doing, how long you're spending at work, how many minutes or hours it takes you to drive to and from work, how long it's taking you to cook, really break it down. And when you have to write it, you get to confront it, because in your head, it's one thing, but when you see it on paper, it's a totally different thing. And I'm going to share a little hack that I use, I think this will be really helpful for your listeners, I use a red light green light and yellow light strategy when I'm doing this. So when I you go through it, I guess you probably do have a lot on your plate. And when you're saying you don't have time, it's because you'd rather watch a little bit of extra time and Netflix, would you rather be able to hit your snooze button, right. But the red light green light, yellow light, when you're tracking your time for it, two to three days, something like that, you can go back and you can get like highlighters or a pen or something like that, that can help you highlight these colours. Basically, what you're doing is you're looking at the things that are that you should have no business doing, right that you're like, absolutely should not be on your calendar. Wow, I spent three hours on social media yesterday that was unnecessary. That's a red light. And then you look at things that are yellow light. So okay, these are things that I need to do. But maybe I need to do it in moderation.  


How can I ask for help? How can I do less of it? So for example, recently, because of the pandemic and things going on, I've been ordering groceries, but because I'm a little bit OCD, I want my groceries put up in a certain order. So then it takes me 45 minutes to put up groceries. Is that necessary in my schedule? Probably not. So then I just kind of gave it to my children as part of their responsibilities. Can you help me, you know, put up these groceries. Maybe for someone else, it's like, you are going to the grocery store five times a week. And you're like, you know what, if I wrote a list, I could only have to go one time, and I wouldn't, it wouldn't take so much of my schedule. So yellow light are things you need to do. But you need to moderate and change and adjust in green light are the things that are in direct alignment with what needs to happen, whether it's like, Okay, I need a job because I need to pay my bills, that would be green, like, Okay, I need to drive to and from my job so that I can pay my bills. 


Or I need to maybe I need the podcast for 45 minutes a week, because I want my podcast to be launched something like that. So those are green light. And when you do that, again, it forces you to confront it. Because what you'll what you'll see is you probably have a lot of yellow and red light things in your schedule that just even if you start making small tweaks in them, you can really you can begin to really shift your overall schedule. 

Mahalia  17:55

What's the biggest red light that you've come across with your clients that they have

Dr Nicolya Williams  18:01

TV and social media. So the thing with social media is I love social media, and I use it for my business. It's a it's an amazing tool, if you use it the right way, if you use it the wrong way becomes a black hole, like you get stuck in it. And you don't even know what happened. We've all fallen victim to it. We're like, go and look for one thing. And then before we know it, we're scrolling and it's been like three hours. Not only is it terrible for your time, it's terrible for your mental health, right, you're on there, and you're like, oh, someone so just, you know, went on a trip and I can't even afford a trip for so and so just had a baby and I really want a baby or whatever it may be, you start to compare yourself. So it's not good. And I think that we don't realise it. That's really cool a lot of the smartphones now have, so they show you how much time you're spending on different apps. And when I have people look at that. They're like, Oh my gosh, I spent six hours on social media like that is time of your life that you will never get back. And when I like money is wonderful, right? But time is your most valuable resource because you can it's non renewable. So when you think of when you think of things that you're committed to, this is what I like to ask myself as well. I signed off all of my emails with this. It's just a really powerful statement or question that helps me prioritise what I need to prioritise. And I always say is this decision something my future self will thank me for? So I sign off my email make decisions that your future self will thank you for. But throughout the day, I question that, like, Am I making a decision now that my future self will thank me for now don't get me wrong, I like I love the office, that's like one of my favourite shows hands down. But that's like a reward for me if I can get the things done that I give myself permission to rest. I give myself permission to watch TV. But what I don't do is I don't do my one twos before my half twos, I acknowledge that I have important things to do that are green lights, acknowledge that there's still some red lights sometimes that maybe don't need to be on there as much but I can do them every now and again. And I find a balance, you know, really prioritising those green lights because those are the things that when I look back, I'm gonna be like, you know what?

Dr Nicolya Williams  20:00

I'm so grateful I was committed to doing that even when it was difficult. 

Mahalia  20:03

Absolutely. So how do you then link in to that, finding the motivation and the joy within the process, because to some individuals, that might be a really tedious process, and already, that may be triggering their own limiting beliefs, or what they do and don't feel comfortable doing. I mean, internally within me, I've been through that process before, I had a different system, but very similar, and it's such a powerful way to uncover where your time is being wasted. And it's a very good starting point. So if it was just motivation, so hearing that if someone really feels quite unmotivated to do that, to go into the root causes of what is getting in the way of their time, how do you then come in to that and say, Okay, this is what I'd recommend or talk me through that.

Dr Nicolya Williams  20:57

What I would actually ask them is, why, why what is it about where they're at right now, that feels like it's the place to be. So a lot of times we stay where we're at, because it's comfortable, its familiar. But the reality is, there's no growth there. So what I like to do to help people get beyond that comfort zone, where it feels like faith to be, and they feel that lack of motivation, they're kind of bogged down by those limiting beliefs, as I always have them attach a lie to it. So I can tell you all day that productivity has changed my life. But if you're not buying into it, it doesn't mean anything. So when I have people tell me, what would be more productive do for you? What would you be able to accomplish? What would change in your life, what I really involve? I do like visualisation, which is a very powerful tool to connect your subconscious mind to your reality, actually, really cool fact, Olympic athletes use it. And it said that when before they practice their competition before they actually compete, they visualise the outcome that they want. And their body has a biochemical response, like as if they're actually competing in that moment. And so for me, what I like to do is I have my clients visualise what that looks like for them, like if they were able to increase productivity, and then I have have them attach a y to it. So why would this be important to you? Why would you show up for this, and here's why the Why is important, is because motivation is cool. In the beginning, you feel pumped up, and you feel excited, you feel motivated, you're ready to go. But motivation wanes when life gets in the way when those limiting beliefs come up all the things, but when you have a strong why you keep showing up for it, because that y is drawing you to it. Right. So there's this concept in in NLP, which is neuro linguistic programming, all about like your brain. When we when we have like a why or when we set goals, we're either away motivated, or toward motivated, toward motivated, meaning we're running towards something that's inspiring us, that's lighting our soul on fire, that we're ready to go towards a way motivated means we're trying to get away from something. So again, our subconscious mind can't register negatives. So if you're like, I don't want to be busy, you're going to bring in more things that make you busy. But if you're like, I want to create, you know, success, I want to create more income, I want to be more available for my family or whatever you're giving yourself that strong why it's your subconscious mind is like a robot. And what it's doing is it's going to task for you even when you're not. And it's going to keep pulling you in the direction of that outcome that you desire. So what I do is, again, I haven't just sum that up, I basically have individuals write out what productivity would do for them what the outcome would mean for them. And then I have them visualise that when the other bring in bringing in all their senses. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? What do you feel? What do you taste bring that all in so that it feels so real, their body feels so excited, they feel lit up? Right? If you do visualisation and you're like, I don't want to leave this, like this process, you've done something right. And then I have them identify a why that's going to give them that momentum and that motivation they need to keep showing up.

Mahalia  24:09

And connecting to that why I have on my board my own productivity board. Why are you here? It's something that has helped me personally as well, with with clients in days where I feel either inspired or not very inspired. Why are you here coming back to the why it's very important.

It's a beautiful thing and visualisation as well something that I was doing in the evenings and now I'm bringing it into my need to do my visualisations and my set up my day in the mornings, but I'm not a morning person. So

Dr Nicolya Williams  24:44

now that that's okay, you know that about yourself? Kind of mid that and like it's fine. 

Mahalia  24:49

Yeah, absolutely. Are you a morning person or a night owl?=

Dr NicOlya Williams  24:52

 I am a morning person. Yep, I am a morning person. And honestly, that's where I would probably say most of my productivity comes from because I wake up before


The world does. So no one's texting, no one's calling or not really any emails, my kids aren't asking me a million questions. And so the first like, hour and a half my morning, I get a tonne. I call it my power hour, but I'm able to get a tonne done. Amazing What time do you wake up at 5am. Now, it wasn't always that way I kind of I rolled my time back. So I've always been a morning person, but more so like 738 o'clock. And then I slowly but surely started to roll my time, because I'm like, I'm never going to get this when my kids were a little younger. I'm never going to get anything done. So I built into that. But I mean, I have clients who do their power hour in the middle of the afternoon in the evening, like a really, you want to you want to operate when your best is low, it would not serve you, if I'm like, Hey, you need to wake up at 5am. Because that's when you're going to be productive. If you're not a morning person, you're going to wake up, you're going to carry that resentment and bitterness and tiredness and exhaustion into it. And you're going to be less productive. So you have to like the fact that you can acknowledge that and know that. I love it. Because I think again, that's another part of society telling us what early bird gets the worm and you're supposed to do it. But I know a tonne of successful people in print highly productive people that are night owls. The thing that I find people struggle with a lot when they're trying to find and your language is perfect Power Hour, their power hour is maybe their partner or the person that they're with or sharing a bed with may have a completely different schedule. And that can be quite hard and challenging for them to try to really get to the place of Okay, well, when am I most productive? If I'm working around someone else's schedule. So how did you get to the place of realising when your power hour was literally practice. So in anyone can do this as well try you have something you're working on. Like at this time I was writing my book. So I tried to write in the morning, I tried to write on my lunch hour and I tried to write in the evening. And I tried it a couple of different times in when I felt most aligned with what I wrote when I felt most in flow was in the morning. And so I started leaning into that, and it just fit for me. So if you're working on something I would say to to your audience, they're working on something to try different times of the day and see what works. And then also if you have a partner, I have a lot of clients that do really find that balance. So maybe if your power hour is the evening, maybe your spouse helps with dinner. And if their power hour in the morning you're helping with breakfast, but being able to find that balance and having that communication around what works for each individual. And what what doesn't doesn't work basically, is super helpful, that they have an open line of communication and grain.

Mahalia  27:42

So I'm just gonna take a moment to pause and reflect and think this is really Good...

Dr Nicolya Williams  27:46

sorry, I can talk my life away. I can talk about productivity and mindset and all the things I get so excited.

Mahalia  27:55

Love that. I get really excited as well. And then when I get excited, I find that I struggle to articulate interview questions. I like to keep things conversational, because I've heard myself and I've reflected and I do not work like this when I'm with clients For example, I don't ask these types of interviewee questions. So then when I jump into a podcast interview with someone, I'm trying to bring that with me, I'm trying to go okay, how can I almost use this as a session, a way that we're really bouncing off each other, and I openly tell my clients all the time I learned from them. So I'm not just helping them and encouraging them and mentoring them. I actually learned from them as much as I learned from these interviews. But I'm with you, I could talk until the cows come home. However, my my most mind, inspiring moments are when I'm listening. Yeah, and when I'm absorbing information from people

Dr Nicolya Williams  28:56

it's funny, people would call me a nerd. I'm a lifelong learner, I'm always, I set a standard probably about three years ago that every day I should seek to learn something new. And sometimes it's the smallest things like I was on a walk with my daughter the other day, and I go on the same walk at least three times a week. And she pointed out a tree that I never noticed. And I was like, you know what I need to be I need to be more mindful, like I need to slow down. So I really started incorporating mindfulness, you know, so really, I seek to learn stuff big, small and in between every day. And like you said that when I'm listening gives me that opportunity to learn and that people are always like, oh, you're such a wealth of wisdom. And it's really because I tried to take in and learn from so many different places and it's been so inspiring. Even when I'm interviewed I learned a new things even when I'm the interviewee like it's my interviewer Sorry, it's I love learning so I totally relate to that.

Mahalia  29:52

Yeah, it's it's a the sponge of the world but in a good way. Yes. Because then people can battle absorbing negative energy or energy that does not serve. So it's really how can you absorb the information and the wealth and the wisdom that will carry you through life without absorbing the toxicity that can come from people and places. But yes, very aligned with you on that one. 

Mahalia  30:19

Today has been so incredible. And I know that there's going to be listening to gain wisdom and insight. And hopefully, after this, start making those small little changes and adjustments to whatever they feel they need to and it's different for everyone, there's no set way. So for you, what is the best life hack you've picked up in your entire life, 

Dr Nicolya Williams  30:44

As related to productivity I have a good one is the two minute rule. And basically, if you can get anything done in under two minutes, do it right away. Because what ends up happening is we have this pile of small little teeny tasks that we put up that we put out that we put out that we put out that overwhelm us, because they now become an hour long task or a 90 minute task or a two hour task. And then we don't end up getting it done. So a perfect example of that is like if you walk in, let's say you're driving home from work, and you go to the mailbox, and you walk in and you have five letters. One is like something that needs to be filed away. One is a bill that needs to be paid. Another is like a random advertisement, I don't know, throw the advertisement away, follow the letter where it needs to go and pay that bill. right in that moment, all of that would take you under two to three minutes. And when it's done, it's off your plate, it no longer becomes this never ending to do list of tasks that you continue to put off in those little small tasks. Just taking those off your plate can give you that satisfaction feeling of knowing at least that little those little small things are done. Beautiful. For me, it's the morning. So right now I have all of this energy to get. I mean, I am very productive. But to shift that conscious, busy talk. 

Mahalia  32:01

I love that I've gained my own learnings from today's episode. So thank you.

Dr Nicolya Williams  32:07

I'm so happy. 

Mahalia  32:09

If people want to find you. How can they find you and connect with you? awesome question. So I try to make it easy. My first name is a little challenging, I'll spell it but it's Nicolya, Nicolya Williams across the board, Facebook, Instagram now clubhouse.

My website is Nicola Williams calm so you can follow me anywhere across the board, and I would love to connect. 

Mahalia  32:34

Thank you, Dr. Nicolya. 

Mahalia  32:38

That concludes another episode of The uncovery. Thank you so much for being here and sharing this space with me before you go. I would love to remind you if you are struggling with self love, anxiety, or gaining momentum, you do not need to walk alone. I am here to empower you to really help you throw your excuses away. And to get clear on purposeful living. It is my passion, as I say to help you truly live in a beautiful state. So in saying that, I have some very exciting news, I am finally opening up more space and energy to work with the new people. So if you are wanting to join my community of warriors, if you'd love to work with me one on one, if you feel drawn to making this year, your year, and you know that you deserve this time for transformation, please jump into the description of this episode to book a free, no obligation call with me. So with that all being said, until we connect next week, I'm very excited to bring another episode to you. Take care of yourself. Look after yourself. Speak up if you're not coping, or you need some support. I'm Mahalia Jane, and this is the uncovery podcast.