Banned Book Club

The Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq _ Atomised - BOOK REVIEW

BannedBookClub Season 3 Episode 3

In this episode, we discuss Atomised by Michel Houellebecq, who’s been called among other things — France’s greatest literary export, Enfant terrible, provocateur, and a jerk. The story follows half brothers Michel and Bruno, whose lives are sent on painful and seemingly dissimilar trajectories as consequence of their hippie mother’s neoliberal ideology. The book goes on to chart the evolution and spread of neoliberalism in western society, using the lives of Bruno and Michel to illustrate the conditions it creates for modern life — in which (Houellebecq argues) things like living and loving are rendered impossible. Doesn’t that sound fun!? Come join us and make up your own mind — Is Houellebecq onto something here? Or is he just a cranky incel?

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