Denise Walsh - Coaching for Coaches

145: How To Use Authentic Marketing To Build Your Online Business with Stefanie Gass

Denise Walsh / Stefanie Gass Season 2 Episode 145

Hey Dreamer!

Let me guess: You’ve tried to market yourself before…and it felt *WEIRD*

You posted to social media…but you weren’t sure if your message was on point or sounded like “the real you.”

You tell other people about what you’re doing…but you don’t feel like you’re getting what you want to across to then.

Maybe you’ve been marketing yourself and/or your business for YEARS, but you still can’t shake off that feeling that you aren’t being “real.”

Here’s the thing: when you market yourself it’s going to feel a little bit weird no matter what. But at the end of the day, you’re at your most authentic when you embrace this as a fact on your dream journey.

That discomfort? It means you’re doing something with potential. Feeling inauthentic? You can fix that by getting CLARITY on your “why” and your “how.”

THIS is the message shared by my wonderful guest on the Dream Cast today, Stefanie Gass. As an entrepreneur host of The Mompreneur Mastermind Show, Stefanie has a TON of first-hand experience marketing herself in an authentic way and helping other women do the same.

Listen to this episode to start feeling more authentic in your marketing. You’ll learn:

  • How Stefanie began her entrepreneurial journey and what she’s learned from interviewing many other Christian Mompreneurs
  • How to make a gameplay toward being authentic in your marketing
  • Why you need the “why” and “how” handled to make your dreams come true

    Listen now!

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