Denise Walsh - Coaching for Coaches

Episode 158 – Finding Happiness in the Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship with Joseph Warren

Denise Walsh / Joseph Warren Season 2 Episode 158

Hey Dreamer!

My guest on the Dream Cast today has experienced pretty much every emotion that a 10-time entrepreneur can. Joseph Warren is a serial entrepreneur and host of the Broken Catholic podcast. He is a spiritual coach for Christian business owners who want to get clear on their work and lives!

Entrepreneurship is all about seasons of excitement and seasons of doubt. Times of abundance and other times of drought in the business. It’s all a part of the process. And: when you start a business, you tend to experience everything within the first couple of years!

That’s why in Joseph and I’s discussion, we talk about:

  • How to find happiness on the journey - during BOTH the highs and lows
  • The importance of planning, and of trial and error
  • How leadership means going first while supporting the people behind you

and much more!

I know you’ll get a lot out of this one, so listen now!

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