Denise Walsh - Coaching for Coaches

Ep 219: Why Your Goals Might Be Sabotaging Your Sanity w/ Susan Stutzel

Denise Walsh Season 2 Episode 218

Over the last 19 years, she has worked in both public and private accounting, and in that time discovered her passion lies in serving clients in the nonprofit industry. Her desire to work with nonprofit organizations stems from a desire to be surrounded by equally passionate individuals who want to change the world. Susan is also the owner of S Stutzel Coaching, where she provides leadership coaching to CPA’s, business-owners and leaders within organizations. She believes that we all have untapped potential, and she thrives in helping others break through barriers and manage priorities in order to live an abundant and meaningful life. Susan truly believes the words of Jordan Peterson, “Incremental improvement is unstoppable.”

Due to her passion for serving nonprofits, she also serves in various volunteer roles including: board member of the Iowa Society of CPA’s, Treasurer of the Tipton School Foundation, Treasurer of Iowa City Hospice, Past Treasurer of Iowa Women’s Foundation, Adjunct Professor at her alma mater Coe College, Iowa Society of CPA’s Career Awareness Committee, Iowa Society of CPA’s Nonprofit Organization’s Committee, Workplace Learning Connection Financial Literacy Fair volunteer, Calvary Church liaison for the community vacation bible school program. She also finds time to be actively involved in her children’s schools serving as parent volunteer.

Susan believes in quality work and quality rest. She refuels by spending time with her husband and two children, reading, and working with her local youth group. She believes, as C.S. Lewis observed, that “Children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work.”

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