Denise Walsh - Coaching for Coaches

Ep 225 - Seizing the Window of Opportunity with Brian Biro

Denise Walsh Season 2 Episode 225

Seize the woo

(Window of Opportunty)

And Control Your Controllables

In this unprecedented and uncertain time, I am inspired to help everyone I possibly can to maintain their spirits, bring a bit more light and positive focus into each day, and to provide a spark to ignite creative and productive ideas to cope with the enormous challenges we all face.


We don’t control what happens, but we always have a choice about how we respond to life’s happenings.  Each of my offerings provides great value, hope, inspiration, and perspective at a time where such focus has never been more important and yet so easily overwhelmed. 


I will give you and your team absolutely everything I can through these programs, and I know they will build resilience, faith, perseverance, and inspiration in each participant. 

Joy to You!

- Brian, America's Breakthrough Coach

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