Denise Walsh - Coaching for Coaches

Episode 107 - How Creating Community Will Build Your Business

February 11, 2019 Denise Walsh Season 2 Episode 106

We were created for community; no one was meant to do life alone. The blessings attached to community include support, encouragement, acceptance, inspiration and so much more.  Community can also build our businesses in much the same way. When we create a space for people to feel welcomed, loved, appreciated and valued...we are also creating a space for growth to happen -- both on a individual level and in regard to our businesses. 

In today's episode I'm speaking with Kelly McCausey from Love People + Make Money. Kelly coaches others in their online businesses through blogs, podcasts, designs, partners, creating information products, running membership programs, and holding live retreats. At the very heart of her business Kelly believes that when you truly love people, profits WILL show up. It's a matter of finding out what people need and then connecting them to a community where their needs get met. She will inspire you to:

~Change your money mindset by changing your community
~Increase social engagement on your community fb page by implementing her techniques
~Cement new community beliefs through encouraging processing time  

To learn more about what Kelly has to offer, you can find her on the following links:

Also, you can claim your free bundle of brandable content from Kelly's favorite PLR  (Private Lable Rights) Providers by entering your info at This is a HUGE time saver for people building an online business. It provides you with FREE, pre-done professional pictures, designs, and content -- all you have to do is put your brand on it and...VOILA! This is as close to the easy button as it gets.

And speaking of FREE.....I encourage you to take advantage of an EXCLUSIVE OFFER I am doing right now as well! If you would like to skyrocket your productivity and take control of your calendar,I am giving away access to my 90-Day Action Planner COMPLETELY FREE!! Gain control of your life and spend more time doing the things that matter most to you. Head on over to to download your free training NOW! (Valued at over $300. My gift to you!)

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