Voices from the Desert

The Bridal Paradigm: Where is all this headed?

April 10, 2024 Joshua Hoffert and Murray Dueck
The Bridal Paradigm: Where is all this headed?
Voices from the Desert
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Voices from the Desert
The Bridal Paradigm: Where is all this headed?
Apr 10, 2024
Joshua Hoffert and Murray Dueck

What do you ese when you read scripture? When you see Jesus speaking of coming calamity in Matthew 24, do you wonder about the end times implication? What does the Jewish wedding celebration have to do with Jesus, prophecies, and the tenor of scripture? 

When Jesus showed upon the scene the nation of Israel was looking for a coming kingdom that would overthrow Rome and re-establish them as the dominant force on the world scene. They were convinced that God was going to do this for them because of their national history.

However, when Jesus showed up he came talking about a bride, a bridegroom, a wedding feast, and a coming celebration. This certainly subverted the expectations of many.

Join Joshua Hoffert and Murray Dueck as they dive into another episode talking about the bridal paradigm that can be found all throughout scripture if you would just look for it.

For more about Murray Dueck, visit: https://www.samuelsmantle.com/

For more about Joshua Hoffert, visit: https://www.windministries.ca/

Show Notes Transcript

What do you ese when you read scripture? When you see Jesus speaking of coming calamity in Matthew 24, do you wonder about the end times implication? What does the Jewish wedding celebration have to do with Jesus, prophecies, and the tenor of scripture? 

When Jesus showed upon the scene the nation of Israel was looking for a coming kingdom that would overthrow Rome and re-establish them as the dominant force on the world scene. They were convinced that God was going to do this for them because of their national history.

However, when Jesus showed up he came talking about a bride, a bridegroom, a wedding feast, and a coming celebration. This certainly subverted the expectations of many.

Join Joshua Hoffert and Murray Dueck as they dive into another episode talking about the bridal paradigm that can be found all throughout scripture if you would just look for it.

For more about Murray Dueck, visit: https://www.samuelsmantle.com/

For more about Joshua Hoffert, visit: https://www.windministries.ca/

00;00;16;03 - 00;00;32;02
Speaker 1
Like if you say to someone, was watching TV consistently in the 90s, to go, to a what? What's the. Oh, gosh. I'm gonna butcher it now, but, going where? No man has gone before.

00;00;32;02 - 00;00;35;17
Speaker 2
Oh, for sure. Like a galaxy far down.

00;00;35;19 - 00;00;37;28
Speaker 1
Exactly. It's gonna immediately conjure.

00;00;37;28 - 00;00;39;11
Speaker 2
Up a whole lot of.

00;00;39;14 - 00;00;40;28
Speaker 3
On a five year mission.

00;00;41;00 - 00;00;47;29
Speaker 1
Yes, exactly. So. So we're now talking about cultural lexicon. Things that when someone, someone just makes.

00;00;47;29 - 00;01;00;10
Speaker 2
A passing reference. Exactly right.

00;01;00;12 - 00;01;10;17
Speaker 2
Welcome, everybody. To voices. Voices from the desert. Desert. Room.

00;01;10;20 - 00;01;14;14
Speaker 2
Oh. Oh, yes.

00;01;14;17 - 00;01;21;20
Speaker 3
I did try to find a Tusken Raider. Desert sand people sound everyone in. No. Can I just have to put up with that?

00;01;21;22 - 00;01;29;20
Speaker 1
Well, we're not the. The thing is, when it comes to desert dwellers, there were raiders. They called them barbarians. And.

00;01;29;23 - 00;01;31;20
Speaker 2
Oh, that's true thing.

00;01;31;23 - 00;01;44;10
Speaker 1
So it was. Although there is the one, there is the story of when the robbers come to, Macarius the Great and they take all his stuff and he realizes as they're.

00;01;44;12 - 00;01;46;00
Speaker 3
Well, he they forgot something.

00;01;46;00 - 00;02;00;22
Speaker 1
They forgot something, and he goes running after them because they he doesn't consider anything his own. Right. And so it's one of his books or something like that. And he runs after them to give them the book. You forgot this. And they're so convicted that they bring everything back, right?

00;02;00;22 - 00;02;04;23
Speaker 2
This, yeah. It's like, oh, that little piece. That's all I remember.

00;02;04;28 - 00;02;16;12
Speaker 1
Oh, I love that story. Yeah. So there are some Tusken Raiders that get deep Tusken ized, I guess. And, I guess maybe they probably weren't from Tuscany though. So maybe they were.

00;02;16;19 - 00;02;19;09
Speaker 3
Wondering why Tuscany in Tuscan Raider. Yeah.

00;02;20;01 - 00;02;24;18
Speaker 1
yeah, I did, did, George Lucas have a problem with people from Tuscany and.

00;02;24;18 - 00;02;25;11
Speaker 2

00;02;25;13 - 00;02;36;02
Speaker 1
Yes, maybe. So. so we could, we could probably do a whole analogy on Star Wars, desert dwelling monastic traditions and all that stuff. Right?

00;02;36;02 - 00;02;53;05
Speaker 3
That way they do seem to rip, you know, they do seem to rip off, I think some, some, of the early church desert, desert father stuff, you know, but the Holy Spirit, they do seem to be lifting them when they're talking about the forest. You know, they're making it kind of. Yeah.

00;02;53;08 - 00;03;08;16
Speaker 1
There's definitely in ours, but that's right. There's definitely an amalgamation of spiritual thoughts and practices wrapped up in this whole Jedi Order thing. Yeah. And then we could probably make the grand leap to Star Trek and about exploring the outer reaches of space.

00;03;08;19 - 00;03;10;00
Speaker 2
And thinking.

00;03;10;00 - 00;03;22;26
Speaker 1
Analogize with all the, with the popular sci fi things. So but I guess the big one that's just been released is the three Body Problem on Netflix. That's the sci fi thing that.

00;03;23;03 - 00;03;25;06
Speaker 3
What do I do? I don't even know what this is.

00;03;25;09 - 00;03;36;09
Speaker 1
It was a written by a Chinese guy, the the, book series written by a Chinese author. And, anyway, it's supposed to be good, so I haven't watched it yet, so I can't tell you what it's about.

00;03;36;09 - 00;03;37;19
Speaker 3
And it's a sci fi three.

00;03;37;19 - 00;03;39;12
Speaker 1
But it's, like hard. It's like hard sci.

00;03;39;12 - 00;03;40;27
Speaker 3
Fi, though. Oh, okay. I'm going to know what.

00;03;40;27 - 00;03;42;24
Speaker 1
Hard sci fi is, Murray.

00;03;42;27 - 00;03;45;26
Speaker 3
Not really. Well, Dune would be like considered hard science.

00;03;45;26 - 00;03;49;06
Speaker 2
Yeah, yeah. All right. Yeah. That's right. Yes, yes.

00;03;49;08 - 00;03;50;17
Speaker 3
And unfortunately, so far.

00;03;50;17 - 00;03;55;13
Speaker 1
Dune, I haven't seen the second one, but the first Dune was quite an enjoyable movie.

00;03;55;16 - 00;03;58;04
Speaker 3
Really. I heard the second one was like, really?

00;03;58;07 - 00;04;00;23
Speaker 1
It's supposed to be a banger. Yeah, it's supposed to be great.

00;04;00;25 - 00;04;11;17
Speaker 3
So that's made me go. Well, maybe I see I watch the one that came out in the 80s with, sting and. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, Patrick Stewart. And it was so absolutely horrible. I'm like, I'm never watching. Yeah.

00;04;11;17 - 00;04;15;21
Speaker 1
You got to be careful who you say that to, because that has quite the cult following too. Oh yeah.

00;04;15;23 - 00;04;16;03
Speaker 3
I was like.

00;04;16;06 - 00;04;18;07
Speaker 1
Alienated. You may have alienated.

00;04;18;08 - 00;04;24;20
Speaker 3
So sorry anybody who who likes the 80s version of that movie but I'm like, yeah. So okay, I'll be willing to give it another try.

00;04;24;27 - 00;04;27;24
Speaker 1
There you go. Yeah, that's right there. You just brought him back. Okay.

00;04;27;25 - 00;04;28;29
Speaker 2
Okay. Sorry.

00;04;29;02 - 00;04;37;21
Speaker 1
Or he's not too insulting. So this is the thing. I'm the 80s kid, right? Murray is a little bit older than I am, so I've got to preserve the 80s with.

00;04;37;21 - 00;04;43;01
Speaker 3
My high school years. That's. Yeah, that was my 18 to 25 value.

00;04;43;02 - 00;04;45;16
Speaker 1
Your rebellious phase. So.

00;04;45;22 - 00;04;49;14
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah yeah. That's right. I.

00;04;49;14 - 00;05;04;03
Speaker 1
Grew up in the 80s and 90s, I guess. So my 90s were my high school years, so. Yes. So welcome to, I guess, welcome to the voices from the desert, where we talk about sci fi and all things, fantasy tropes and all that kind of stuff.

00;05;04;06 - 00;05;05;23
Speaker 3
Apparently. Yes. Today for.

00;05;05;23 - 00;05;06;05
Speaker 2

00;05;06;08 - 00;05;07;11
Speaker 1
That's right. Yeah.

00;05;07;11 - 00;05;09;08
Speaker 2
That's right.

00;05;09;10 - 00;05;34;05
Speaker 3
Well, I guess I'll kick it over to Josh here because, you know, I've thought a lot about today's episode. It's kind of a part two on this whole Bride of Christ paradigm. And, and maybe for. I'll kick it over to Josh. I was thinking about this. I mean, there's a lot of, you know, Jesus has taught, talked about metaphorically in the New Testament in many ways, you know, and I, I thought I said to judge how many ways could we come up with if we thought about it?

00;05;34;05 - 00;05;36;26
Speaker 2
That's right, that's right, that's right. And we there's.

00;05;36;26 - 00;05;37;18
Speaker 3

00;05;37;25 - 00;06;05;22
Speaker 1
And we covered a number. There probably is. We covered a number of those things in our, in our previous episodes. So anybody that's listening to this episode can go, oh yeah, yeah. Previous episode where we taught, we went through the Matthew 24 bridle paradigm of prophecy. Right. And then we looked at we were looking at the we're comparing the notes of Genesis one, two and three, the coming of the temple, the creation of Adam, the forming of Eve, the bride, the original Adam, right, the the perfect helper that walked with him.

00;06;05;22 - 00;06;24;06
Speaker 1
And then looking at Ezekiel and the coming of the temple in Ezekiel 4248 and the revelation 2121, and the new Jerusalem, and the bride, which is the temple in the Jerusalem, and the coming forth of the bride from the sight of Jesus and the water, and the blood. And we went through all that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah.

00;06;24;06 - 00;06;38;22
Speaker 1
And, we started if people could just go back and listen to it. One of the things Murray said that we started everything off with was when you can't hear the Lord's voice, all you're left with are moral codes. And it's such a profound thought process that I've been.

00;06;38;22 - 00;06;40;28
Speaker 3
Thinking about that my whole life, that that particular.

00;06;41;05 - 00;06;58;03
Speaker 1
Really, it's it's really it's got under my skin in a good way. Yes. Because you're going. Yeah. If it's not about if it's like if it's just because because if it's not about coming into a renewed and restored relationship with the creator, if Christianity isn't.

00;06;58;06 - 00;06;58;21
Speaker 3

00;06;58;23 - 00;07;26;29
Speaker 1
Then it is just God going, here's a new set of rules to follow, and you can find them in the Beatitudes and make sure you take care of the poor people, because that's what I did, right. And and that's essentially what the New Testament becomes is a set of moral instructions as opposed to a life, a life giving, breathing relationship that we've been invited into, where the spirit comes and speaks within us and prays within us and gives us promptings and prepares things for us.

00;07;26;29 - 00;07;42;05
Speaker 1
And all this, right, like this is the language of the New Testament is very intimate, and it's all about union, which is the bridal paradigm. So we've talked. So go listen to the previous episode. So that you have some context where we're talking. If you didn't listen to the previous episode.

00;07;42;19 - 00;07;42;25
Speaker 2

00;07;42;25 - 00;08;00;17
Speaker 3
I know I just want to echo that too, I just want to come back to that because it reminds me of, again, where it says in, I think it probably acts 15, but but it's really, you know, we're looking at the birth of the New Testament church in acts ten, by dream and vivid, right?

00;08;00;17 - 00;08;18;27
Speaker 3
Dream, vision side moving of the Holy Spirit. but but when you see the New Testament birthed New Testament church birth, you know, the Gentile church, if we want to just be a little more specific, you know, at the end when they write the letter to the churches, they say, it seems good to us. And the Holy Spirit.

00;08;18;29 - 00;08;39;02
Speaker 3
Yes. You know, like it seems good. What do they mean to us in the Holy Spirit? Well, it's because they're having this dialog with their friend who they know in a personal relationship, who talks to them and they know the voice is like, well, it seems good. And, you know, and they're here's, here's the important point is that no list from heaven came down.

00;08;39;04 - 00;09;02;20
Speaker 3
That's right. Where God say, okay, get rid of the temple, get rid of the circumcision. That was too painful. Let's get rid of that. this whole sacrificial system. Let's get rid of that. Oh, and then let's get the Gentiles in and let here's a new list, you know. And you know, why did God decide to birth the church from a vision of a sheet coming down with creepy animals, and then the guy showing up at the door exactly right then.

00;09;02;20 - 00;09;14;26
Speaker 3
And you know why? It's because you're following a relationship rather than a set of rules. Because if the Lord would have put down a whole page, guess what? Then we'd be under the law again.

00;09;14;28 - 00;09;15;12
Speaker 2
Yeah. That's right.

00;09;15;12 - 00;09;30;01
Speaker 3
And and that's why they make the statement. It seems good to us in the Holy Spirit, because you're talking a relational paradigm of walking together in intimacy rather than a rule based existence. Am I right or am I wrong?

00;09;30;03 - 00;09;31;14
Speaker 2
Right. And and in.

00;09;31;14 - 00;09;52;11
Speaker 1
Fact, when they lay out that when they lay out the, the quote unquote rules in, in the context of the the first council in the church, right, is they give three I think it's three rules. and it's like, what are what is it? you know, because they're.

00;09;52;15 - 00;09;53;14
Speaker 2
They're getting sexual.

00;09;53;14 - 00;09;53;27
Speaker 3

00;09;53;27 - 00;09;58;03
Speaker 2
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, they're just based on idols. That's right. Yeah, yeah.

00;09;58;03 - 00;10;01;13
Speaker 3
And then Paul was like, hey, you can do that as long as your conscience doesn't.

00;10;01;15 - 00;10;22;19
Speaker 1
Yeah, maybe it's just the two. It's like, here's our rules, right? It's like they have the perfect opportunity to clarify what the list should be. And all they say is, well, maybe don't have illicit sex and maybe don't eat meat sacrificed to idols, but everything else is pretty much fair game. That's essentially what they're saying. You know.

00;10;22;21 - 00;10;22;25
Speaker 2

00;10;22;28 - 00;10;24;09
Speaker 1

00;10;24;11 - 00;10;25;13
Speaker 3
And everybody.

00;10;25;16 - 00;10;26;24
Speaker 1
Within reason, obviously, you.

00;10;26;24 - 00;10;32;01
Speaker 3
Know, that's right. As. Yeah, as, Saint Augustine said, love God and do what you want.

00;10;32;05 - 00;10;34;08
Speaker 2
Yeah. Right. Exactly. Yes. But you got to get the.

00;10;34;08 - 00;10;35;08
Speaker 3
Love god thing down.

00;10;35;14 - 00;10;36;00
Speaker 2
That's right.

00;10;36;02 - 00;10;37;17
Speaker 3
That's an intimate relationship.

00;10;37;20 - 00;10;38;22
Speaker 2
They're talking. Yeah.

00;10;38;25 - 00;10;42;21
Speaker 1
Exactly. That's right. Yes.

00;10;42;23 - 00;11;04;22
Speaker 3
You know, one of the thing with the prophetic people that I, you know, being one of the one of these people and, and, you know, it, it it surprised me what had happened. And and if I've said this before, forgive me, but I think there was a gal in my class and, you know, really mature, wonderful person. And she goes, you know, I think I'm going to quit my job because you ask, Lord, okay, just pray with me, okay?

00;11;04;24 - 00;11;17;14
Speaker 3
And I felt the Lord say, yeah, that's okay. So I go tell her because, well, I've decided not to quit my job. I'm going to ask for a raise instead. Could you ask ask about that? Okay. Yeah. And I Lord I was like, yeah, that's goodness. It's okay. I said, yeah, I think that's okay. And then she goes, I actually, you know what?

00;11;17;14 - 00;11;34;01
Speaker 3
I'm decided to move now. I'm going to move. He asks the Lord about that. Okay. And then and it happened one more time. And the Lord finally said, you know what? I'm just your I just yeah, I'm a good dad, you know, what do you want to do? And the point was, instead of looking at God as a general, give me an order.

00;11;34;01 - 00;11;34;26
Speaker 3
What should I do?

00;11;35;03 - 00;11;36;00
Speaker 2

00;11;36;02 - 00;11;53;04
Speaker 3
Sometimes we need to realize he's a father and go. Yeah, I'll walk with you in this. And where do you want to go? And and some people hate that because they want rules to live up to so they can have a checklist whether they're doing it right or wrong. But even in the prophetic tell me what to do, you know, and it's like, actually he's a father.

00;11;53;04 - 00;12;11;17
Speaker 3
Like, you know, what do you want to do? I think you're brilliant and within, within reason. Right. And and, I remember a Bob Jones saying, I read this on a the old prophet saying, you know, this, he prayed for this, doctor. And he told them he was in Seattle, he was going to move to Dallas.

00;12;11;17 - 00;12;31;14
Speaker 3
And he told him the nurses names his parking stall number. And the doctor says if it wasn't for that word, I never would have survived it. And Bob's like, that's why you got that word right. And I remember John Paul Jackson saying, you know, God tells you to move to a certain town. That'll be okay. But if he tells you to buy a certain house on a certain street in a certain town, something's going to happen in that house, right?

00;12;31;14 - 00;12;34;11
Speaker 2
Like, Yeah.

00;12;34;13 - 00;12;41;00
Speaker 1
You would need the clarity, the clear. Yeah. That's right. You think the clarity. You. Because you're exact.

00;12;41;04 - 00;12;41;25
Speaker 2
Clarity is.

00;12;41;25 - 00;12;46;22
Speaker 1
You'll be able to go. Okay. The Lord spoke to me clearly about this, right? And so I need to be here. Yeah.

00;12;46;22 - 00;12;49;08
Speaker 2
So you're probably going to need it like that. Yeah. So he said if.

00;12;49;08 - 00;12;53;16
Speaker 3
God didn't speak you clearly, you could do whatever you got grace to do. Whatever you want to do.

00;12;53;16 - 00;13;02;18
Speaker 1
So in the bridal paradigm, we should be very happy when our relationship with God amounts to what do you want to have for dinner? I don't know, what do you want to have for dinner?

00;13;02;18 - 00;13;08;16
Speaker 2
Yeah. What do you want a for dinner? Right. People pretty much is what we're saying. Yeah that's right.

00;13;08;16 - 00;13;14;29
Speaker 1
That's like that's what drives prophetic people crazy is I want more instruction. I want more clarity. That's like, I don't know, what do you want to have for dinner that.

00;13;15;04 - 00;13;20;12
Speaker 2
That's right. Fine with that. Right. Not with you. Yeah. That's. Yeah, exactly. I remember I.

00;13;20;12 - 00;13;22;10
Speaker 1
Want you to tell me what I want for dinner.

00;13;22;10 - 00;13;23;29
Speaker 2
Right. That's right. Yeah.

00;13;24;02 - 00;13;39;05
Speaker 3
I remember Bill Johnson said I, you know, I, he said he needed to make a really, really big decision. And if. God, what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? And God wouldn't talk and I finally just made the decision in the Lord because, you know, Bill, that was a really mature decision. Eagle's. What?

00;13;39;12 - 00;13;42;26
Speaker 3
Why did you tell me? I just want you to know I trust you.

00;13;42;29 - 00;13;43;08
Speaker 2

00;13;43;08 - 00;14;02;23
Speaker 3
I'm like, what? That's not what I wanted to hear. I just I hate that because, you know, we want to hear, you know? But as long as you. We want to hear because we're in a relationship. Not that we need a task. See that? Even right there, it's tricky. So, and back to the bridle paradigm, because God wants us to hear because we have a relationship, not because we have a task.

00;14;03;00 - 00;14;10;08
Speaker 3
Yeah. So he likes to do task with us, but, you know, Anyway.

00;14;10;11 - 00;14;13;26
Speaker 1
Yeah. That's right. Mary, you hadn't. You said you had some thoughts.

00;14;13;28 - 00;14;32;24
Speaker 3
Yeah. So, Brian Parrot, I'm getting it right. And I think the reason we don't see it, we pick this up a little bit last week of course, but and and we, you know, I think we talked about the three big quotes of the big heavy hitters. Of course, Jesus himself, you know, my disciples, you know, the the friends of the bridegroom don't fast.

00;14;32;24 - 00;14;53;29
Speaker 3
When the bridegroom was with them, but when the bridegroom is taken away, then they'll fast, you know. So Jesus, he's talking about himself being the bridegroom. John the Baptist. do you not know that, your Jesus's disciples are baptizing more people than you? And it's his statement is, the friend of the bridegroom is happy when the bridegroom, you know, the bride belongs to the bridegroom.

00;14;54;01 - 00;15;22;14
Speaker 3
And then, of course, Paul. And I think it's second Corinthians 15 one, I'm, I something I let. Oh, sorry, second Corinthians 11 two I was close. I have betrothed you to one bridegroom, you know, so, you know, you have the heavy hitters there. And so we see those statements. But the things that we missed is that that because, you know, the Bible is, is probably Jesus was teaching in Aramaic and then it was probably translated into Greek, right.

00;15;22;17 - 00;15;37;16
Speaker 3
And then into English. You know, whether we have some you know, it's like my, my, my parents used to sit down with Grandma and grandpa and they'd laugh and laugh as a little kid. and they're talking low German, you know, midnight. They're talking pillow Deutsch and I, I'm like, what are you guys laughing at? Oh, you wouldn't think it's funny.

00;15;37;22 - 00;15;46;15
Speaker 3
No, no, no. Try me. And then they go, well, there was a chicken. Oh, I think it's like that. It's not funny at all. Like it just doesn't translate into English.

00;15;46;15 - 00;15;47;19
Speaker 2
Yeah, you're right, you're just right.

00;15;47;20 - 00;16;07;05
Speaker 3
You don't get it. So a lot of things we don't get because we don't understand the translation. So let me give you an example. Right. I, so from Scripture, there's a couple of these in my book, actually, I just came to my mind that they're in there, these, a sliding into a a shrimp sandwich.

00;16;07;05 - 00;16;14;11
Speaker 3
It's a very popular expression in, like, Sweden. And I think it means, becoming lucky and getting,

00;16;14;13 - 00;16;15;02
Speaker 2
It's a new.

00;16;15;05 - 00;16;16;00
Speaker 1

00;16;16;03 - 00;16;37;23
Speaker 3
How do you like. What would that mean? You wouldn't know. So but again, there's these expressions in Scripture that are kind of like that. And if Jesus would have just said, with this ring, I thee wed, we would. Oh, he's talking right. We I understand that language, but but Jesus is quoting his own bridal cultural language again and again and again.

00;16;37;23 - 00;16;58;18
Speaker 3
And since this is a big deal, he's talking himself about being the bridegroom. it's good to pick that cultural language up. So I'm going to throw out some verses to you on these things just so you realize it's there a lot more than you think it is. Right? And so I'll give you some. And there's a really great, article if you want to find it.

00;16;58;18 - 00;17;09;16
Speaker 3
It's called Ancient Jewish Wedding by Nash is the person's last name who did it. And I think I'm basically pulling right out of that document here, you know, and,

00;17;09;19 - 00;17;18;20
Speaker 1
If we can pull that, if I can pull that up, then you'll find it in the in the show description. I'll link to that. Everybody that's listening really worth reading.

00;17;18;20 - 00;17;45;24
Speaker 3
It's about you know, ten, 12 pages, but it goes over the things, that I'm going to just quote some of these, some of these things for you. so, so think about Jesus here, everybody. So, I don't know if I'll do these in any particular order, but, you know, when Jesus in acts one, when the disciples say to him, is it now, are you going to restore the kingdom of Israel to, the kingdom to Israel?

00;17;45;24 - 00;18;05;14
Speaker 3
And he goes, it's not for you to know the time set by my father, but you go preach the gospel, right? So what's the deal with that? And, well, he's quoting the Jewish wedding ceremony. So, the groom does not know in the Jewish wedding ceremony, when the wedding is actually going to happen, because the time set by the father.

00;18;05;17 - 00;18;23;17
Speaker 3
So what the groom does, he, meets with the bride, the potential bride, and he likes this girl. Either his parents have set it up or he's, you know, found somebody he kind of likes, and and he gets them to set it up. And he sits down with this girl, and you go, and he presents her a cup of wine, and she can get out of it.

00;18;23;17 - 00;18;49;05
Speaker 3
No, she doesn't take that wine. She can get out of this. No, I don't I don't want to do it right. But if she, she accepts that this glass of wine she's the bridegroom would say, I will not drink of of this cup again until I drink it with you in my father's house. Right. And as you know, that's quoting Matthew 2629 to 32, where Jesus says to the disciples at that last Supper, I believe I will not drink of this wine.

00;18;49;07 - 00;19;10;13
Speaker 3
So what? See what until my father's help. So the deal is, the groom goes to the father's house and he builds a room on to it called the honeymoon. We would call it the honeymoon suite or, or the Time of First Love. Right. And and now the father has to okay it. And when he says it's okay, then he can go get the bride right?

00;19;10;16 - 00;19;46;27
Speaker 3
But he can't do it till he builds this thing so he doesn't know, because the father's got to give the. Okay, right. I drink of it. So he's. Jesus is quoting that marriage supper, to the disciples right now. This whole building, the honeymoon suite thing. As you know, there's a very in John 14, another big quote where Jesus says, I go to prepare a place to you for you, and I will come back in to bring you to where I am, that you know, that's what the groom says to the bride or to his chosen one who is presented this cup of wine to, because he's going to bring her back to the father's

00;19;46;27 - 00;20;11;03
Speaker 3
house, to bring him to where he is. Right? And so when Jesus says that again, he's quoting the Jewish honeymoon, you know, the Jewish wedding ceremony. A matter of fact, when you look in the book of revelation talking about this, this room, that's built on to the father's house, when when Jesus says to the church of Leo to see, I wish you were neither hot.

00;20;11;03 - 00;20;33;23
Speaker 3
You're neither hot and or cold, but lukewarm, you know, return to your first love, right? That honeymoon suite was known as the the place or the time of the first love. So even there. Right, he's quoting the Jewish wedding ceremony feast. Right. So, you know, just want you to get an idea. This is all through scripture here from the New Testament right, to the book of revelation.

00;20;33;26 - 00;20;50;10
Speaker 3
So now so they he makes this deal. The girl drinks the wine, he makes these statements to her, and off he goes. Right. Well, now she's kind of on her own now. And, you know, you have Jesus quoting, let's say, the parable of the virgins. You know, ten have oil, you know, ten of oil and ten don't.

00;20;50;13 - 00;21;14;04
Speaker 3
And then the ten leave. And of course, the groom shows up to get his bride because they don't know when he's coming. Right. Again. That's Jewish wedding ceremony feast. That's because they don't know when he's coming. So now you could show up at any time now a rich family, you know, they might, you know, if you could buy what's see like a town crier because when that groom's come in, you want a little bit of a heads up.

00;21;14;06 - 00;21;34;17
Speaker 3
And I think this is more the Galilean Galilee, how they would do it in Galilee, which is, you know, where Jesus is from. So the people in this so they would get a town crier and he would stand in between kind of the, gals house and, and the groom's house, if he could, somewhere. So he could at least alert the, the, you know, the bride and the bridesmaids.

00;21;34;17 - 00;21;56;19
Speaker 3
You get ready. He's coming, you know, and and the saying was that the groom would come like a thief in the night. So now, of course, we've used that to be about, the rapture. He's going to cry like a thief, a knife, and we're taking up. And it's partially true, but. But the meaning of it is, it's, you know, not getting away from the Antichrist.

00;21;56;22 - 00;22;13;21
Speaker 3
The meaning of it is being snatched up in the into the arms of the beloved, into a dynamic, intimate relationship. Right. And and you know, and I'm sure most of you know that when, you know, people come to Jesus in Matthew and they say, Lord, Lord, we heal the sick and raise the dead, depart from me. I never knew you.

00;22;13;28 - 00;22;38;16
Speaker 3
You know, that word is Adam new Eve. You know, this is a very intimate sexual metaphor there again. Right. So this and again, you know, this is all metaphorical language, but we're talking about something so dynamic and spiritual that marriage is the only human way the brain can slightly even grasp what we're talking about here. Because just for all the men who are, you know, they're just like, ooh, the metaphors are going too far.

00;22;38;22 - 00;23;05;01
Speaker 3
So just just so you know, guys, it's a metaphor, right? It's symbolism. So I'll give you a couple more, so. So, in, first Corinthians six, we're, Paul says, you're not your own. You've been bought with a price, right? Okay. So what's happened here? What is he. He's quoting the Jewish, you know that the preparation of the bride.

00;23;05;01 - 00;23;22;09
Speaker 3
So the bride wears the the bride price around her neck. It's a series of coins. The bride price. And she wears a series of coins around her neck. I believe it could be around her head, but I'm pretty sure it's around her neck. And, And so when a young man would kind of. Hey, what about marrying me?

00;23;22;12 - 00;23;47;19
Speaker 3
You know, forget that other guy. She would point to the bride price and say, I'm not my own. I've been bought with a price. So again, that statement quoting directly out of the, you know, Jewish wedding ceremonies here, there's just so, you know, like they're thinking this as Scripture is being is being written. the other one that that they think that there's lots of these things and I'm not doing an exhaustive list here.

00;23;47;19 - 00;24;24;01
Speaker 3
I'm just trying to make it a little bit like we're counting the stars to realize, wow, like Jesus is thinking in a very romantic, passionate way about his bride. And you know, this is all moving towards the wedding ceremony in the book of revelation, right? that when we're thinking about, the parable of the Lost Coin, and when you think about that parable, keeping in mind that the bride price is a series of coins you would wear around, that the bride would wear around her neck, that that, you know, you think about the parable on its own without that knowledge, and you're kind of like, well, why would she she throw it?

00;24;24;01 - 00;24;45;24
Speaker 3
You know, she searches her old house, she finds this coin, she throws this big party. I mean, you're throwing a party for finding one coin. I mean, you're spending a lot of money, you know, probably a lot more than one coin's worth. And the reason it appears that she threw this big party, this is what some theologians believe was that that was one of the coins of her bride price.

00;24;45;27 - 00;24;46;27
Speaker 1

00;24;46;29 - 00;25;03;20
Speaker 3
And yeah, she had lost it. And she's like, I found it the lost coin because it it points to her this intimate relationship with the bridegroom. Hey, you know, I think that might be enough to to to build the case here, I think. Right. But. Yeah. Go ahead.

00;25;03;22 - 00;25;40;10
Speaker 1
Yeah, well, I was just thinking, like, when when you look at the, the expectation, like I was thinking about this recently, the, the, the things that have entered into the cultural lexicon of a first century Jew and what the expectation was of, of the Jewish nation in the first century, the kingdom of God. The covenant promises all this stuff, like these things have, so permeated the first century mind.

00;25;40;13 - 00;26;15;27
Speaker 1
Right? You think about, the, the kind of the cultural zeitgeist that that people today gather around, right? Like, you know, when, when we have, cultural phenomenons like, let's say the Lord of the rings, right? When, when the Lord of the rings, as a book drops and transforms the landscape of fantasy literature, or when the movies come out now, everybody says that when it comes to fantasy movies, the the gold standard is the Lord of the rings movies, right?

00;26;15;27 - 00;26;17;24
Speaker 1
Not the Hobbit movies. We don't mention them.

00;26;17;27 - 00;26;18;15
Speaker 3

00;26;18;17 - 00;26;52;22
Speaker 1
They're not nearly as good. But but now the the entire conversation around, like, if you write a fantasy book, you basically have to include dwarves, elves. It's got to be said in a medieval setting. Yeah, Tolkien created this, and it's a cultural zeitgeist that enters into our cultural lexicon. And so now our language revolves around around the ideas of Tolkien and what he put into the, you know, the fantasy landscape in terms of his writing and, if you guys can't tell, I'm a huge Tolkien fan.

00;26;52;22 - 00;27;14;15
Speaker 1
I love the Tolkien's stuff. Yeah. And so I was I was thinking about this recently, like, we have we have like, if you say to someone who, was watching TV consistently in the 90s, the to go, to a what what's the oh gosh, I'm going to butcher it now. But, going where no man has gone before.

00;27;14;16 - 00;27;16;24
Speaker 2
Oh for sure. For a galaxy.

00;27;16;26 - 00;27;18;01
Speaker 3

00;27;18;03 - 00;27;21;00
Speaker 1
Exactly. It's going to immediately conjure up a whole.

00;27;21;00 - 00;27;22;13
Speaker 2
Lot of on a five.

00;27;22;13 - 00;27;22;27
Speaker 3
Year mission.

00;27;22;27 - 00;27;45;03
Speaker 1
Lings. Yes, exactly. So, so we're now talking about cultural lexicon, things that when someone, someone just makes a passing reference to it, you know exactly what they're talking about. Right. But probably in, in, our, our last 10 to 20 years, lots of people would, would find that in, the office, the show, the TV show, The Office.

00;27;45;05 - 00;28;03;28
Speaker 1
Right. It was a very popular one. People would reference that. And and you just see, you know, you could make a, an offhanded comment quoting a line from a character and someone would immediately be there. Right. So, so we have these cultural zeitgeist, these, these, these things that have infiltrated our language, our thought process, and formed how we think and how we respond and how we act.

00;28;04;01 - 00;28;30;11
Speaker 1
And a lot of it happens in the media sphere. So going back to the first century Jew, what their cultural zeitgeist were were the prophecies in Isaiah, Isaiah 4245, the prophecies in Ezekiel, about the valley of dry bones, and, the prophecies in like, just you're just there's like, ghosts are the Old Testament prophets, right?

00;28;30;14 - 00;28;50;11
Speaker 1
And so they're expecting that God is going to come on the scene and he is going to reestablish the Jewish nation. He's going to, if you if you start reading. I preached our church a while back and just and I spent probably about ten minutes just reading the scriptures, which you don't normally do when you're preaching.

00;28;50;11 - 00;28;51;08
Speaker 2
Right? Yeah, yeah.

00;28;51;08 - 00;29;10;05
Speaker 1
Expound on the scriptures. Sometimes the scriptures don't need to be expounded upon. They just need to be read. And, and I was just reading the Covenant Promises, all these promises that God was going to come and just and just setting the stage to think through. What's the first century Jew anticipating? Because this is what's entered into his culture.

00;29;10;05 - 00;29;30;28
Speaker 1
This is his every day. This is his norm. This is what he's taught. This is what he's expecting. He or she, you know, we're not just exclusively male. This is what they're expecting is there's a moment where God's gonna come on the scene. His kingdom is going to come, he's going to overthrow the occupying army, and he's going to establish a new military leader.

00;29;31;00 - 00;29;51;18
Speaker 1
You can look at the book of First. Second. Well, what the Maccabees tried to do it in the Maccabean dynasty, and they failed. You know, they were overthrown eventually by the Romans. And so you're going, this is this is the expectation. And the Pharisees, the Pharisees, they had a particular viewpoint that said, well, if we just.

00;29;51;18 - 00;29;54;05
Speaker 2
Follow the law enough.

00;29;54;08 - 00;30;23;26
Speaker 1
It'll finally happen. We can find it happen. We can force it to happen if we just. And and I, you know, shades of, you know, repentance movements today and holiness movements today going off. We're just holy enough. God will move if we just repent enough. God will move. I think we still think that way. Oh, I see it as a because because again, it's controlling the outcome and it's, it's if I have the religion and the rules, I don't really need the relationship because I don't need to be held accountable to anything except for a list of protocols.

00;30;23;28 - 00;30;43;09
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah, that's something that much I don't have to deal with code again. Yeah, well, I don't have to deal with disappointing a person. right. I have to deal with disappointing. Well, it's just rules I broke. Not a person I hurt. Yes. And so that that just makes it easier, right? So the Pharisees go, let's let's set up all these rules now.

00;30;43;09 - 00;30;59;15
Speaker 1
So. So you think about that just this expectation that a military commander was going to come overthrow the Roman occupying force, set up and establish a new kingdom. The kingdom of heaven was going to come. Will you have you have certain moments in the ministry of Jesus? I'm getting somewhere with his bridle stuff.

00;30;59;18 - 00;31;03;06
Speaker 3
No, it's really super good that you're laying out with the Pharisees. And the people were.

00;31;03;06 - 00;31;03;29
Speaker 2
Thinking, and Jesus.

00;31;03;29 - 00;31;07;23
Speaker 3
Yeah, not using that paradigm, but the people and the culture and what the.

00;31;07;23 - 00;31;09;06
Speaker 2
People in the church, these are.

00;31;09;08 - 00;31;33;28
Speaker 1
They are. And so you get like the rich young ruler who shows up and asks Jesus, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Now he's not talking about salvation. That's not his point. He's not looking forward to some kind of coming eschaton right? It's not an eschatological question. And, I find a lot of it's a yeah, it's about I was thinking the same thing.

00;31;33;28 - 00;31;35;25
Speaker 2
I live on a lot of a lot.

00;31;35;25 - 00;31;39;13
Speaker 1
Of eschatology is just full of eschatology.

00;31;39;18 - 00;31;40;03
Speaker 2
That's right.

00;31;40;03 - 00;31;41;14
Speaker 1
So so the good.

00;31;41;14 - 00;31;42;11
Speaker 3
Lord plan had it in.

00;31;42;12 - 00;31;55;07
Speaker 1
It's right. It had to be, said he. This isn't this question. What must I do to inherit eternal life? He's not asking about his life. He's asking about the life of the age to come. When this age where we're currently experiencing.

00;31;55;09 - 00;31;57;24
Speaker 3
He wants to be in the ruling party, wants.

00;31;57;24 - 00;31;58;25
Speaker 1
To be in the ruling party.

00;31;58;25 - 00;32;01;06
Speaker 3
You know, the, the Joker in the night on the throne.

00;32;01;07 - 00;32;13;17
Speaker 1
This and this was a common question that was asked of rabbis. What are the things that I need to focus on? What law is really important when it comes to the coming kingdom age? I need to know so I can prepare myself.

00;32;13;18 - 00;32;18;03
Speaker 3
And that's why in acts one they say, all right, this time, are you going to restore the kingdom?

00;32;18;03 - 00;32;19;24
Speaker 2
Yes. Of Israel. That's.

00;32;19;24 - 00;32;35;28
Speaker 1
Yes. Exactly. This is what they're thinking, right? Yeah. So this is the rich young ruler. The kingdom's going to come. I want to be the kind of person that has life in the kingdom. So what do I need to do to prepare? Right. Well, the thing that flips this whole encounter on its head is he's a rich young ruler.

00;32;36;01 - 00;32;56;21
Speaker 1
He's someone Jesus should recruit for the coming kingdom. But he's. But Jesus says, give away everything. And it's like the disciples are like, what is he talking about? This is impossible because if you're going to set up a kingdom, what do you need? You need finances. You need rich people, you need rulers, you need experienced people. And Jesus is going, go sell all you have and give to the poor.

00;32;56;21 - 00;33;31;28
Speaker 1
And they're like, but the poor can't help a ruling kingdom. So he flips the whole expectation on its head. And this is what the bridle paradigm does in the ministry of Jesus is it says, you're expecting a messianic king who's going to be a ruler, but God is setting a wedding feast and inviting you to participate. And so when Jesus has this conversation, specifically the the Kingdom parable in Matthew 22, and he goes and he goes, you know, send out the call to all the people and invite them, send the servants out, go to the streets and invite them to come to my wedding feast.

00;33;32;00 - 00;33;40;14
Speaker 1
Right. He's set a wedding feast for his son. Well, the like when, if any first century Jew hearing this would know the servants or the prophets. That's all they're referred to.

00;33;40;26 - 00;33;41;07
Speaker 3

00;33;41;07 - 00;33;46;27
Speaker 1
Yeah, right. So he send the prophets out and call them to my wedding feast. So that's what the prophets are doing in the old text.

00;33;46;27 - 00;33;49;10
Speaker 3
There you go. There's another parable just like it. See, there it is.

00;33;49;10 - 00;34;10;12
Speaker 1
Exactly. They're calling the people to a wedding feast. And. And the. There's people who don't respond. Right. These are the Pharisees. These are the Sadducees. These are the ruling party. This is why it's so offensive to them. Because they're the ones who are metering out truth, so, so offensive to them. Because Jesus is going, look, the prophets went out and called and none of you responded.

00;34;10;20 - 00;34;27;13
Speaker 1
And then there's this one guy. So then it says none of them are responding. This is the the fathers of the faith. This is Israel in the day, the unfaithful, all that stuff. They didn't listen to the come to the wedding feast because they wanted well, we want our kingdom back, and we want all our money and our power and influence and our wealth and everybody.

00;34;27;13 - 00;34;31;08
Speaker 3
Just so you know, to sum it up, remember, Jesus feeds the 5000. What do they do?

00;34;31;10 - 00;34;32;26
Speaker 1
They want to make him a warrior.

00;34;32;26 - 00;34;34;28
Speaker 3
Grab him and try to make him king.

00;34;35;00 - 00;34;52;07
Speaker 1
Exactly. And the 4000, they do the same thing with when he feeds the 4000. they want to make him a king. And now he's got an army, right? And he's got finances because he's got families there and there's women and children. So he's got people to serve in the kingdom. And so it's like, this is the perfect opportunity for him to be the general.

00;34;52;07 - 00;34;54;07
Speaker 1
Finally. But he he.

00;34;54;09 - 00;34;55;04
Speaker 3
Won't do it.

00;34;55;10 - 00;35;14;10
Speaker 1
Yeah. He won't do it because he's not coming to set up a kingdom of this world. He's coming to establish a bridle relationship. And so and so when, when the last one is, you know, send out all the servants, invite anybody to come in to the wedding feast. Right. And so this is the gospel call. Now we've he's going, look, the kingdom's coming.

00;35;14;10 - 00;35;25;05
Speaker 1
And the and the invitation is to participate in a wedding feast, not ruling and reigning in a kingdom in the in the way that they were expecting. And then one guy comes in, and typically when you.

00;35;25;05 - 00;35;25;16
Speaker 3
Come in.

00;35;25;17 - 00;35;42;18
Speaker 1
Clothes, he doesn't have wedding clothes. But here's the thing. He would have been given wedding clothes traditionally when he comes in to the wedding, because if he doesn't have the wedding clothes, they would have had the clothes available to him. So by refusing to put on the clothes, he's saying, I've responded to the invitation, but I don't want to change my ways.

00;35;42;20 - 00;35;59;07
Speaker 1
Yeah. And so so he's going, I'm actually not participating in this. So this is like to me, this is like the religious elite today. I'll come in, but I'm not going to participate in the joy that the wedding feast brings. I'm just going to I'm not I've this doesn't seem right to me. We still need the rules and regulations.

00;35;59;07 - 00;36;17;24
Speaker 1
You know, you've got. You're drinking too much alcohol. They're. You're doing too much stuff over there. You're doing too much stuff over there. And so there are certain people who come in, but there's like they're get rid of this guy. They're not supposed to be part of this thing. Right? So this is this is Jesus is going your expectation in the cultural lexicon of the day, your expectation as a kingdom.

00;36;17;27 - 00;36;36;22
Speaker 1
I'm telling you that the expectation is a wedding feast. And that's what the kingdom's like. The kingdom's not like, because he said, the kingdom of heaven is like a wedding feast, right? It's like when a king prepares a wedding feast for a son. This is what you should be anticipating. And every every, the Jewish nation before missed it.

00;36;36;25 - 00;36;59;09
Speaker 1
And the invitation now is going out to anybody. Right. So this is where Jesus comes in with parables that subvert the expectation of what it's going to look like. And he says, actually, the paradigm is bridle. The the paradigm is not military. It's not militant. The paradigms bridle and and I think today we have we're still wrestling with that.

00;36;59;12 - 00;37;01;03
Speaker 1
And we probably need to do oh are.

00;37;01;03 - 00;37;02;04
Speaker 3
We ever oh.

00;37;02;04 - 00;37;02;26
Speaker 2
For sure.

00;37;02;28 - 00;37;03;29
Speaker 1
For sure. And even there.

00;37;04;00 - 00;37;11;13
Speaker 3
Even in the prophetic movement, like when everything we did, if you want to talk about it like everything we did on prophetic Manifesto is exactly what we just talked about.

00;37;11;13 - 00;37;12;28
Speaker 1
Yeah. That's right.

00;37;13;00 - 00;37;14;00
Speaker 2
So that's right.

00;37;14;03 - 00;37;15;24
Speaker 3
Everyone go back and watch them. Yeah.

00;37;15;24 - 00;37;49;13
Speaker 1
That's right. Go back and go back and listen to the prophetic Manifesto. We went we did like 15 episodes on, reframing the gift of prophecy from an early church lens. Yeah, but but even then, the early church, when it comes to and what we'll probably do, I would imagine we could do a follow up episode looking at the bridal paradigm in the contemplative authors and oh yeah, that's that's a thing we could look at because you, you don't find, I'll just say this you don't find bridal language in the early contemplative authors.

00;37;49;15 - 00;38;08;22
Speaker 1
It took them a while to start adopting bridal metaphors on a level. Yeah. So it's not a it's not super common until you get a little bit later. And, and then, you know, one of the anyway, we can well, we could talk about that another time, but that's. Yeah, we're so much better.

00;38;08;23 - 00;38;15;15
Speaker 3
Like my favorite bridal paradigm guy. Hey, him and Saint Simeon might be there. I mean, they're 700 years apart. Those guys. Yes.

00;38;15;15 - 00;38;33;18
Speaker 1
Well, it's Macarius is an outlier. He really is when it comes to bridal language, when it isn't very contemplative life. He is an outlier. And, Yeah. And and you find a little bit. Well, we'll have to do an episode it because we'll get too distracted with that. So.

00;38;33;20 - 00;38;51;26
Speaker 3
You know, I have to go back to this, like, cultural zeitgeist thing we were talking about, like, just the, just the language of things that when you see it, of course, you're going to. Because because when you, you have to realize I had this funny thing happen and I'll, I'll go back to it because it's like, if it happens in our culture, elves, dwarfs or whatever, we all know.

00;38;51;26 - 00;38;52;23
Speaker 3
Oh, Tolkien, you know.

00;38;52;24 - 00;38;53;25
Speaker 2
Yeah, that's right, I.

00;38;53;25 - 00;38;58;05
Speaker 3
I had this funny Monty Python thing that happened the other day. It was so funny because,

00;38;58;07 - 00;38;58;22
Speaker 2
That's another.

00;38;58;29 - 00;39;00;29
Speaker 1
I go to another site, Geist, Monty Python.

00;39;01;05 - 00;39;01;14
Speaker 2
All right.

00;39;01;16 - 00;39;16;27
Speaker 3
So so we had this weird dude class was over. I have to tell this story. It's so funny. And, you know, we have this group of leaders that help run these small groups and classes over, so we're debriefing and and one of the this Chinese friend of mine, it's great. He's so, so wonderful. And she's from LA.

00;39;16;29 - 00;39;31;28
Speaker 3
Probably never seen Monty Python in her life. So so she goes, somebody had a dream. Now I just watch what happens here. Even with Josh, it'll be so funny. And in the dream, you know, we couldn't figure out how what to work on it. Because in the dream, the guy said, I'm not quite dead yet.

00;39;32;01 - 00;39;40;10
Speaker 2
And we just, And suddenly we're like, I don't want to go on the cart. I'd be happy, right? You guys all get it? Yeah.

00;39;40;10 - 00;39;47;22
Speaker 3
And everybody he's like, laughing it like. And she's like, what are you doing it really? Monty Python like what? Monty Python.

00;39;47;22 - 00;39;56;04
Speaker 2
You're like, you're kidding me. You don't know what? That's right. I don't want to go on to God. Yes. Yeah. That's right. Oh, you'll be so dead in a moment. I'm not.

00;39;56;04 - 00;39;56;22
Speaker 1
Quite dead.

00;39;56;22 - 00;40;00;12
Speaker 2
Yet. so we already were, you.

00;40;00;14 - 00;40;17;11
Speaker 3
But you got to see with. With Jesus is. It's almost like that. You got to see these quotes like thief in the night. I've been bought with a price. father's house. You got to think that that would trigger all this information in the in the culture's heads, because you're talking about right.

00;40;17;14 - 00;40;27;19
Speaker 1
So it's like if I was preaching and, and I went and I said or speaking somewhere publicly and I said, we're going to go where no man has gone. Oh, war.

00;40;27;24 - 00;40;29;12
Speaker 2
Right. I don't think you would go.

00;40;29;18 - 00;40;48;17
Speaker 1
Everybody would go, oh, Star Trek, they're exploring the and I'm but I'm talking about the spiritual life. And so everybody's going to they'll get the connected metaphor right. And there's some people who will go, well that's not what the spiritual life is about, right? It's not about going to crazy extremes. That's not what it's about. So there are people, people that disagree because of the cultural moment that I'm referring to.

00;40;48;20 - 00;40;54;02
Speaker 1
Right. That's the kind of stuff that Jesus is doing here in the parables in the New Testament is.

00;40;54;02 - 00;41;12;15
Speaker 3
And with that in mind, I want to read something here because it's, it's and it's going to take me a bit to read it. But if you got to read what I'm got to listen to what I'm going to read through this bridle paradigm lens. Okay. And and keeping in mind and so we're going to do Ephesians one.

00;41;12;17 - 00;41;26;06
Speaker 3
But keep in mind, even in Ephesians five, I think it's Ephesians five. Josh, you can you know, I better not flip through my cell phone here. I'm in Ephesians one too far, but we're for Paul. These talks about marriage, wives submit your husbands.

00;41;26;10 - 00;41;26;17
Speaker 2

00;41;26;20 - 00;41;31;04
Speaker 3
Husbands, you know, sacrifice for your wife. You know, put yourself on the cross, man.

00;41;31;05 - 00;41;31;14
Speaker 2

00;41;31;15 - 00;41;37;06
Speaker 3
Like guys get off way too easy. And then he says, I'm not talking about men and women. I'm talking about Jesus and the church.

00;41;37;09 - 00;41;38;07
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah, right.

00;41;38;08 - 00;41;41;07
Speaker 1
The mystery is great. I'm talking about Jesus in the church.

00;41;41;07 - 00;42;04;03
Speaker 3
So. So again, you just keep that in mind and I'm going to read this to you. Keep in mind bridal paradigm okay. Because there's things that we miss. And there's a reason for this because I'm going to, read that to kind of a good little parable of Ephesians one called Johnny Lingo in the eight core wife. You know, and I, I think it's going to fit really well here.

00;42;04;03 - 00;42;04;28
Speaker 3
That's where I'm going to go.

00;42;04;28 - 00;42;08;02
Speaker 1
But Johnny Lingo and the eight card wife, let's go for it.

00;42;08;08 - 00;42;29;16
Speaker 3
Yeah. Okay. So but so when I read this it's the most, I think the most beautiful piece of scripture in the New Testament. I mean, in, in, you know, the epistles and I mean, Paul is going to throw every major big word of our relationship with the Godhead right here. But he's going to sum it up in bridal paradigm and it gets missed.

00;42;29;16 - 00;42;30;12
Speaker 1

00;42;30;14 - 00;42;52;26
Speaker 3
So so everybody just kind of close your eyes, take a deep breath, and not just listen to the words, but listen to the emotion of it. If that's okay. Okay. So here we go. This is, Paul starts it off, taking a big deep breath. grace to you and peace from God, our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

00;42;52;29 - 00;43;12;23
Speaker 3
And then he just launches into it. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world. And as one commentator says, he found us in Christ before he lost us in Adam.

00;43;12;26 - 00;43;34;18
Speaker 3
I love that statement, even, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace with which he has given us in the beloved, beloved guys. In him we have redemption through his blood, forgiveness of our trespasses, according to.

00;43;35;08 - 00;43;54;11
Speaker 3
So I missed something there more. I think that's it. Sorry. Phone scrolling through according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us in the wisdom and insight lavished what a great word making known to us the mystery of his will according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ. Has he planned for the fullness of time to unite all things in heaven and earth?

00;43;54;14 - 00;44;22;17
Speaker 3
Right. And I might skip a little bit just because you're getting the idea here. in in in him we have obtained an inheritance. Having been pre destined, right according to the purpose of him, which works out all things according to his counsel, blah, blah blah. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is a guarantee of our inherit.

00;44;22;17 - 00;44;48;05
Speaker 3
It's until we acquire possession of it to the praise of his glory. Okay? So it builds and builds and builds and builds, adopted, called, predestined, washed in the blood. And then sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. Guarantee our inheritance until we acquire possession of it to the praise of his glory. What's the inheritance? See that? That's the big deal here.

00;44;48;07 - 00;45;06;20
Speaker 3
That the inheritance. What they're talking about is the bridal ceremony. That's that's where we're going. And when you go a little bit further and it talks about, I pray God would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation that the eyes of your heart would open. It says these things that you may know the hope of your calling.

00;45;06;23 - 00;45;28;04
Speaker 3
What's the hope of your calling? Bridal inheritance. His glorious inheritance in the saints. That's what Christ gets out of you. What is Christ? Get out of you! A bride right, and immeasurable great purity. So it it's all through this language. And then if you flip it chapter two just mean, of course, these numbers and subtitles, they're all added.

00;45;28;04 - 00;45;49;05
Speaker 3
This is a letter. There's no breaks. even when we are dead in our trespasses. Made alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved and raised up with him, and seated us in the heavenly place with Christ, so that in the coming ages he might show us the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

00;45;49;10 - 00;46;15;03
Speaker 3
Once again he's thinking bridal paradigm. We're going. And then, of course, you get into revelation and it spills it out even more, right? So so when you read things like, you know, Romans 815, we've not received a spirit of fear, but a spirit of sonship by which you cry out, ABBA, father! for we are heirs and co heirs with Christ, you know, if indeed we suffer with him, everybody cuts that one out.

00;46;15;08 - 00;46;30;18
Speaker 3
But, you know, what's this co er, you know, what's that all about. Well that's still back to the same thing but they're thinking this way. Right. And, and with that do you want to add anything before I read eight Carl wife.

00;46;31;22 - 00;46;36;08
Speaker 1
yeah. Yes. Let me you just start three minutes.

00;46;36;09 - 00;46;37;16
Speaker 3
You were.

00;46;37;18 - 00;46;38;22
Speaker 1
Yeah. No. but.

00;46;38;22 - 00;46;43;05
Speaker 3
My point is again that I again maybe I'll say one more thing, everybody.

00;46;43;07 - 00;46;44;27
Speaker 2

00;46;44;29 - 00;46;49;27
Speaker 1
You are cutting a little bit there. So I was wondering. Okay, so you're good now.

00;46;50;00 - 00;47;20;19
Speaker 3
Okay. I probably jingle jangle that little chord, you know. So a little bit of a heartfelt confession and maybe I'll lose some of you listening after I do this. And I guess I'm okay with that, because I think it's better to be. I think it's really important to be transparent and real. And so in 2017, when the Lord started talking to me about all this stuff, you know, a pastor basically in ministry sense, you know, you know, in Bible school in, in late 80s to early 90s and in ministry the whole time.

00;47;20;21 - 00;47;45;15
Speaker 3
So it in 2017, my wife divorced me, right. And just said, you know, we'd been through about a church splits by then, you know, life, you know, the painful like, you know, as a pastor, especially a midnight guy, you know, you die before you get divorced, right? And we'd been through counseling for years and try to work through stuff out and and yet and her dad is still my spiritual father.

00;47;45;15 - 00;48;04;24
Speaker 3
And actually, I live where I live because he helped me get here. He's coming over on Thursday to pray over my property and, you know, had really walk through lots of stuff. And she just decided, nope, I'm not getting counseling. I'm not working on my stuff. I haven't had it. I hadn't had feelings for you in 20 years.

00;48;04;26 - 00;48;22;18
Speaker 3
Goodbye. Right? Like the house broke up, my kids destroyed my reputation, wrecked my ministry. and I thought I was basically going to die in two years. I thought I was dead because everything you're supposed to be as a Christian, suddenly I didn't have.

00;48;22;20 - 00;48;23;13
Speaker 2

00;48;23;15 - 00;48;38;01
Speaker 3
And I remember and and it what it does to your memories, too. I remember taking our Christmas tree because we had to sell the house and split up the money and, and, you know, broke the family up a really hard time. And, and I'm doing really good now. I should with my friend.

00;48;38;18 - 00;48;39;00
Speaker 2

00;48;39;00 - 00;48;40;08
Speaker 1
Remember that season very well.

00;48;40;08 - 00;49;06;10
Speaker 3
Yeah, he really helped me through it, so. And, you know, I was real accountable getting counseling. And, you know, I think in just so you know, everyone, it's this is going somewhere good though. But when you, when you don't have your lifelong partner that you thought God put you with and you have that pain, and then when you look back, I remember when I threw the, the Christmas tree cleaning out the house, I threw it into the trash bin.

00;49;06;13 - 00;49;11;03
Speaker 3
You know, you look at that tree and all the memories connected to it go into that trash bin with you.

00;49;11;06 - 00;49;11;29
Speaker 1

00;49;12;01 - 00;49;24;05
Speaker 3
I didn't know that until the next Christmas when I was remarried. By then, by the way, I wasn't seeing color properly. And because the next year I'm like the Christmas lights always this bright.

00;49;24;07 - 00;49;25;06
Speaker 2
Right? Right.

00;49;25;08 - 00;49;46;08
Speaker 3
And, because that whole thing, it it dissolved like November, I think was the final death. So. And the Lord was so kind to me. So the Lord started to share the verses I'm sharing with you and reading that, you know, and I came across that article on, on the ancient Jewish ceremony. And I'm like, Lord, why are you giving me these verses now?

00;49;46;10 - 00;49;57;19
Speaker 3
I really don't want to talk about marriage. When my wife died. Right. And and the reason was the Lord says, how you feel about not having a bride is how I feel about not having bro.

00;49;57;26 - 00;49;58;29
Speaker 2
Right. Wow.

00;49;59;03 - 00;50;29;09
Speaker 3
And he says, I'm going to use this to teach you how I long to come for my bride and how I feel about her. I died for her. I paid with my blood for her. You know, I've watched her. I've redeemed her. I'm calling her to this eternal purpose. And and it it created this relation ship between me and Christ, of of a heartfelt companion who understood the pain because he feels the same pain.

00;50;29;12 - 00;50;30;01
Speaker 1

00;50;30;03 - 00;50;34;27
Speaker 3
So, you know, these are not just theological points to me. And that's what I like, this topic.

00;50;35;00 - 00;50;36;06
Speaker 2

00;50;36;08 - 00;50;42;11
Speaker 1
And, and and to make the theological point about that, as shows me the, the.

00;50;42;18 - 00;50;43;02
Speaker 2

00;50;43;28 - 00;50;55;08
Speaker 1
the lamb that's currently hanging out on his couch. Yeah. is that that, like Hosea, I'm reminded of Hosea, right?

00;50;55;09 - 00;50;56;18
Speaker 3
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Very much.

00;50;56;23 - 00;51;20;20
Speaker 1
Hosea, has a marriage and the marriage constantly falls apart. And it serves as a metaphor for the way that Israel has hurt the heart of the father. And, you know, so, so it's and it's not what just here in Murray's example, it's not that Murray is going, oh, like the Lord was the catalyst for killing my marriage.

00;51;20;20 - 00;51;21;14
Speaker 3
No, not at all.

00;51;21;15 - 00;51;22;13
Speaker 2
I always used.

00;51;22;13 - 00;51;24;01
Speaker 3
It as a metaphor.

00;51;24;02 - 00;51;32;09
Speaker 1
As a point where it goes, oh my goodness, I understand how your heart feels. And and, you know, that's one of the things of developing and understand.

00;51;32;09 - 00;51;34;20
Speaker 3
Oh my goodness. Sorry.

00;51;34;23 - 00;51;35;11
Speaker 2

00;51;35;13 - 00;51;46;12
Speaker 3
I have a baby sheep living in my house. And he totally just went onto the armchair, the arm of the chair, and leaped into the air and did like a half gainer and landed right.

00;51;46;12 - 00;51;52;24
Speaker 2
And he was like, oh, look at that, right? Oh my goodness, my wife just j. We just freaking cute.

00;51;52;27 - 00;51;53;24
Speaker 3
Who saw everybody?

00;51;53;24 - 00;51;55;20
Speaker 2
I'm like yes. Oh boy.

00;51;55;20 - 00;51;56;24
Speaker 3
Wow. It's pretty impressive.

00;51;56;24 - 00;52;04;29
Speaker 1
But I'm just I'm just thinking I want to I just want to point one thing out more. And then and then you've got. Thank you so much, by the way, for being so honest and vulnerable.

00;52;04;29 - 00;52;05;27
Speaker 3
Well, you know, the story.

00;52;05;27 - 00;52;06;21
Speaker 1
Ends in a good.

00;52;06;21 - 00;52;29;08
Speaker 3
Way, right? Yeah. Because suddenly I meet J. And and, you know, I'll let her tell her side of the story. and I, you know, I wasn't planning on on getting remarried. I was going to wait years and years and years, if ever. And and I remember we went out for coffee because she you know, somebody I just knew she wanted she had drawn like, 18 doors and wanted to know why.

00;52;29;10 - 00;52;54;11
Speaker 3
Like, you know why? It turned out 2018 was the year of the door, which was interesting. Right? And the presence of God showed up and we ended up just sitting there talking, and suddenly they were putting the chairs up on the table. And I'm like, what just happened? We didn't actually even talk about it at all. And this stuff just keeps happening and happening and happening and and, to the point I remember some friends of mine who said, no, no, no, she's not for you.

00;52;54;11 - 00;53;12;03
Speaker 3
She's not for you. we had been, talking, cardio. God knows, it's just this weird, you know, sensing, feeling and just an Abrams. This guy, you know, I don't know him personally. I don't even. We really listen to his stuff, but he just was the topic of conversation. And, knowing what somebody else is feeling. Feeling connected.

00;53;12;05 - 00;53;25;14
Speaker 3
And he had a particular symbol on, on his website. And I was with them in Bellingham. My friend's going, no, she's not the right one. And I was like, let's watch a movie about this. There was a good movie, you know, just to believe you're going to hang out. And we're talking about Justin Abraham's and Cardi the Gnosis.

00;53;25;14 - 00;53;39;25
Speaker 3
And suddenly Jay, who we were dating, it sends me the cover photo at that moment of Justin Abraham's cover page of the symbol we were just talking about, about cardio. God knows it's exactly word for word.

00;53;39;28 - 00;53;44;28
Speaker 2
And my friend goes, oh, you're getting married. That's,

00;53;45;01 - 00;54;20;26
Speaker 3
And these things kept happening. Now, the reason I say that is, is you've been sealed with the Holy Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing your inheritance. What is to come until we take possession of it. The point is that, you know, if you read the Passion translation, it'll say, there you've been given an engagement ring. And and what it's talking about is a signet ring of a king, where you would get a scroll and a legal document and roll it up and put a blob of wax on it to seal it, and you would push that seal into that blob, right?

00;54;20;26 - 00;54;43;10
Speaker 3
Then you would know that's the ring of the king, right? You've been sealed with the Holy Spirit guaranteeing. So the point is this every time just like how Jay and I got together, these weird spiritual things happen. Like, oh my goodness, like, what's going on? Like, God must be in this, right? Must be going somewhere when the Holy Spirit, anytime he touches you, speaks to you through Scripture, you get a dream, you get a word.

00;54;43;10 - 00;55;02;26
Speaker 3
The presence of God comes on you. It's telling you you're getting married someday. It's the same physical signs and the Holy Spirit in my in Jay getting married for you, getting married to the bridegroom. Because when the Holy Spirit touches you, it's a sign of your inheritance. Hey, buddy. This dream, this event, this touch of God, this feeling of the presence.

00;55;02;26 - 00;55;10;19
Speaker 3
I just want to remind you we're getting married someday. This is going eternal. And. And to think of it like that.

00;55;10;22 - 00;55;34;22
Speaker 1
This it it. You know, I've just I've got my Bible open here to the song of Solomon. and and I there's so much I could say about this. And so I just make it a minute, a minute long thing just to hammer. Hammer home. Your point is, it begins with a kiss, right? Yeah. Yeah. and this is, this is because the Song of Solomon basically sums up all of Scripture.

00;55;34;24 - 00;55;38;15
Speaker 3
So we might need to do a whole episode on song as well.

00;55;38;15 - 00;55;59;24
Speaker 1
We could probably do about a thousand episodes on Song of Solomon. Well, begins with a kiss. And if you think about it, life begins with a kiss. This is the father coming down, breathing life into Adam. So life begins with the kiss. So song of Solomon talks about the beginning of life and it talks about the beginning of intimacy.

00;55;59;26 - 00;56;19;27
Speaker 1
This is may he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth. This is the first awareness the bride has is the kisses of the lover. Cool, right? This is Genesis one. Genesis one in Genesis two. And then just a this. Because, like you said, you could cover all of this stuff and I'm just gonna point one of the thing out, and that's the end.

00;56;20;00 - 00;56;39;02
Speaker 1
And that's Song of Solomon eight. There's only eight chapters there. But again, it's a summation of all of Scripture. It's all and it's all bridle paradigm. It says the verse, the first verse of chapter eight is, oh, this is this, this is the bride talking about the bridegroom. Oh, that you were like a brother to me who nursed in my mother's breast.

00;56;39;02 - 00;56;59;07
Speaker 1
If I found you outdoors, I would kiss you. No one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you into the house of my mother who used to instruct me. I will, I would give you spiced wine to drink, blah blah blah, right? Yeah. So so so begins with a kiss. Life begins. There's this whole preparation process.

00;56;59;09 - 00;57;07;19
Speaker 1
That's all the stuff you can talk about. And then if you were like my. If you had the same nature as me, I would encounter you.

00;57;07;21 - 00;57;08;28
Speaker 2
Oh, right.

00;57;09;01 - 00;57;41;06
Speaker 1
If you were like my brother, I would bring you into my door and we would consummate the relationship. Well, okay, so that's the incarnation, right? Because Jesus became like us and the Holy Spirit comes into dwell within us, right? So that's what that's saying right there. And then she goes into the desert. Jesus goes into the desert. When he comes out of the desert, he's come out in the power of the spirit.

00;57;41;10 - 00;58;02;28
Speaker 1
When she comes out of the desert, you see, who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved. And so you've got you really have the whole bridal story and Song of Solomon from the beginning to the end. And then what happens? Right? She comes up out of the desert just like he comes out of the desert in the spirit.

00;58;03;04 - 00;58;25;19
Speaker 1
She comes out of the desert relying on him, leaning on him in the spirit. And then I've been sealed. Set me as a seal upon your arm. Your love is strong. Nothing can break this blah blah blah. Right? So again, we've got the seal of the Holy Spirit. You've been sealed. So you're it. Everything the the entire paradigm from the beginning to the end is also move on with Solomon.

00;58;25;26 - 00;58;34;08
Speaker 1
And it is all bridle paradigm, bridle language and it's all intimacy. So this is this is I mean, this is scripture. This is what it is.

00;58;34;09 - 00;58;36;25
Speaker 3
I think we should do another episode on that right there next to.

00;58;36;25 - 00;58;37;29
Speaker 1
We probably should. Yeah.

00;58;38;03 - 00;58;39;12
Speaker 2
Because, you know.

00;58;39;14 - 00;58;44;15
Speaker 3
I would like to hear it because I'm okay. Well, how about I and then with Aikawa, if you.

00;58;44;15 - 00;58;47;28
Speaker 1
Do that and then more because my my bride, my bride.

00;58;47;28 - 00;58;48;12
Speaker 2
Your bride.

00;58;48;15 - 00;58;49;09
Speaker 3
Is showing up here.

00;58;49;10 - 00;58;51;12
Speaker 1
Very close to picking me up.

00;58;51;14 - 00;59;09;08
Speaker 3
Okay, everybody. So I'm going to. So keep in mind I'm going to read your story here. But I think this makes the point the best that I can make it. So think think what we just read in Ephesians in regard bridal paradigm inheritance that is to come sealed with the spirit seated in the heavenlies, all that stuff, right?

00;59;09;10 - 00;59;35;21
Speaker 3
So called, adopted, chosen, predestined, all that stuff. Okay. Now and I'm going to read your story and then I'll explain it how this fits in the end. But this is why Ephesians one exists right here. And so this is a story, it's quite famous, I think. I first read it, read it in a Reader's Digest back in the day about Johnny Lingo, and I'm sure there is a, video on YouTube of a movie of this.

00;59;35;21 - 00;59;56;26
Speaker 3
You can play it for your kids. Actually, I'm sure it's there. So and so. It's a reporter. He's traveling around the Pacific Islands, and he's, looking for a tour guide, and he hears about Johnny Lingo, who's supposed to be the best guide, smartest man in the islands. So he goes looking for him, and I'll just pick up the story right there.

00;59;56;29 - 01;00;19;03
Speaker 3
My trip to Canada Island in the Pacific was a memorable one. Although the island was beautiful and I had an enjoyable time, the thing I remember most about the trip was the fact that Johnny Lingo gave eight cows for his wife. I'm reminded of every time I see a woman belittle her husband or wife with her under her husband scorned, I want to say to them, you should know why Johnny Lingo gave eight cows.

01;00;20;01 - 01;00;36;22
Speaker 3
let's see. So I'm going to just skip down a little bit. A couple of days after my arrival in Canada, I went to the manager of the guesthouse to see who he thought it would be. A good guy, Johnny Lingo, said the manager. He's the best around. He'll get you a deal. Johnny Lingo, who did a nearby boy.

01;00;36;22 - 01;00;54;05
Speaker 3
That boy, Annie rocked in laughter, says he'll make a deal. All right. What's going on? I demanded. Everybody tells me to get in touch with Johnny Lingo and they start laughing. We let me in on the joke. Oh, the people like to laugh, the manager said, shrugging. Johnny's the brightest and strongest young man in the islands. He's also the richest for his age.

01;00;54;08 - 01;01;15;25
Speaker 3
But I protested, if he is, all he say is he says he is. Why does everyone laugh behind his back? Well, there's one thing. Five months ago, at first of all, Johnny came to Canada and found himself a wife. He gave her father eight cows. I knew enough about island customs to be impressed. The dairy of 2 or 3 cows would get a net, a fair wife, 4 or 5 cows.

01;01;15;25 - 01;01;36;26
Speaker 3
Wouldn't that? A very nice wife. Wow, I said eight cows. She must have been beautiful. Take your breath away. She's not ugly, he conceded with a little smile. But calling her plain would be definitely be a compliment. Sam Carew, her father, was afraid he wouldn't be able to marry her off instead of being stuck where there he was going to just get one cow.

01;01;36;28 - 01;01;58;04
Speaker 3
He got eight cows. People are shocked. This price has never been paid before. I was confused, do you call Johnny's wife plain? I said it would be a compliment to call her plain, replied the manager. She was skinny and she walked with her shoulders hunched and her head ducked. She was scared of her own shadow. Well, I said, I guess there's no accounting for it, love.

01;01;58;07 - 01;02;17;06
Speaker 3
True enough, the man agreed. That's why the villagers grinned when they talk about Johnny, they get special satisfaction for the fact that the sharpest trader in the island was bested by dull old Sam, Guru or Dad. But how? No one knows. Everyone wonders. All the cousins are Sam to ask for three cows hold out for two and surely Johnny would pay one.

01;02;17;09 - 01;02;38;25
Speaker 3
Oh my goodness. To their surprise, Johnny came to Sam crew and said walked straight up and said eight cows and walked out with with that with the girl. so I wanted to fish and get pearls and it was right where I was going by Johnny's house. So I noticed I'm going to go in. I thought, I'm skipping a little bit.

01;02;38;27 - 01;03;01;16
Speaker 3
So I decided to go in and meet this young man. When I met this slim, serious young man, I could immediately see why everyone respected his skills. However, this was only reinforced by my confusion as I sat in the house. You came here from Canada? Yes. They speak of me on that island. Yes, I said they. They say you provide me anything I need that you're the intelligent, resourceful and Sherpas trader.

01;03;01;19 - 01;03;19;03
Speaker 3
He smiled gently. My wife is from Canada. Yes, I know, I said. They speak of her. Oh, a little bit. What do they say? Well, I, the question caught me off guard. They told me you got married at first of all time, nothing more. The curve of his iceberg told me that he knew there was something more.

01;03;19;06 - 01;03;41;17
Speaker 3
They also say that the Samaritan that was eight cows. And they wonder why they asked that. His eyes lightened with pleasure. Everyone in Canada knows about the eight cows. I nodded, and in Nur and Bundy, everybody knows two. His chest expanded with satisfaction. Always and forever. When they speak of marriage settlements, it will be remembered that Johnny Lingle paid eight cows for Sarita.

01;03;41;19 - 01;04;17;01
Speaker 3
So that's the answer, I thought. Vanity. Just then, sari Sarita entered the room to place flowers on the table while she stood still for a moment to smile at her husband and left. Sorry, just story gets me every time. He was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The lift of her shoulders, it tilted her chin, the sparkle in her eyes all spray, all spelled self-confidence and pride, not arrogance and haughty pride, but confident in her beauty that radiated in every moment.

01;04;17;04 - 01;04;41;24
Speaker 3
I turned back to Johnny and found him looking at me. You admire, he murmured. She's. She's gorgeous, I said. Obviously this is not it. Not the one everyone is talking about. She can't be the Sarita. You married in Canada. There's only one Sarita. Perhaps she doesn't look like you expected. She does it. I heard she was homely. They all make fun of you because you let yourself be cheated by Sam Carew.

01;04;41;26 - 01;05;00;22
Speaker 3
You think eight cows was too many? A smile slid over his face. No. But how can she be so different from the way you described her? Johnny said. Think about how it must make a girl feel to know her husband paid a very low dowry for her. It must be insulting to her to know he places such little value on her.

01;05;00;24 - 01;05;17;27
Speaker 3
Think about how she must feel when the other women boast about the high prices their husbands paid for them. It must be embarrassing for her. I would not let that happen to Sarita. So you paid eight cows just to make your wife happy? Well, of course I wanted Sarita to be happy, Johnny said. But there's more to it than that.

01;05;17;29 - 01;05;38;02
Speaker 3
You say she is different from what you expected. This is true. Many things can change a woman. There are things that happen on the inside and things that happen on the outside. However, the thing that matters most is how she views herself and kin of what a Sarah Sarita believe she was worth nothing as a result. That's the value she projected.

01;05;38;06 - 01;06;13;23
Speaker 3
Now she knows she's worth more than any other woman in the islands. It shows, doesn't it? Then you wanted. I was coming close to getting it. I wanted to marry Sarita. She's the only woman I love. But. But he finished softly. I wanted in a cow wife. The point being that the reason Ephesians one lays all that out before the marriage stuff is you're an eco wife, adopted, chosen, predestined, filled with spirit, lavished his love upon you, seated in the heavenly realms.

01;06;13;25 - 01;06;23;01
Speaker 3
To understand that you don't earn this thing. You were bought with a price. That tells you who you are.

01;06;23;03 - 01;06;24;06
Speaker 1
That's right.

01;06;24;08 - 01;06;31;18
Speaker 3
In a marriage paradigm, because that's the bride price Jesus paid with his blood.

01;06;31;20 - 01;06;34;08
Speaker 1
That's right.

01;06;34;10 - 01;06;35;03
Speaker 3
That's subjective.

01;06;35;09 - 01;06;37;16
Speaker 2

01;06;37;18 - 01;06;52;06
Speaker 3
And then when you read that forward in Ephesians one and it says to know the glorious father, and then the hope of your calling, that's it. His glorious inheritance in the saints. That's it.

01;06;52;08 - 01;06;53;05
Speaker 2

01;06;53;08 - 01;06;57;06
Speaker 3
Right. That's that's the beauty of this paradigm.

01;06;57;08 - 01;06;58;19
Speaker 2
Right? That is.

01;06;58;21 - 01;07;11;17
Speaker 1
Well, I think with that, we can leave people to think and contemplate the glory of who he is. Yeah. Because because that that tells you who you are. But even more than telling you who you are, it tells you who he is.

01;07;11;20 - 01;07;12;25
Speaker 3
And how he sees you.

01;07;12;25 - 01;07;33;04
Speaker 1
And how he sees you. That's right, that's right. So that's a beautiful thing. Well, with that, we will wrap this particular episode of The Bridle Paradigm up, and we'll probably have more to say in future episodes. And so thanks, everybody for joining us on the journey. I think I think this will be episode 51, actually.

01;07;33;05 - 01;07;34;03
Speaker 2

01;07;34;05 - 01;07;36;28
Speaker 1
I learned that that's like an accomplishment, I think.

01;07;36;28 - 01;07;38;02
Speaker 3
Yeah, hard to believe.

01;07;38;08 - 01;07;39;26
Speaker 1
That's right. So thanks everybody.

01;07;39;26 - 01;07;41;21
Speaker 3
Amazing things caffeine can do for you.

01;07;41;22 - 01;07;51;10
Speaker 1
That's right. So let people know about the podcast too and how it's impacted you. and let us know. Shoot us a message on Facebook or Instagram or whatever.

01;07;51;16 - 01;07;52;26
Speaker 2
We really like. Well.

01;07;52;28 - 01;08;08;25
Speaker 1
You can find a link back to our websites where you can find ways to contact us that way. in the in the show description. And yeah, we love hearing from you guys and how, how what we've been doing has been impacting you. Yeah, because it's been impacting us for sure.

01;08;09;13 - 01;08;09;24
Speaker 2
and if.

01;08;09;24 - 01;08;19;24
Speaker 3
You want to, you want to play a big trick on your brain, that whole bridle paradigm thing that Theo says, go back and listen to the episodes now. And.

01;08;19;28 - 01;08;23;02
Speaker 2
Oh, that's right there, that's right. That'll keep you up at night.

01;08;23;04 - 01;08;29;01
Speaker 1
That's right, that's right. So blessings everybody. And until next week.

01;08;29;03 - 01;08;36;11
Speaker 3
Five you later.

01;08;36;13 - 01;08;40;03

01;08;40;05 - 01;08;44;00

01;08;44;02 - 01;08;52;17

01;08;52;19 - 01;08;53;01