
SIMM-podcast #3

January 17, 2021 Lukas Pairon (SIMM) Season 1 Episode 3

In this 3rd SIMM-podcast episode we hear Lukas Pairon interview John Speyer (00:47->12:32) of the UK-based Music in Detention (soon to change its name into Here Me Out) and Mary Cohen (15:30->33:53) from Iowa University.  John Speyer is practitioner and Mary Cohen practitioner-researcher. They will during the 5th annual SIMM-posium both chair sessions in which research will be presented on music in detention contexts (John Speyer on 26th January, and Mary Cohen on 2nd February 2021). During this podcast episode we reflect with them on questions which they hope to be able to discuss with the researchers and practitioners during the SIMM-posium. 

Lukas Pairon also interviews musician André de Quadros (12:35->15:29) about his experience working in prisons in the US. 


The 5th SIMM-posium is presenting research in the field of music in social and community work by scholars from all over the world. It was planned to take place in December 2020 at the Brussels based centre for the arts BOZAR, but because of the covid19-pandemic it was reformatted as a series of 9 weekly online sessions on Tuesdays, from January 12th on until March 9th 2021. Info:


Referenced during this podcast-episode: Gregory Bateson, Augusto Boal, Common Ground Voices, André de Quadros, Incarceration Nations Network, ISME 2020 Helsinki, Ashley Lucas, Music In Detention (new name: Here Me Out, UK), Oakdale Community Choir (US), Mariusz RadwanskiChristopher Small and Bryan Stevenson

