SIMM-podcast #14
This 14th SIMM-podcast episode is presenting interviews with British musician-scholar-trainer Jonathan Vaughan (00:22->19:35), American musician-trainer Louise Zeitlin (20:10->33:05), Belgian organist, composer, conductor and opera director Bernard Foccroulle (33:34->45:53) and conductor, ethnomusicologist, music educator, writer, and human rights activist André de Quadros (45:56->60:44).
We hear Lukas Pairon interview them about training and accompanying programmes proposed to musicians and social and community workers engaged or wanting to engage themselves as facilitators in social and community music projects.
The short music extracts you will hear are recordings of some of the programmes being discussed and presented during this and previous episodes of the podcast.
Referenced during this podcast-episode: Moneim Adwan, Aix-en-Provence Opera Festival, Aix Academy, Aix Passerelles, James S. Bowman, Julia Bullock, Conducting 21C (Musical Leadership for a New Century), Emilie Delorme (Conservatory of Paris), John Dewey, Jonathan Dove ('The Monster in the Maze'), Elliott & Silverman & Bowman ('Artistic Citizenship'), Eric Ericson International Choral Centre, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Emily Levy, LSO Discovery, Monnaie Opera, Oberlin Community Music School, Frances Stonor Saunders ('Who Paid The Piper?'), Sibelius Academy, Sarah Thery, Thierry Thieû Niang, Ana Vujanoviz ('Art as a Bad Public Good'), Roddy Williams, Paul Woodford
contact: info@simm-platform.eu / www.simm-platform.eu