
Ep 33: Get We to a Nunnery

Team Meat Bag Episode 33

With their slight detour of hunting down and murdering GhostDotGov well and truly behind them, the crew finally makes their way to offload the artifact that brought them all together in the first place. Let it never be said that the Admiral Grace Limited Liability Corporation doesn't deliver...eventually! While Mackie gears up to wing man for Hilde with the Reliquary Institute's representative, Humberto Hollis, Anton demonstrates that he is still very much like this and gets his wink on with an attractive nun. Meanwhile, Hilde ignores Mackie's attempts and focuses sole attention on the mysteriously familiar woman standing at Hollis' side. Are we about to get some backstory for our dear Doctor Cade? Only one way to find out so, you know, click play already.

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The theme music for our show includes recordings from the Hubble telescope
Editing done by Kristen Schebler         

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