
Ep 41: I Declare a Thumb War

Team Meat Bag / Guest Katrina Coleman Episode 41

With the Grace badly in need of repairs, Team Meatbag limps out of the Glasir system in the hopes of laying low for a month or two. They wind up on a quaint little planet by the name of Crocea Mors and settle into an honest to Space Clam sky palace if you can believe it. Mackie makes friends with the jovial assistant to the assistant head baker while Anton, Hilde, and Hopper head out for a night on the floating town. Will our erstwhile crew get to enjoy their newfound comfort or is there an adventure hook lurking around every corner? Find out this week on Astronomica!

Guest starring Katrina Coleman. Check out her podcast, You Look Like, on all the platforms plus give her name a google and check out some of that true Memphis brand comedy.

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