Practical Prepping Podcast

Getting Children Involved In Prepping

Mark & Krista Lawley Episode 36

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Episode #36   "Getting Children Involved In Prepping"

We certainly want to get our young children and grandchildren involved in prepping, but we don't want to scare them.

If we teach them from a young age, and make it fun, it's more likely to become a lifestyle for them.

Psalms says "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it."

The time to be teaching them is when they are young!

We don't want to be talking TEOTWAWKI, or EMP, of long-term grid down situations with young children. That instills fear.

We can talk about "practicing" for when the power goes out, or when we have a big snow and can't go to the grocery store. That instills confidence.

Depending on age appropriateness, we can practice "camping" in the living room, in the back yard, or even at a campground or park.

We can learn and practice fire making skills in the backyard by gathering tinder and sticks. Then we can roast marshmallows or make Smores after we build a fire to make it more fun.

You can let them make a "go bag" by putting a change of clothes, bottle of water, crayons, and coloring book in their own bag.  As they grow, their bag will change over time. Then go on a "hike" around the yard, the block, or nature trail, while everyone wears their own bag.

Even a three year old can have and wear a go bag. They'll love it, and you will too.

We can instill in them the lifestyle of prepping by making it fun. Be consistent. Teach them regularly. Practice regularly.

By involving our children and grandchildren at young ages, and teaching them appropriately for their age, we can instill in them the lifestyle of preparedness.

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