Practical Prepping Podcast

No Cost Prepping Activities; Reading, Podcasts, and Youtube Recommendations

Mark & Krista Lawley Episode 38

This episode is brought to you by "Practical Prepping For Everyday People - A Common Sense  Guide On Preparing For Life's Emergencies "Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.
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In Episode #  37 we continue with low cost/no cost prepping activities. This particulat one doesnt cost money, just some time, and can increase your knowledge base exponentially. Here's our recommendations.

Read online articles.
There is a plethora of information on the internet, just sitting there waiting to be perused, and much of it is free. Sure, you have to weed through some poppycock here and there, but there are many trustworthy sites available. Here are some of out favorites.

Our website, of course.  a great place for starting out    a daily compilation of articles from many prepper sites  a mom who cared enough for her family to start prepping  a site to take you toward sustainability  this guy has skills! He shares them freely.  - many current event articles as they relate to prepping     a lot of "The best <fill in the blank> articles"

Join online prepping forums
There is a lot of noise you will need to weed through, and some people don't think it through before answering, like the single mom on a limited budget asking about getting started and was told to buy five acres in a secluded location. Yeah, right. Scroll on, nothing of value.
However, there are some knowledgeable preppers who freely share info. Ask your questions then seek consensus in opinions and you'll usually be ok.
These are good places to glean ideas, take them and customize them to fit your needs.
Facebook, MEWE, Parlor and other platforms have prepper groups, gardening groups, ham radio groups and groups for about any topic. Some are regional groups, some national, and some international.
The persona of the groups can range from warm and friendly to downright rude. Stay out of the drama and just scroll on by where appropriate, but there is good information in some of them.

Listen to podcasts.             
Practical Prepping Podcast of course
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Todd Sepolvada

Seven Good Minutes - daily self improvement

The Mindset Mentor - Rob Dial Jr - motivational  entertainment/prepping
Glen Tate, Shelby Gallagher

The Survival Podcast
Jack Spearco

Please listen to this awesome podcast from Jack:

Watch Youtube videos
M. D Creekmore
Survival Dispatch&l

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