Practical Prepping Podcast

Episode # 54, "Ten Core Beliefs That Guide Me In Many Areas, Including Prepping."

April 28, 2021 Mark & Krista Lawley Episode 54

Practical Prepping Podcast Episode # 54 is "Ten Core Beliefs That Guide Me In Many Areas, Including Prepping"

Some of the show notes:
What do we really believe? Really believe?
If we really believe something, we WILL act on it.
What drives us? What guides us?

Over time, I made a list of my personal core beliefs as they relate to ten subjects. (There are more, but we cover ten here, including how my core beliefs relate to prepping.

This list about what I believe, not what someone else thinks that I should believe! Your list will be no doubt be different, but I'd bet there are some similarities.

What drives YOU?
What guides YOU?
What do YOU really believe? Really believe?

Make a list of YOUR core beliefs.
What do you believe about life?
What do you believe about prepping?
Do you believe there will be things that will interrupt your families daily lives?
Power outages, hurricanes, tornados, wildfires,  Winter storms, earthquakes?
Could you face a job loss?
Could you face a major illness or injury?
If we really believe something, we WILL act on it.

If we believe that we could experience any of these things, then we WILL take action by becoming prepared.

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